# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
a module for basic VO Registry interactions.
A VO registry is a database of VO resources--data collections and
services--that are available for VO applications. Typically, it is
aware of the resources from all over the world. A registry can find
relevent data collections and services through search
queries--typically, subject-based. The registry responds with a list
of records describing matching resources. With a record in hand, the
application can use the information in the record to access the
resource directly. Most often, the resource is a data service that
can be queried for individual datasets of interest.
This module provides basic, low-level access to the RegTAP Registries using
standardized TAP-based services.
import functools
import os
from astropy import table
from . import rtcons
from ..dal import scs, sia, ssa, sla, tap, query as dalq
from ..io.vosi import vodataservice
from ..utils.formatting import para_format_desc
__all__ = ["search", "get_RegTAP_query",
"RegistryResource", "RegistryResults", "ivoid2service"]
REGISTRY_BASEURL = os.environ.get("IVOA_REGISTRY", "http://reg.g-vo.org/tap"
# ADQL only has string_agg, where we need string arrays. We fake arrays
# by joining elements with a token separator that we think shouldn't
# turn up in the things joined. Of course, people could create
# resources that break us; let's assume there's nothing be gained
# from that ever.
TOKEN_SEP = ":::py VO sep:::"
def shorten_stdid(s):
"""removes leading ivo://ivoa.net/std/ from s if present.
We're using this to make the display and naming of standard ivoids
less ugly in several places.
Nones remain Nones.
if s and s.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/"):
return s[19:]
return s
def expand_stdid(s):
"""returns s if it already looks like a URI, and it prepends
ivo://ivoa.net/std otherwise.
This is the (approximate) reverse of shorten_stdid.
if s is None or "://" in s:
return s
return "ivo://ivoa.net/std/"+s
def get_RegTAP_service():
a lazily created TAP service offering the RegTAP services.
This uses regtap.REGISTRY_BASEURL. Always get the TAP service
there using this function to avoid re-creating the server
and profit from caching of capabilties, tables, etc.
return tap.TAPService(REGISTRY_BASEURL)
[docs]def get_RegTAP_query(*constraints:rtcons.Constraint,
includeaux=False, **kwargs):
"""returns SQL for a RegTAP query for constraints and keywords.
This function's parameters are as for search; this is basically
a wrapper for rtcons.build_regtap_query maintaining the legacy
keyword-based interface.
constraints = list(constraints)+rtcons.keywords_to_constraints(kwargs)
# maintain legacy includeaux by locating any Servicetype constraints
# and replacing them with ones that includes auxiliaries.
if includeaux:
for index, constraint in enumerate(constraints):
if isinstance(constraint, rtcons.Servicetype):
constraints[index] = constraint.include_auxiliary_services()
return rtcons.build_regtap_query(constraints)
[docs]def search(*constraints:rtcons.Constraint, includeaux=False, **kwargs):
execute a simple query to the RegTAP registry.
The function accepts query constraints either as Constraint objects
passed in as positional arguments or as their associated keywords.
For what constraints are available, see TODO.
The values of keyword arguments may be tuples or lists when the associated
Constraint objects take multiple arguments.
All constraints, whether passed in directly or via keywords, are
evaluated as a conjunction (i.e., in an AND clause).
includeaux : bool
Flag for whether to include auxiliary capabilities in results.
This may result in duplicate capabilities being returned,
especially if the servicetype is not specified.
a container holding a table of matching resource (e.g. services)
See Also
service = get_RegTAP_service()
query = RegistryQuery(
get_RegTAP_query(*constraints, includeaux=includeaux, **kwargs),
return query.execute()
class RegistryQuery(tap.TAPQuery):
def execute(self):
submit the query and return the results as a RegistryResults instance
for errors connecting to or communicating with the service
for errors either in the input query syntax or
other user errors detected by the service
for errors parsing the VOTable response
return RegistryResults(self.execute_votable(), self.queryurl)
[docs]class RegistryResults(dalq.DALResults):
an iterable set of results from a registry query. Each record is
returned as RegistryResults
[docs] def getrecord(self, index):
return all the attributes of a resource record with the given index
as SimpleResource instance (a dictionary-like object).
index : int
the zero-based index of the record
return RegistryResource(self, index)
[docs] def to_table(self):
returns a brief overview of the matched results as an astropy table.
