Source code for gavo.grammars.directgrammar

A grammar supporting C language boosters (or possibly other mechanisms
bypassing internal dbtable).

These actually bypass most of our machinery and should only be used if
performance is paramount.  Otherwise, CustomGrammars play much nicer with
the rest of the DC software.

Currently, only one kind of DirectGrammar is supported: C boosters.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import os
import pkg_resources
import re
import shutil
import subprocess

from gavo import base
from gavo import utils
from gavo import rscdef
from gavo.grammars import common

[docs]class CBooster(object): """is a wrapper for an import booster written in C using the DC booster infrastructure. Warning: If you change the booster description, you'll need to touch the source to recompile. """ silence_for_test = False def __init__(self, srcName, dataDesc, recordSize=4000, gzippedInput=False, autoNull=None, preFilter=None, ignoreBadRecords=False, customFlags=""): self.dataDesc = dataDesc self.recordSize = recordSize self.resdir = dataDesc.rd.resdir self.srcName = os.path.join(self.resdir, srcName) self.autoNull, self.preFilter = autoNull, preFilter self.ignoreBadRecords = ignoreBadRecords self.gzippedInput = gzippedInput self.customFlags = customFlags self.bindir = os.path.join(self.resdir, "bin") self.binaryName = os.path.join(self.bindir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(srcName))[0]+"-"+base.getConfig( "platform")) self._ensureBinary() def _copySources(self, srcDir): def getResource(src, dest): inF = pkg_resources.resource_stream('gavo', src) with open(dest, "wb") as f: f.write( inF.close() getResource("resources/src/boosterskel.c", "boosterskel.c") getResource("resources/src/boosterskel.h", "boosterskel.h") shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(srcDir, self.srcName), "func.c") def _build(self): callArgs = {} if self.silence_for_test: # test instrumentation callArgs["stdout"] = utils.devnull() if"make", **callArgs): raise base.ReportableError("Booster build failed, messages above.") def _getMakefile(self, dd): res = [] if dd.grammar.type=="fits": res.append("LDFLAGS += -lcfitsio") if dd.grammar.type.startswith("hdf5"): flags = subprocess.check_output( ["pkg-config", "--cflags", "hdf5"]).strip().decode("ascii") if flags: res.append(f"CFLAGS += {flags}") flags = subprocess.check_output( ["pkg-config", "--libs", "hdf5"]).strip().decode("ascii") if flags: res.append(f"LDFLAGS += {flags}") query_n_pars = len(dd.makes[0].table.columns) res.append("LDFLAGS += -lm\n" "CFLAGS += -Wall -DINPUT_LINE_MAX=%d -DQUERY_N_PARS=%s"%( self.recordSize, query_n_pars)) if self.autoNull: res.append("CFLAGS += -DAUTO_NULL='%s'"%self.autoNull.replace( "\\", "\\\\")) if self.ignoreBadRecords: res.append("CFLAGS += -DIGNORE_BAD_RECORDS") res.append("CFLAGS += -g\n") res.append("booster: boosterskel.c func.c\n" "\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) %s -o booster $^ $(LDFLAGS)"%self.customFlags) return "\n".join(res) def _ensureBinary(self): """makes sure the booster binary exists and is up-to-date. """ if not os.path.exists(self.bindir): os.makedirs(self.bindir) try: if os.path.getmtime(self.srcName)<os.path.getmtime(self.binaryName): return except os.error: pass if not os.path.exists(self.srcName): raise base.ReportableError("Booster source does not exist." " You will not be able to import the enclosing data.", hint="Use gavo mkboost to create a skeleton for the booster.") with utils.sandbox() as origpath: dd = self.dataDesc if len(dd.makes)!=1: raise base.ReportableError( "Direct grammars can only work on single-make DDs") self._copySources(origpath) with open("Makefile", "w") as f: f.write(self._getMakefile(dd)) self._build() shutil.copyfile("booster", self.binaryName) os.chmod(self.binaryName, 0o775)
