Source code for gavo.base.attrdef

Attribute definitions for structures.

These are objects having at least the following attributes and methods:

	- name -- will become the attribute name on the embedding class
	- parseName -- the name of the XML/event element they can parse.  This
		usually is identical to name, but may differ for compound attributes
	- default -- may be Undefined, otherwise a valid value of the
		expected type
	- description -- for user documentation
	- typeDesc -- describing the content; this is usually a class
		attribute and intended for user documentation
	- before -- the name of another attribute the attribute should precede
		in XML serializations.  It is not an error to refer to an attribute
		that does not exist.
	- feedObject(instance, ob) -> None -- adds ob to instance's attribute value.
		This will usually just result in setting the attribute; for compound
		attributes, this may instead append to a list, add to a set, etc.
	- getCopy(instance, newParent, ctx) -> value -- returns the python value
		of the attribute in instance, copying mutable values (deeply) in the
	- iterParentMethods() -> iter((name, value)) -- iterates over methods
		to be inserted into the parent class.
	- makeUserDoc() -> returns some RST-valid string describing what the object
		is about.

They may have an attribute xmlName that allows parsing from xml elements
named differently from the attribute.  To keep things transparent, use
this sparingly; the classic use case is with lists, where you can call
an attribute options but have the XML element still be just "option".

AtomicAttributes, defined as those that are parsed from a unicode literal,
add methods

	- feed(ctx, instance, literal) -> None -- arranges for literal to be parsed
		and passed to feedObject.  ctx is a parse context.  The built-in method
		does not expect anything from this object, but structure has a default
		implementation containing an idmap and a property registry.
	- parse(self, value) -> anything -- returns a python value for the
		unicode literal value
	- unparse(self, value) -> unicode -- returns a unicode object representing
		value and parseable by parse to that value.

This is not enough for complex attributes.  More on those in the
base.complexattrs module.

AttributeDefs *may* have a validate(instance) method.  Structure instances
will call them when they are done building.  They should raise
LiteralParseErrors if it turns out a value that looked right is not after
all (in a way, they could catch validity rather than well-formedness violations,
but I don't think this distinction is necessary here).

See structure on how to use all these.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

import os
import re

from gavo import utils
from gavo.utils import Undefined
from gavo.base import literals
from gavo.base.common import LiteralParseError, NotGiven

class Recursive(object):
	"""a sentinel class for attributes embedding structures to signify
	they embed the structure embedding them.
	name_ = "RECURSIVE"

