
class pyvo.dal.adhoc.DatalinkResults(votable, url=None, session=None)[source]

Bases: pyvo.dal.adhoc.DatalinkResultsMixin, pyvo.dal.DALResults

The list of matching records resulting from an datalink query. Each record contains a set of metadata that describes an available record matching the query constraints. The number of records in the results is available by passing it to the Python built-in len() function.

This class supports iterable semantics; thus, individual records (in the form of Record instances) are typically accessed by iterating over an DatalinkResults instance.

Alternatively, records can be accessed randomly via getrecord() or through a Python Database API (v2) Cursor (via cursor()). Column-based data access is possible via the getcolumn() method.

DatalinkResults is essentially a wrapper around an Astropy votable Table instance where the columns contain the various metadata describing the images. One can access that VOTable directly via the votable attribute. Thus, when one retrieves a whole column via getcolumn(), the result is a Numpy array. Alternatively, one can manipulate the results as an Astropy Table via the following conversion:

>>> table = results.to_table()

DatalinkResults supports the array item operator [...] in a read-only context. When the argument is numerical, the result is an Record instance, representing the record at the position given by the numerical index. If the argument is a string, it is interpreted as the name of a column, and the data from the column matching that name is returned as a Numpy array.

Methods Summary

bysemantics(semantics[, include_narrower])

return the rows with the dataset identified by the given semantics


return a clone of the object with results and corresponding


returns the first datalink row with a processing service.


return the first row with the dataset identified by semantics #this


return a representation of a datalink result record that follows dictionary semantics.


iterate over all rows with a processing service

Methods Documentation

bysemantics(semantics, include_narrower=True)[source]

return the rows with the dataset identified by the given semantics

semantics: str or list

One or more term(s) from the datalink vocabulary ( Terms may be passed in with or without a leading hash. Note that at this point non-datalink/core URIs (i.e., full resource URIs) are not supported (and will be butchered).

include_narrower: boolean

If true, the result will include matches for any term that is narrower than the term passed in.

Sequence of DatalinkRecord

a sequence of dictionary-like wrappers containing the result record

return a clone of the object with results and corresponding

resources matching a given id

Sequence of DatalinkRecord

a sequence of dictionary-like wrappers containing the result record


returns the first datalink row with a processing service.


return the first row with the dataset identified by semantics #this


a dictionary-like wrapper containing the result record.


return a representation of a datalink result record that follows dictionary semantics. The keys of the dictionary are those returned by this instance’s fieldnames attribute. The returned record has the additional function getdataset()


the integer index of the desired record where 0 returns the first record


a dictionary-like wrapper containing the result record metadata.


if index is negative or equal or larger than the number of rows in the result table.

See also


iterate over all rows with a processing service