Source code for

A small user interface for testing STC.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import sys
import textwrap

from gavo import base
from gavo import stc

[docs]def cmd_resprof(opts, srcSTCS): """<srcSTCS> -- make a resource profile for srcSTCS. """ ast0 = stc.parseSTCS(srcSTCS) sys.stdout.buffer.write(stc.getSTCXProfile(ast0))
[docs]def cmd_parseX(opts, srcFile): """<srcFile> -- read STC-X from srcFile and output it as STC-S, - for stdin """ if srcFile=="-": src = sys.stdin else: src = open(srcFile) asf = stc.parseSTCX( src.close() print("\n\n====================\n\n".join(stc.getSTCS(ast) for _, ast in asf))
[docs]def cmd_conform(opts, srcSTCS, dstSTCS): """<srcSTCS>. <dstSTCS> -- prints srcSTCS in the system of dstSTCS. """ ast0, ast1 = stc.parseSTCS(srcSTCS), stc.parseSTCS(dstSTCS) res = stc.conformTo(ast0, ast1) print(stc.getSTCS(res))
[docs]def cmd_utypes(opts, srcSTCS): """<QSTCS> -- prints the utypes for the quoted STC string <QSTCS>. """ utypes = stc.getUtypes(stc.parseQSTCS(srcSTCS)) for utype, val in sorted(utypes, key=lambda a:a[0]): if isinstance(val, stc.ColRef): print("%-60s -> %s"%(utype, val.dest)) else: print("%-60s = %s"%(utype, val))
[docs]def cmd_parseUtypes(opts): """--- reads the output of utypes and prints quoted STC for it. """ types = [] for ln in sys.stdin: try: utype, val = ln.split("=", 1) types.append((utype.strip(), val.strip())) except ValueError: pass else: continue try: utype, val = ln.split("->", 1) types.append((utype.strip(), stc.ColRef(val.strip()))) except ValueError: pass else: continue raise base.ReportableError("Not a proper input line for STC-S: %r"%ln) print(stc.getSTCS(stc.parseFromUtypes(types)))
[docs]def makeParser(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] <command> {<command-args}\n" " Use command 'help' to see commands available.") parser.add_option("-e", "--dump-exception", help="Dump exceptions.", dest="dumpExc", default=False, action="store_true") return parser
_cmdArgParser = makeParser()
[docs]def cmd_help(opts): """ -- outputs help to stdout. """ _cmdArgParser.print_help(file=sys.stdout) sys.stdout.write("\nCommands include:\n") for name in sorted(n for n in globals() if n.startswith("cmd_")): sys.stdout.write("%s %s\n"%(name[4:], globals()[name].__doc__.strip()))
[docs]def parseArgs(): opts, args = _cmdArgParser.parse_args() if not args: _cmdArgParser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return opts, args[0], args[1:]
[docs]def bailOnExc(opts, msg): import traceback if opts.dumpExc: traceback.print_exc() sys.stderr.write(textwrap.fill(msg, replace_whitespace=True, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=" ")+"\n") sys.exit(1)
[docs]def main(): opts, cmd, args = parseArgs() try: handler = globals()["cmd_"+cmd] except KeyError: bailOnExc(opts, "Unknown command: %s."%cmd) try: handler(opts, *args) except TypeError: bailOnExc(opts, "Invalid arguments for %s: %s."%(cmd, args)) except stc.STCSParseError as ex: bailOnExc(opts, "STCS expression '%s' bad somewhere after %s (%s)"%( ex.expr, ex.pos, ex.msg)) except stc.STCNotImplementedError as ex: bailOnExc(opts, "Feature not yet supported: %s."%ex) except stc.STCValueError as ex: bailOnExc(opts, "Bad value in STC input: %s."%ex)