# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This file contains xml element classes as defined in the VODataService standard
There are different ways of handling the various xml tags.
* Elements with complex content
* Elements with simple content and attributes
* Elements with simple content without attributes
Elements with complex content are parsed with objects inherited from `Element`.
Elements with simple content are parsed with objects inherited from `Element`
defining a `value` property.
import re
from astropy.utils.collections import HomogeneousList
from astropy.utils.misc import indent
from astropy.utils.xml import check as xml_check
from astropy.io.votable.exceptions import vo_raise, vo_warn, warn_or_raise
from ...utils.xml.elements import (
xmlattribute, xmlelement, Element, ContentMixin)
from . import voresource as vr
from .exceptions import (
W01, W02, W03, W04, W05, W06, W07, W08, W09, W10, W11, W12, W13, W14, W17,
W18, W36, W37,
E01, E02, E03, E04, E05, E06)
__all__ = [
"TableSet", "TableSchema", "ParamHTTP", "Table", "BaseParam", "TableParam",
"InputParam", "DataType", "SimpleDataType", "TableDataType", "VOTableType",
"TAPDataType", "TAPType", "FKColumn", "ForeignKey"]
def _convert_boolean(value, default=None):
return {
'false': False,
'0': False,
'true': True,
'1': True
}.get(value, default)
def check_anyuri(uri, config=None, pos=None):
Raises a `~pyvo.io.vosi.tables.exceptions.VOSITablesWarning` if
*uri* is not a valid URI.
As defined in RFC 2396.
if uri is not None and not xml_check.check_anyuri(uri):
warn_or_raise(W01, W01, uri, config=config, pos=pos)
return False
return True
def check_datatype_flag(data, config=None, pos=None):
Checks if the datatype flag is valid
if data not in ('indexed', 'primary', 'nullable'):
warn_or_raise(W04, W04, data, config=config, pos=pos)
return False
return True
[docs]class TableSet(Element, HomogeneousList):
TableSet element as described in
The set of tables hosted by a resource.
def __init__(
self, config=None, pos=None, _name='tableset', version='1.1', **kwargs
HomogeneousList.__init__(self, TableSchema)
Element.__init__(self, config, pos, _name, **kwargs)
self._version = version
def __repr__(self):
return '<TableSet>... {} schemas ...</TableSet>'.format(
def version(self):
"""The version of the standard"""
return self._version
def version(self, version):
self._config['version'] = version
self._version = version
def schemas(self):
A list of schemas. Must contain only `Schema` objects.
A named description of a set of logically related tables.
The name given by the "name" child element must be unique within this
TableSet instance. If there is only one schema in this set and/or
there's no locally appropriate name to provide, the name can be set to
This aggregation does not need to map to an actual database, catalog,
or schema, though the publisher may choose to aggregate along such
designations, or particular service protocol may recommend it.
return self
def schemas(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
schema = TableSchema(config, pos, 'schema', **data)
schema.parse(iterator, config)
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if not self.schemas:
warn_or_raise(W14, W14, config=config, pos=self._pos)
[docs]class TableSchema(Element, HomogeneousList):
TableSchema element as described in
A detailed description of a logically-related set of tables.
def __init__(self, config=None, pos=None, _name='schema', **kwargs):
HomogeneousList.__init__(self, Table)
Element.__init__(self, config, pos, _name, **kwargs)
self._name = None
self._title = None
self._description = None
self._utype = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<TableSchema name="{}">... {} tables ...</TableSchema>'.format(
self.name, len(self.tables))
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W05)
def name(self):
A name for the set of tables.
This is used to uniquely identify the table set among
several table sets. If a title is not present, this
name can be used for display purposes.
If there is no appropriate logical name associated with
this set, the name should be explicitly set to
return self._name
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W13)
def title(self):
a descriptive, human-interpretable name for the table set.
This is used for display purposes. There is no requirement
regarding uniqueness. It is useful when there are
multiple schemas in the context (e.g. within a
tableset; otherwise, the resource title could be
used instead).
return self._title
def title(self, title):
self._title = title
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W06)
def description(self):
A free text description of the tableset that should
explain in general how all of the tables are related.
return self._description
def description(self, description):
self._description = description
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W09)
def utype(self):
an identifier for a concept in a data model that
the data in this schema as a whole represent.
The format defined in the VOTable standard is strongly
return self._utype
def utype(self, utype):
self._utype = utype
def tables(self):
A list of tables in the schema. Must contain only `Table` objects.
A description of one of the tables that makes up the set.
