#3plus1Formalism | | - Method used to solve relativity equations. 3+1 Formalism is an approach to general relativity and to Einstein equations that re- lies on the slicing of the four-dimensional spacetime by three-dimensional surfaces (hypersur- faces)
| | |
#8WaveScheme | | | | |
#AcceleratedLambdaIteration | - Accelerated Lambda Iteration
| - Method used to solve radiative transfer problems.
| | |
#AdaptiveMeshRefinement | - Adaptive Mesh Refinement
| - Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a method of adapting the accuracy of a solution within certain precision.
| | |
#AdvectionUpstreamSplittingMethod | - Advection Upstream Splitting Method
| - Method used to solve a general system of conservation equations.
| | |
#Algorithm | | | | |
#AlternatingDirectionImplicit | - Alternating Direction Implicit
| - Finite difference method used to solve parabolic and elliptic partial differential equations
| | |
#BiConjugateGradient | | | | |
#BiConjugateGradientStabilized | - BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized
| | | |
#BlockBasedAMR | | | | |
#BulirschStoer | | - Method used to solve ordinary differential equations.
| | |
#CellBasedAMR | | | | |
#CellCentred | | | | |
#CentralDifferenceScheme | - Central Difference Scheme
| | | |
#ChebyshevIteration | | | | |
#ConjugateGradientMethod | - Conjugate Gradient Method
| | | |
#ConjugateGradientSquaredMethod | - Conjugate Gradient Squared Method
| | | |
#ConstrainedTransport | | | | |
#CoupledEscapedProbability | - Coupled Escaped Probability
| - Exact method for line radiative transfer ("A new exact method for line radiative transfer", Elitzur, M., & Asensio Ramos, A. 2006, MNRAS, 365, 779).
| | |
#CrankNicolson | | - Finite difference method used to solve partial differential equations. The method is second-order, implicit and stable ("A practical method for numerical evaluation of solutions of partial differential equations of the heat conduction type", J. Crank and P. Nicolson, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 43 (1947) 50–67).
| | |
#DiscontinuousGalerkin | | | | |
#DiscontinuousGalerkinMethods | - Discontinuous Galerkin methods
| | | |
#EscapeProbability | | - Radiative transfer method
| | |
#Euler | | | | |
#ExactRadiativeTransferMethod | - Exact Radiative Transfer Method
| | | |
#ExactRiemannSolver | | | | |
#ExtendedFiniteElementMethod | - Extended Finite Element Method
| | | |
#FastMultipoleMethod | | - Potential computed from multipole expansion ("A Fast Algorithm for Particle Simulations", L. Greengard, V. Rokhlin, J. Comput. Phys. 73 (1987) 325).
| | |
#FiniteDifference | | | | |
#FiniteElement | | | | |
#FiniteElementLimitAnalysis | - Finite element limit analysis
| | | |
#FiniteVolume | | | | |
#FokkerPlanckSolver | | - Fokker–Planck equation is a partial differential equation that describes the time evolution of the probability density function of the velocity of a particle under the influence of drag forces and random forces.
| | |
#ForwardTimeCentralSpace | - Forward-Time Central-Space
| - Finite difference method used to solve parabolic partial differential equations. The method is first-order, explicit and conditionally stable ("Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 2nd ed.", John C. Tannehill, Dale A. Anderson, Richard H. Pletcher, 1997).
| | |
#FourierTechnique | | | | |
#FriendsofFriends | | - Halo finder algorithm ("The evolution of large-scale structure in a universe dominated by cold dark matter", M. Davis, G. Efstathiou, C. S. Frenk, S. D. M. White, ApJ, vol. 292, May 15, 1985, p. 371-394).
| | |
#GalerkinMethod | | | | |
#GaussSeidel | | | | |
#Gear | | | | |
#GeneralizedFiniteElementMethod | - Generalized Finite Element Method
| | | |
#GeneralizedLagrangianMultiplier | - Generalized Lagrangian Multiplier
| | | |
#GeneralizedMinimalResidualMethod | - Generalized Minimal Residual Method
| | | |
#Godunov | | - Godunov algorithm is a finite volume method
| | |
#HartenLaxvanLeer | | - HLL is an approximative Riemann solver
| | |
#HartenLaxvanLeerContact | - Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact
| | | |
#HartenLaxvanLeerDiscontinuities | - Harten Lax van Leer Discontinuities
| | | |
#HartenLaxvanLeerEinfeldt | - Harten-Lax-van Leer-Einfeldt
| | | |
#HartreeFock | | - Approximated method for the determination of the ground-state wavefunction and ground-state energy of a quantum many-body system
| | |
#Henyey | | - Implicit lagrangian method to study stellar structure
| | |
#HpFiniteElementMethod | - hp-Finite Element Method
- hp-FEM
| | | |
#IsochronesSynthesis | | | | |
#IterativeMethod | | | | |
#IvoaAlgorithms | | | | |
#JacobiMethod | | | | |
#KorenLimiter | | | | |
#KrylovSubSpaceMethod | | - Iterative method to solve linear system
| | |
#Laguer | | | | |
#LaxFriedrichs | | - Finite difference method to solve hyperbolic partial differential equations.
| | |
#LaxWendroff | | - Second-order finite difference method to solve hyperbolic partial differential equations ("Systems of conservation laws", Peter Lax, Burton Wendroff, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 13, Issue 2, pages 217–237, May 1960).
