Source code for gavo.rscdef.rowtriggers

Framework for ignoring rows based on various conditions.

#c Copyright 2008-2023, the GAVO project <>
#c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the
#c COPYING file in the source distribution.

from gavo import base
from gavo.base import typesystems

[docs]class TriggerPulled(base.Error): def __init__(self, msg, triggerName): base.Error.__init__(self, msg) self.triggerName = triggerName self.args = [msg, triggerName]
_triggerRegistry = {}
[docs]def registerTrigger(trigger): _triggerRegistry[trigger.name_] = trigger return trigger
[docs]def getTrigger(name): return _triggerRegistry[name]
[docs]class TriggerBase(base.Structure): """A trigger, i.e., a boolean construct. This element does not actually occur in resource descriptors. Refer to Triggers_ for triggers actually available. """ # Basically, a trigger can be called and has to return True when it fires, # false otherwise. So, you generally want to override its __call__ method. # All __call__ methods have the constant signature __call__(dict) -> bool. name_ = "trigger" _name = base.UnicodeAttribute("name", default="unnamed", description="A name that should help the user figure out what trigger" " caused some condition to fire.", copyable=True)
[docs]class KeyedCondition(TriggerBase): """is an abstract base class for triggers firing on a single key. """ _key = base.UnicodeAttribute("key", default=base.Undefined, description="Key to check", copyable=True)
[docs]class KeyPresent(KeyedCondition): """A trigger firing if a certain key is present in the dict. """ name_ = "keyPresent" def __call__(self, dict): return self.key in dict
[docs]class KeyMissing(KeyedCondition): """A trigger firing if a certain key is missing in the dict. This is equivalent to:: <not><keyPresent key="xy"/></not> """ name_ = "keyMissing" def __call__(self, dict): return self.key not in dict
[docs]class KeyNull(KeyedCondition): """A trigger firing if a certain key is missing or NULL/None """ name_ = "keyNull" def __call__(self, dict): return dict.get(self.key) is None
[docs]class KeyIs(KeyedCondition): """A trigger firing when the value of key in row is equal to the value given. Missing keys are always accepted. You can define an SQL type; value will then be interpreted as a literal for this type, and this literal's value will be compared against the key's value. This is only needed for grammars like fitsProductGrammar that actually yield typed values. """ name_ = "keyIs" _value = base.UnicodeAttribute("value", default=base.Undefined, description="The string value to fire on.", copyable=True) _type = base.UnicodeAttribute("type", default="text", description="An SQL type the python equivalent of which the value" " should be converted to before checking.")
[docs] def onElementComplete(self): self.compValue = self.value if self.type!="text": self.compValue = typesystems.sqltypeToPython(self.type)(self.value)
def __call__(self, dict): return self.key in dict and dict[self.key]==self.compValue
[docs]class ConditionBase(TriggerBase): """is an abstract base for anything that can incorporate the basic triggers. If you don't override __call__, the basic operation is or-ing together all embedded conditions. """ _triggers = base.MultiStructListAttribute("triggers", childFactory=getTrigger, childNames=_triggerRegistry, description=("One or more conditions joined by an implicit logical or." " See Triggers_ for information on what can stand here."), copyable=True) def __call__(self, dict): for t in self.triggers: if t(dict): return True return False
[docs]class Not(ConditionBase): """A trigger that is false when its children, or-ed together, are true and vice versa. """ name_ = "not" def __call__(self, dict): return not ConditionBase.__call__(self, dict)
[docs]class And(ConditionBase): """A trigger that is true when all its children are true. """ name_ = "and" def __call__(self, dict): for t in self.triggers: if not t(dict): return False return True
[docs]class IgnoreOn(ConditionBase): """A condition on a row that, if true, causes the row to be dropped. Here, you can set bail to abort an import when the condition is met rather than just dropping the row. """ name_ = "ignoreOn" _bail = base.BooleanAttribute("bail", default=False, description= "Abort when condition is met?") def __call__(self, row): conditionMet = ConditionBase.__call__(self, row) if self.bail and conditionMet: raise TriggerPulled("Trigger %s satisfied and set to bail", return conditionMet