Package gavo :: Package adql :: Module ufunctions
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Source Code for Module gavo.adql.ufunctions

  1  """ 
  2  "User" defined functions, i.e., ADQL functions defined only on this 
  3  system. 
  5  See the userFunction docstring on how to use these. 
  6  """ 
  8  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  9  #c 
 10  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 11  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 14  from gavo import stc 
 15  from gavo import utils 
 16  from gavo.adql import common 
 17  from gavo.adql import fieldinfo 
 18  from gavo.adql import morphhelpers 
 19  from gavo.adql import nodes 
 20  from gavo.adql import tree 
24 25 26 -def userFunction(name, signature, doc, returntype="double precision", 27 unit="", ucd=""):
28 """a decorator adding some metadata to python functions to make 29 them suitable as ADQL user defined functions. 30 31 name is the name the function will be visible under in ADQL; signature is a 32 signature not including the name of the form '(parName1 type1, parName1 33 type2) -> resulttype'; doc is preformatted ASCII documentation. The 34 indentation of the second line will be removed from all lines. 35 36 returntype is the SQL return type, which defaults to double 37 precision. While ADQL 2.0 appears to say that UDFs must be 38 numeric, in practice nobody cares; so, return whatever you see fit. 39 40 unit and ucd are optional for when you actually have a good guess what's 41 coming back from your ufunc. They can also be callable; in that 42 case, they'll be passed the (annotated) arguments, and whatever 43 they return will be the unit/ucd. 44 45 The python function receives an array of arguments; this will in 46 general be ADQL expression trees. It must return either 47 48 * a string that will go literally into the eventual serialised SQL 49 string (so take care to quote; in general, you will use 50 nodes.flatten(arg) to flatten individual args); 51 * or they may return None, in which case the expression tree 52 remains unchanged. This is for when the actual implementation is 53 in the database. 54 * or they may return a nodes.ADQLNode instance, which then replaces 55 the user defined function in the parse tree and will be annotated 56 as usual. 57 58 If you receive bad arguments or something else goes awry, raise 59 a UfuncError. 60 """ 61 def deco(f): 62 f.adqlUDF_name = name 63 f.adqlUDF_signature = f.adqlUDF_name+signature.strip() 64 f.adqlUDF_doc = utils.fixIndentation(doc, "", 1).strip() 65 f.adqlUDF_returntype = returntype 66 f.adqlUDF_unit = unit 67 f.adqlUDF_ucd = ucd 68 UFUNC_REGISTRY[f.adqlUDF_name.upper()] = f 69 return f
70 return deco 71
72 73 -def _makeBooleanizer(funcName, booleanExpr):
74 """makes and registers a booleanizer for funcName. 75 76 booleanExpr is the postgres expression the function should be booleanized 77 to. Refer to the two arguments as %(1)s and %(2)s 78 """ 79 def _booleanizeThis(node, operator, operand): 80 if len(node.args)!=2: 81 raise common.UfuncError("%s takes exactly two arguments"%funcName) 82 return morphhelpers.addNotToBooleanized( 83 booleanExpr%{ 84 '1': nodes.flatten(node.args[0]), 85 '2': nodes.flatten(node.args[1])}, 86 operator, operand)
87 88 morphhelpers.registerBooleanizer(funcName.upper(), _booleanizeThis) 89 90 91 92 @userFunction("gavo_match", 93 "(pattern TEXT, string TEXT) -> INTEGER", 94 """ 95 gavo_match returns 1 if the POSIX regular expression pattern 96 matches anything in string, 0 otherwise. 97 """, 98 "integer")
99 -def _match(args):
100 if len(args)!=2: 101 raise common.UfuncError("gavo_match takes exactly two arguments") 102 return "(CASE WHEN %s ~ %s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"%( 103 nodes.flatten(args[1]), nodes.flatten(args[0]))
104 105 106 @userFunction("ivo_hasword", 107 "(haystack TEXT, needle TEXT) -> INTEGER", 108 """ 109 gavo_hasword returns 1 if needle shows up in haystack, 0 otherwise. This 110 is for "google-like"-searches in text-like fields. In word, you can 111 actually employ a fairly complex query language; see 112 113 for details. 114 """, 115 "integer")