[docs] def getOutput(self, argName): """returns a pipe you can read the booster's output from. As a side effect, it also sets the attribute self.pipe. We need this to be able to retrieve the command status below. """ if self.preFilter: shellCommand = "%s '%s' | %s"%(self.preFilter, argName, self.binaryName) elif self.gzippedInput: shellCommand = "zcat '%s' | %s"%(argName, self.binaryName) else: shellCommand = "%s '%s'"%(self.binaryName, argName) pipeArgs = {"shell": True, "stdout": subprocess.PIPE} if self.silence_for_test: pipeArgs["stderr"] = utils.devnull() self.pipe = subprocess.Popen(shellCommand, **pipeArgs) return self.pipe.stdout
[docs] def getStatus(self): return self.pipe.wait()
[docs]class DirectGrammar(base.Structure, base.RestrictionMixin): """A user-defined external grammar. See the :dachsdoc:`booster.html` on user-defined code on more on direct grammars. You will almost always use these in connection with C code generated by ``dachs mkboost``. Properties: * dataset: For HDF5 boosters, the HDF path to the table to be imported (in vaex, not including "columns"). Certain, hopefully sensible, defaults apply depending on the HDF5 dialect. * chunkSize: In HDF5 boosters, now many rows to pull into memory at one time (defaults to 5000). """ name_ = "directGrammar" notify = True _cbooster = rscdef.ResdirRelativeAttribute("cBooster", default=base.Undefined, description="resdir-relative path to the booster C source.", copyable=True) _gzippedInput = base.BooleanAttribute("gzippedInput", default=False, description="Pipe gzip before booster? (will not work for FITS)", copyable=True) _autoNull = base.UnicodeAttribute("autoNull", default=None, description="Use this string as general NULL value (when reading" " from plain text).", copyable=True) _ignoreBadRecords = base.BooleanAttribute("ignoreBadRecords", default=False, description="Let booster ignore invalid records?", copyable=True) _recordSize = base.IntAttribute("recordSize", default=4000, description="For bin boosters, read this many bytes to make" " up a record; for line-based boosters, this is the maximum" " length of an input line.", copyable=True) _preFilter = base.UnicodeAttribute("preFilter", default=None, description="Pipe input through this program before handing it to" " the booster; this string is shell-expanded (will not work for FITS).", copyable=True) _customFlags = base.UnicodeAttribute("customFlags", default="", description="Pass these flags to the C compiler when building the" " booster.", copyable=True) _type = base.EnumeratedUnicodeAttribute("type", default="col", validValues=["col", "bin", "fits", "split", "hdf5vaex", "hdf5rootarrs"], description="Make code for a booster parsing by column indices (col)," " by splitting along separators (split), by reading fixed-length" " binary records (bin), for from FITS binary tables (fits).", copyable=True) _splitChar = base.UnicodeAttribute("splitChar", default="|", description="For split boosters, use this as the separator.", copyable=True) _ext = base.IntAttribute("extension", default=1, description="For FITS table boosters, get the table from this extension.", copyable=True) _mapKeys = base.StructAttribute("mapKeys", childFactory=common.MapKeys, default=None, copyable=True, description="For certain input formats (FITS, HDF5), map input" " column names to database column name. For instance, to generate" " code for a FITS column flx to end up in the DB column flux," " say flux:flx).") _properties = base.PropertyAttribute() _rd = rscdef.RDAttribute() isDispatching = False
[docs] def validate(self): super().validate() if self.type=='bin': if not self.recordSize: raise base.StructureError("DirectGrammars reading from binary need" " a recordSize attribute") if self.mapKeys is not None: if self.type not in {"fits", "hdf5vaex", "hdf5rootarrs"}: raise base.StructureError("mapKeys is not allowed for this" " kind of booster.")
