Author: | Markus Demleitner |
Email: | |
Date: | 2025-03-03 |
Copyright: | Waived under CC-0 |
Some of this is severely out of date.
The following rules should be followed as regards subpackages of gavo in order to keep the modules dependency graph manageable (and facilitate factoring out libraries).
The preferred way to do simple queries against tables in DaCHS these days is:
get the table metadata:
td = base.resolveCrossId("resdir/q#mytable")
use the td's doSimpleQuery(selectClause, fragments, params) method to get dicts of rows; all arguments are optional and default to pulling all; selectClause is just a list of column names:
for row in td.doSimpleQuery(["col1", "col2"], "col1<%(lim1)s AND col2=%(foo)s", {'lim1': 23, 'foo': 42}): print row
When you need explicit connection management or want to do more complex operations, use the context managers (typically getTableConn when querying, getWritableAdminConn when writing) using a context manager:
with base.getTableConn() as conn: for row in conn.queryToDicts(myComplexQuery, {'arg1': 23, 'pat': 'M32'}): ...
Besides queryToDicts, there's also query, which yields tuples. Both are iterators, which means that the queries contained will not be executed unless you fetch at least one row.
Hence, for queries that don't return anything (DDL, inserts, etc), use conn.execute.
In contrast to doSimpleQuery, all these will do case folding of the select list items.
In ”user” code, get these symbols from api instead of from base.
Another feature you might like to know about is the connections's parameters context manager. It takes postgres settings keys and values and will reset them at the end of the controlled block. This is useful for things like timeouts and the like, e.g.,:
with conn.parameters([ ("statement_timeout", "%s ms"%int(timeout*1000))]): whatever
DaCHS itself is versioned such that minor versions (e.g., 2.6) are releases, which technically means they get a bit more pre-release testing, and they get properly announced on dachs-users. Micro versions on to of that are then beta releases including new features up to the next stable release. Hence, 2.6.1 will in general be less stable than 2.6. Perhaps we should change this to something less flamboyant one of these days.
When we support protocols, we treat major versions as separate standards, i.e., there are separate RDs for, say, siap and siap2. Within each such RD, mixins or other evolving material may be tagged with the minor version. For instance a mixin table-0 would correspond to version 1.0 (or 2.0) of a standard. This hasn't been done consistently in DaCHS' past, so you'll see all kinds of other experiments. But the minor-version tagging is what should happen with future developments.
It is the goal that all errors that can be triggered from the web or from within resource descriptors yield sensible error messages with, if possible, information on the location of the error. Also, major operations changing the content of the database should be loggable with time and, probably, user information.
The core of error processing is utils.excs. All "sensible" exceptions (i.e., MemoryErrors and software bugs excepted) should be instances of gavo.excs.Error. However, upwards from base you should always raise exceptions from base; all ("public") exception types from utils.excs are available there (i.e., raise base.NotFoundError(...) rather than utils.excs.NotFoundError(...)).
The base class takes a hint argument at construction that should give additional information on how to fix the problem that gave rise to the exception. All exception constructor arguments except the first one must always be keyword arguments as a simple hack to allow pickling the excepitons.
When defining new exceptions, if there is structured information (e.g., line numbers, keys, and the like), always keep the information separate and use the __str__ method of the exception to construct something humans want to see. All built-in exceptions should accept a hint keyword.
All proper DaCHS code (i.e. above base) should do user interaction through base.ui.notify<something>. In base and below, you can use utils.sendUIEvent, but this should be reserved for weird circumstances; code so far down should't normally need to do user interaction or similar.
The <something> can be various things. defines a class EventDispatcher (an instance of which then becomes base.ui) that defines the notify<something> methods. The docstrings there explain what you're supposed to pass, and they explain what observers get. itself does very little with the events, and in particular it does not do any user interaction -- the idea is that I may yet want to have Tkinter interfaces or whatever, and they should have a fair chance to control the user interaction of a program.
The actual action on events is done by observers; these are ususally defined in user, and some can be selected from the dachs command line. For convenience, you should derive your Observer classes from base.ObserverBase. This lets you stuff like:
from gavo.base import ObserverBase, listensTo class PlainUI(ObserverBase): @listensTo("NewSource") def announceNewSource(self, srcString): print "Starting %s"%srcString
However, you can also just handle single events by saying things like:
from gavo import base def handleNewSource(srcToken): pass base.ui.subscribeNewSource(handleNewSource)
Most logging is done in user.logui; if you want logging, say:
from gavo.user import logui logui.LoggingUI(base.ui)
In the DaCHS, is is frequently desirable to ignore the first rule of exception handling, viz., leave them alone as much as possible. Instead, we often map exceptions to DaCHS-internal exceptions (this is very relevant for everything leading up to ValidationErrors, since they are used in user interaction on the web interface). However, to make the original exception information available for debugging or problem fixing, whenever you "translate" an exception, have base.ui.notifyExceptionMutation(newException) called. This should arrange logging the exception to the error log (although of course that's up to the observer selected).
