Source code for

Common code for new-style Data Model support.

In particular, this defines a hierarchy of Annotation objects.  The annotation
of DaCHS tables is an ObjectAnnotation, the other Annotation classes
(conceptually, all are key-value pairs) make up their inner structure.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import contextlib
import re
import weakref

from gavo import utils
from gavo import votable
from gavo.votable import V

VODML_NAME = "vo-dml"

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def containerTypeSet(ctx, typeName): """a context manager to control the type currently serialised in a VOTable. ctx is a VOTable serialisation context (that we liberally hack into). """ if not hasattr(ctx, "_dml_typestack"): ctx._dml_typestack = [] ctx._dml_typestack.append(typeName) try: yield finally: ctx._dml_typestack.pop()
[docs]def completeVODMLId(ctx, roleName): """completes roleName to a full (standard) vo-dml id. This is based on what the containerTypeSet context manager leaves in the VOTable serialisation context ctx. """ return roleName # current spec wants hierarchical strings here. Let's not. if ":" in roleName: # we allow the use of fully qualified role names and don't touch them return roleName return "%s.%s"%(ctx._dml_typestack[-1], roleName)
[docs]def parseTypeName(typename): """returns modelname, package (None for the empty package), name for a VO-DML type name. Malformed names raise a ValueError. >>> parseTypeName("dm:type") ('dm', None, 'type') >>> parseTypeName("dm:pck.type") ('dm', 'pck', 'type') >>> parseTypeName(":malformed.typeid") Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: ':malformed.typeid' is not a valid VO-DML type name """ mat = re.match("([\w_-]+):(?:([\w_-]+)\.)?([\w_-]+)", typename) if not mat: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid VO-DML type name"%typename) return mat.groups()
[docs]class AnnotationBase(object): """A base class for of structs. Basically, these are pairs of a role name and something else, which depends on the actual subclass (e.g., an atomic value, a reference, a sequence of key-value pairs, a sequence of other objects, ...). They have a method getVOT(ctx, instance) -> xmlstan, which, using a votablewrite.Context ctx, will return mapping-document conformant VOTable xmlstan; instance is the rsc/rscdef structure the annotation is produced for. Use asSIL() to retrieve a simple string representation. Compound annotations (sequences, key-value pairs) should use add(thing) to build themselves up. AnnotationBase is abstract and doesn't implement some of these methods. """ def __init__(self, name, instance): = name if instance is None: # should only be true for the root self.instance = instance else: self.instance = weakref.ref(instance)
[docs] def getVOT(self, ctx, instance): raise NotImplementedError("%s cannot be serialised (override getVOT)."% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def asSIL(self): raise NotImplementedError("%s cannot be serialised (override asSIL)."% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def add(self, thing): raise ValueError( "%s is not a compound annotation."%self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def iterNodes(self): yield self
[docs]class TableRelativeAnnotation(AnnotationBase): """A base class for annotations that must be adapted or discarded when an annotation is copied. """
# This currently is only used as a sentinel for such annotations. # Perhaps we should modify copy here?
[docs]class AtomicAnnotation(AnnotationBase): """An annotation of an atomic value, i.e., a key-value pair. These can take optional metadata. """ def __init__(self, name=None, value=None, unit=None, ucd=None, instance=None): AnnotationBase.__init__(self, name, instance) self.value, self.unit, self.ucd = value, unit, ucd
[docs] def copy(self, newInstance): return self.__class__(, self.value, self.unit, self.ucd, newInstance)
[docs] def getVOT(self, ctx, instance): # if we have additional metadata, serialise this using a param if self.unit or self.ucd: attrs = votable.guessParamAttrsForValue(self.value) attrs.update({ "unit": self.unit, "ucd": self.ucd}) param = V.PARAM(, id=ctx.getOrMakeIdFor(self.value), dmrole=completeVODMLId(ctx,, **attrs) ctx.getEnclosingContainer()[ votable.serializeToParam(param, self.value)] ctx.curDMAttr( return None else: # no additional metadata, just dump a literal string # (technically, we should use ivoa: types. Oh, bother, another # type system, just what we need). ctx.curDMAttr( dmtype="ivoa:string", value=utils.safe_str(self.value)) return None
[docs] def asSIL(self, suppressType=False): if suppressType: return self.value.asSIL() else: return "%s: %s"%(, self.value.asSIL())