[docs] def onElementComplete(self): if self.type=="fits": if self.mapKeys: self.keyMap = self.mapKeys.maps else: self.keyMap = {}
[docs] def getBooster(self): return CBooster(self.cBooster, self.parent, gzippedInput=self.gzippedInput, preFilter=self.preFilter, autoNull=self.autoNull, ignoreBadRecords=self.ignoreBadRecords, customFlags=self.customFlags, recordSize=self.recordSize)
[docs] def parse(self, sourceToken, targetData=None): booster = self.getBooster() makes = self.parent.makes if len(makes)!=1: raise base.StructureError("Directgrammar only works for data having" " exactly one table, but data '%s' has %d"%(, len(makes))) def copyIn(data): if self.notify: base.ui.notifyNewSource(sourceToken) try: source = booster.getOutput(sourceToken) list(data.tables.values())[0].copyIn(source) source.close() if booster.getStatus(): raise base.SourceParseError( "Booster returned error signature", source=sourceToken) finally: base.ui.notifySourceFinished() return copyIn
################################################### # booster source code generating functions import sys
[docs]def getNameForItem(item): return "fi_"
# Some pieces to puzzle together the createDumpfile functions COMMON_MAIN_HEADER = """ /* Common main header */ void createDumpfile(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *destination=stdout; char inputLine[INPUT_LINE_MAX]; int recCount = 0; /* /Common main header */ """ NONSEEK_MAIN_INTRO = """ FILE *inF; /* seekable main intro */ if (argc>2) { die(USAGE); } if (argc==2) { if (!(inF = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) { die(strerror(errno)); } } else { inF = stdin; } /* /seekable main intro */ """ COMMON_MAIN_INTRO = """ /* common main intro */ writeHeader(destination); /* /common main intro */ """ LOOP_BODY_INTRO = """ Field *tuple; context = inputLine; if (!setjmp(ignoreRecord)) { """ LOOP_BODY_FOOT = """ if (!tuple) { handleBadRecord("Bad input line at record %d", recCount); } writeTuple(tuple, QUERY_N_PARS, destination); context = NULL; recCount ++; if (!(recCount%1000)) { fprintf(stderr, "%08d\\r", recCount); fflush(stderr); } } """ COMMON_MAIN_FOOT = """ writeEndMarker(destination); fprintf(stderr, "%08d records done.\\n", recCount); } """ def _getMakeMacro(item): """returns a maker macro for a column object. """ try: return { "integer": "MAKE_INT", "smallint": "MAKE_SHORT", "double precision": "MAKE_DOUBLE", "real": "MAKE_FLOAT", "char": "MAKE_CHAR_NULL", "bytea": "MAKE_BYTE", "text": "MAKE_TEXT", "bigint": "MAKE_BIGINT", }[item.type] except KeyError: # not a simple case; this could be a place for doing arrays and such return "MAKE_somethingelse" class _CodeGenerator(object): """a base class for code generators. You will at least have to override getItemParser and getFooter if this is to do anything useful. """ def __init__(self, grammar, tableDef): self.grammar, self.tableDef = grammar, tableDef def getSetupCode(self): """returns a sequence of C lines for code between an item parser. """ return [] def getItemParser(self, item, index): """returns code that parses item (a Column instance) at column index index. You're free to ignore index. """ return [] def getPreamble(self): """returns a list of lines that make up the top of the booster. """ return [ '#include <stdio.h>', '#include <math.h>', '#include <string.h>', '#include <errno.h>', '#include "boosterskel.h"', '', '#define USAGE "Usage: don\'t."',] def getPrototype(self): """returns the prototype of the getTuple function. """ return "Field *getTuple(char *inputLine, int recNo)" def getFooter(self): """returns the code for the createDumpfile