This is mainly intended for interactive use, where people would
like to inspect the matches in, perhaps, notebooks.
return table.Table([
[r.res_title for r in self],
[r.res_description for r in self],
[", ".join(sorted(r.access_modes())) for r in self]],
names=("index", "title", "description", "interfaces"),
"Index to access the resource within self",
"Resource title",
"Resource description",
"Access modes offered"))
class _BrowserService:
"""A pseudo-service class just opening a web browser for browser-based
def __init__(self, access_url):
self.access_url = access_url
def search(self):
import webbrowser
webbrowser.open(self.access_url, 2)
class Interface:
a service interface.
These consist of an access URL, a standard id for the capability
(typically the ivoid of an IVOA standard, or None for free services),
an interface type (something like vs:paramhttp or vr:webbrowser)
and an indication if the interface is the "standard" interface
of the capability.
Such interfaces can be turned into services using the ``to_service``
method if pyvo knows how to talk to the interface.
Note that the constructor arguments are assumed to be normalised
as in regtap (e.g., lowercased for the standardIDs).
service_for_standardid = {
"ivo://ivoa.net/std/conesearch": scs.SCSService,
"ivo://ivoa.net/std/sia": sia.SIAService,
"ivo://ivoa.net/std/ssa": ssa.SSAService,
"ivo://ivoa.net/std/sla": sla.SLAService,
"ivo://ivoa.net/std/tap": tap.TAPService}
def __init__(self, access_url, standard_id, intf_type, intf_role):
self.access_url = access_url
self.standard_id = standard_id or None
self.is_vosi = standard_id.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/vosi")
self.type = intf_type or None
self.role = intf_role or None
self.is_standard = self.role=="std"
def to_service(self):
if self.type=="vr:webbrowser":
return _BrowserService(self.access_url)
if self.standard_id is None or not self.is_standard:
raise ValueError("This is not a standard interface. PyVO"
" cannot speak to it.")
service_class = self.service_for_standardid.get(
if service_class is None:
raise ValueError("PyVO has no support for interfaces with"
f" standard id {self.standard_id}.")
return service_class(self.access_url)
def supports(self, standard_id):
"""returns true if we believe the interface should be able to talk
At this point, we naively check if the interfaces's standard_id
has standard_id as a prefix. At this point, we cut off standard_id
fragments for this purpose. This works for all current DAL
standards but would, for instance, not work for VOSI. Hence,
this may need further logic if we wanted to extend our service
generation to VOSI or, perhaps, VOSpace.
standard_id : str
The ivoid of a standard.
if not self.standard_id:
return False
return self.standard_id.split("#")[0]==standard_id.split("#")[0]
[docs]class RegistryResource(dalq.Record):
a dictionary for the resource metadata returned in one record of a
registry query.
A SimpleResource acts as a dictionary, so in general, all attributes can
be accessed by name via the [] operator, and the attribute names can
by returned via the keys() function. For convenience, it also stores
key values as properties; these include:
_service = None
# the following attribute is used by datasearch._build_regtap_query
# to figure build the select clause; it is maintained here
# because this class knows what it expects to get.
# Each item is either a plain string for a column name, or
# a 2-tuple for an as clause; all plain strings are used
# used in the group by, and so it is assumed they are
# 1:1 to ivoid.
expected_columns = [
(f"\n ivo_string_agg(COALESCE(access_url, ''), '{TOKEN_SEP}')",
(f"\n ivo_string_agg(COALESCE(standard_id, ''), '{TOKEN_SEP}')",
(f"\n ivo_string_agg(COALESCE(intf_type, ''), '{TOKEN_SEP}')",
(f"\n ivo_string_agg(COALESCE(intf_role, ''), '{TOKEN_SEP}')",
def __init__(self, results, index, session=None):
dalq.Record.__init__(self, results, index, session)
] = self._mapping["access_urls"].split(TOKEN_SEP)
] = self._mapping["standard_ids"].split(TOKEN_SEP)
] = self._mapping["intf_types"].split(TOKEN_SEP)
] = self._mapping["intf_roles"].split(TOKEN_SEP)
self.interfaces = [Interface(*props)
for props in zip(
def ivoid(self):
the IVOA identifier for the resource.
return self.get("ivoid", decode=True)
def res_type(self):
the resource types that characterize this resource.
return self.get("res_type", decode=True)
def short_name(self):
the short name for the resource
return self.get("short_name", decode=True)
def res_title(self):
the title of the resource
return self.get("res_title", default=None, decode=True)
def content_levels(self):
a list of content level labels that describe the intended audience
for this resource.
return self.get("content_level", default="", decode=True).split("#")
def res_description(self):
the textual description of the resource.