The convenient way to do this is to call ui.logOldExc(exc):
raise base.ui.logOldExc(GavoError(...))
LoggingUI only logs the information on old exceptions when base.DEBUG is true. You can set this from your code, or by passing the --debug option to gavo.
This should probably be phased out now that python3 monitors and exposes exception mutation itself.
In an installed checkout of DaCHS, you can go to the tests subdirectory and run:
for a fairly extensive set of unit tests.
This needs to create a test database, and that will only work if whoever runs this is postgres superuser. dachsroot from the Debian package already is. If you want to run tests as another user, you'll have to make yourself a suitable account, typically with:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s `id -nu`
The suite will not tear down and build up everything each time it's called. To make it rebuild everything, remove ~/_gavo_test and dropdb dachstest.
Also, you'll need the extra package python3-testresource (which the dachs packages don't declare as a dependency), and you'll need build-essentials as well as libcfitsio-dev
I'm testing against concrete error messages, and DaCHS sometimes hands through messages from the database. Hence, some tests will fail when lc_messages in postgresql.conf isn't C.
This uses some management of test scaffolds; when something is severely wrong, generating these scaffolds can fail and the execution of the suite will stop. I'm not decided whether to regard that as a bug or a feature, but I'll not fix it any time soon. So, if this bites you, find out why resource generation fails and fix it.
XML Schema is a pain all around, and given that we don't want to hit W3C and IVOA with requests for schema files every time someone needs schema validation (which includes RD validation and unit tests), DaCHS goes to some lengths to use its own schema files.
The main engine here is the LXML-based validator from gavo.helpers.testtricks; the rocket science part of this is to make LXML use the plethora of schema files we have locally.
"Locally" here means in the schemata subdirectory of the distribution. When you add a schema there that should be available in validation, you also need to add the filename to gavo.testtricks.VO_SCHEMATA (background: we keep some schema files in gavo/schema that the validator should not be bothered with; still, we should probably just pull in *.xsd at some point).
With this, run dachs admin xsdVal to XSD-validate a VO file.
In case you'd like some external truth, here's how you can run xerces as a validating parser on a Debian system:
export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/doc/libxerces2-java-doc/examples/xercesSamples.jar:/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar:/usr/share/java/xmlParserAPIs.jar exec java dom.Counter -n -v -s -f $@
This will only work if the schemaLocation attributes are present whereever new namespaces are introduced. For DaCHS' VOResource output, that is the case. We don't do that in VOTables and serveral other places.
The debian package does not contain unit tests. If you want to nevertheless run them, check out the release corresponding to your package from Again, see the tests subdirectory in your checkout.
All unit tests must import gavo.helpers.testhelpers before importing anything else from the gavo namespace. This is because testhelpers sets up a test environment in ~/gavo_test (set in tests/test_data/test-gavorc). To make this work reliably, it must manipulate the normal way configuration files are read.
helpers.testhelpers needs a dachstest database for which the current user is a superuser. It will create it provided you're a DB superuser with ident authentication (see install to figure out how to set this up).
There are doctests in modules (though fewer than I'd like), and pyunit- and trial-based tests in <project root>/tests. tests/ takes care of locating and executing them all.
In addition to setting up the test environment, testhelpers provides (check out the source) some useful helper functions (like getTestRD), the VerboseTest class adding test resources and some assertions to the normal unittest.TestCase. Do not import it in production code. Test-like functionality interesting to production code should go to helpers.testtricks.
testhelpers.main is useful after an if __name__=='__main__' in test modules. Pass a default test class, and you can call the module without arguments (in which case it will run all tests), with a single argument (that will be interpreted as a method prefix to locate tests on the default TestCase) or with two arguments (a TestCase name and a method prefix to find the methods to be run). All pyunit-based tests use this main.
testhelpers.main evaluates the TEST_VERBOSITY environment variable. With TEST_VERBOSITY=2, you'll see the test names as they are executed.
For certain kinds of data, unit testing is useful, too. Since it's always possible that server code changes may break such tests, it makes sense to run those unit tests at each commit. Therefore, tests/ has a facility to pick up such tests from directories named in $GAVO_INPUTS (the "real" one, not the fake test one) in the __tests/__unitpaths. It will pick up tests from there just as it picks them up from tests.
Such data-based tests (typically) must run "out of tree", i.e., in the actual server environment where the resources expected by the service tested are. To keep testhelper from fudging the environment, set the environment variable GAVO_OOTTEST to anythign before importing testhelpers. This is conveniently done in python, like this:
import os os.environ["GAVO_OOTTEST"] = "dontcare" from gavo.helpers import testhelpers
Not really testing, but static code checking using pyflakes should regularly be done, and result in no warnings eventually (right now, more annotations are required).