method. You want to use the C fragments above for that. The default returns something that bombs out. """ return '#error "No getFooter defined in the code generator"' class _LineBasedCodeGenerator(_CodeGenerator): """a base class for code generators for reading line-based text files. """ def getFooter(self): """returns the main function of the parser (and possibly other stuff) in a string. This default implementation works for line-based parsers. """ return (COMMON_MAIN_HEADER +NONSEEK_MAIN_INTRO +COMMON_MAIN_INTRO +""" while (fgets(inputLine, INPUT_LINE_MAX, inF)) {""" +LOOP_BODY_INTRO +""" tuple = getTuple(inputLine, recCount);""" +LOOP_BODY_FOOT +"}\n" +COMMON_MAIN_FOOT)
[docs]class ColCodeGenerator(_LineBasedCodeGenerator):
[docs] def getItemParser(self, item, index): t = item.type if "smallint" in t: func = "parseShort" elif "int" in t: func = "parseInt" elif t in ["real", "float"]: func = "parseFloat" elif "double" in t: func = "parseDouble" elif "char" in t: func = "parseString" elif "bool" in t: func = "parseBlankBoolean" else: func = "parseWhatever" return ["%s(inputLine, F(%s), start, len);"%(func, getNameForItem(item))]
[docs] def getPrototype(self): """returns the prototype of the getTuple function. """ return "Field *getTuple(char *inputLine, int recNo)"
[docs]class SplitCodeGenerator(_LineBasedCodeGenerator): """a code generator for parsing files with lineas and separators. """ def __init__(self, grammar, tableDef): self.splitChar = getattr(grammar, "splitChar", "|") _CodeGenerator.__init__(self, grammar, tableDef)
[docs] def getPreamble(self): return _LineBasedCodeGenerator.getPreamble(self)+[ "/* delete the next line for POSIX strtok */", "#define strtok strtok_u"]
[docs] def getSetupCode(self): return _LineBasedCodeGenerator.getSetupCode(self)+[ 'char *curCont;', 'curCont = strtok(inputLine, "%s");'%self.splitChar]
[docs] def getItemParser(self, item, index): t = item.type fi = getNameForItem(item) if t=="text": parse = ["F(%s)->type = VAL_TEXT;"%fi, "F(%s)->length = strlen(curCont);"%fi, "F(%s)->val.c_ptr = curCont;"%fi,] else: if t=="smallint": cType = "VAL_SHORT" elif t=="bigint": cType = "VAL_BIGINT" elif "int" in t: cType = "VAL_INT" elif t in ["real", "float"]: cType = "VAL_FLOAT" elif "double" in t: cType = "VAL_DOUBLE" elif "char"==t: cType = "VAL_CHAR" elif "char" in t: cType = "VAL_TEXT" elif "bool" in t: cType = "VAL_BOOL" else: cType = "###No appropriate type###" parse = ["fieldscanf(curCont, %s, %s);"%(fi, cType)] parse.append('curCont = strtok(NULL, "%s");'%self.splitChar) return parse
[docs]class BinCodeGenerator(_CodeGenerator): """a code generator for reading fixed-length binary records. """
[docs] def getItemParser(self, item, index): t = item.type if t=="integer": pline = "%s(%s, *(int32_t*)(inputLine+));" elif t=="smallint": pline = "%s(%s, *(int16_t*)(inputLine+ ));" elif t=="double precision": pline = "%s(%s, *(double*)(inputLine+ ));" elif t=="real": pline = "%s(%s, *(float*)(inputLine+ ));" elif t=="char": pline = "%s(%s, *(char*)(inputLine+ ), '<nil>');" elif t=="bytea": pline = "%s(%s, *(double*)(inputLine+ ), '<nil>');" else: pline = "%s %s" return ["/* %s (%s) */"%(item.description, t), pline%(_getMakeMacro(item), getNameForItem(item))]
[docs] def getPreamble(self): return _CodeGenerator.getPreamble(self)+[ "#define FIXED_RECORD_SIZE %d"%self.grammar.recordSize]
[docs] def getFooter(self): return (COMMON_MAIN_HEADER +" int bytesRead = 0;\n" +NONSEEK_MAIN_INTRO +COMMON_MAIN_INTRO +""" while (1) { bytesRead = fread(inputLine, 1, FIXED_RECORD_SIZE, inF); if (bytesRead==0) { break; } else if (bytesRead!=FIXED_RECORD_SIZE) { die("Short record: Only %d bytes read.", bytesRead); } """ +LOOP_BODY_INTRO +""" tuple = getTuple(inputLine, recCount);""" +LOOP_BODY_FOOT +"}\n" +COMMON_MAIN_FOOT)