116 -def _hasword(args):
117 if len(args)!=2: 118 raise common.UfuncError("ivo_hasword takes exactly two arguments") 119 return None
120 121 _makeBooleanizer("ivo_hasword", 122 "(to_tsvector('english', %(1)s) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', %(2)s))") 123 124 125 @userFunction("ivo_nocasematch", 126 "(value TEXT, pattern TEXT) -> INTEGER", 127 """ 128 ivo_nocasematch returns 1 if pattern matches value, 0 otherwise. 129 pattern is defined as for the SQL LIKE operator, but the 130 match is performed case-insensitively. This function in effect 131 provides a surrogate for the ILIKE SQL operator that is missing from 132 ADQL. 133 134 On this site, this is actually implemented using python's and SQL's 135 LOWER, so for everything except ASCII, your milage will vary. 136 """, 137 "integer")
138 -def _nocasematch(args):
139 if len(args)!=2: 140 raise common.UfuncError("ivo_nocasematch takes exactly two arguments") 141 if args[1].type=='characterStringLiteral': 142 args[1].value = args[1].value.lower() 143 else: 144 args[1] = "LOWER(%s)"%nodes.flatten(args[1]) 145 return None
146 147 _makeBooleanizer("ivo_nocasematch", "(LOWER(%(1)s) like %(2)s)") 148 149 150 @userFunction("ivo_hashlist_has", 151 "(hashlist TEXT, item TEXT) -> INTEGER", 152 """ 153 The function takes two strings; the first is a list of words not 154 containing the hash sign (#), concatenated by hash signs, the second is 155 a word not containing the hash sign. It returns 1 if, compared 156 case-insensitively, the second argument is in the list of words coded in 157 the first argument. The behaviour in case the the second 158 argument contains a hash sign is unspecified. 159 """, 160 "integer")
161 -def _hashlist_has(args):
162 if len(args)!=2: 163 raise common.UfuncError("ivo_haslist_has takes exactly two arguments") 164 return None
165 166 _makeBooleanizer("ivo_hashlist_has", 167 "lower(%(2)s) = ANY(string_to_array(%(1)s, '#'))") 168 169 @userFunction("ivo_interval_overlaps", 170 "(l1 NUMERIC, h1 NUMERIC, l2 NUMERIC, h2 NUMERIC) -> INTEGER", 171 """ 172 The function returns 1 if the interval [l1...h1] overlaps with 173 the interval [l2...h2]. For the purposes of this function, 174 the case l1=h2 or l2=h1 is treated as overlap. The function 175 returns 0 for non-overlapping intervals. 176 """)
177 -def _interval_overlaps(args):
178 if len(args)!=4: 179 raise common.UfuncError( 180 "ivo_interval_overlaps takes exactly four arguments") 181 l1, h1, l2, h2 = [nodes.flatten(a) for a in args] 182 return "((%s)>=(%s) AND (%s)>=(%s) AND (%s)<=(%s) AND (%s)<=(%s))::INTEGER"%( 183 h1, l2, h2, l1, 184 l1, h1, l2, h2)
185 186 187 @userFunction("ivo_interval_has", 188 "(val NUMERIC, iv INTERVAL) -> INTEGER", 189 """ 190 The function returns 1 if the interval iv contains val, 0 otherwise. 191 The lower limit is always included in iv, behaviour on the upper 192 limit is column-specific. 193 """)
194 -def _interval_has(args):
195 if len(args)!=2: 196 raise common.UfuncError( 197 "ivo_interval_has takes exactly two arguments") 198 return None
199 200 _makeBooleanizer("ivo_interval_has", "((%(1)s) <@ (%(2)s))") 201 202 203 @userFunction("gavo_to_mjd", 204 "(d TIMESTAMP) -> DOUBLE PRECISION", 205 """ 206 The function converts a postgres timestamp to modified julian date. 207 This is naive; no corrections for timezones, let alone time 208 scales or the like are done; you can thus not expect this to be 209 good to second-precision unless you are careful in the construction 210 of the timestamp. 211 """)
212 -def _to_mjd(args):
213 if len(args)!=1: 214 raise common.UfuncError("gavo_to_mjd takes exactly one timestamp argument") 215 return "ts_to_mjd(%s)"%nodes.flatten(args[0])
216 217 218 @userFunction("gavo_to_jd", 219 "(d TIMESTAMP) -> DOUBLE PRECISION", 220 """ 221 The function converts a postgres timestamp to julian date. 222 This is naive; no corrections for timezones, let alone time 223 scales or the like are done; you can thus not expect this to be 224 good to second-precision unless you are careful in the construction 225 of the timestamp. 226 """)