We have added a simple ignoring facility in our pyflakes driver, tests/
To ignore (not check) an entire file, add, preferably near the top, a line like:
# Not checked by pyflakes: (reason)
Please always give a reason so people can tell whether it has gone away and the file should now be included in the checks.
To ignore a single error, add a comment like:
#noflake: (rationale)
to the line reported by pyflakes.
Also note that flake_all hardcodes that modules from imp are not checked.
There's a shell script in tests that runs all unit tests and all regression tests. It then combines the coverage from all these runs to .coverage. So, after running this, just running python3-coverage report -i or python3-coverage html -i should do the right thing.
You need the -i flag because during testing a lot of generated or extracted code will be executed, and there's no sane way I can think of to include that with the testing. For RD-embedded code it might still work, but I won't tackle this any time soon (though, sure, there's probably a severe lack of testing for all the code in the system RDs).
To exclude code from coverage computation, use:
# pragma: no cover
There's some podman-based containers for various package installation scenarios at
For running directly from what's in version control (and that should not be necessary a lot), there's non-package-dachstest, currently only on Markus' machine.
On the test installation, you should have a snake oil certificate, because we're doing SSL exercising. To generate it, go to $GAVO_DIR/hazmat and say:
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048 openssl req -new -x509 -key server.key -out server.pem -days 2000 cat server.key server.pem > bundle.pem
(This is somewhat specific to Markus' setup; something similar is recommended for everyone, though)
Before every commit, do:
After a checkout on the production server, do:
We are slowly adding PEP 484 type annotations to DaCHS. Our baseline here is python 3.9 with python3-typeshed installed and from Debian stable. However, we isolate ourselves from the underlying typing module by only importing utils.dachstypes. This creates some derived types we need in multiple modules, but in particular it will give fallbacks for newer typing features. TL;DR: from gavo.utils.dachstypes import Any, Types.
Utils.dachstypes also issues a from __future__ import annotations, which ought to keep normal python runs from trying to figure out annotation expressions. This ought to make a few of the hairier points of annotations simpler and reduce the need for string literals in type annotation.
The type checking is done by mypy. While we're adding annotation, use the tests/ script, intended to be called from within the tests directory. When you have added type annotations to a module, add its module name in that script.
During annotation, it's probably smarter to directly run mypy <filename>.
mypy does not understand metaclasses very well, which means that we have to trick around with our Structure-s. Currently, there is a mypy plugin dealing with them in utils/ This needs the attributes the structures have next to it. To make it work, you have to decorate the Structures with:
during type annotation. Once you have done that, you have to update the static mapping from structure names to attributes by running dachs gendoc refdoc in docs, which will create the struct-attrs.json file next to mypy_struct.
To get up to speed with trivial annotations, you can define TYPE_STATS=introspected-types.json and then run Stash the resulting file introspected-types.json away somewhere (MD: gavo/introspected-types.json) and then in gavo run something like:
pyannotate -w -3 --type-info=../../introspected-types.json dir/
(with bullseye pyannotate, I had to RE-fix a few of the inferred type strings before pyannotate would parse them; we should probably see why this is broken, but meanwhile I substituted away <locals>.). You will certainly have to manually fix quite a bit of the effect (and in particular the imports to use utils.dachstypes), but it still saves quite a bit of boring routine.
Here's a scratch pad for things to think about:
DaCHS has far too many different configuration hooks: gavo.rc, defaultmeta.txt, the database profiles, vanitynames.txt, userconfig.rd, as well as locally-overridden system RDs and templates. At least defaultmeta.txt was a mistake, as was probably vanitynames.txt. We should be working on getting rid of it.
New configuration should preferably go into userconfig.rd, while there's always going to be room for gavo.rc, too.
Configuration items for userconfig.rd typically are going to be STREAMs. To provide fallbacks for those if the user hasn't defined any, there's //userconfig, which also serves as built-in documentation for what's there. As an identifier is resolved in //userconfig, the system first looks in a etc/userconfig.rd and then, even if that file exists (but has no element with the id in question), in //userconfig.
When using the elements, always use the canonical abbreviation for userconfig, %, as in <FEED source="%#registry-interfacerecords"/>.
If you add features that will make DaCHS produce responses that may break legacy components (e.g., new Registry features), make them conditional on future entries. That's done by choosing a suitable string (e.g., dali-interface-in-tap-1) and then protecting the generation of the new elements with something like:
if "dali-interface-in-tap-1" in base.getConfig("future"): ...
