Package gavo :: Package protocols :: Module soda
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Module soda

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Helper functions for SODA manipulators.

This primarily comprises various WCS helpers. It is built on base.coords, which is where you'll get the wcsFields.

Note that this must not use things from protocols.datalink, as it is imported from there. Essentially, use this space for helpers for SODA manipulations that are generic enough to be kept outside of the RD but not generic enough to go do base.coords.

raise this when you notice you won't have any data to return.
A datalink error ("fault", as it's called in the spec).
can be raised by data functions to abort all further processing and format the current
can be raised by data functions to abort all further processing and return the current to the client.
furnishes a soda fits descriptor with skyWCS and spatialAxes attributes if necessary.
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iterSpatialAxisKeys(descriptor, axisMetaOverrides)
yields SODA inputKeys for spatial cutouts along the spatial coordinate axes.
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iterOtherAxisKeys(descriptor, axisMetaOverrides)
yields inputKeys for all non-spatial WCS axes.
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addPolygonSlices(descriptor, poly, srcPar='Unknown')
adds slicings in descriptor.slices for a pgsphere.SPoly poly.
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doAxisCutout(descriptor, args)
updates on a FITS descriptor, interpreting the parameters defined by iter*AxisKeys, passed in in args.
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  __package__ = 'gavo.protocols'
Function Details


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furnishes a soda fits descriptor with skyWCS and spatialAxes attributes if necessary.

This is usually called by the functions needing this automatically, and it's a no-op if it has already run.

skyWCS will be None after this function as run if no usable WCS is found; otherwise, it will be a astropy.wcs.WCS instance. Additionally, spatialAxes will be a sequence of 1-based axis indices, and an empty dictionary axisNames is available to be filled by metaMakers. It will then map the SODA parameter name to either a FITS axis index or to the special WCSLONG, WCSLAT values.

iterSpatialAxisKeys(descriptor, axisMetaOverrides)

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yields SODA inputKeys for spatial cutouts along the spatial coordinate axes.

This can be nothing if descriptor doesn't have a skyWCS attribute or if it's None.

iterOtherAxisKeys(descriptor, axisMetaOverrides)

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yields inputKeys for all non-spatial WCS axes.

descriptor must be a FITSDescriptor.

addPolygonSlices(descriptor, poly, srcPar='Unknown')

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adds slicings in descriptor.slices for a pgsphere.SPoly poly.

srcPar is the name of the parameter that generated the polygon (for making error messages)

doAxisCutout(descriptor, args)

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updates on a FITS descriptor, interpreting the parameters defined by iter*AxisKeys, passed in in args.

This is the main implementation of //soda#fits_doWCSCutout