Registry (pyvo.registry)

This is an interface to the Virtual Observatory Registry, a collection of metadata records of the VO’s “resources” (“resource” is jargon for: a collection of datasets, usually with a service in front of it). For a wider background, see 2014A&C…..7..101D for the general architecture and 2015A&C….10…88D for the search interfaces.

There are two fundamental modes of searching in the VO:

  1. Data discovery: This is when you are looking for some sort of data collection based on its metadata; a classical example would be something like “I need redshifts of supernovae”.

  2. Service discovery: This is what you need when you want to query all services of a certain kind (e.g., „all spectral services claiming to have infrared data“), which in turn is the basis of all-VO dataset discovery (“give me all infrared spectra of 3C273”)

Both modes are supported by this module.

Basic interface

The main interface for the module is; the examples below assume:

>>> from pyvo import registry

This function accepts one or more search constraints, which can be either specificed using constraint objects as positional arguments or as keyword arguments. The following constraints are available:

  • pyvo.registry.Freetext (keywords): one or more freetext words, mached in the title, description or subject of the resource.

  • pyvo.registry.Servicetype (servicetype): constrain to one of tap, ssa, sia, conesearch. This is the constraint you want to use for service discovery.

  • pyvo.registry.UCD (ucd): constrain by one or more UCD patterns; resources match when they serve columns having a matching UCD (e.g., phot.mag; for “any infrared magnitude”).

  • pyvo.registry.Waveband (waveband): one or more terms from the vocabulary at giving the rough spectral location of the resource.

  • pyvo.registry.Author (author): an author (“creator”). This is a single SQL pattern, and given the sloppy practices in the VO for how to write author names, you should probably generously use wildcards.

  • pyvo.registry.Datamodel (datamodel): one of obscore, epntap, or regtap: only return TAP services having tables of this kind.

  • pyvo.registry.Ivoid (ivoid): exactly match a single IVOA identifier (that is, in effect, the primary key in the VO).

  • pyvo.registry.Spatial (spatial): match resources covering a certain geometry (point, circle, polygon, or MOC). RegTAP 1.2 Extension

  • pyvo.registry.Spectral (spectral): match resources covering a certain part of the spectrum (usually, but not limited to, the electromagnetic spectrum). RegTAP 1.2 Extension

  • pyvo.registry.Temporal (temporal): match resources covering a some point or interval in time. RegTAP 1.2 Extension

Multiple constraints are combined conjunctively (”AND”).

Constraints marked with RegTAP 1.2 Extension are not available on all IVOA RegTAP services (they are on pyVO’s default RegTAP endpoint, though). Also refer to the class documentation for further caveats on these.

Hence, to look for for resources with UV data mentioning white dwarfs you could either run:

>>>"white dwarf", waveband="UV")


>>>"white dwarf"),
...   registry.Waveband("UV"))

or a mixture between the two. Constructing using explicit constraints is generally preferable with more complex queries. Where the constraints accept multiple arguments, you can pass in sequences to the keyword arguments; for instance:

>>>"Radio", "Submillimeter"))

is equivalent to:

>>>["Radio", "Submillimeter"])

There is also pyvo.registry.get_RegTAP_query(), accepting the same arguments as This function simply returns the ADQL query that search would execute. This is may be useful to construct custom RegTAP queries, which could then be executed on TAP services implementing the regtap data model.

Data Discovery

In data discovery, you look for resources matching your constraints and then figure out in a second step how to query them. For instance, to look for resources giving redshifts in connection with supernovae, you would say:

>>> resources ="src.redshift"),
...   registry.Freetext("supernova"))

After that, resources is an instance of pyvo.registry.RegistryResults, which you can iterate over. In interactive data discovery, however, it is usually preferable to use the to_table method for an overview of the resources available:

>>> resources.to_table()
<Table length=158>
index                              title                              ...        interfaces
int32                              str67                              ...          str24
----- --------------------------------------------------------------- ... ------------------------
    0               Asiago Supernova Catalogue (Barbon et al., 1999-) ... conesearch, tap#aux, web
    1                   Asiago Supernova Catalogue (Version 2008-Mar) ... conesearch, tap#aux, web
    2      Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey (Sako+, 2018) ... conesearch, tap#aux, web

The idea is that in notebook-like interfaces you can pick resources by title, description, and perhaps the access mode (“interface”) offered. In the list of interfaces, you will sometimes spot an #aux after a standard id; this is a minor VO technicality that you can in practice ignore. For instance, you can simply construct pyvo.dal.TAPService-s from tap#aux interfaces.