To try out the change, write:
future: dali-interface-in-tap-1, some-other-new-feature-if-necessary
into your gavo.rc.
Once the change is sufficiently widely accepted, remove the condition, and all DaCHSes will produce new-style responses.
If a change is suitably safe so it can be enabled by default, invert the logic and use no-new-feature to let people turn things off if they're causing trouble.
Don't forget to add the future keys in tests/test_data/test-gavorc for while you're testing the experimental features.
Resource description within DaCHS works via instances of base.Structure. These parse themselves from XML strings, do validation, etc. All compound RD elements correspond to a structure class (well, almost; meta is an exception).
A structure instance has the following callbacks:
In addition, structures can define onParentCompleted methods. These are called after they parent's onElementComplete callbacks.
This processing is done automatically when parsing elements from XML. When building elements manually, you must call the structure's finishElement method when done to arrange for these methods being called; to make sure this happens, you usually want to construct Structures using base.makeStruct.
If you override these methods, you (almost) always want to call the corresponding superclasses' methods using super().methname([ctx]). Structures in DaCHS sometimes use multiple inheritance, and hence there's really no alternative to using super here. To make sure this works as expected, any (python) mixin for structures must inherit from base.StructCallbacks.
The user.docgen module makes documentation out of these structures. There are several catches. One of the more striking is that element names in the entire DaCHS code must be unique, since docgen generates section heading from those names and actually checks that these headings are unique; hence, only one (essentially randomly selected) of two identically-named elements would be documented, and parent links would both point there.
Since there are cases when that limitation is a real pain (e.g., the publish element of services and data), there's a workaround: you can set a docName_ class attribute on a structure that contains the name used for the documentation. See rscdef.common.Registration for an example.
Right now, structures need to be decorated with:
to make mypy work with them. I hope one day we can do away with this again.
"Open" metadata (as opposed to the attributes of columns and the like) is kept in a meta_ structure added by base.meta.MetaMixin. You should probably not access that attribute directly if at all possible since the current implementation is incredibly messy and liable to change.
For this kind of metadata, a simple inheritance exists. MetaMixins have a setMetaParent method that declares another structure as the current's meta parent. Any request for metadata that cannot be satisfied from self will then be propagated up to this parent (unless propagation is suppressed). Usually, parents will call their children's setMetaParent methods.
The metdata is organized in a tree with MetaItem``s as nodes. Each MetaItem contains one or more children that are instances ``MetaValue (or more specialized classes). A MetaValue in turn can have more MetaItem children.
Metadata are accessed by name (or "key", if you will).
The getMeta(key, ...)->MetaItem method usually follows the inheritance hierarchy up, meaning that if a meta item is not found in the current instance, it will ask its parent for that item, and so on. If no parent is known, the meta information contained in the configuration will be consulted. If all fails, a default is returned (which is set via a keyword argument that again defaults to None) or, if the raiseOnFail keyword argument evaluates to true, a gavo.NoMetaKey exception is raised.
If you require metadata exactly for the item you are querying, call getMeta(key, propagate=False).
getMeta will raise a gavo.MetaCardError when there is more than one matching meta item. For these, you will usually use a builder, which will usually be a subclass of meta.metaBuilder. web.common.HtmlMetaBuilder is an example of how such a thing may look like, for simple cases you may get by using ModelBasedBulder (see the registry code for examples). This really is too messy and needs to be replaced by something smarter.
The builders are passed to a MetaMixin's buildRepr(metakey, builder) method that returns whatever the builder's getResult method returns.
You can programmatically set metadata on any metadata container by calling its method addMeta(key, value), where both key and value are (unicode-compatible) strings. You can build any hierarchy in this way, provided you stick with typeless meta values or can do with the default types. Those are set by key in meta._typesForKeys.
To build sequences, call addMeta repeatedly. To have a sequence of containers, call addMeta with None or an empty string as value, like this:
m.addMeta("p.q", "x") m.addMeta("p.r", "y") m.addMeta("p", None) m.addMeta("p.q", "u") m.addMeta("p.r", "v")
More complex structures require direct construction of MetaValues. Use the makeMetaValue factory for this. This function takes a value (default empty), and possibly a key and/or type arguments. All additional arguments depend on the meta type desired. These are documented in the reference manual.
The type argument selects an entry in the meta._typesForKeys table that specifies that, e.g., _related meta items always are links. You can also give the type directly (which overrides any specification through a key).
This can look like this:
As almost everywhere, date-like metadata is a pain; it's not so much because of Babylonian formats (whenever you give a civil date in DaCHS, it should understand plain, basic DALI-flavoured ISO a.k.a. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) but because there's so many dates around a resource and a resource descriptor, for instance:
and much more.
Dates like these you're communicating to the registry. This has
DaCHS keeps the the following date-like (i.e., values are ISO strings) metadata on RDs (warning: could still be wrong; this is a plan as of now).