class _WithMapCopyMixin(object): """A mixin furnishing a class with a copyWithAnnotationMap method. The class mixing this in must provide an iterator iterChildRoles yielding child annotations one by one. Every compound annotation must mix this in in order to provide halfway sane copying semantics when columns get re-mixed in new tables (which we do all the time). We also expect a method copyEmpty(i) that returns an instance of the Annotation but without any child annotations. In return, this will furnish a copy(i) method based on copyEmpty and iterChildRoles. """ def copyWithAnnotationMap(self, annotationMap, container, instance): """returns a copy of this annotation, with annotations mentioned in annotationMap replaced. Table-related annotations (currently, Param- and ColumnAnnotations) not mentioned in annotationMap) will be discarded. This is used when annotation tables with columns copied from other tables. annotationMap, normally generated by dmrd.SynthesizedRoles, then maps the old annotations to the elements that should be annotated in the new table. """ copy = self.copyEmpty(instance) if instance is None: # I'm the new root instance = copy for role in self.iterChildRoles(): if role in annotationMap: copy.add( annotationMap[role].getAnnotation(, container, instance)) elif isinstance(role, TableRelativeAnnotation): pass elif hasattr(role, "copyWithAnnotationMap"): copy.add(role.copyWithAnnotationMap( annotationMap, container, instance)) else: copy.add(role.copy(instance)) return copy def copy(self, newInstance): return self.copyWithAnnotationMap({}, None, newInstance) class _AttributeGroupAnnotation(AnnotationBase, _WithMapCopyMixin): """An internal base class for DatatypeAnnotation and ObjectAnnotation. """ def __init__(self, name, type, instance): AnnotationBase.__init__(self, name, instance) self.type = type if self.type is None: # TODO: infer from parent? from DM? self.modelPrefix = getattr(instance, "modelPrefix", "undefined") else: self.modelPrefix, _, _ = parseTypeName(self.type) self.childRoles = {} def __getitem__(self, key): child = self.childRoles.__getitem__(key) if isinstance(child, AtomicAnnotation): return child.value else: return child def get(self, key, default=None): if key not in self: return default return self[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.childRoles def copyEmpty(self, newInstance): return self.__class__(, self.type, newInstance) def iterChildRoles(self): return iter(self.childRoles.values()) def add(self, role): assert not in self.childRoles self.childRoles[] = role def asSIL(self, suppressType=False): if suppressType or self.type is None: typeAnn = "" else: typeAnn = "(%s) "%self.type return "%s{\n %s}\n"%(typeAnn, "\n ".join(r.asSIL() for r in list(self.childRoles.values()))) def getVOT(self, ctx, instance): """inserts this annotation into a VOTable. ctx is the votable serialisation context, instance is the annotated DaCHS object. """ ctx.addVODMLPrefix(self.modelPrefix) ctx.groupIdsInTree.add(id(self)) res = V.INSTANCE( dmtype=self.type, ID=ctx.getOrMakeIdFor(self)) for role, ann in self.childRoles.items(): with ctx.settingAttribute( V.ATTRIBUTE(dmrole=completeVODMLId(ctx, role))) as attr: attr[ann.getVOT(ctx, instance)] res[attr] return res
[docs]class DatatypeAnnotation(_AttributeGroupAnnotation): """An annotation for a datatype. Datatypes are essentially simple groups of attributes; they are used *within* objects (e.g., to group photometry points, or positions, or the like. """
[docs]class ObjectAnnotation(_AttributeGroupAnnotation): """An annotation for an object. Objects are used for actual DM instances. In particular, every annotation of a DaCHS table is rooted in an object. """ def __repr__(self): return f"<ObjectAnnotation {self.type}>"
[docs]class CollectionAnnotation(AnnotationBase, _WithMapCopyMixin): """A collection contains 0..n things of the same type. """ def __init__(self, name, type, instance): AnnotationBase.__init__(self, name, instance) self.type = type # these can have atomic children, in which case we don't manage types if self.type is not None: self.modelPrefix, _, _ = parseTypeName(type) self.children = [] def __getitem__(self, index): child = self.children[index] if isinstance(child, AtomicAnnotation): return child.value else: return child def __len__(self): return len(self.children)
[docs] def iterChildRoles(self): return iter(self.children)
[docs] def copyEmpty(self, newInstance): return self.__class__(, self.type, newInstance)
[docs] def add(self, child): self.children.append(child)
[docs] def asSIL(self): if self.type is None: opener = "[" else: opener = "(%s) ["%(self.type,) bodyItems = [] for r in self.children: bodyItems.append(r.asSIL(suppressType="True")) return "%s: \n %s%s]\n"%(, opener, "\n ".join(bodyItems))
[docs] def getVOT(self, ctx, instance): if self.type: ctx.addVODMLPrefix(self.modelPrefix) res = V.COLLECTION() for c in self.children: with ctx.settingAttribute( V.ATTRIBUTE()) as item: item[c.getVOT(ctx, instance)] res[item] return res
def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__=="__main__": _test()