Source code for gavo.user.admin

DC administration interface.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import pathlib
import re
import sys

from gavo import base
from gavo import utils
from gavo import rscdef
from gavo import rscdesc  #noflake: for cache registration
from gavo import svcs
from gavo.protocols import creds
from gavo.protocols import uws
from gavo.utils import Arg, exposedFunction, makeCLIParser

[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("user", help="the user name"), Arg("password", help="a password for the user"), Arg("remarks", help="optional remarks", default="", nargs='?')], help="add a user/password pair and a matching group to the DC server") def adduser(querier, args): try: creds.addUser(querier.connection, args.user, args.password, args.remarks) except base.IntegrityError: raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ReportableError("User %s already exists." " Use 'changeuser' command to edit."%args.user))
[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("user", help="the user name to remove")], help="remove a user from the DC server") def deluser(querier, args): rowsAffected = creds.delUser(querier.connection, args.user) if not rowsAffected: sys.stderr.write("Warning: No rows deleted while deleting user %s\n"% args.user)
[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("user", help="the user name"), Arg("password", help="a password for the user"), Arg("remarks", help="optional remarks", default="", nargs='?')], help="change remarks and/or password for a DC user") def changeuser(querier, args): creds.changeUser(querier.connection, args.user, args.password, args.remarks)
[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("user", help="a user name"), Arg("group", help="the group to add the user to")], help="add a user to a group") def addtogroup(querier, args): try: creds.addToGroup(querier.connection, args.user, except Exception: raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ReportableError( "User %s does not exist."%args.user))
[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("user", help="a user name"), Arg("group", help="the group to remove the user from")], help="remove a user from a group") def delfromgroup(querier, args): if not creds.removeFromGroup(querier.connection, args.user, sys.stderr.write("Warning: No rows deleted while deleting user" " %s from group %s\n"%(args.user,
[docs]@exposedFunction(help="list users known to the DC") def listusers(querier, args): data = list(querier.connection.query("SELECT username, groupname, remarks" " FROM dc.users NATURAL JOIN dc.groups ORDER BY username")) curUser = None for user, group, remark in data: if user!=curUser: print("\n%s (%s) --"%(user, remark), end=' ') curUser = user print(group, end=' ') print()
[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("-f", help="also remove all jobs in ERROR and ABORTED states (only use" " if you are sure what you are doing).", action="store_true", dest="includeFailed"), Arg("-p", help="also remove all jobs in PENDING states (only use" " if you are sure what you are doing).", action="store_true", dest="includeForgotten"), Arg("--all", help="remove all jobs (this is extremely unfriendly." " Don't use this on public UWSes)", action="store_true", dest="includeAll"), Arg("--nuke-completed", help="also remove COMPLETEd jobs (this is" " unfriendly. Don't do this on public UWSes).", action="store_true", dest="includeCompleted"),], help="remove expired UWS jobs") def cleantap(querier, args): from gavo.protocols import tap tap.WORKER_SYSTEM.cleanupJobsTable(includeFailed=args.includeFailed, includeCompleted=args.includeCompleted, includeAll=args.includeAll, includeForgotten=args.includeForgotten)
[docs]@exposedFunction([ Arg("jobId", help="id of the job to abort"), Arg("helpMsg", help="A helpful message to add to the abort message")], help="manually abort a TAP job and send some message to a user") def tapabort(querier, args): from gavo.protocols import tap tap.WORKER_SYSTEM.changeToPhase(args.jobId, uws.ERROR, "Job aborted by an administrator, probably because the query\n" " should be written differently to be less of a resource hog.\n" " Here's what the administrator had to say:\n\n"+args.helpMsg+ "\n\nIf you have further questions, just send a mail to "+ base.getMetaText(base.caches.getRD("//tap").getById("run"), ""))