| | |
#LeapFrog | | - Finite difference integration scheme
| | |
#LimitedLinearInterpolation | - Limited Linear Interpolation
| | | |
#Limiter | | | | |
#LineVelocityGradient | - Line Velocity Gradient
| - Radiative transfer method
| | |
#LinearInterpolation | | | | |
#LocalThermodynamicEquilibrium | - Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium
| - Radiative transfer method
| | |
#M1 | | - Numerical method in radiative hydrodynamics. Only the first moment for radiative transfer equation is used
| | |
#MacCormack | | | | |
#MagneticFieldSpliting | | | | |
#MeshfreeMethod | | | | |
#MinimalResidualMethod | - Minimal Residual Method
| | | |
#MinmodLimiters | | | | |
#MonotoneUpstreamcenteredSchemesForConservationLaws | - Monotone Upstream-centered Schemes for Conservation Laws
| | | |
#MonotonicityPreserving | | | | |
#MonotonizedCentral | | | | |
#MonteCarlo | | | | |
#MultiDomainSpectralMethod | - Multi-domain Spectral Method
| | | |
#Multigrid | | | | |
#NBody | | | | |
#NonStationaryIterativeMethod | - Nonstationary Iterative Method
| | | |
#OrbitalElements | | - Method solving mouvement equations for low mass objects around a more massive object
| | |
#OrthogonalPolynomialExpansion | - Orthogonal Polynomial Expansion
| | | |
#ParticleInCell | | | | |
#ParticleInCellDeltaF | - Particle-In-Cell Delta F
- PIC Delta F
| | | |
#ParticleMesh | - Particle-Mesh
- Particle-Grid
- PM
| - Fourier method on cartesian grid
| | |
#ParticleParticle | | - Direct summation of potential terms between particles
| | |
#ParticleParticleParticleMesh | - Particle-Particle-Particle-Mesh
- P3M
| | | |
#PatchBasedAMR | | | | |
#PiecewiseLinearMethod | | | | |
#PiecewiseParabolicMethod | - Piecewise Parabolic Method
| | | |
#PolynomialExpansion | | | | |
#ProjectScheme | | | | |
#QuasiMinimalResidual | - Quasi-Minimal Residual
| | | |
#RayTracing | | - Radiative transfer method
| | |
#RiemannSolver | | | | |
#RoeSolver | | | | |
#RoesSuperbeeLimiter | | | | |
#RotatedHybridRiemannSolver | - Rotated-Hybrid Riemann Solver
| | | |
#RungeKutta | | | | |
#Scheme | | | | |
#SelfConsistentField | | - Polynomial expansion to solve Poisson equation
| | |
#SimplecticIntegration | | | | |
#SmoothParticleHydrodynamics | - Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
| | | |
#SparseSymmetricEquationsMethod | - Sparse Symmetric Equations Method
| | | |
#SpectralMethod | | - Approximate the solution as linear combination of continuous functions that are generally nonzero over the domain of solution
| | |
#SphericalOverdensity | | - Halo finder algorithm ("Merger Rates in Hierarchical Models of Galaxy Formation - Part Two - Comparison with N-Body Simulations", C. Lacey, S. Cole, MNRAS, vol. 71, 1994, p. 676).
| | |
#StaggeredMesh | | | | |
#StationaryIterativeMethod | - Stationary Iterative Method
| | | |
#StructuredGrids | | | | |
#SuccessiveOverRelaxation | - Successive OverRelaxation
| - Method to speed up convergence of the Gauss-Seidel method for solving a linear system of equations
| | |
#SymmetricSuccessiveOverRelaxationMethod | - Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation Method
| | | |
#TestParticle | | | | |
#TimeStepping | | | | |
#TotalVariationDiminishingLaxFriedrich | - Total Variation Diminishing Lax-Friedrich
- Rusanov
| - TVDLF is approximate Rieman solver
| | |
#Tree | | - Method directly calculating the force on N particles in the gravitational N-body problem that grows only as N log N ("A hierarchical O(N log N) force-calculation algorithm", J. Barnes, P. Hut, Nature, vol. 324, Dec. 4, 1986, p. 446-449).
| | |
#TreeSmoothParticleHydrodynamics | - Tree-Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
| - Method for evolving three-dimensional, self-gravitating fluids, both with and without collisionless matter ("TREESPH - A unification of SPH with the hierarchical tree method", L. Hernquist, N. Katz, ApJSS, vol. 70, June 1989, p. 419-446).
| | |
#UnstructuredGrids | | | | |
#Upwind | | | | |
#VlasovSolver | | | | |
#WeightedEssentiallyNonOscillatory | - Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory
| | | |
#WeightedEssentiallyNonOscillatoryZ | - Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory-Z
- WENo-Z
| | | |
#WeigthedResidualMethod | | | | |
#WoodwardAndCollelaLimiter | - Woodward and Collela Limiter
| | | |
#ZeemanFeautrier | | - Radiative transfer method with polarization ("Stokes profile analysis and vector magnetic fields. II - Formal numerical solutions of the Stokes transfer equations", D. E. Rees, C. J. Durrant, G. A. Murphy, ApJ, vol. 339, April 15, 1989, p. 1093-1106).
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#vanLeerLimiter | | | | |