# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
A module for accessing remote source and observation catalogs
from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from astropy.io.votable import parse as votableparse
from .query import (
DALResults, DALQuery, DALService, Record, UploadList,
DALServiceError, DALQueryError)
from .vosi import AvailabilityMixin, CapabilityMixin, VOSITables
from .adhoc import DatalinkResultsMixin, DatalinkRecordMixin, SodaRecordMixin
from ..io import vosi, uws
from ..io.vosi import tapregext as tr
from ..utils.formatting import para_format_desc
from ..utils.http import use_session
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import io
__all__ = [
"search", "escape", "TAPService", "TAPQuery", "AsyncTAPJob", "TAPResults"]
def _from_ivoa_format(datetime_str):
parses an ivoa date in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.[mmm]Z
:param datetime_str:
:return: corresponding datetime object
# TODO Replace with datetime.fromisoformat(date_string) in Python3.7+
# with fraction of seconds first
return datetime.strptime(datetime_str, IVOA_DATETIME_FORMAT)
except ValueError:
# and without
return datetime.strptime(datetime_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
def escape(term):
escapes a term for use in ADQL
return str(term).replace("'", "''")
def search(url, query, language="ADQL", maxrec=None, uploads=None, **keywords):
submit a Table Access query that returns rows matching the criteria given.
url : str
the base URL of the query service.
query : str, dict
The query string / parameters
language : str
specifies the query language, default ADQL.
useful for services which allow to use the backend query language.
maxrec : int
the maximum records to return. defaults to the service default
uploads : dict
a mapping from table names to file like objects containing a votable
a container holding a table of matching catalog records
for errors connecting to or
communicating with the service.
if the service responds with
an error, including a query syntax error.
service = TAPService(url)
return service.search(query, language, maxrec, uploads, **keywords)
[docs]class TAPService(DALService, AvailabilityMixin, CapabilityMixin):
a representation of a Table Access Protocol service
_tables = None
_examples = None
def __init__(self, baseurl, session=None):
instantiate a Tablee Access Protocol service
baseurl : str
the base URL that should be used for forming queries to the service.
session : object
optional session to use for network requests
super().__init__(baseurl, session=session)
# Check if the session has an update_from_capabilities attribute.
# This means that the session is aware of IVOA capabilities,
# and can use this information in processing network requests.
# One such usecase for this is auth.
if hasattr(self._session, 'update_from_capabilities'):
def tables(self):
returns tables as a dict-like object
if self._tables is None:
tables_url = '{}/tables'.format(self.baseurl)
response = self._session.get(tables_url, stream=True)
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, tables_url)
# requests doesn't decode the content by default
response.raw.read = partial(response.raw.read, decode_content=True)
self._tables = VOSITables(
vosi.parse_tables(response.raw.read), tables_url)
return self._tables
def examples(self):
returns examples as a list of TAPQuery objects
if self._examples is None:
examples_url = '{}/examples'.format(self.baseurl)
response = self._session.get(examples_url, stream=True)
if response.status_code == 404:
return []
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, examples_url)
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(io.BytesIO(response.content)).getroot()
exampleElements = root.findall('.//*[@property="query"]')
except Exception as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, examples_url)
self._examples = [TAPQuery(self.baseurl, example.text) for example in exampleElements]
return self._examples
def maxrec(self):
the default output limit.
if the property is not exposed by the service
for capa in self.capabilities:
if isinstance(capa, tr.TableAccess):
return capa.outputlimit.default.content
except AttributeError:
raise DALServiceError("Default limit not exposed by the service")
def hardlimit(self):
the hard output limit.
if the property is not exposed by the service
for capa in self.capabilities:
if isinstance(capa, tr.TableAccess):
return capa.outputlimit.hard.content
except AttributeError:
raise DALServiceError("Hard limit not exposed by the service")
def upload_methods(self):
a list of upload methods in form of
:py:class:`~pyvo.io.vosi.tapregext.UploadMethod` objects
upload_methods = []
for capa in self.capabilities:
if isinstance(capa, tr.TableAccess):
upload_methods += capa.uploadmethods
return upload_methods
[docs] def run_sync(
self, query, language="ADQL", maxrec=None, uploads=None,
runs sync query and returns its result
query : str
The query
language : str
specifies the query language, default ADQL.
useful for services which allow to use the backend query language.
maxrec : int
the maximum records to return. defaults to the service default
uploads : dict
a mapping from table names to objects containing a votable
the query result
See Also
return self.create_query(
query, language=language, maxrec=maxrec, uploads=uploads,
# alias for service discovery
search = run_sync
[docs] def run_async(
self, query, language="ADQL", maxrec=None, uploads=None,
runs async query and returns its result
query : str, dict
the query string / parameters
language : str
specifies the query language, default ADQL.
