
pyvo.dal.imagesearch2(url, pos=None, band=None, time=None, pol=None, field_of_view=None, spatial_resolution=None, spectral_resolving_power=None, exptime=None, timeres=None, publisher_did=None, facility=None, collection=None, instrument=None, data_type=None, calib_level=None, target_name=None, res_format=None, maxrec=None, session=None, **kwargs)

submit a simple SIA query to a SIAv2 compatible service


url of the SIA service (base or endpoint)

possingle or list of tuples

angle units (default: deg) the positional region(s) to be searched for data. Each region can be expressed as a tuple representing a CIRCLE, RANGE or POLYGON as follows: (ra, dec, radius) - for CIRCLE. (angle units - defaults to) (long1, long2, lat1, lat2) - for RANGE (angle units required) (ra, dec, ra, dec, ra, dec … ) ra/dec points for POLYGON all in angle units

bandscalar, tuple(interval) or list of tuples

(spectral units (default: meter) the energy interval(s) to be searched for data.

timesingle or list of Time or compatible strings

the time interval(s) to be searched for data.

polsingle or list of str from pyvo.dam.obscore.POLARIZATION_STATES

the polarization state(s) to be searched for data.

field_of_viewsingle or list of tuples

angle units (default arcsec) the range(s) of field of view (size) to be searched for data

spatial_resolutionsingle or list of tuples

angle units required the range(s) of spatial resolution to be searched for data

spectral_resolving_powersingle or list of tuples

the range(s) of spectral resolving power to be searched for data

exptimesingle or list of tuples

time units (default: second) the range(s) of exposure times to be searched for data

timeressingle of list of tuples

time units (default: second) the range(s) of temporal resolution to be searched for data

publisher_didsingle or list of str

specifies the unique identifier of dataset(s). It is global because it must include information regarding the publisher (obs_publisher_did in ObsCore)

collectionsingle or list of str

name of the collection that the data belongs to

facilitysingle or list of str

specifies the name of the facility (usually telescope) where the data was acquired.

instrumentsingle or list of str

specifies the name of the instrument with which the data was acquired.


specifies the type of the data

calib_levelsingle or list from enum

pyvo.dam.obscore.CALIBRATION_LEVELS specifies the calibration level of the data. Can be a single value or a list of values

target_namesingle or list of str

specifies the name of the target (e.g. the intention of the original science program or observation)

res_formatsingle or list of strings

specifies response format(s).


allows the client to limit the number or records in the response

**kwargscustom query parameters

single or a list of values (or tuples for intervals) custom query parameters that a specific service accepts. The values of the parameters need to follow the SIAv2 format and represent the appropriate quantities (where applicable).