Once you have found a resource you would like to query, pick it by index (which will not be stable across multiple executions. Use a resource’s ivoid to identify resources over multiple runs of a programme; cf. the pyvo.registry.Ivoid constraint). Use the get_service method of pyvo.registry.RegistryResource to obtain a DAL service object for a particular sort of interface. To query the fourth match using simple cone search, you would thus say:

>>> resources[4].get_service("conesearch").search(pos=(120, 73), sr=1)
<Table length=1>
   _r    recno   SN   r_SN    z       sI     e_sI     t1     e_t1     I1     e_I1     t2     e_t2     I2     e_I2    chi2    N   Simbad    _RA       _DE
  deg                                                 d       d      mag     mag      d       d      mag     mag                           deg       deg
float64  int32  str6 uint8 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 int16  str6   float64   float64
-------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ------ --------- ---------
0.588592    19 1995E     3   0.012   1.026   0.040   0.067   0.635  15.393   0.024  26.340   0.950  16.093   0.050    6.78    14 Simbad 117.98646  73.00961

To operate TAP services, you need to know what tables make up a resource; you could construct a TAP service and access its tables attribute, but you can take a shortcut and call a RegistryResource’s get_tables method for a rather similar result:

>>> tables = resources[4].get_tables()
>>> list(tables.keys())
>>> tables['J/A+A/437/789/table2'].columns
[<BaseParam name="recno"/>, <BaseParam name="sn"/>, <BaseParam name="r_sn"/>, <BaseParam name="z"/>, <BaseParam name="si"/>, <BaseParam name="e_si"/>, <BaseParam name="t1"/>, <BaseParam name="e_t1"/>, <BaseParam name="i1"/>, <BaseParam name="e_i1"/>, <BaseParam name="t2"/>, <BaseParam name="e_t2"/>, <BaseParam name="i2"/>, <BaseParam name="e_i2"/>, <BaseParam name="chi2"/>, <BaseParam name="n"/>, <BaseParam name="simbad"/>, <BaseParam name="_ra"/>, <BaseParam name="_de"/>]

In this case, this is a table with one of VizieR’s somewhat funky names. To run a TAP query based on this metadata, do something like:

>>> resources[4].get_service("tap#aux").run_sync(
...   'SELECT sn, z FROM "J/A+A/437/789/table2" WHERE z>0.04')
<Table length=4>
  SN      z
object float64
------ -------
1992bh   0.045
1992bp   0.079
1993ag   0.049
 1993O   0.051

A special sort of access mode is web, which represents some facility related to the resource that works in a web browser. You can ask for a “service” for it, too; you will then receive an object that has a search method, and when you call it, a browser window should open with the query facility (this uses python’s webbrowser module):


Note that for interactive data discovery in the VO Registry, you may also want to have a look at Aladin’s discovery tree, TOPCAT’s VO menu, or at services like DataScope or WIRR in your web browser.

Service Discovery

Service discovery is what you want typcially in connection with a search for datasets, as in “Give me all infrared spectra of Bellatrix“. To do that, you want to run the same DAL query against all the services of a given sort. This means that you will have to include a servicetype constraint such that all resources in your registry results can be queried in the same way.

When that is the case, you can use each RegistryResource’s service attribute, which contains a DAL service instance. The opening example could be written like this:

>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> my_obj = SkyCoord.from_name("Bellatrix")
>>> for res in"infrared", servicetype="spectrum"):
...   print(, size=0.001))

In reality, you will have to add some error handling to this kind of all-VO queries: in a wide and distributed network, some service is always down.

The central point is: With a servicetype constraint, each result has a well-defined service attribute that contains some subclass of dal.Service and that can be queried in a uniform fashion.

TAP services may provide tables in well-defined data models, like EPN-TAP or obscore. These can be queried in similar loops, although in some cases you will have to adapt the queries to the resources found.

In the obscore case, an all-VO query would look like this:

>>> for svc_rec in"obscore"):
...     print(svc_rec.service.run_sync(
...         "SELECT DISTINCT dataproduct_type FROM ivoa.obscore"))

Again, in production this needs explicit handling of failing services. For an example of how this might look like, see GAVO’s plate tutorial

Search results

What is coming back from is rather similar to Resultsets and Records; just remember that for interactive use there is the to_tables method discussed above.

The individual items are instances of pyvo.registry.regtap.RegistryResource, which expose many pieces of metadata (e.g., title, description, creators, etc) in attributes named like their RegTAP counterparts (see the class documentation). A few attributes deserve a second look.

First, service will, for resources that only have a single capability, return a DAL service object ready for querying using the respective protocol. You should only use that attribute when the original reqistry query constrained the service type, because otherwise there is no telling what kind of service you will get back.