useful for services which allow to use the backend query language.
maxrec : int
the maximum records to return. defaults to the service default
uploads : dict
a mapping from table names to objects containing a votable
the query instance
for errors connecting to or communicating with the service
for errors either in the input query syntax or
other user errors detected by the service
for errors parsing the VOTable response
See Also
job = AsyncTAPJob.create(
self.baseurl, query, language, maxrec, uploads, self._session, **keywords)
job = job.run().wait()
result = job.fetch_result()
return result
[docs] def submit_job(
self, query, language="ADQL", maxrec=None, uploads=None,
submit a async query without starting it and returns a AsyncTAPJob
query : str
the query string / parameters
language : str
specifies the query language, default ADQL.
useful for services which allow to use the backend query language.
maxrec : int
the maximum records to return. defaults to the service default
uploads : dict
a mapping from table names to objects containing a votable
the query instance
See Also
return AsyncTAPJob.create(
self.baseurl, query, language, maxrec, uploads, self._session, **keywords)
[docs] def create_query(
self, query=None, mode="sync", language="ADQL", maxrec=None,
uploads=None, **keywords):
create a query object that constraints can be added to and then
executed. The input arguments will initialize the query with the
given values.
baseurl : str
the base URL for the TAP service
query : str
the query string / parameters
mode : str
the query mode (sync | async). default "sync"
language : str
specifies the query language, default ADQL.
useful for services which allow to use the backend query language.
maxrec : int
specifies the maximum records to return.
defaults to the service default.
uploads : dict
a mapping from table names to objects containing a votable.
return TAPQuery(
self.baseurl, query, mode, language, maxrec, uploads, self._session, **keywords)
[docs] def get_job(self, job_id):
Returns the job corresponding to an ID. Note that the caller must be
able to see the job in the current security context.
job_id : str
ID of the job to view
`~pyvo.io.vosi.endpoint.JobSummary` corresponding to the job ID
response = self._session.get(
self.baseurl + '/async/' + job_id,
response.raw.read = partial(response.raw.read,
return uws.parse_job(response.raw.read)
[docs] def get_job_list(self, phases=None, after=None, last=None,
lists jobs that the caller can see in the current security context.
The list can be filtered on the server side by the phases of the jobs,
creation date time or
Note that by default jobs in 'ARCHIVED` phase are not returned.
phases: list of str
Union of job phases to filter the results by.
after: datetime
Return only jobs created after this datetime
last: int
Return only the most recent number of jobs
short_description: flag - True or False
If True, the jobs in the list will contain only the information
corresponding to the TAP ShortJobDescription object (job ID, phase,
run ID, owner ID and creation ID) whereas if False, a separate GET
call to each job is performed for the complete job description.
list of `~pyvo.io.vosi.endpoint.JobSummary`
params = {'PHASE': phases, 'LAST': last}
if after:
if isinstance(after, str):
after = _from_ivoa_format(after)
params['AFTER'] = after.strftime(IVOA_DATETIME_FORMAT)
response = self._session.get('{}/async'.format(self.baseurl),
response.raw.read = partial(response.raw.read, decode_content=True)
jobs = uws.parse_job_list(response.raw.read)
if not short_description:
dj = []
for job in jobs:
return dj
return list(jobs)
[docs] def describe(self, width=None):
Print a summary description of this service.
This includes the interface capabilities, and the content description
if it doesn't contains multiple data collections (in other words, it is
not a TAP service).
if len(self.tables) == 1:
description = next(self.tables.values()).description
if width:
description = para_format_desc(description, width)
capabilities = filter(
lambda x: not str(x.standardid).startswith(
for cap in capabilities:
[docs]class AsyncTAPJob:
This class represents a UWS TAP Job.
_job = {}
[docs] @classmethod
def create(
cls, baseurl, query, language="ADQL", maxrec=None, uploads=None,
session=None, **keywords):
creates a async tap job on the server under `baseurl`
baseurl : str
the TAP baseurl
query : str
the query string
language : str
specifies the query language, default ADQL.
useful for services which allow to use the backend query language.
maxrec : int
the maximum records to return. defaults to the service default
uploads : dict
a mapping from table names to objects containing a votable
session : object
optional session to use for network requests
query = TAPQuery(
baseurl, query, mode="async", language=language, maxrec=maxrec,
uploads=uploads, session=session, **keywords)
response = query.submit()
job = cls(response.url, session=session)
return job
def __init__(self, url, session=None):
initialize the job object with the given url and fetch remote values
url : str
the job url
self._url = url
self._session = use_session(session)
def __enter__(self):
Enters the context
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
Exits the context. The job is silently deleted.