The base.caches module should be the central point for all kinds of memoization/caching tasks; in particular, if you use base.caches, your caches will automatically be cleared on dachs serve reload. To keep dependencies and risks of recursive imports low, it is the providing modules' responsibility to register caching functions. The idea is that, e.g., rscdesc wants a cache of resource descriptors. Therefore, it says:
base.caches.makeCache("getRD", getRD)
Clients then say:
This mechanism for now is restricted to items that come with a unique id (the argument). It would be easy to extend this to multiple-argument functions, but I don't think that's a good idea -- the "identities" of the cached objects should be kept simple.
No provision is made to prevent accidental overwriting of function names.
And, of course, individual functions can do functools.lru_cache-ing to their heart's delight but should keep in mind that dachs serve reload will not clear this.
If you want to profile server actions, try a script like this:
""" Make a profile of server responses. Call as trial --profile """ import sys from gavo import api from gavo.web import dispatcher sys.path.append("/home/msdemlei/gavo/trunk/tests") import trialhelpers class ProfileThis(trialhelpers.RenderTest): renderer = dispatcher.ArchiveService() def testOneService(self): self.assertGETHasStrings("/ppmx/res/ppmx/scs/form", {"hscs_pos": "12 2", "hscs_sr": "20.0"}, ["PPMX"])
After running, you can use pstats on the file
To profile actually running DaCHS operations, use the --profile-to <profile file> option of the dachs program. For the server, you must make sure in cleanly exists in order to have meaningful stats. Do this by accessing /test/exit on a debug server.
Just insert lines like:
import pdb;pdb.Pdb(nosigint=True).set_trace()
whereever required to have python dump you into the debugger and let you look around, single-step, etc.
When you want to inspect what's going on within the server, in particular when something only manifests itself after a long time, you may want to have a look at twisted's manhole; quite a bit easier, however, is to use the debug/q rd that you can get from and adapt it to your needs.
The idea here is that within q.rd#1 you create customDFs or customRFs exposing what you're interested in. You can then use those in res/page1.html. You can edit both files "live", they will both be reloaded as necessary.
Sometimes one is careless and leaves a reference somewhere, perhaps in an RD. Since this really only matters in the server, such situations are particularly insidious to debug. To help there, there's some scaffolding in web.root.
To activate things, you set MEM_DEBUG to True. Down in locateChild of ArchiveService, there's code like:
if MEM_DEBUG: from gavo.utils import codetricks import gc gr = gc.get_referrers if hasattr(base, "getNewStructs"): ns = base.getNewStructs() print ">>>>>> new structs:", len(ns)
What this lets you do is see when new structs are left somewhere in DaCHS' guts. What you do when such a thing happens is higher magic. I've found it helps to put something like a mini-memory debugger right into that handler. There's a rough one in testtricks, so you could put in something like:
if len(ns)==147: from gavo.helpers import testtricks ob = ns[0] del ns testtricks.debugReferenceChain(ob)
after the print (of course, this only makes sense if you're running dachs serve debug, as the actual server detaches from its tty). This lets you go through the objects referring to the first struct left over by hitting Return.
Enter anything to follow the (inverse) reference, except that a d will drop you in the debugger and x will continue normal execution. Do this until you see where the reference comes from. Just be aware that many references are harmless -- in particular, this function will hold a reference to the object in question, so you'll need some experience to figure out where to look.
If you're desperate and need to get core dumps out of a crashing operational server (core dumps from dachs serve debug should just work as normal), you need to install the python3-prctl package. The core dumps will be in stateDir.
Although it may look like it, we do not really support delimited identifiers (DIs) as column names (and not at all as table names). I happen to regard them as an SQL misfeature and really only want to keep them out of my software.
However, TAP forces me to deal with them at least superficially. That means that using them elsewhere will lead to lots of mysterious error messages from inside of DaCHS's bowels. There still should not be any remote exploits possible when using them.
Here's the deal on them:
They are represented as utils.misctricks.QuotedName objects. These QuotedNames have some methods to control the impact the partial support for delimited identifiers has on the rest of the software. In particular, when you stringify them, they result in string ready for inclusion into SQL (i.e., hopefully properly escaped). The hash to the name, i.e., there are no implied quotes, and, unfortunately, hash(di)!=hash(str(di)).
The one real painful thing is the representation of result rows with DIs -- I did not want to have lots of these ugly QuotedNames in the result rows, so they end up as SQL-escaped strings when used as keys. This is extra sad since in this way for a DI column foo, rec[QName("foo")] raises a KeyError. To work around this, fields have a key attribute, and rec[f.key] should never bomb.
