Package gavo :: Package user :: Module admin
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Module admin

source code

DC administration interface.

adduser(querier, args) source code
deluser(querier, args) source code
changeuser(querier, args) source code
addtogroup(querier, args) source code
delfromgroup(querier, args) source code
listusers(querier, args) source code
cleantap(querier, args) source code
tapabort(querier, args) source code
declaredel(querier, args) source code
cacheprev(querier, args) source code
suggestucds(querier, args) source code
indexStatements(querier, args) source code
execute(querier, args) source code
dumpDF(querier, args) source code
xsdValidate(querier, args) source code
makeDeletedRecord(querier, args) source code
updateTAPSchema(querier, args) source code
main() source code
  __package__ = 'gavo.user'
Function Details

adduser(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("user", help= "the user name"), Arg("password", help= "a password for the user"), Arg("remarks", help= "optional remarks", default= "", nargs= '?')], help= "add a user/password pair and a matching group to the DC server")

deluser(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("user", help= "the user name to remove")], help= "remove a user from the DC server")

changeuser(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("user", help= "the user name"), Arg("password", help= "a password for the user"), Arg("remarks", help= "optional remarks", default= "", nargs= '?')], help= "change remarks and/or password for a DC user")

addtogroup(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("user", help= "a user name"), Arg("group", help= "the group to add the user to")], help= "add a user to a group")

delfromgroup(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("user", help= "a user name"), Arg("group", help= "the group to remove the user from")], help= "remove a user from a group")

listusers(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction(help= "list users known to the DC")

cleantap(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("-f", help= "also remove all jobs in ERROR and ABORTED states (only use" " if you are sure what you are doing).", action= "store_true", dest= "includeFailed"), Arg("-p", help= "also remove all jobs in PENDING states (only use" " if you are sure what you are doing).", action= "store_true", dest= "includeForgotten"), Arg("--all", help= "remove all jobs (this is extremely unfriendly." " Don't use this on public UWSes)", action= "store_true", dest= "includeAll"), Arg("--nuke-completed", help= "also remove COMPLETEd jobs (this is" " unfriendly. Don't do this on public UWSes).", action= "store_true", dest= "includeCompleted"),], help= "remove expired UWS jobs")

tapabort(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg("jobId", help= "id of the job to abort"), Arg("helpMsg", help= "A helpful message to add to the abort message")], help= "manually abort a TAP job and send some message to a user")

declaredel(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "identifier of the deleted service", dest= "svcId")], help= "Declare an identifier as deleted (for when" " you've removed the RD but the identifier still floats on" " some registries)")

cacheprev(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "rd#table-id of the table containing the" " products that should get cached previews", dest= "tableId"), Arg("-w", type= str, help= "width to compute the preview for", dest= "width", default= "200"),], help= "Precompute previews for the product interface columns in a table.")

suggestucds(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "rd#table-id of the table to look at", dest= "tableId")], help= "Make suggestions for UCDs of columns not having one (based" " on their descriptions; this uses a GAVO web service).")

indexStatements(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "rd#table-id of the table of interest", dest= "tableId")], help= "Show the statements to create the indices on a table.")

execute(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "rd#exec-id of the execute element to run (note:" " the title won't work, you have to give the thing an id to use adm exec).", dest= "execId")], help= "Execute the contents of an RD execute element. You must" " give that element an explicit id in order to make this work.")

dumpDF(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "Package resource path" " (like '/inputs/__system__/scs.rd); for system RDs, the special" " //rd-id syntax is supported.", dest= "path")], help= "Dump the source of a distribution file; this is useful when you want" " to override them and you are running DaCHS from a zipped egg")

xsdValidate(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "XML file", dest= "path")], help= "Validate a file against built-in VO schemas and with built-in" " schema validator.")

makeDeletedRecord(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([Arg(help= "IVOID to mark as deleted", dest= "ivoid")], help= "Add a registry entry for a deleted record with IVOID. You should" " not usually have to do this, except when you added an identifier" " meta item to a service that was already published without also" " changing its XML id.")

updateTAPSchema(querier, args)

source code 
  • @exposedFunction([], help= "Update the TAP_SCHEMA metadata for all" " RDs mentioned in TAP_SCHEMA.")