The table names for the table should be unique.
return self
def tables(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
table = Table(config, pos, 'table', **data)
table.parse(iterator, config)
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if not self.name:
vo_raise(E06, self._Element__name, config=config, pos=self._pos)
class ParamHTTP(vr.Interface):
ParamHTTP element as described in
A service invoked via an HTTP Query (either Get or Post)
with a set of arguments consisting of keyword name-value pairs.
Note that the URL for help with this service can be put into
the Service/ReferenceURL element.
def __init__(self, config=None, pos=None, _name='', **kwargs):
config=config, pos=pos, _name=_name, **kwargs)
self._querytypes = HomogeneousList(str)
self._resulttype = None
@xmlelement(name='queryType', multiple_exc=W17)
def querytypes(self):
The type of HTTP request, either GET or POST.
The service may indicate support for both GET
and POST by providing 2 queryType elements, one
with GET and one with POST.
return self._querytypes
@xmlelement(name='resultType', multiple_exc=W36)
def resulttype(self):
"""The MIME type of a document returned in the HTTP response."""
return self._resulttype
def resulttype(self, resulttype):
self._resulttype = resulttype
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if len(self.querytypes) > 2:
warn_or_raise(W18, W18, config=config, pos=self._pos)
[docs]class Table(Element):
Table element as described in
def __init__(
self, config=None, pos=None, _name='table', version='1.1', **kwargs
super().__init__(config, pos, _name, **kwargs)
self._name = None
self._title = None
self._description = None
self._utype = None
self._type = kwargs.get("type")
self._version = version
self._columns = HomogeneousList(TableParam)
self._foreignkeys = HomogeneousList(ForeignKey)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Table name="{}">... {} columns ...</Table>'.format(
self.name, len(self.columns))
[docs] def describe(self):
if self.description is not None:
print('No description')
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W05)
def name(self):
the fully qualified name of the table. This name
should include all catalog or schema prefixes
needed to sufficiently uniquely distinguish it in a
In general, the format of the qualified name may
depend on the context; however, when the
table is intended to be queryable via ADQL, then the
catalog and schema qualifiers are delimited from the
table name with dots (.).
return self._name
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W13)
def title(self):
a descriptive, human-interpretable name for the table.
This is used for display purposes. There is no requirement
regarding uniqueness.
return self._title
def title(self, title):
self._title = title
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W06)
def description(self):
a free-text description of the table's contents
return self._description
def description(self, description):
self._description = description
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W09)
def utype(self):
an identifier for a concept in a data model that
the data in this table represent.
The format defined in the VOTable standard is highly
return self._utype
def utype(self, utype):
self._utype = utype
def type(self):
a name for the role this table plays. Recognized
values include "output", indicating this table is output
from a query; "base_table", indicating a table
whose records represent the main subjects of its
schema; and "view", indicating that the table represents
a useful combination or subset of other tables. Other
values are allowed.
return self._type
def type(self, type_):
self._type = type_
def version(self):
"""The version of the standard"""
return self._version
def version(self, version):
self._config['version'] = version
self._version = version
def columns(self):
A list of columns in the table.
Must contain only `TableParams` objects.
A description of a table column.
return self._columns
def columns(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
column = TableParam(config, pos, 'column', **data)
column.parse(iterator, config)
def foreignkeys(self):
A list of columns in the table. Must contain only `ForeignKey` objects
a description of a foreign keys, one or more columns
from the current table that can be used to join with
another table.
return self._foreignkeys
def foreignkeys(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
foreignkey = ForeignKey(config, pos, 'foreignKey', **data)
foreignkey.parse(iterator, config)
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if not self.name:
vo_raise(E06, self._Element__name, config=config, pos=self._pos)
[docs]class BaseParam(Element):
BaseParam element as described in
a description of a parameter that places no restriction on the parameter's
data type. As the parameter's data type is usually important, schemas
normally employ a sub-class of this type (e.g. Param), rather than this
type directly.
def __init__(self, config=None, pos=None, _name='', **kwargs):
config=config, pos=pos, _name=_name, **kwargs)
self._name = None
self._description = None
self._unit = None
self._ucd = None
self._utype = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<BaseParam name="{}"/>'.format(self.name)
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W05)
def name(self):
"""the name of the element"""
return self._name
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W06)
def description(self):
a free-text description of the element's contents
return self._description
def description(self, description):
self._description = description
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W07)
def unit(self):
"""the unit associated with all values in the element"""
return self._unit
def unit(self, unit):
self._unit = unit
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W08)
def ucd(self):
the name of a unified content descriptor that
describes the scientific content of the element.