Grammars are DaCHS' means of turning some external data to rowdicts, i.e., dictionaries that map grammar keys to values that are usually strings. They are fed to rowmakers to come up with rows suitable for ingestion (or formatting).
A grammar consists of a Grammar object, which is a structure inheriting from grammars.Grammar. It contains all the "configuration" (e.g., rules). Grammars have a parse method receiving some kind of source token (typically, a file name). You will normally not need to override it.
The real action happens in the row iterator, which is declared in the rowIterator class attribute of the grammar. Row iterators should inherit from grammars.RowIterator.
TODO: yieldsTyped, rowfilters, sourceFields, targetData
Do not import modules from the grammars subpackage directly. Instead, use rscdef.getGrammar with the name of the grammar you want. If you define a new grammar, add a line in rscdef.builtingrammars.grammarRegistry. To inspect what grammars are available, consult the keys from rscdef.grammarRegistry.
To embed actual (python) code into RDs, you should use the infrastructure given in rscdef.procdef. It basically leads up to ProcApp, which is what's usually embedded in RDs.
ProcApp inherits from ProcDef, a procedure definition. Such a definition gives some (python) code that is executed when the procedure is applied. To set up the execution environment of this code, there's the definition's setup child.
The setup contains code and parameters. The code is executed to set up the namespace that the procedure will run in; it is thus executed once -- at construction -- per procedure. The parameters allow configuration of the procedure. This is the place to do relatively expensive operations like I/O or imports.
For example, //procs#resolveObject creates the resolver in its setup code; this happens only once per creation of the embedding RD:
<procDef type="apply" id="resolveObject"> <setup> <par key="ignoreUnknowns">True</par> <par key="identifier" late="True"/> <code> from gavo.protocols import simbadinterface resolver = simbadinterface.Sesame(saveNew=True) </code> </setup> <doc>...</doc> <code> ra, dec = None, None try: ra, dec = resolver.getPositionFor(identifier) except KeyError: if not ignoreUnknowns: raise base.Error("resolveObject could not resolve object" " %s."%identifier) vars["simbadAlpha"] = ra vars["simbadDelta"] = dec </code> </procDef>
The setup definition introduced two parameters. One is ignoreUnknowns, which is "immediate" and just lets the code see a name ignoreUnknowns. As with all par elements, the content of the element is a python expression providing a default.
The other parameter, identifier, is a "late" identifier. This means that it is evaluated on each application of the procedure, much like a function argument. These are just translated into assignments at the top of the function body, which means that everything available in the procedure code is available; e.g., for rowmaker procedures (i.e., type="apply"), you can access vars here.
Taken together, late and immediate par allow for all kinds of configuration of procedures. This is particularly convenient together with macros.
To actually execute the code, you need some kind of procedure application. These always inherit from procdef.ProcApp and add bindings. The bind element lets you give python expressions for all names defined using par in the setup child of the ProcDef given in the procDef attribute. You can also define just a procedure application without a procDef by giving setup and code.
Procedure application have "types" -- these give where they can be used. In particular, the type determines the signature of the python callable that the procedure application is compiled into. procdef.ProcApp has no type, and thus is "abstract"; it should never be a child factory of any StructAttribute.
Instead, inherit from it and give
So, all you need to do to define a new sort of ProcApp is write something like:
class EmbeddedIterator(rscdef.ProcApp): name_ = "iterator" formalArgs = "self"
(of course, here, documentation as to what the code is supposed to do is particularly important, so don't leave out the docstring when actually doing anything.
Then, you could have:
_iterator = base.StructAttribute("iterator", default=base.Undefined, childFactory=EmbeddedIterator, description="Code yielding row dictionaries", copyable=True)
in some structure. To produce something you can execute, then say:
theIterator = self.iterator.compile() for row in theIterator(self): print row
or somesuch.
ADQL user defined functions currently all live in adql.ufunctions, and their tests are centralised in ufunctest. We should probably have a canonical place where individual operators can add them from reliably.
To write a UDF, write a function matching the signature explained in adql.ufunctions.userFunction and apply that decorator. For the names, you must use something starting with either gavo_ or ivo_ as per ADQL 2.1 (where you can only use ivo_ if you've got someone else also implementing it).
If you can, produce nodes and raise a ReplaceNode (as in, e.g., gavo_transform). Most existing UDFs admittedly return strings, which leads to lousy tree annotation and makes it impossible to later morph the result – but I'll give you it's much simpler to write functions returning fixed strings. If you do that, be sure to never include unparsed literals; remember: args is quite strongly under user control. Hence, make it a habit of always writing notes.flatten(args[n]) whenever you use args. This also has the advantage that expressions in the arguments of your UDFs will be flattened, too.
