Package gavo :: Package svcs :: Module core
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Module core

source code

Cores are the standard object for computing things in the DC.

This module also contains the registry for cores. If you want to be able to refer to cores from within an RD, you need to enter your core here.

Cores return pairs of a type and a payload. Renderers should normally be prepared to receive (None, OutputTable) and (mime/str, data/str), though individual cores might return other stuff (and then only work with select renderers).

In general, the input table definition is mandatory, i.e., you have to come up with it. Services do this either ad-hoc from input from the web or using an inputDD.

The output table, on the other hand, is "advisory", mainly for registry and documentation purposes ("I *could* return this"). In particular DBBasedCores will usually adapt to the service's wishes when it comes to the output table structure, not to mention the ADQL core. This doesn't hurt since whatever is returned comes with structure documentation of its own.

Cores may also want to adapt to renderers. This is a bit of a hack to support, e.g., form and scs within a single service, which avoids two different VOResource records just because of slightly differning input definitions.

The interface here is the adaptForRenderer method. It takes a single argument, the renderer, either as a simple name resolvable in the renderer registry, or as a renderer instance or class. It must return a new core instance.

Currently, two mechanisms for core adaptation are in place:

(1) generically, inputKeys can have properties onlyForRenderer and notForRenderer with the obvious semantics.

(2) cores that have condDescs may adapt by virtue of condDesc's adaptForRenderer method.

A definition of the "active" part of a service.
a core that returns its arguments stringified in a table.
getCore(name) source code
  CORE_REGISTRY = {'adqlCore': ('protocols.adqlglue', 'ADQLCore'...
  __package__ = 'gavo.svcs'
Variables Details


{'adqlCore': ('protocols.adqlglue', 'ADQLCore'),
 'customCore': ('svcs.customcore', 'CustomCore'),
 'datalinkCore': ('protocols.datalink', 'DatalinkCore'),
 'dbCore': ('svcs.standardcores', 'DBCore'),
 'debugCore': ('svcs.core', 'DebugCore'),
 'fancyQueryCore': ('svcs.standardcores', 'FancyQueryCore'),
 'fixedQueryCore': ('svcs.standardcores', 'FixedQueryCore'),
 'nullCore': ('svcs.standardcores', 'NullCore'),