There are no requirements for compliance with any
particular UCD standard. The format of the UCD can
be used to distinguish between UCD1, UCD1+, and
for the latest IVOA standard set.
return self._ucd
def ucd(self, ucd):
self._ucd = ucd
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W09)
def utype(self):
an identifier for a concept in a data model that
the data in this element represent.
The format defined in the VOTable standard is highly recommended.
return self._utype
def utype(self, utype):
self._utype = utype
[docs]class TableParam(BaseParam):
TableParam element as described in
A description of a table parameter having a fixed data type.
The allowed data type names match those supported by VOTable.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_field(cls, field):
Create a instance from a `~astropy.io.votable.tree.Field` instance.
instance = cls()
instance.name = field.name
instance.description = field.description
instance.unit = field.unit
instance.ucd = field.ucd
instance.utype = field.utype
datatype = VOTableType(arraysize=field.arraysize)
datatype.value = field.datatype
instance.datatype = datatype
return instance
def __init__(self, config=None, pos=None, _name='', std=None, **kwargs):
config=config, pos=pos, _name=_name, **kwargs)
self._datatype = None
self._flags = HomogeneousList(str)
self._std = _convert_boolean(std)
def datatype(self):
"""The type of data contained in the element"""
return self._datatype
def datatype(self, datatype):
if datatype is not None and not isinstance(datatype, TableDataType):
raise ValueError("datatype must be an TableDataType object")
self._datatype = datatype
def datatype(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
datatype = TableDataType(config, pos, 'dataType', **data)
datatype.parse(iterator, config)
if self.datatype:
W37, args=self._Element__name, config=config, pos=pos)
self.datatype = datatype
def flags(self):
A list of flags. Must contain only `str` objects.
a keyword representing traits of the column. Recognized values include
"indexed", "primary", and "nullable".
return self._flags
def std(self):
If true, the meaning and use of this parameter is
reserved and defined by a standard model. If false,
it represents a database-specific parameter
that effectively extends beyond the standard. If
not provided, then the value is unknown.
return self._std
def std(self, std):
self._std = std
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if not self.name:
vo_raise(E06, self._Element__name, config=config, pos=self._pos)
[docs]class DataType(ContentMixin, Element):
DataType element as described in
A type (in the computer language sense) associated with a parameter with an
arbitrary name.
This XML type is used as a parent for defining data types with a restricted
set of names.
def __init__(
self, config=None, pos=None, _name='dataType',
arraysize=None, delim=None, extendedType=None, extendedSchema=None,
config=config, pos=pos, _name=_name, **kwargs)
if arraysize is None:
arraysize = "1"
if delim is None:
delim = " "
self.arraysize = arraysize
self._delim = delim
self._extendedtype = extendedType
self.extendedschema = extendedSchema
def __repr__(self):
return '<DataType arraysize={}>{}</DataType>'.format(
self.arraysize, self.content)
def arraysize(self):
"""Specifies the size of the dataType"""
return self._arraysize
def arraysize(self, arraysize):
if all((
arraysize is not None,
not re.match(r"^([0-9]+x)*[0-9]*[*]?(s\W)?$", arraysize)
vo_raise(E01, arraysize, self._config, self._pos)
self._arraysize = arraysize
def delim(self):
the string that is used to delimit elements of an array
value when arraysize is not "1".
Unless specifically disallowed by the context,
applications should allow optional spaces to
appear in an actual data value before and after
the delimiter (e.g. "1, 5" when delim=",").
the default is " "; i.e. the values are delimited by spaces.
return self._delim
def delim(self, delim):
self._delim = delim
def extendedtype(self):
The data value represented by this type can be
interpreted as of a custom type identified by
the value of this attribute.
If an application does not recognize this
extendedType, it should attempt to handle value
assuming the type given by the element's value.
string is a recommended default type.
This element may make use of the extendedSchema
attribute and/or any arbitrary (qualified)
attribute to refine the identification of the type.
def extendedtype(self, extendedtype):
self._extendedtype = extendedtype
def extendedschema(self):
An identifier for the schema that the value given
by the extended attribute is drawn from.
This attribute is normally ignored if the
extendedType attribute is not present.
return self._extendedschema
def extendedschema(self, extendedschema):
if extendedschema is not None:
check_anyuri(extendedschema, self._config, self._pos)
self._extendedschema = extendedschema
[docs]class SimpleDataType(DataType):
SimpleDataType element as described in
A data type restricted to a small set of names which is imprecise as to the
format of the individual values.
This set is intended for describing simple input parameters to a service or
def _content_check(self, value):
if value is not None:
valid_values = {
'integer', 'real', 'complex', 'boolean', 'char', 'string'}
if value not in valid_values:
vo_warn(W02, value, self._config, self._pos)
[docs]class TableDataType(DataType):
TableDataType element as described in
an abstract parent for a class of data types that can be
used to specify the data type of a table column.
