Package gavo :: Package rsc :: Module data
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Module data

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Making data out of descriptors and sources.

A collection of tables.
a graph giving the dependency structure between DDs.
processSource(data, source, feeder, opts, connection=None)
ingests source into the Data instance data.
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makeData(dd, parseOptions=<ParseOptions validateRows=False maxRows=None keepGoing=False>, forceSource=None, connection=None, data=None, runCommit=True)
returns a data instance built from ``dd``.
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makeDependentsFor(dds, parseOptions, connection)
rebuilds all data dependent on one of the DDs in the dds sequence.
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makeDataById(ddId, parseOptions=<ParseOptions validateRows=False maxRows=None keepGoing=False>, connection=None, inRD=None)
returns the data set built from the DD with ddId (which must be fully qualified).
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wrapTable(table, rdSource=None)
returns a Data instance containing only table (or table if it's already a data instance).
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makeCombinedData(baseDD, tablesForRoles)
returns a Data instance containing all of tablesForRoles.
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  __package__ = 'gavo.rsc'
Function Details

processSource(data, source, feeder, opts, connection=None)

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ingests source into the Data instance data.

If this builds database tables, you must pass in a connection object.

If opts.keepGoing is True,the system will continue importing even if a particular source has caused an error. In that case, everything contributed by the bad source is rolled back (this will only work when filling database tables).

makeData(dd, parseOptions=<ParseOptions validateRows=False maxRows=None keepGoing=False>, forceSource=None, connection=None, data=None, runCommit=True)

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returns a data instance built from ``dd``.

It will arrange for the parsing of all tables generated from dd's grammar.

If database tables are being made, you *must* pass in a connection. The entire operation will then run within a single transaction within this connection (except for building dependents; they will be built in separate transactions).

The connection will be rolled back or committed depending on the success of the operation (unless you pass ``runCommit=False``, in which case even a successful import will not be committed)..

You can pass in a data instance created by yourself in data. This makes sense if you want to, e.g., add some meta information up front.

wrapTable(table, rdSource=None)

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returns a Data instance containing only table (or table if it's already a data instance).

If table has no rd, you must pass rdSource, which must be an object having and rd attribute (rds, tabledefs, etc, work).

This will grab info meta from the table.

makeCombinedData(baseDD, tablesForRoles)

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returns a Data instance containing all of tablesForRoles.

A DD is being generated based on baseDD; if baseDD has any tables, they are discarded.

tablesForRoles is a mapping from strings (one of which should be "primary") to tables; the strings end up as roles.