IVOA Vocabulary: Reference Positions

This is the description of the namespace http://docs.g-vo.org/rdf/refposition as of 2019-03-15.

This vocabulary is not yet approved by the IVOA. This means that terms can still disappear without prior notice.

A collection of reference positions in common use in astronomy.

TOPOCENTERTopocenterThe location of the instrument that made the observation
GEOCENTERGeocenterThe center of the earth
BARYCENTERSolar System BarycenterThe barycenter of the solar system
HELIOCENTERHeliocenterThe center of the sun
EMBARYCENTEREarth-Moon BarycenterThe barycenter of the Earth-Moon system
UNKNOWNUnknownThe times cannot be transformed to a different reference position reliably. This is to be used for simulated data or for data for which the reference position has been lost.

Alternate formats: RDF, Turtle.