[docs]class Computed(object): """A sentinel class for computed (property) defaults. Use this to construct AttributeDefs with defaults that are properties to inhibit assigning to them. This should only be required in calls of the superclass's init. """
# Values for which no special stringification for docs is attempted _nullLikeValues = set([None, Undefined, NotGiven])
[docs]class AttributeDef(object): """is the base class for all attribute definitions. See above. The data attribute names have all an underscore added to avoid name clashes -- structures should have about the same attributes and may want to have managed attributes called name or description. When constructing AttributeDefs, you should only use keyword arguments, except for name (the first argument). Note that an AttributeDef might be embedded by many instances. So, you must *never* store any instance data in an AttributeDef (unless it's really a singleton, of course). """ typeDesc_ = "unspecified, invalid" def __init__(self, name, default=None, description="Undocumented", copyable=False, aliases=None, callbacks=None, before=None): self.name_, self.description_ = name, description self.copyable = copyable self.aliases = aliases self.callbacks = callbacks self.before = before if default is not Computed: self.default_ = default
[docs] def iterParentMethods(self): """returns an iterator over (name, method) pairs that should be inserted in the parent class. """ return iter([])
[docs] def doCallbacks(self, instance, value): """should be called after feedObject has done its work. """ if self.callbacks: for cn in self.callbacks: getattr(instance, cn)(value)
[docs] def feedObject(self, instance, value): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("%s doesn't implement feeding objects"% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def feed(self, ctx, instance, value): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("%s doesn't implement feeding literals"% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def getCopy(self, instance, newParent, ctx): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("%s cannot be copied."% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def makeUserDoc(self): return "**%s** (%s; defaults to %s) -- %s"%( self.name_, self.typeDesc_, repr(self.default_), self.description_)
[docs]class AtomicAttribute(AttributeDef): """A base class for attributes than can be immediately parsed and unparsed from strings. They need to provide a parse method taking a unicode object and returning a value of the proper type, and an unparse method taking a value of the proper type and returning a unicode string suitable for parse. Note that you can, of course, assign to the attribute directly. If you assign crap, the unparse method is explicitly allowed to bomb in random ways; it just has to be guaranteed to work for values coming from parse (i.e.: user input is checked, programmatic input can blow up the thing; I consider this pythonesque :-). """
[docs] def parse(self, value): # pragma: no cover """returns a typed python value for the string representation value. value can be expected to be a unicode string. """ raise NotImplementedError("%s does not define a parse method"% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def unparse(self, value): # pragma: no cover """returns a typed python value for the string representation value. value can be expected to be a unicode string. """ raise NotImplementedError("%s does not define an unparse method"% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def feed(self, ctx, instance, value): self.feedObject(instance, self.parse(value))
[docs] def feedObject(self, instance, value): setattr(instance, self.name_, value) self.doCallbacks(instance, value)
[docs] def getCopy(self, instance, newParent, ctx): # We assume atoms are immutable here return getattr(instance, self.name_)
[docs] def makeUserDoc(self): default = self.default_ try: if default not in _nullLikeValues: default = self.unparse(default) except TypeError: # unhashable defaults can be unparsed default = self.unparse(default) return "**%s** (%s; defaults to %s) -- %s"%( self.name_, self.typeDesc_, repr(default), self.description_)
[docs]class RawAttribute(AtomicAttribute): """An attribute definition that does no parsing at all. This is only useful in "internal" structures that never get serialized or deserialized. """
[docs] def parse(self, value): return value
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return value
[docs]class UnicodeAttribute(AtomicAttribute): """An attribute definition for an item containing a string. This will decode bytes passed in assuming they're utf-8 and fail if they're not. Unparsing will not bring them back to bytes. In addition to AtomicAttribute's keywords, you can use ``strip`` (default false) to have leading and trailing whitespace be removed on parse. (Unparsing will not add it back). You can also add ``expand`` (default False) to have UnicodeAttribute try and expand RD macros on the instance passed in. This of course only works if the attribute lives on a class that is a MacroPackage. """ typeDesc_ = "unicode string" def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): self.nullLiteral = kwargs.pop("null", "__NULL__") self.strip = kwargs.pop("strip", False) self.expand = kwargs.pop("expand", False) AtomicAttribute.__init__(self, name, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, value): if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode("utf-8") if value==self.nullLiteral: return None if self.strip: value = value.strip() return value
[docs] def unparse(self, value): if value is None: if self.nullLiteral is None: raise ValueError("Unparse None without a null literal can't work.") return self.nullLiteral return value
[docs] def feed(self, ctx, instance, value): if self.expand and "\\" in value: value = instance.expand(value) self.feedObject(instance, self.parse(value))
[docs]class NWUnicodeAttribute(UnicodeAttribute): """A UnicodeAttribute that has its whitespace normalized. Normalization consists of stripping whitespace at the ends and replacing any runs or internal whitespace by a single blank. The whitespace will not be added back on unparsing. """ typeDesc_ = "whitespace normalized unicode string"
