An adapted version of fetch3 would look like this:

import vohelper
import pyvo

  ("tgas", "",
    """SELECT ra, dec, pmra, pmdec
        FROM tgas.main
        WHERE phot_g_mean_mag BETWEEN 8 AND 8.5"""),
  ("rave", "",
    """SELECT raj2000, dej2000, rv, hmag
        FROM rave.main
        WHERE hmag BETWEEN 8 AND 8.5"""),]

def main():
  with vohelper.SAMP_conn() as conn:
    topcat_id = vohelper.find_client(conn, "Aladin")

    for short_name, access_url, query in QUERIES:
      service = pyvo.dal.TAPService(access_url)
      result = service.run_sync(query.format(**locals()), maxrec=90000)
      vohelper.send_table_to(conn, topcat_id, result.table, short_name)

if __name__=="__main__":

The way to interesting plots in Aladin is to select the plane with the catalogue plot and then select Catalog/Create a filter from the menu. It may not be all obvious, but it’s fairly powerful and fun.