class _NumpyMetaCodeGenerator(_CodeGenerator): """A base class for code generators built using numpy-compatible metadata. """ fitsTypes = { "B": ("TBYTE", "char"), "A": ("TSTRING", "char *"), "I": ("TSHORT", "short"), "J": ("TLONG", "long"), "K": ("TLONGLONG", "long long"), "E": ("TFLOAT", "float"), "L": ("TLOGICAL", "unsigned char"), "D": ("TDOUBLE", "double")} numpyTypes = { "byte": "char", "int8": "char", "short": "short", "int16": "short", "cint": "int", "int32": "int", "int64": "int64_t", "ubyte": "unsigned char", "uint8": "unsigned char", "ushort": "unsigned short", "uint16": "unsigned char", "uintc": "unsigned int", "ulonglong": "unsigned long long", "uint64": "uint64_t", "single": "float", "float16": "float", "float32": "float", "double": "double", "float64": "double", } makers = { "bigint": "MAKE_BIGINT", "smallint": "MAKE_SHORT", "bytea": "MAKE_BYTE", "text": "MAKE_TEXT", "integer": "MAKE_INT", "real": "MAKE_FLOAT", "double precision": "MAKE_DOUBLE", } def _parseFITSFormat(self, format, colName): """returns length and typecode for the supported FITS table types. All others raise errors. """ mat = re.match("(\d*)(.)$", format) if not mat: raise base.ReportableError("FITS type code '%s' of %s not handled" " by gavo mkboost; add handling if you can."%(format, colName)) if not in self.fitsTypes: raise base.ReportableError("FITS type '%s' of %s not handled" " by gavo mkboost; add handling if you can."%(, colName)) return int( or "1"),
[docs]class FITSCodeGenerator(_NumpyMetaCodeGenerator): """A code generator for reading from FITS binary tables. """ def __init__(self, grammar, tableDef): from gavo.utils import pyfits _CodeGenerator.__init__(self, grammar, tableDef) self.forExtension = grammar.extension # now pull the table schema from the first source. if self.grammar.parent.sources is None: raise base.StructureError("Cannot make FITS bintable booster without" " a sources element on the embedding data.") try: hdus = next(self.grammar.parent.sources.iterSources())) self.fitsTable = hdus[self.forExtension] except StopIteration: raise base.StructureError("Building a FITS bintable booster requires" " at least one matching source.") hdus.close() self._computeMatches() def _computeMatches(self): """adds .fitsIndexForCol and .colForFITSIndex attributes. These are matches based on the respective column names, where we do a case-insensitive matching for now. Nones mean that no corresponding column is present; for FITS columns, this means they are ignored. For table columns, this means that stand-in code is generated for filling out later. """ tableColumns = dict((, col) for col in self.tableDef) if len(tableColumns)!=len(self.tableDef.columns): raise base.StructureError("Table unsuitable for FITS boosting as" " column names identical after case folding are present.", hint="Use mapKeys to adapt FITS table names to resolve" " the ambiguity") self.colForFITSIndex = {} for index, fitsCol in enumerate(self.fitsTable.columns): columnName = self.grammar.keyMap.get(, self.colForFITSIndex[index] = tableColumns.get(columnName) self.fitsIndexForColName = {} for index, col in self.colForFITSIndex.items(): if col is None: continue self.fitsIndexForColName[] = index
