gavo.formal.widgets.multiselect module

class gavo.formal.widgets.multiselect.MultichoiceBase(original, options=None, noneOption=<object object>)[source]

Bases: object

A base class for widgets that provide the UI to select one or more items from a list.

Based on ChoiceBase


A sequence of objects adaptable to IKey and ILabel. IKey is used as the <option>’s value attribute; ILabel is used as the <option>’s child. IKey and ILabel adapters for tuple are provided.


An object adaptable to IKey and ILabel that is used to identify when nothing has been selected. Defaults to (‘’, ‘’)

default can be whitespace-separated items.

noneOption = None
options = None
processInput(request, key, args, default='')[source]
class gavo.formal.widgets.multiselect.MultiselectChoice(original, options=None, noneOption=<object object>)[source]

Bases: MultichoiceBase

A drop-down list of options.

noneOption = ('', '')
render(request, key, args, errors)[source]
renderImmutable(request, key, args, errors)[source]