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="rd#table-id of the table containing the" " products that should get cached previews", dest="tableId"), Arg("-w", type=str, help="width to compute the preview for", dest="width", default="200"),], help="Precompute previews for the product interface columns in a table.") def cacheprev(querier, args): from gavo.protocols.products import PreviewCacheManager, getProductForRAccref from twisted.internet import reactor td = base.resolveId(None, args.tableId) rows = querier.queryToDicts( td.getSimpleQuery(["accref", "mime"])) def runNext(token): try: row = next(rows) res = PreviewCacheManager.getPreviewFor( getProductForRAccref(row["accref"])) if getattr(res, "result", None): # don't add a callback on a # fired deferred or you'll exhaust the stack reactor.callLater(0.1, runNext, "continue") else: res.addCallback(runNext) return res except StopIteration: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() reactor.stop() return "" reactor.callLater(0, runNext, "startup")
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="rd#table-id of the table to look at", dest="tableId")], help="Make suggestions for UCDs of columns not having one (based" " on their descriptions; this uses a GAVO web service).") def suggestucds(querier, args): from gavo import api from gavo import votable apiURL = "" def getMatches(description): res = utils.urlopenRemote(apiURL, data={"description": description}) data, metadata = votable.load(res) if metadata: return list(metadata.iterDicts(data)) else: return [] td = api.getReferencedElement(args.tableId, forceType=api.TableDef) for col in td: if (not col.ucd or col.ucd=="XXX") and col.description: try: res = [(row["score"], row["ucd"], row["is_valid"]) for row in getMatches(col.description)] res.sort() res.reverse() print( for score, ucd, is_valid in res: if is_valid: print(" ", ucd) else: print(f" (invalid: {ucd})") except IOError: # remote failure, guess it's "no matches" (TODO: distinguish) pass
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="rd#table-id of the table of interest", dest="tableId")], help="Show the statements to create the indices on a table.") def indexStatements(querier, args): import re td = rscdef.getReferencedElement(args.tableId, forceType=rscdef.TableDef) for ind in td.indices: print("\n".join(re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s) for s in ind.iterCode()))
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="rd#exec-id of the execute element to run (note:" " the title won't work, you have to give the thing an id to use adm exec).", dest="execId")], help="Execute the contents of an RD execute element. You must" " give that element an explicit id in order to make this work.") def execute(querier, args): from gavo.user import logui logui.LoggingUI(base.ui) execEl = rscdef.getReferencedElement(args.execId, rscdef.Execute) execEl.callable().join()
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="Package resource path" " (like '/inputs/__system__/scs.rd); for system RDs, the special" " //rd-id syntax is supported.", dest="path")], help="Dump the source of a distribution file; this is useful when you want" " to override them and you are running DaCHS from a zipped egg") def dumpDF(querier, args): import pkg_resources if args.path.startswith("//"): args.path = "inputs/__system__"+args.path[1:]+".rd" try: with pkg_resources.resource_stream('gavo', "resources/"+args.path) as f: sys.stdout.buffer.write( except FileNotFoundError: raise base.ReportableError("No such distribution file: %s\n"%args.path)
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="XML file", dest="path", nargs='+')], help="Validate a file against built-in VO schemas and with built-in" " schema validator.") def xsdValidate(querier, args): from gavo.helpers import testtricks rtval = 0 for path in args.path: print(path, end=" -- ") try: with open(path, "rb") as f: msgs = testtricks.getXSDErrors( except Exception as ex: msgs = [str(ex)] if not msgs: print("valid") else: print(msgs) rtval = 1 return rtval
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="IVOID to mark as deleted", dest="ivoid")], help="Add a registry entry for a deleted record with IVOID. This" " should only be necessary if you accidentally manually removed" " records from your dc.resources table.") def makedelrec(querier, args): from gavo import registry authority, path = registry.parseIdentifier(args.ivoid) if authority not in registry.getManagedAuthorities(): raise base.ReportableError("You can only declare ivo ids from your" " own authority as deleted.") registry.makeDeletedRecord(args.ivoid, querier.connection)
