
class pyvo.dal.SLAQuery(baseurl, wavelength=None, request='queryData', session=None, **keywords)[source]

Bases: pyvo.dal.DALQuery

a class for preparing an query to an SLA service. Query constraints are added via its service type-specific methods. The various execute() functions will submit the query and return the results.

The base URL for the query, which controls where the query will be sent when one of the execute functions is called, is typically set at construction time; however, it can be updated later via the baseurl to send a configured query to another service.

In addition to the search constraint attributes described below, search parameters can be set generically by name via the dict semantics.

The typical function for submitting the query is execute(); however, alternate execute functions provide the response in different forms, allowing the caller to take greater control of the result processing.

initialize the query object with a baseurl and the given parameters


the base URL for the SLA service

wavelengthQuantity class or sequence of two floats

the bandwidth range the observations belong to. assuming meters if unit is not specified.


optional session to use for network requests

**keywords :

additional parameters can be given via arbitrary case insensitive keyword arguments. Where there is overlap with the parameters set by the other arguments to this function, these keywords will override.

Attributes Summary


the type of service operation which is being performed


the frequency/wavelength range the observations belong to.

Methods Summary


submit the query and return the results as a SLAResults instance

Attributes Documentation


the type of service operation which is being performed


the frequency/wavelength range the observations belong to.

Methods Documentation


submit the query and return the results as a SLAResults instance


for errors connecting to or communicating with the service


for errors either in the input query syntax or other user errors detected by the service


for errors parsing the VOTable response