See Also
return self.get("res_description", decode=True)
def reference_url(self):
URL pointing to a human-readable document describing this resource.
return self.get("reference_url", decode=True)
def creators(self):
The creator(s) of the resource
in the ordergiven by the resource record author
return self.get("creator_seq", default="", decode=True).split(";")
def content_types(self):
list of natures or genres of the content of the resource.
return self.get("content_type", decode=True).split("#")
def source_format(self):
The format of source_value.
return self.get("source_format", decode=True)
def region_of_regard(self):
numeric value representing the angle, given in decimal degrees,
by which a positional query against this resource should be "blurred"
in order to get an appropriate match.
return float(self.get("region_of_regard", 0))
def waveband(self):
a list of names of the wavebands that the resource provides data for
return self.get("waveband", default="", decode=True).split("#")
def access_url(self):
the URL that can be used to access the service resource.
# some services declare some data models using multiple
# identifiers; in this case, we'll get the same access URL
# multiple times in here. Don't be alarmed when that happens:
access_urls = list(set(self["access_urls"]))
if len(access_urls)==1:
return access_urls[0]
raise dalq.DALQueryError(
"No unique access URL. Use get_service.")
def standard_id(self):
the IVOA standard identifier
return self.get("standard_id", decode=True)
[docs] def access_modes(self):
returns a list of interface identifiers available on
this resource.
For standard interfaces, get_service will return a service
suitable for querying if you pass in an identifier from this
list as the service_type.
This will ignore VOSI (infrastructure) services.
return set(shorten_stdid(intf.standard_id) or "web"
for intf in self.interfaces
if (intf.standard_id or intf.type=="vr:webbrowser")
and not intf.is_vosi)
[docs] def get_interface(self,
"""returns a regtap.Interface class for service_type.
The meaning of the parameters is as for get_service. This
method does not return services, though, so you can use it to
obtain access URLs and such for interfaces that pyVO does
not (directly) support. In addition,
std_only : bool
Only return interfaces declared as "std". This is what you
want when you want to construct pyVO service objects later.
This parameter is ignored for the "web" service type.
if service_type=="web":
# this works very much differently in the Registry
# than do the proper services
candidates = [intf for intf in self.interfaces
if intf.type=="vr:webbrowser"]
service_type = expand_stdid(
service_type, service_type))
candidates = [intf for intf in self.interfaces
if ((not std_only) or intf.is_standard)
and not intf.is_vosi
and ((not service_type) or intf.supports(service_type))]
if not candidates:
raise ValueError(
"No matching interface.")
if len(candidates)>1 and not lax:
raise ValueError("Multiple matching interfaces found."
" Perhaps pass in service_type or use a Servicetype"
" constrain in the registry.search? Or use lax=True?")
return candidates[0]
[docs] def get_service(self,
return an appropriate DALService subclass for this resource that
can be used to search the resource using service_type.
Raise a ValueError if the service_type is not offerend on
the resource (or no standard service is offered). With
lax=False, also raise a ValueError if multiple interfaces
exist for the given service_type.
VOSI (infrastructure) services are always ignored here.
A magic service_type "web" can be passed in to get non-standard,
browser-based interfaces. The service in this case is an
object that opens a web browser if its query() method is called.
service_type : str
If you leave out ``service_type``, this will return a service
for "the" standard interface of the resource. If a resource
has multiple standard capabilities (e.g., both TAP and SSAP
endpoints), this will raise a DALQueryError.
Otherwise, a service of the given service type will be returned.
Pass in an ivoid of a standard or one of the shorthands from
rtcons.SERVICE_TYPE_MAP, or "web" for a web page (the "service"
for this will be an object opening a web browser when you call
its query method).
lax : bool
If there are multiple capabilities for service_type, the
function choose the first matching capability by default
Pass lax=False to instead raise a DALQueryError.
return self.get_interface(service_type, lax, std_only=True
def service(self):
return a service for this resource.