except Exception:
def _update(self, wait_for_statechange=False, timeout=10.):
updates local job infos with remote values
if wait_for_statechange:
response = self._session.get(
self.url, stream=True, timeout=timeout, params={
"WAIT": "-1"
response = self._session.get(self.url, stream=True, timeout=timeout)
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
# requests doesn't decode the content by default
response.raw.read = partial(response.raw.read, decode_content=True)
self._job = uws.parse_job(response.raw.read)
def job(self):
all up-to-date uws job infos as dictionary
# keep it up to date
return self._job
def url(self):
the job url
return self._url
def job_id(self):
the job id
return self._job.jobid
def phase(self):
the current query phase
return self._job.phase
def execution_duration(self):
maximum execution duration as ~`astropy.time.TimeDelta`
return self._job.executionduration
def execution_duration(self, value):
response = self._session.post(
data={"EXECUTIONDURATION": str(value)})
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
def destruction(self):
datetime after which the job results are deleted automatically.
return self._job.destruction
def destruction(self, value):
datetime after which the job results are deleted automatically.
value : datetime
datetime after which the job results are deleted automatically
if isinstance(value, str):
value = _from_ivoa_format(value)
response = self._session.post(
data={"DESTRUCTION": value.strftime(IVOA_DATETIME_FORMAT)})
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
def quote(self):
estimated runtime
return self._job.quote
def owner(self):
job owner (if applicable)
return self._job.ownerid
def query(self):
the job query
for parameter in self._job.parameters:
if parameter.id_ == 'query':
return parameter.content
return ''
def query(self, query):
response = self._session.post(
data={"QUERY": query})
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
[docs] def upload(self, **kwargs):
upload a table to the job. the job must not been started.
uploads = UploadList.fromdict(kwargs)
files = {
upload.name: upload.fileobj()
for upload in uploads
if upload.is_inline
response = self._session.post(
data={'UPLOAD': uploads.param()},
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
def results(self):
The job results if exists
return self._job.results
def result(self):
The job result if exists
for r in self._job.results:
if r.id_ == 'result':
return r
return self._job.results[0]
except IndexError:
return None
def result_uris(self):
a list of the last result uri's
return [result.href for result in self._job.results]
def result_uri(self):
the uri of the result
uri = self.result.href
if not urlparse(uri).netloc:
uri = urljoin(self.url, uri)
return uri
except IndexError:
return None
def uws_version(self):
return self._job.version
[docs] def run(self):
starts the job / change phase to RUN
response = self._session.post(
'{}/phase'.format(self.url), data={"PHASE": "RUN"})
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
return self
[docs] def abort(self):
aborts the job / change phase to ABORT
response = self._session.post(
'{}/phase'.format(self.url), data={"PHASE": "ABORT"})
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
return self
[docs] def wait(self, phases=None, timeout=600.):
waits for the job to reach the given phases.
phases : list
phases to wait for
if the job is in a state that won't lead to an result
if not phases:
phases = {"COMPLETED", "ABORTED", "ERROR"}
interval = 1.0
increment = 1.2
active_phases = {
while True:
self._update(wait_for_statechange=True, timeout=timeout)
# use the cached value
cur_phase = self._job.phase
if cur_phase not in active_phases:
raise DALServiceError(
"Cannot wait for job completion. Job is not active!")
if cur_phase in phases:
# fallback for uws 1.0
if LooseVersion(self._job.version) < LooseVersion("1.1"):
interval = min(120, interval * increment)
return self
[docs] def delete(self):
deletes the job. this object will become invalid.
response = self._session.post(self.url, data={"ACTION": "DELETE"})
except requests.RequestException as ex:
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
self._url = None
[docs] def raise_if_error(self):
raise a exception if theres an error
if theres an error
if self.phase in {"ERROR", "ABORTED"}:
raise DALQueryError("Query Error", self.phase, self.url)
[docs] def fetch_result(self):
returns the result votable if query is finished
response = self._session.get(self.result_uri, stream=True)
except requests.RequestException as ex:
# we propably got a 404 because query error. raise with error msg
raise DALServiceError.from_except(ex, self.url)
response.raw.read = partial(
response.raw.read, decode_content=True)
return TAPResults(votableparse(response.raw.read), url=self.result_uri, session=self._session)
[docs]class TAPQuery(DALQuery):
a class for preparing an query to an TAP service. Query constraints
are added via its service type-specific methods. The various execute()
functions will submit the query and return the results.
The base URL for the query, which controls where the query will be sent
when one of the execute functions is called, is typically set at
construction time; however, it can be updated later via the
:py:attr:`~pyvo.dal.query.DALQuery.baseurl` to send a configured
query to another service.