UDFs will typically start their existence as gavo_whatever. If, as is rather common, this later becomes an interoperable UDF (i.e., listed in the UDF catalogue), this should then become ivo_whatever. However, existing queries using the gavo-prefixed forms should keep working. To make that happen, do:
Users will no longer see the gavo_ version in the capabilities, and hence TOPCAT will mark a syntax error if folks type the old name. I'd say that's ok. People should change their queries after all.
There's an example for that migration technique in ufunctions._ivo_histogram. In that case, there is the additional complication that that's just handing through to a SQL function created in //adql; this is still called gavo_histogram, and to unify the names this is using a custom node (which is convenient here because we want to fiddle with the node's annotation anyway).
If you need to change the on-disk schema, you must provide an updater in gavo.user.upgrade. See the docstring on Upgrade on what you can and should do in there, and read on.
The basic idea is that each upgrade step is written as a class inheriting Upgrader. Its version attribute must be the value of upgrader.CURRENT_SCHEMAVERSION (defined near the top) when you start working. After you have defined your upgrader, increase CURRENT_SCHEMAVERSION by one.
The upgrader has attributes and class methods with magic names; if these are string-values, they are directly executed, if they are methods, they are called with a connection argument. Do not use any other connections in upgraders or you'll break the atomicity of the upgrades.
The magic names can either be u_<nn>_<name> or s_<nn>_<name>. use nn to determine the action sequence. The difference between u and s is that when upgrading over multiple versions, all s methods are being executed before the first u method. The idea is that schema-changing changes should be in s methods, content updates and similar should be in u methods.
When defining upgrades, it pays to make sure upgraders don't break if what they're doing has been done already; that reduces the requirements on upgrade atomicity and prevents upgrade crashes (which are always ugly) when people do odd things. For this, use the relationExists(tableName, connection) and getColumnNamesFor(rdTableId), connection) methods to figure things out. There's also _updateTAP_SCHEMA(connection), which you should use on anything influencing TAP_SCHEMA (which might include, say, changes in column serialisation).
At Heidelberg, once an upgrade is defined, test the upgrader using:
testgavo upgrade
The effects should be visible in the dachstest database. To be able to roll back changes effected by the upgrade, you may want to backup the cluster first. Markus has a script backup_postgres for that.
If you follow the rules, upgrade should be atomic, i.e., either the upgrade succeeds or the database is untouched, letting operators downgrade and continue operations until a problem is figured out. To selectively re-run upgraders (and they should be idempotent), use dachs upgrade's --force-dbversion option.
According to the new schema versioning policy of the VO, for minor updates, the target namespace of XSD does not change any more. Still, the file names are versioned upstream.
DaCHS, in general, only knows one version of each schema. Therefore, we remove the version names, and when there's a new schema, you just overwrite the corresponding schema.
There are a few exceptions; in particular, because several minor versions of VOTable have been out there and in common use, we keep the schemas for VOTable 1.1 and 1.2 around with their own custom prefixes.
In case you actually need a new schema file, this is what you need to do:
DaCHS sometimes prototypes new schema elements years before there's any chance to get them into official VO schemas. Many validators ignore schemaLocation, and so it's quite likely that DaCHS services would count as invalid for years.
Where schemas have built-in extensibility (e.g., Registry's capabilities), there's the DaCHS schema (mapped in registry.model.DaFut) where you can keep mirrors of types and elements. The idea is that you manually copy your new XSD into resources/schemata/DaCHS.xsd and the correponding element declarations to the DaFut class. Before the upstream schema is updated as part of PR, you take your elements from DaFut in your code, after that, from whatever namespace object the things end up in.
I'd say things should disappear from DaCHS.xsd perhaps four years after they've gone official; people not updating their software for four years in a row deserve to have them go invalid.
While it's our goal to let people operate the web-based part of DaCHS without javascript enabled, it's ok if fancier functionality depends on javascript.
After some hesitation, we decided to use the jquery javascript library (we used to have MochiKit but left that when we wanted nice in-browser plotting; so, if you still see MochiKit somewhere, please disregard). We also include some of jquery-ui.
We keep all javascript in "full" source form (in resources/web/js). DaCHS performs on-the-fly minimisaton (unless [web]jsSource is False).
For development of that, it's much more convenient if the stuff that gets served out is in source. To enable that, set [web]jsSource to true. This needs actual code support; right now this only works for files served out in commonhead. You need to restart the server for the setting to take effect.
The commonhead renderer that's applied to almost all pages pulls in the javascript from resources/web/js/gavo.js. This includes some utility functions in the global namespace (and some that should be moved elsewhere). In particular, it contains quite a bit of ugly mess for managing the output formats.
Here's a discussion of some features that may be interesting to template authors.
