- gavo.adql: Parsing, annotating, and morphing queries in the Astronomical Data
Query Language.
- gavo.api: This should evolve into a useful API to GAVO code for more-or-less
external clients.
- gavo.base: Basic code for defining objects in the data center: Structures,
their attributes, fundamental VO conventions.
- gavo.dm: GAVO's VO-DML+VOTable library.
- gavo.dm.annotations: The specialised annotations for the various entities of VO-DML.
- gavo.dm.common: Common code for new-style Data Model support.
- gavo.dm.dmrd: Writing annotations in RDs.
- gavo.dm.sil: SIL, the Simple Instance Language, is an attempt to allow data
model instances written in a simple, JSON-like language.
- gavo.dm.vodml: Parsing VO-DML files and validating against the rules obtained in
this way.
- gavo.formats: Output formats.
- gavo.grammars: Grammars for parsing sources.
- gavo.helpers: Code to support DC-external code (preprocessing, testing...)
- gavo.imp
- gavo.imp.formal
- gavo.imp.formal.types
- gavo.imp.formal.validation
- gavo.imp.formal.widget
- gavo.imp.formal.widgets
- gavo.imp.formal.widgets.restwidget
- gavo.imp.formal.widgets.multiselect
- gavo.imp.formal.widgets.richtextarea
- gavo.protocols: IVOA, W3C, and custom protocol helpers (in cooperation with
twisted-based code in weg).
- gavo.registry: Registry interface: service list, record generation, OAI endpoint.
- gavo.rsc: Instantiated resources (tables, etc), plus data mangling.
- gavo.rscdef: Resources and their structures (DDs, TableDefs, etc), plus quite a
bit of source parsing.
- gavo.rscdesc: Structure definition of resource descriptors.
- gavo.stc: Support for the IVOA Space-Time-Coordinate data model.
- gavo.svcs: Services, cores, and support.
- gavo.user: "User-interface"-type code.
- gavo.utils: Miscellaneous helper modules for DACHS' python modules.
- gavo.votable: GAVO's VOTable python library.
- gavo.web: Code for talking to http clients.