This will in general only work if the registry query has
constrained the service type; otherwise, many resources will
have multiple capabilities. Use get_service instead in
such cases.
if self._service is not None:
return self._service
self._service = self.get_service(None, True)
return self._service
[docs] def search(self, *args, **keys):
assuming this resource refers to a searchable service, execute a
search against the resource. This is equivalent to:
.. code:: python
self.to_service().search(*args, **keys)
The arguments provided should be appropriate for the service that
the DAL service type would expect. See the documentation for the
appropriate service type:
============ =========================================
Service type Use the argument syntax for
============ =========================================
catalog :py:meth:`pyvo.dal.scs.SCSService.search`
image :py:meth:`pyvo.dal.sia.SIAService.search`
spectrum :py:meth:`pyvo.dal.ssa.SSAService.search`
line :py:meth:`pyvo.dal.sla.SLAService.search`
database *not yet supported*
============ =========================================
if the resource does not describe a searchable service.
if not self.service:
raise dalq.DALServiceError(
"resource, {}, is not a searchable service".format(
return self.service.search(*args, **keys)
[docs] def describe(self, verbose=False, width=78, file=None):
Print a summary description of this resource.
verbose : bool
If false (default), only user-oriented information is
printed; if true, additional information will be printed
as well.
width : int
Format the description with given character-width.
out : writable file-like object
If provided, write information to this output stream.
Otherwise, it is written to standard out.
restype = "Custom Service"
stdid = self.get("standard_id", decode=True).lower()
if stdid:
if stdid.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/conesearch"):
restype = "Catalog Cone-search Service"
elif stdid.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/sia"):
restype = "Image Data Service"
elif stdid.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/ssa"):
restype = "Spectrum Data Service"
elif stdid.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/slap"):
restype = "Spectral Line Database Service"
elif stdid.startswith("ivo://ivoa.net/std/tap"):
restype = "Table Access Protocol Service"
print(restype, file=file)
print(para_format_desc(self.res_title), file=file)
print("Short Name: " + self.short_name, file=file)
print("IVOA Identifier: " + self.ivoid, file=file)
if self.access_url:
print("Base URL: " + self.access_url, file=file)
if self.res_description:
print(para_format_desc(self.res_description), file=file)
if self.short_name:
para_format_desc("Subjects: {}".format(self.short_name)),
if self.waveband:
val = (str(v) for v in self.waveband)
para_format_desc("Waveband Coverage: " + ", ".join(val)),
if verbose:
if self.standard_id:
print("StandardID: " + self.standard_id, file=file)
if self.reference_url:
print("More info: " + self.reference_url, file=file)
def _build_vosi_column(self, column_row):
return a io.vosi.vodataservice.Column element for a
query result from get_tables.
res = vodataservice.TableParam()
for att_name in ["name", "ucd", "unit", "utype"]:
setattr(res, att_name, column_row[att_name])
res.description = column_row["column_description"]
# TODO: be more careful with the type; this isn't necessarily a
# VOTable type (regrettably)
res.datatype = vodataservice.VOTableType(
res.datatype.content = column_row["datatype"]
return res
def _build_vosi_table(self, table_row, columns):
return a io.vosi.vodataservice.Table element for a
query result from get_tables.
res = vodataservice.Table()
res.name = table_row["table_name"]
res.title = table_row["table_title"]
res.description = table_row["table_description"]
res._columns = [
for row in columns]
return res
[docs] def get_tables(self, table_limit=20):
return the structure of the tables underlying the service.
This returns a dict with table names as keys and vosi.Table
objects as values (pretty much what tables returns for a TAP
Note that not only TAP services can (and do) define table
structures. The meaning of non-TAP tables is not always
as clear.
Also note that resources do not need to define tables at all.
You will receive an empty dictionary if they don't.
svc = get_RegTAP_service()
tables = svc.run_sync(
"""SELECT table_name, table_description, table_index, table_title
FROM rr.res_table
WHERE ivoid={}""".format(
if len(tables)>table_limit:
raise dalq.DALQueryError(f"Resource {self.ivoid} reports"
f" {len(tables)} tables. Pass a higher table_limit"
" to see them all.")
res = {}
for table_row in tables:
columns = svc.run_sync(
SELECT name, ucd, unit, utype, datatype, arraysize,
extended_type, column_description
FROM rr.table_column
WHERE ivoid={}
AND table_index={}""".format(
res[table_row["table_name"]] = self._build_vosi_table(
table_row, columns)
return res
[docs]def ivoid2service(ivoid, servicetype=None):
return service(s) for a given IVOID.
The servicetype option specifies the kind of service requested
(conesearch, sia, ssa, slap, or tap). By default, if none is
given, a list of all matching services is returned.
constraints = [rtcons.Ivoid(ivoid)]
if servicetype is not None:
resources = search(*constraints)
if len(resources)==0:
if servicetype:
raise dalq.DALQueryError(f"No resource {ivoid} with"
f" {servicetype} capability.")
raise dalq.DALQueryError(f"No resource {ivoid}")
# We're grouping by ivoid in search, so if there's a result
# there is only one.
resource = resources[0]
return resource.get_service(servicetype, lax=True)