In addition to the search constraint attributes described below, search
parameters can be set generically by name via dict semantics.
The typical function for submitting the query is ``execute()``; however,
alternate execute functions provide the response in different forms,
allowing the caller to take greater control of the result processing.
def __init__(
self, baseurl, query, mode="sync", language="ADQL", maxrec=None,
uploads=None, session=None, **keywords):
initialize the query object with the given parameters
baseurl : str
the TAP baseurl
query : str
the query string
mode : str
the query mode (sync | async). default "sync"
language : str
the query language. defaults to ADQL
maxrec : int
the amount of records to fetch
uploads : dict
Files to upload. Uses table name as key and table content as value.
session : object
optional session to use for network requests
baseurl = baseurl.rstrip("?")
super().__init__(baseurl, session=session, **keywords)
self._mode = mode if mode in ("sync", "async") else "sync"
self._uploads = UploadList.fromdict(uploads or {})
self["REQUEST"] = "doQuery"
self["LANG"] = language
if maxrec:
self["MAXREC"] = maxrec
self["QUERY"] = query
if self._uploads:
self["UPLOAD"] = self._uploads.param()
def queryurl(self):
return '{baseurl}/{mode}'.format(baseurl=self.baseurl, mode=self._mode)
[docs] def execute_stream(self, post=False):
submit the query and return the raw VOTable XML as a file stream
for errors connecting to or communicating with the service
for errors in the input query syntax
# theres nothing to execute in non-sync queries
if self._mode != "sync":
raise DALServiceError(
"Cannot execute a non-synchronous query. Use submit instead")
return super().execute_stream(post=post)
[docs] def execute(self):
submit the query and return the results as a TAPResults instance
for errors connecting to or communicating with the service
for errors either in the input query syntax or
other user errors detected by the service
for errors parsing the VOTable response
return TAPResults(self.execute_votable(), url=self.queryurl, session=self._session)
[docs] def submit(self, post=False):
Does the request part of the TAP query.
This function is separated from response parsing because async queries
return no votable but behave like sync queries in terms of request.
It returns the requests response.
url = self.queryurl
files = {
upload.name: upload.fileobj()
for upload in self._uploads
if upload.is_inline
response = self._session.post(
url, data=self, stream=True, files=files)
# requests doesn't decode the content by default
response.raw.read = partial(response.raw.read, decode_content=True)
return response
[docs]class TAPResults(DatalinkResultsMixin, DALResults):
The list of matching images resulting from an image (SIA) query.
Each record contains a set of metadata that describes an available
image matching the query constraints. The number of records in
the results is available via the :py:attr:`nrecs` attribute or by
passing it to the Python built-in ``len()`` function.
This class supports iterable semantics; thus,
individual records (in the form of
:py:class:`~pyvo.dal.query.Record` instances) are typically
accessed by iterating over an ``TAPResults`` instance.
Alternatively, records can be accessed randomly via
:py:meth:`getrecord` or through a Python Database API (v2)
Cursor (via :py:meth:`~pyvo.dal.query.DALResults.cursor`).
Column-based data access is possible via the
:py:meth:`~pyvo.dal.query.DALResults.getcolumn` method.
``TAPResults`` is essentially a wrapper around an Astropy
:py:class:`~astropy.io.votable.tree.Table` instance where the
columns contain the various metadata describing the images.
One can access that VOTable directly via the
:py:attr:`~pyvo.dal.query.DALResults.votable` attribute. Thus,
when one retrieves a whole column via
:py:meth:`~pyvo.dal.query.DALResults.getcolumn`, the result is
a Numpy array. Alternatively, one can manipulate the results
as an Astropy :py:class:`~astropy.table.table.Table` via the
following conversion:
>>> table = results.table
``SIAResults`` supports the array item operator ``[...]`` in a
read-only context. When the argument is numerical, the result
is an
:py:class:`~pyvo.dal.query.Record` instance, representing the
record at the position given by the numerical index. If the
argument is a string, it is interpreted as the name of a column,
and the data from the column matching that name is returned as
a Numpy array.
def infos(self):
return the info element as dictionary
return getattr(self, "_infos", {})
def query_status(self):
return the query status
return getattr(self, "_infos", {}).get("QUERY_STATUS", None)
[docs] def getrecord(self, index):
return a representation of a tap result record that follows
dictionary semantics. The keys of the dictionary are those returned by
this instance's fieldnames attribute. The returned record has
additional image-specific properties
index : int
the integer index of the desired record where 0 returns the first
a dictionary-like wrapper containing the result record metadata.
if index is negative or equal or larger than the number of rows in
the result table.
See Also
return TAPRecord(self, index)
class TAPRecord(SodaRecordMixin, DatalinkRecordMixin, Record):