Source code for gavo.rscdef.coverage

The coverage RD element.

Most code to obtain coverage information from actual resources is in

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

from gavo import base
from gavo import stc
from gavo import utils
from gavo.rscdef import rdinj
from gavo.utils import pgsphere

[docs]class FloatInterval(base.AtomicAttribute): """An attribute keeping a floating-point attribute. The literal of these is as in VOTable: a whitespace-separated pair for decimal floating-point literals. """ typeDesc_ = "A float interval (i.e., a space-separated pair of floats)"
[docs] def parse(self, value): try: lower, upper = [float(f) for f in value.split()] if lower>upper: raise base.LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="In intervals, the lower value must be smaller or equal" " to the upper one.") return lower, upper except (ValueError, TypeError): raise base.LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="Intervals are represented as two floating-point literals" " separated by whitespace.")
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return "%.10g %.10g"%value
[docs]class FloatOrDateInterval(FloatInterval): """An attribute keeping a temporal interval as MJD. On literal input, we also allow ISO-like timestamps. You cannot mix MJD and ISO, though. """ typeDesc_ = "A float or ISO timestamp interval (values separated by space)"
[docs] def parse(self, value): try: return FloatInterval.parse(self, value) except base.LiteralParseError: try: lower, upper = [stc.dateTimeToMJD(utils.parseISODT(f)) for f in value.split()] if lower>upper: raise base.LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="In intervals, the lower value must be smaller or equal" " to the upper one.") return lower, upper except (ValueError, TypeError): raise base.LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="Time intervals are represented as two floating-point or" " ISO timestamp literals separated by whitespace.")
[docs]class Ranges(base.ListOfAtomsAttribute): """An attribute definition for a list of intervals. """ typeDesc_ = "A sequence of intervals (a space-separated pair of floats" def __init__(self, name, intervalAttr, default=[], **kwargs): base.ListOfAtomsAttribute.__init__( self, name, default, intervalAttr, **kwargs)
[docs] def feedFromArray(self, instance, arr): """defines the intervals from a flat array by constructing each interval from consecuive pairs. """ self.feedObject(instance, list(zip(arr[0::2], arr[1::2])))
[docs]class Updater(base.Structure): """Information on where and how to update a piece of coverage information. """ name_ = "updater" # this stuff is interpreted by user.limits.iterCoverageItems _sourceTable = base.ReferenceAttribute("sourceTable", default=base.NotGiven, description="A table from which to compute coverage by default.", copyable=True) _spaceTable = base.ReferenceAttribute("spaceTable", default=base.NotGiven, description="A table from which to compute spatial coverage (overrides" " sourceTable).", copyable=True) _timeTable = base.ReferenceAttribute("timeTable", default=base.NotGiven, description="A table from which to compute temporal coverage (overrides" " sourceTable)", copyable=True) _spectralTable = base.ReferenceAttribute("spectralTable", default=base.NotGiven, description="A table from which to compute spectral coverage (overrides" " sourceTable)", copyable=True) _mocOrder = base.IntAttribute("mocOrder", default=6, description="Maximal HEALpix order to use in coverage MOCs (6 is about" " a degree resolution, each additional point doubles resolution).", copyable=True)
[docs]class Coverage(base.Structure): """The coverage of a resource. For now, this is attached to the complete resource rather than the table, since this is where it sits in VOResource. DaCHS *could* be a bit more flexible, allowing different coverages per publish element. It is not right now, though. Note: Technically, this will introduce or amend the coverage meta element. The information given here will be masked if you define a coverage meta on the service or table level. Just do not do that. """ name_ = "coverage" _updater = base.StructAttribute("updater", childFactory=Updater, description="Rules for automatic computation or updating of" " coverage information.", default=base.NotGiven) _spectral = Ranges("spectral", FloatInterval( "spectral", description="A wavelength interval"), description="Interval(s) of spectral coverage, in Joules of" " BARYCENTER vacuum messenger particle energy.") _temporal = Ranges("temporal", FloatOrDateInterval( "temporal", description="A time interval"), description="Interval(s) of temporal coverage, in MJD" " (for TT BARYCENTER).") _spatial = base.UnicodeAttribute("spatial", default=base.NotGiven, description="A MOC in ASCII representation giving the ICRS coverage" " of the resource") _fallbackTo = base.UnicodeAttribute("fallbackTo", default=base.NotGiven, description="Take coverage information from this RD in case" " none is given locally. It is not an error if no such" " coverage information exists either. Use this when a service" " re-exposes data from another RD, as in sitewide siap2 and obscore," " so you only have to compute the coverage once.", copyable=True)
[docs] def completeElement(self, ctx): super().completeElement(ctx) fallbackRecords = {} if self.fallbackTo: with base.getTableConn() as conn: try: fallbackRecords = rdinj._getRecordsFor( self.fallbackTo, "dc.rdmeta", conn)[0] except IndexError: # no coverage from fallbackTo, either; keep the empty dict. pass if self.spatial is base.NotGiven: inj = ctx.getInjected("spatial_coverage", fallbackRecords.get("spatial")) if inj: self.feed("spatial", inj) if not self.spectral: inj = ctx.getInjected("spectral_coverage", fallbackRecords.get("spectral")) if inj: self._spectral.feedFromArray(self, inj) if not self.temporal: inj = ctx.getInjected("temporal_coverage", fallbackRecords.get("temporal")) if inj: self._temporal.feedFromArray(self, inj) if self.spatial is base.NotGiven: self.parsedMOC = None else: self.parsedMOC = pgsphere.SMoc.fromASCII(self.spatial)
[docs] def onParentComplete(self): if self.spatial is not base.NotGiven: self.parent.addMeta("coverage.spatial", self.spatial) for interval in self.temporal: self.parent.addMeta("coverage.temporal", self._temporal.itemAttD.unparse(interval)) for interval in self.spectral: self.parent.addMeta("coverage.spectral", self._spectral.itemAttD.unparse(interval))