There's a very plain templating engine in javascript included, using an idea due to John Resig, According to this, you define a template in your HTML as a script of type text/html:
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl_authorHeader"> <li> <a class="arrow-e" onclick="toggleAuthorResources(this)" name="$author"/> $author ($nummatch) </li> </script>
The $varName parts can then be filled – properly HTML-escaped – by calling:
renderTemplate("tmpl_authorHeader", { author: 'Thor, A. U', nummatch: 8})
Currently, filling variables is the only thing the engine knows how to do.
There's built-in javascript and CSS for switching tabs. The tabs require Javascript, so you'll usually want to hide them from non-JS-browsers. Thus, to define the tabs, do something along the lines of:
<script type="text/html" id="tabbar_store"> <ul id="tabset_tabs"> <li class="selected"><a name="by-title">By Title</a></li> <li><a name="by-subject">By Subject</a></li> <li><a name="by-author">By Author</a></li> </ul> </script> <p id="tab_placeholder" style="border:2pt dashed #bb9999;padding: 0.5ex"> Enable Javascript for more choices.</p>
Note how the tab headings are within a elements that have a name – it's this name that lends identity to them. You could have hrefs for better non-javascript fallback if you have the tabs without javascript; remove the href attributes when you have javascript active, though.
Then, in your javascript, say:
$(document).ready(function() { $("#tab_placeholder").replaceWith( $(document.getElementById("tabbar_store").innerHTML)); $("#tabset_tabs li").bind("click", makeTabCallback({ 'by-subject': func1, 'by-author': func2, 'by-title': func3, })); }
(or do something equivalent, if you don't like the innerHTML here). The functions in the dictionary passed to makeTabCallback must then work on the container below the tabs. Here's CSS you could base the container css on:
position: relative; background-color: #EAEBEE; margin-top: 0px; min-height:70ex;
The CSS that styles the tabs is in resources/web/css/gavo_dc.css, the images necessary in resources/web/img.
This is Mark Taylor's samp.js, checked out from
We're distributing both jquery and flot in our tarballs because they're rather painful to fiddle together on non-Debian platforms. However, the Debian package doesn't carry them because re-distributing packaged stuff is being frowned upon (and it stinks).
To keep things in sync as good as we can, we need to update the built-in javascript files as we go to a new Debian. To do that, go to gavo/resources/web/js in a checkout and run:
sudo apt install libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-flot python3 ../../../web/
This will re-write the two files jquery-gavo.js and jquery.flot.js based on what Debian currently distributes.
gavo.imp has some external dependencies of DaCHS. Shortly after release 1.0, many were dropped in favour of their packaged/native counterparts (argparse, pyparsing...). What's currently left is:
A request we get fairly regularly is to make DaCHS work with database engines other than Postgres, with MySQL and Oracle being the most popular alternatives for external requests and SQLite something we personally would like to see for ease of deployment.
The short answer to all this: It's tricky. You might get away with using foreign data wrappers in some cases; a group at Paris Observatory reports fairly good results with them.
Here's the longer answer: DaCHS does a lot of inspection of the database, while at the same time worrying about different access levels, reconnection on database restarts, and similar; it also creates extension types. We are not aware of any abstraction layer that would let us keep all this code generic, and that's why we let DaCHS slide into a fairly deep entanglement with psycopg2 and Postgres.
Seeing such an entanglement reduces the scope of DaCHS, we'd certainly help pulling it out of the entanglement. We probably won't do it ourselves. Here's a list of things that would need to be done for un-entanglement, that's probably somewhat incomplete and also contains some project mines (innocuous-looking things that blow up into a lot of refactoring once you step on them):
Documentation on DaCHS is maintained in ReStructuredText format with some minor extensions (see below). While there's documentation in the tarball and the main SVN, in order to encourage external contributions (including, but not restricted to, typo fixes and the like) the main copy now is at
When authoring, you can use some extra RST features (the price: stock rst2pdf and friends don't work properly; use dachs gendoc latex or dachs gendoc html, or a special sphinx configuration). These include:
Sometimes it's nice to see what gets imported when. Futzing with PEP 302-style import hooks is a pain, and indeed a simple shell line produces more useful output than naive hooks:
strace dachs imp -h 2>&1 | grep 'open' | grep -v ENOENT | grep -v "pyc" | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/'
To use matplotlib and pyplot within renderers or some other server context, use the following import pattern:
import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") from matplotlib import pyplot
It is crucial that the use("Agg") happens before the import of pyplot. If you fail to do this properly, your code will fail complaining about missing DISPLAYs.
I guess we'll soon properly depend on matplotlib and to that initialization in a good place in utils, but don't hold your breath.
The default VOTable is currently encoded in too many places. Until we clean that up, here's what you need to do when making new VOTable version default (assuming the namespace stays constant, as it should).
See utils.iterSimpleText. sounds rather knowledgeable and sensible. Let's put it in next year.