Package gavo :: Package adql :: Module fieldinfos
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Module fieldinfos

source code

FieldInfos are collections of inferred metadata on the columns present within ADQL relations.

In generation, this module distinguishes between query-like (select...) and table-like (from table references) field infos. The functions here are called from the addFieldInfo methods of the respective nodes classes.

A base class for field annotations.
FieldInfos coming from something that's basically a table in the DB.
FieldInfos inferred from a FROM clause.
tableNamesMatch(table, toName)
returns true when table could be referred to by toName.
source code
  __package__ = 'gavo.adql'
Function Details

tableNamesMatch(table, toName)

source code 

returns true when table could be referred to by toName.

This means that either the name matches or toName is table's original name.

toName is a qualified name (i.e., including schema), table is some node that has a tableName.