[docs]@exposedFunction([], help="Update the TAP_SCHEMA metadata for all" " RDs mentioned in TAP_SCHEMA.") def updateTAPSchema(querier, args): from gavo.protocols import tap for rdId, in querier.connection.query( "select sourcerd from TAP_SCHEMA.tables"): try: rd = base.caches.getRD(rdId) tap.publishToTAP(rd, querier.connection) except base.NotFoundError as msg: base.ui.notifyWarning("Stale records in TAP_SCHEMA: %s"%msg)
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="Password to hash", dest="pw")], help="Hash a password (typically for [web]adminpasswd)") def hashPasswd(querier, args): from gavo.protocols import creds print(creds.hashPassword(
def _getConstantPrefix(path): """returns the segments of path without a wildcard. """ segs = [] for seg in path.split("/"): if "*" in seg or "?" in seg: break segs.append(seg) return "/".join(segs)
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="Id of a data element importing what you want to" " turn into a HiPS", dest="dataId"), Arg(help="Minimal Order to generate (0 is full sky, 4 is an area about" " 4 degrees in diameter)", dest="minOrder")], help="Write a Hipsgen parameter file to stdout") def hipsgen(querier, args): data = rscdef.getReferencedElement(args.dataId, forceType=rscdef.DataDescriptor) for pat in data.sources.patterns: print("in={}".format(_getConstantPrefix(pat))) print("minOrder={}".format(args.minOrder)) for m in data.rd.iterMeta(""): print("creator: {}".format(m.getContent("text"))) break # now find some publication we can piggyback on; we'll take the # first we find. from gavo.registry import publication for dest, rec in publication.RDRscRecGrammar(None).parse(data.rd): if dest=="resources": print("id={}".format(rec["ivoid"])) break print("status=public clonable") print("title={}".format(base.getMetaText(data, "title"))) print("out=hips")
def _normalizeWhitespace(s): return re.sub("\s+", " ", s) def _getBoundsFromIntervals(intervals): return (min((i[0] for i in intervals), default=None), max((i[1] for i in intervals), default=None)) def _getHipsFillers(svc): """returns a dictionary of HiPS propertes keys to values fillable from svcs. """ res = {} for metaKey, hipsKey in [ ("description", "obs_description"), ("", "hips_creator"), ("source", "bib_reference"), ("rights", "obs_copyright"), ("coverage.waveband", "obs_regime"), ("rights.rightsURI", "obs_copyright_url"),]: for m in svc.rd.iterMeta(metaKey): res[hipsKey] = _normalizeWhitespace(m.getContent( "text", macroPackage=svc.rd)) break res["hips_service_url"] = svc.getURL("hips") minTime, maxTime = _getBoundsFromIntervals(svc.rd.coverage.temporal) minE, maxE = _getBoundsFromIntervals(svc.rd.coverage.spectral) if minE: maxLambda = base.PLANCK_H*base.LIGHT_C/minE if maxE: minLambda = base.PLANCK_H*base.LIGHT_C/maxE for hipsKey, val in [ ("t_min", minTime), ("t_max", maxTime), ("em_min", minLambda), ("em_max", maxLambda)]: if val is not None: res[hipsKey] = val return res def _editProp(propLn, fillers): """edits a hips properties template line with fillers if appropriate. What we edit is lines commented out with keys present in fillers. Unedited lines are returned stripped but otherwise unchanged. """ propLn = propLn.strip() mat = re.match("(#?)(\w+)\s+=\s+(.*)", propLn) if not mat: raise base.ReportableError(f"Invalid properties line: {propLn}") isTemplate, key, value = mat.groups() if isTemplate and key in fillers: propLn = "{:21s}= {}".format(key, fillers[key]) return propLn
[docs]@exposedFunction([Arg(help="Reference to the HiPS-serving service", dest="svcId"), Arg("-d", "--hipsdir", help="Directory the HiPS is stored in", type=pathlib.Path, dest="hipsDir", default="hips")], help="Fill out the templated elements in hipsDir's properties file.") def hipsfill(querier, args): svc = rscdef.getReferencedElement(args.svcId, forceType=svcs.Service) fillers = _getHipsFillers(svc) propFile = args.hipsDir/"properties" newLines = [] with open(propFile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for ln in f: newLines.append(_editProp(ln, fillers)) newContent = "\n".join(newLines).encode("utf-8")+b"\n" with open(propFile, "wb") as f: f.write(newContent)
[docs]def main(): with base.AdhocQuerier(lambda: base.getDBConnection("feed")) as querier: args = makeCLIParser(globals()).parse_args() retval = args.subAction(querier, args) or 0 sys.exit(retval)