[docs] def getItemParser(self, item, index): try: fitsIndex = self.fitsIndexForColName[] fitsCol = self.fitsTable.columns[fitsIndex] castTo = self.fitsTypes[ self._parseFITSFormat(fitsCol.format,[1] ][1] return [ "/* %s (%s) */"%(item.description, item.type), "if (nulls[%d][rowIndex]) {"%fitsIndex, " MAKE_NULL(%s);"%getNameForItem(item), "} else {", " %s(%s, ((%s*)(data[%d]))[rowIndex]);"%( self.makers[item.type], getNameForItem(item), castTo, fitsIndex), "}",] except KeyError: # no FITS table source column return ["MAKE_NULL(%s); /* %s(%s, FILL IN VALUE); */"%( getNameForItem(item), _getMakeMacro(item), getNameForItem(item))]
[docs] def getPreamble(self): return _CodeGenerator.getPreamble(self)+[ "#include <fitsio.h>", "#include <assert.h>", "#define FITSCATCH(x) if (x) {fatalFitsError(status);}", "void fatalFitsError(int status) {", " if (status==0) {", " return;", " }", " fits_report_error(stderr, status);", " abort();", "}", ]
[docs] def getPrototype(self): return "Field *getTuple(void *data[], char *nulls[], int rowIndex)"
def _parseFITSFormat(self, format, colName): """returns length and typecode for the supported FITS table types. All others raise errors. """ mat = re.match("(\d*)(.)$", format) if not mat: raise base.ReportableError("FITS type code '%s' of %s not handled" " by gavo mkboost; add handling if you can."%(format, colName)) if not in self.fitsTypes: raise base.ReportableError("FITS type '%s' of %s not handled" " by gavo mkboost; add handling if you can."%(, colName)) return int( or "1"), def _getColDescs(self): """returns a C initializer for an array of FITSColDescs. """ res = [] for index, fcd in enumerate(self.fitsTable.columns): col = self.colForFITSIndex[index] if col is None: # table column not part of FITS table, suppress reading # by having .cSize=0 res.append("{.cSize = 0, .fitsType = 0, .index=0, .arraysize=0}") continue length, typecode = self._parseFITSFormat(fcd.format, if typecode=="A": # special handling for strings, as we need their size # var length strings have been rejected above res.append( "{.cSize = %d, .fitsType = TSTRING, .index=%d, .arraysize=1}"%( length, index+1)) else: res.append( "{.cSize = sizeof(%s), .fitsType = %s, .index=%d, .arraysize=%d}"%( self.fitsTypes[typecode][1], self.fitsTypes[typecode][0], index+1, length)) return res
[docs] def getFooter(self): colDescs = self._getColDescs() infoDict = { "nCols": len(colDescs), "colDescs": "{\n%s\n}"%",\n".join(colDescs), "extension": self.forExtension, } return (""" typedef struct FITSColDesc_s { size_t cSize; int fitsType; int index; /* in the FITS columns */ size_t arraysize; } FITSColDesc; FITSColDesc COL_DESCS[%(nCols)d] = %(colDescs)s; """%infoDict+COMMON_MAIN_HEADER +""" fitsfile *fitsInput; int ignored, i; int status = 0; int hdutype = 0; long nRows = 0; void *data[%(nCols)d]; char *nulls[%(nCols)d]; if (argc>2) { die(USAGE); } if (argc==2) { FITSCATCH(fits_open_table(&fitsInput, argv[1], READONLY, &status)); } else { die("FITS tables cannot be read from stdin."); } FITSCATCH(fits_movabs_hdu(fitsInput, %(extension)s+1, &hdutype, &status)); assert(hdutype==BINARY_TBL); FITSCATCH(fits_get_num_rows(fitsInput, &nRows, &status)); for (i=0; i<%(nCols)d; i++) { if (COL_DESCS[i].cSize==0) { /* Column not used */ continue; } else if (COL_DESCS[i].fitsType==TSTRING) { char *stringHoldings = NULL; if (!(data[i] = malloc(nRows*sizeof(char*))) || !(stringHoldings = malloc(nRows*(COL_DESCS[i].cSize+1)))) { die("out of memory"); } else { int k; /* Initialize the char* in the data array */ for (k=0; k<nRows; k++) { ((char**)(data[i]))[k] = stringHoldings+k*(COL_DESCS[i].cSize+1); } } } else { if (!(data[i] = malloc(nRows*COL_DESCS[i].cSize*COL_DESCS[i].arraysize))) { die("out of memory"); } } if (!(nulls[i] = malloc(nRows*sizeof(char)*COL_DESCS[i].arraysize))) { die("out of memory"); } FITSCATCH(fits_read_colnull(fitsInput, COL_DESCS[i].fitsType, COL_DESCS[i].index, 1, 1, nRows*COL_DESCS[i].arraysize, data[i], nulls[i], &ignored, &status)); }"""%infoDict +COMMON_MAIN_INTRO +""" for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {""" +LOOP_BODY_INTRO +""" tuple = getTuple(data, nulls, i);""" +LOOP_BODY_FOOT +" }\n" +COMMON_MAIN_FOOT)
