Source code for pyvo.dal.exceptions

DAL Exceptions.

__all__ = [
    "DALAccessError", "DALProtocolError", "DALFormatError", "DALServiceError",

import re

import requests

from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

[docs]class DALAccessError(Exception): """ a base class for failures while accessing a DAL service """ _defreason = "Unknown service access error" def __init__(self, reason=None, url=None): """ initialize the exception with an error message Parameters ---------- reason : str a message describing the cause of the error url : str the query URL that produced the error """ if not reason: reason = self._defreason super().__init__(reason) self._reason = reason self._url = url @classmethod def _typeName(cls, exc): try: return exc.__qualname__ except AttributeError: return re.sub( r"'>$", '', re.sub(r"<(type|class) '(.*\.)?", '', str(type(exc))) ) def __str__(self): return self._reason def __repr__(self): return "{}: {}".format(self._typeName(self), self._reason) @property def reason(self): """ a string description of what went wrong """ return self._reason @property def url(self): """ the URL that produced the error. If None, the URL is unknown or unset """ return self._url
[docs]class DALProtocolError(DALAccessError): """ a base exception indicating that a DAL service responded with an error. This can be either an HTTP protocol error or a response format error; both of these are handled by separate subclasses. This base class captures an underlying exception clause. """ _defreason = "Unknown DAL Protocol Error" def __init__(self, reason=None, cause=None, url=None): """ initialize with a string message and an optional HTTP response code Parameters ---------- reason : str a message describing the cause of the error code : int the HTTP error code (as an integer) cause : str an exception issued as the underlying cause. A value of None indicates that no underlying exception was caught. url : str the query URL that produced the error """ super().__init__(reason, url) self._cause = cause @property def cause(self): """ a string description of what went wrong """ return self._cause
[docs]class DALFormatError(DALProtocolError): """ an exception indicating that a DAL response contains fatal format errors. This would include XML or VOTable format errors. """ _defreason = "Unknown VOTable Format Error" def __init__(self, cause=None, url=None, reason=None): """ create the exception Parameters ---------- cause : str an exception issued as the underlying cause. A value of None indicates that no underlying exception was caught. url the query URL that produced the error reason a message describing the cause of the error """ if cause and not reason: reason = "{}: {}".format( DALAccessError._typeName(cause), str(cause)) super().__init__(reason, cause, url)
[docs]class DALServiceError(DALProtocolError): """ an exception indicating a failure communicating with a DAL service. Most typically, this is used to report DAL queries that result in an HTTP error. """ _defreason = "Unknown service error" def __init__(self, reason=None, code=None, cause=None, url=None): """ initialize with a string message and an optional HTTP response code Parameters ---------- reason : str a message describing the cause of the error code : int the HTTP error code (as an integer) cause : str an exception issued as the underlying cause. A value of None indicates that no underlying exception was caught. url : str the query URL that produced the error """ super().__init__(reason, cause, url) self._code = code @property def code(self): """ the HTTP error code that resulted from the DAL service query, indicating the error. If None, the service did not produce an HTTP response. """ return self._code @classmethod def from_except(cls, exc, url=None): """ create and return DALServiceError exception appropriate for the given exception that represents the underlying cause. """ if isinstance(exc, requests.exceptions.RequestException): message = str(exc) try: code = exc.response.status_code except AttributeError: code = 0 return DALServiceError(message, code, exc, url) elif isinstance(exc, Exception): return DALServiceError("{}: {}".format(cls._typeName(exc), str(exc)), cause=exc, url=url) else: raise TypeError("from_except: expected Exception")
[docs]class DALQueryError(DALAccessError): """ an exception indicating an error by a working DAL service while processing a query. Generally, this would be an error that the service successfully detected and consequently was able to respond with a legal error response-- namely, a VOTable document with an INFO element contains the description of the error. Possible errors will include bad usage by the client, such as query-syntax errors. """ _defreason = "Unknown DAL Query Error" def __init__(self, reason=None, label=None, url=None): """ Parameters ---------- reason : str a message describing the cause of the error. This should be set to the content of the INFO error element. label : str the identifying name of the error. This should be the value of the INFO element's value attribute within the VOTable response that describes the error. url : str the query URL that produced the error """ super().__init__(reason, url) self._label = label @property def label(self): """ the identifing name for the error given in the DAL query response. DAL queries that produce an error which is detectable on the server will respond with a VOTable containing an INFO element that contains the description of the error. This property contains the value of the INFO's value attribute. """ return self._label
class PyvoUserWarning(AstropyUserWarning): pass