[docs] def parse(self, value): value = UnicodeAttribute.parse(self, value) if value is None: return value return re.sub("\s+", " ", value.strip())
[docs]class FunctionRelativePathAttribute(UnicodeAttribute): """A (utf-8 encoded) path relative to the result of some function at runtime. This is used to make things relative to config items. """ def __init__(self, name, baseFunction, default=None, description="Undocumented", **kwargs): kwargs["strip"] = kwargs.get("strip", True) UnicodeAttribute.__init__(self, name, default=default, description=description, **kwargs) self.baseFunction = baseFunction self.hiddenAttName = "_real_"+self.name_
[docs] def parse(self, value): return value
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return value
[docs] def iterParentMethods(self): def computePath(instance): relative = getattr(instance, self.hiddenAttName) if relative is Undefined: raise utils.StructureError("Attribute %s is mandatory"%self.name_) if relative is NotGiven or relative is None: return relative return os.path.join(self.baseFunction(instance), relative) def setRelative(instance, value): setattr(instance, self.hiddenAttName, value) yield (self.name_, property(computePath, setRelative))
[docs]class EnumeratedUnicodeAttribute(UnicodeAttribute): """An attribute definition for an item that can only take on one of a finite set of values. """ def __init__(self, name, default, validValues, **kwargs): kwargs["strip"] = kwargs.get("strip", True) UnicodeAttribute.__init__(self, name, default=default, **kwargs) self.validValues = set(validValues) @property def typeDesc_(self): return "One of: %s"%", ".join(sorted(self.validValues))
[docs] def parse(self, value): value = UnicodeAttribute.parse(self, value) if not value in self.validValues: raise LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="Valid values include %s"%",".join(self.validValues)) return value
[docs]class IntAttribute(AtomicAttribute): """An attribute definition for integer attributes. """ typeDesc_ = "integer"
[docs] def parse(self, value): try: return int(value) except ValueError: raise utils.logOldExc( LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="Value must be an" " integer literal."))
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return str(value)
[docs]class FloatAttribute(AtomicAttribute): """An attribute definition for floating point attributes. """ typeDesc_ = "float"
[docs] def parse(self, value): try: return float(value) except ValueError: raise utils.logOldExc( LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint="value must be a float" " literal"))
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return str(value)
[docs]class BooleanAttribute(AtomicAttribute): """A boolean attribute. Boolean literals are strings like True, false, on, Off, yes, No in some capitalization. """ typeDesc_ = "boolean"
[docs] def parse(self, value): try: return literals.parseBooleanLiteral(value) except ValueError: raise utils.logOldExc(LiteralParseError(self.name_, value, hint= "A boolean literal (e.g., True, False, yes, no) is expected here."))
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return {True: "True", False: "False"}[value]
[docs]class StringListAttribute(UnicodeAttribute): """An attribute containing a list of comma separated strings. The value is a list. This is similar to a complexattrs.ListOfAtoms with UnicodeAttribute items, except the literal is easier to write but more limited. Use this for the user's convenience. """ typeDesc_ = "Comma-separated list of strings" realDefault = [] def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): if "default" in kwargs: self.realDefault = kwargs.pop("default") UnicodeAttribute.__init__(self, name, default=Computed, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, value): value = UnicodeAttribute.parse(self, value) res = [str(name.strip()) for name in value.split(",") if name.strip()] return res
@property def default_(self): try: return self.realDefault[:] except TypeError: # Not iterable; that's the client's problem. return self.realDefault
[docs] def unparse(self, value): return ", ".join(value)
[docs]class StringSetAttribute(StringListAttribute): """A StringListAttribute, except the result is a set. """ realDefault = set()
[docs] def parse(self, value): return set(StringListAttribute.parse(self, value))
@property def default_(self): return self.realDefault.copy()
[docs]class IdMapAttribute(AtomicAttribute): """An attribute allowing a quick specification of identifiers to identifiers. The literal format is <id>:<id>{,<id>:<id>},? with ignored whitespace. """ typeDesc_ = "Comma-separated list of <identifier>:<identifier> pairs"
[docs] def parse(self, val): if val is None: return None val = val.strip().rstrip(",") try: return dict((k.strip(), v.strip()) for k,v in (p.split(":") for p in val.split(","))) except ValueError: raise utils.logOldExc(LiteralParseError(self.name_, val, hint="A key-value enumeration of the format k:v {,k:v}" " is expected here"))
[docs] def unparse(self, val): if val is None: return None return ", ".join(["%s: %s"%(k, v) for k, v in val.items()])
[docs]class ActionAttribute(UnicodeAttribute): """An attribute definition for attributes triggering a method call on the parent instance. They do create an attribute on parent which is None by default and the attribute value as a unicode string once the attribute was encountered. This could be used to handle multiple occurrences but is not in this basic definition. """ def __init__(self, name, methodName, description="Undocumented", **kwargs): kwargs["strip"] = kwargs.get("strip", True) self.methodName = methodName UnicodeAttribute.__init__(self, name, default=None, description=description, **kwargs)
[docs] def feed(self, ctx, instance, value): UnicodeAttribute.feed(self, ctx, instance, value) getattr(instance, self.methodName)(ctx)
# __init__ does an import * from this. You shouldn't. __all__ = ["LiteralParseError", "Undefined", "UnicodeAttribute", "IntAttribute", "BooleanAttribute", "AtomicAttribute", "EnumeratedUnicodeAttribute", "AttributeDef", "Computed", "FunctionRelativePathAttribute", "StringListAttribute", "ActionAttribute", "FloatAttribute", "StringSetAttribute", "NotGiven", "IdMapAttribute", "NWUnicodeAttribute", "RawAttribute"]