[docs]def getHDF5Generator(name): """a factory for HDF5 generators classes. This is built like this because directhdf5 imports this module and we need to avoid circular imports. If this kind of construct becomes more common, we should pull basic code generation stuff into a boostercommon module. Meanwhile, this is a convenient place to produce a useful error message for when h5py is not available. """ def _(*args, **kwargs): try: from gavo.grammars import directhdf5 except ImportError: raise base.ReportableError("HDF5 boosters can only be built if h5py" " (Debian: python3-h5py) is installed.") return getattr(directhdf5, name)(*args, **kwargs) return _
[docs]def getCodeGen(grammar, tableDef): """returns the code generator suitable for making code for grammar. """ return { "bin": BinCodeGenerator, "split": SplitCodeGenerator, "fits": FITSCodeGenerator, "col": ColCodeGenerator, "hdf5vaex": getHDF5Generator("HDF5vaexCodeGenerator"), "hdf5rootarrs": getHDF5Generator("HDF5rootarrCodeGenerator"), }[grammar.type](grammar, tableDef)
[docs]def getEnum(td, grammar): code = [ "#define QUERY_N_PARS %d\n"%len(list(td)), 'enum outputFields {'] for item in td: desc = item.getLabel() if not desc: desc = item.description code.append("\t%-15s /* %s, %s */"%(getNameForItem(item)+",", desc, item.type)) code.append('};\n') return code
[docs]def getGetTuple(td, codeGen): code = [ codeGen.getPrototype(), "{", "\tstatic Field vals[QUERY_N_PARS];"] code.extend(indent(codeGen.getSetupCode(), "\t")) for index, item in enumerate(td): code.extend(indent(codeGen.getItemParser(item, index), "\t")) code.extend([ "\treturn vals;", "}"]) return code
[docs]def indent(stringList, indentChar): return [indentChar+s for s in stringList]
[docs]def buildSource(grammar, td): """returns (possibly incomplete) C source for a booster to read into td. """ try: codeGen = getCodeGen(grammar, td) except KeyError: raise base.NotFoundError(grammar.type, "Booster type", "DaCHS' booster type registry") code = codeGen.getPreamble() code.extend(getEnum(td, grammar)) code.extend(getGetTuple(td, codeGen)) code.append(codeGen.getFooter()) return "\n".join(code)
[docs]def getGrammarAndTable(grammarId): """returns a pair of directGrammar and table being fed for a cross-rd reference. """ grammar = rscdef.getReferencedElement(grammarId, forceType=DirectGrammar) # to figure out the table built, use the parent's make makes = grammar.parent.makes if len(makes)!=1: raise base.StructureError("Directgrammar only works for data having" " exactly one table, but data '%s' has %d"%(, len(makes))) tableDef = makes[0].table return grammar, tableDef
[docs]def parseCmdLine(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage = "%prog <id-of-directGrammar>") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args)!=1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return opts, args[0]
[docs]def getSource(grammarId): """returns a bytestring containing C source to parse grammarId. """ grammar, td = getGrammarAndTable(grammarId) src = buildSource(grammar, td) return src
[docs]def main(): from gavo import rscdesc #noflake: cache registration try: opts, grammarId = parseCmdLine() print(getSource(grammarId)) except SystemExit as msg: sys.exit(msg.code)