Subtypes must be decorated with ``register_xsi_type('ns:name')``.
_xsi_type_mapping = {}
[docs] @classmethod
def register_xsi_type(cls, typename):
"""Decorator factory for registering subtypes"""
def register(class_):
"""Decorator for registering subtypes"""
cls._xsi_type_mapping[typename] = class_
return class_
return register
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if 'xsi:type' not in kwargs:
xsi_type = kwargs.get('xsi:type')
dtype = cls._xsi_type_mapping.get(xsi_type, cls)
obj = DataType.__new__(dtype)
obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return obj
class VOTableType(TableDataType):
VOTableType element as described in
def _content_check(self, value):
if value is not None:
valid_values = (
'boolean', 'bit', 'unsignedByte', 'short', 'int', 'long',
'char', 'unicodeChar', 'float', 'double',
'floatComplex', 'doubleComplex')
if value not in valid_values:
vo_warn(W02, value, self._config, self._pos)
[docs]class TAPDataType(TableDataType):
TAPDataType element as described in
an abstract parent for the specific data types supported by the
Table Access Protocol.
def __init__(
self, config=None, pos=None, _name='dataType', size=None, **kwargs
config=config, pos=pos, _name=_name, **kwargs)
self.size = size
def size(self):
the length of the fixed-length value.
This corresponds to the size Column attribute in
the TAP_SCHEMA and can be used with data types
that are defined with a length (CHAR, BINARY).
return self._size
def size(self, size):
if size is not None and int(size) < 0:
size = 0
warn_or_raise(W03, W03, config=self._config, pos=self._pos)
self._size = size
class TAPType(TAPDataType):
TAPType element as described in
a data type supported explicitly by the Table Access Protocol (v1.0).
def _content_check(self, value):
if value is not None:
valid_values = (
if value not in valid_values:
vo_warn(W02, value, self._config, self._pos)
[docs]class FKColumn(Element):
FKColumn element as described in
def __init__(self, config=None, pos=None, _name='fkColumn', **kwargs):
config=config, pos=pos, _name=_name, **kwargs)
self._fromcolumn = None
self._targetcolumn = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<FKColumn fromColumn={} targetColumn={}>...</FKColumn>'.format(
self.fromcolumn, self.targetcolumn)
@xmlelement(name='fromColumn', plain=True, multiple_exc=W10)
def fromcolumn(self):
The unqualified name of the column from the current table.
return self._fromcolumn
def fromcolumn(self, fromcolumn):
self._fromcolumn = fromcolumn
@xmlelement(name='targetColumn', plain=True, multiple_exc=W11)
def targetcolumn(self):
The unqualified name of the column from the target table.
return self._targetcolumn
def targetcolumn(self, targetcolumn):
self._targetcolumn = targetcolumn
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if self.fromcolumn is None:
vo_raise(E02, config=config, pos=self._pos)
if self.targetcolumn is None:
vo_raise(E03, config=config, pos=self._pos)
[docs]class ForeignKey(Element):
ForeignKey element as described in
def __init__(self, config=None, pos=None, _name='foreignKey', **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, config, pos, _name, **kwargs)
self._targettable = None
self._fkcolumns = HomogeneousList(FKColumn)
self._description = None
self._utype = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<ForeignKey targetTable={}>...</ForeignKey>'.format(
@xmlelement(name='targetTable', plain=True, multiple_exc=W12)
def targettable(self):
the fully-qualified name (including catalog and schema, as
applicable) of the table that can be joined with the
table containing this foreign key.
return self._targettable
def targettable(self, targettable):
self._targettable = targettable
def fkcolumns(self):
A list of foreign key columns. Must contain only `FKColumn` objects.
a pair of column names, one from this table and one
from the target table that should be used to join the
tables in a query.
return self._fkcolumns
def fkcolumns(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos):
fkcolumn = FKColumn(config, pos, 'fkColumn', **data)
fkcolumn.parse(iterator, config)
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W06)
def description(self):
a free-text description of what this key points to
and what the relationship means.
return self._description
def description(self, description):
self._description = description
@xmlelement(plain=True, multiple_exc=W09)
def utype(self):
an identifier for a concept in a data model that
the association enabled by this key represents.
The format defined in the VOTable standard is highly
return self._utype
def utype(self, utype):
self._utype = utype
[docs] def parse(self, iterator, config):
super().parse(iterator, config)
if not self.targettable:
vo_raise(E04, config=config, pos=self._pos)
if not self.fkcolumns:
vo_raise(E05, config=config, pos=self._pos)