When the registry query did not constrain the service type, you can use the access_modes method to see what capabilities are available. For instance:

>>> res ="ivo://org.gavo.dc/flashheros/q/ssa")[0]
>>> res.access_modes()
{'ssa', 'datalink#links-1.0', 'tap#aux', 'web', 'soda#sync-1.0'}

– this service can be accessed through SSA, TAP, a web interface, and two special capabilities that pyvo cannot produce services for (mainly because standalone service objects do not make much sense for them).

To obtain a service for one of the access modes pyVO does support, use get_service(mode). For web, this returns an object that opens a web browser window when its query method is called.

RegistryResource-s also have a get_contact method. Use this if the service is down or seems to have bugs; you should in general get at least an e-Mail address:

>>> res.get_contact()
'GAVO Data Center Team (++49 6221 54 1837) <>'

Finally, the registry has an idea of what kind of tables are published through a resource, much like the VOSI tables endpoint (as a matter of fact, the Registry should contain exactly what is there, as VOSI tables in effect just gives a part of the registry record). Not all publishers properly provide table metadata to the Registry, though, but most do these days, and then you can run:

>>> res.get_tables()
{'ivoa.obscore': <Table name="ivoa.obscore">... 0 columns ...</Table>, '': <Table name="">... 29 columns ...</Table>}


pyvo.registry Package

a package for interacting with registries.

The regtap module supports access to the IVOA Registries


search(*constraints[, includeaux])

execute a simple query to the RegTAP registry.

get_RegTAP_query(*constraints[, includeaux])

returns SQL for a RegTAP query for constraints and keywords.



A contraint using plain text to match against title, description, subjects, and person names.


A constraint for creators (“authors”) of a resource; you can use SQL patterns here.


A constraint for for the availability of a certain kind of service on the result.


A constraint on messenger particles.


A constraint on the adherence to a data model.


A constraint selecting a single resource by its IVOA identifier.


A constraint selecting resources having tables with columns having UCDs matching a SQL pattern (% as wildcard).

Spatial(geom_spec[, order])

A RegTAP constraint selecting resources covering a geometry in space.


A RegTAP constraint on the spectral coverage of resources.


A RegTAP constraint on the temporal coverage of resources.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pyvo.registry.rtcons.Freetext, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Author, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Servicetype, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Waveband, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Datamodel, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Ivoid, pyvo.registry.rtcons.UCD, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Spatial, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Spectral, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Temporal

pyvo.registry.regtap Module

a module for basic VO Registry interactions.

A VO registry is a database of VO resources–data collections and services–that are available for VO applications. Typically, it is aware of the resources from all over the world. A registry can find relevent data collections and services through search queries–typically, subject-based. The registry responds with a list of records describing matching resources. With a record in hand, the application can use the information in the record to access the resource directly. Most often, the resource is a data service that can be queried for individual datasets of interest.

This module provides basic, low-level access to the RegTAP Registries using standardized TAP-based services.


search(*constraints[, includeaux])

execute a simple query to the RegTAP registry.

get_RegTAP_query(*constraints[, includeaux])

returns SQL for a RegTAP query for constraints and keywords.

ivoid2service(ivoid[, servicetype])

return service(s) for a given IVOID.


RegistryResource(results, index[, session])

a dictionary for the resource metadata returned in one record of a registry query.

RegistryResults(votable[, url, session])

an iterable set of results from a registry query.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pyvo.registry.regtap.RegistryResource, pyvo.registry.regtap.RegistryResults

pyvo.registry.rtcons Module

Constraints for doing registry searches.

The Constraint class encapsulates a query fragment in a RegTAP query, e.g., a keyword, a sky location, an author name, a class of services. They are used either directly as arguments to, or by passing keyword arguments into The mapping from keyword arguments to constraint classes happens through the _keyword attribute in Constraint-derived classes.



returns a RegTAP query ready for submission from a list of Constraint instances.

format_function_call(func_name, args)

make an ADQL literal for a function call with arguments.


returns constraints expressed as keywords as Constraint instances.


makes a SQL literal from a python value.



A constraint for creators (“authors”) of a resource; you can use SQL patterns here.


an abstract base class for data discovery contraints.


A constraint on the adherence to a data model.


A contraint using plain text to match against title, description, subjects, and person names.


A constraint selecting a single resource by its IVOA identifier.


A constraint for for the availability of a certain kind of service on the result.

Spatial(geom_spec[, order])

A RegTAP constraint selecting resources covering a geometry in space.


A RegTAP constraint on the spectral coverage of resources.


A RegTAP constraint on the temporal coverage of resources.


A constraint selecting resources having tables with columns having UCDs matching a SQL pattern (% as wildcard).


A constraint on messenger particles.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pyvo.registry.rtcons.Author, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Constraint, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Datamodel, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Freetext, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Ivoid, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Servicetype, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Spatial, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Spectral, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Temporal, pyvo.registry.rtcons.UCD, pyvo.registry.rtcons.Waveband