227 -def _to_jd(args):
228 if len(args)!=1: 229 raise common.UfuncError("gavo_to_jd takes exactly one timestamp argument") 230 return "ts_to_jd(%s)"%nodes.flatten(args[0])
232 233 -def _get_histogram_ucd(args):
234 baseUCD = args[0].fieldInfo.ucd 235 if baseUCD: 236 return "stat.histogram;"+baseUCD 237 else: 238 return "stat.histogram"
239 240 241 @userFunction("gavo_histogram", 242 "(val REAL, lower REAL, upper REAL, nbins INTEGER) -> INTEGER[]", 243 """ 244 The aggregate function returns a histogram of val with nbins+2 elements. 245 Assuming 0-based arrays, result[0] contains the number of underflows (i.e., 246 val<lower), result[nbins+1] the number of overflows. Elements 1..nbins 247 are the counts in nbins bins of width (upper-lower)/nbins. Clients 248 will have to convert back to physical units using some external 249 communication, there currently is no (meta-) data as lower and upper in 250 the TAP response. 251 """, 252 returntype="integer[]", 253 ucd=_get_histogram_ucd)
254 -def _gavo_histogram(args):
255 if len(args)!=4: 256 raise common.UfuncError( 257 "gavo_histogram takes exactly four arguments (the column to aggregate," 258 " a lower and upper limit of values to tabulate, and the number" 259 " of bins desired).") 260 return None
261 262 263 @userFunction("gavo_ipix", 264 "(long REAL, lat REAL) -> BIGINT", 265 """ 266 gavo_ipix returns the q3c ipix for a long/lat pair (it simply wraps 267 the 13c_ang2ipix function). 268 269 This is probably only relevant when you play tricks with indices or 270 PPMXL ids. 271 """, 272 returntype="bigint", 273 ucd="pos")
274 -def _gavo_ipix(args):
275 if len(args)!=2: 276 raise common.UfuncError( 277 "gavo_ipix takes exactly two arguments.") 278 279 long, lat = [nodes.flatten(a) for a in args] 280 return "q3c_ang2ipix(%s, %s)"%(long, lat)
281 282 283 @userFunction("gavo_transform", 284 "(from_sys TEXT, to_sys TEXT, geo GEOMETRY) -> GEOMETRY", 285 """ 286 The function transforms ADQL geometries between various reference systems. 287 geo can be a POINT, a CIRCLE, or a POLYGON, and the function will return a 288 geometry of the same type. In the current implementation, from_sys and 289 to_sys must be literal strings (i.e., they cannot be computed through 290 expressions or be taken from database columns). 291 292 All transforms are just simple rotations, which is only a rough 293 approximation to the actual relationships between reference systems 294 (in particular between FK4 and ICRS-based ones). Not that, in particular, 295 the epoch is not changed (i.e., no proper motions are applied). 296 297 We currently support the following reference frames: ICRS, FK5 (which 298 is trested as ICRS), FK4 (for B1950. without epoch-dependent corrections), 299 GALACTIC. Reference frame names are case-sensitive. 300 """, 301 returntype="GEOMETRY")
302 -def _gavo_transform(args):
303 if len(args)!=3: 304 raise common.UfuncError( 305 "gavo_transform takes exactly three arguments") 306 307 if not (isinstance(args[0], nodes.CharacterStringLiteral) 308 and isinstance(args[1], nodes.CharacterStringLiteral)): 309 raise common.UfuncError( 310 "Reference systems passed to gavo_transform must be simple" 311 " string literals") 312 313 try: 314 trans = stc.getPGSphereTrafo(args[0].value, args[1].value) 315 except stc.STCValueError, msg: 316 raise common.UfuncError( 317 "Cannot compute transformation between %s and %s: %s"%( 318 args[0].value, args[1].value, msg)) 319 320 if trans is None: 321 return args[2] 322 else: 323 return "(%s)%s"%(nodes.flatten(args[2]), trans)
324 325 326 @userFunction("ivo_string_agg", 327 "(expression TEXT, delimiter TEXT) -> TEXT", 328 """ 329 An aggregate function returning all values of 330 expression within a GROUP contcatenated with delimiter 331 """, 332 "text")
333 -def _string_agg(args):
334 if len(args)!=2: 335 raise common.UfuncError("ivo_string_agg takes exactly two arguments") 336 return "string_agg(%s, %s)"%( 337 nodes.flatten(args[0]), nodes.flatten(args[1]))
338 339 340 @userFunction("ivo_apply_pm", 341 "(ra DOUBLE PRECISION, dec DOUBLE PRECISION, pmra DOUBLE PRECISION, pmde DOUBLE PRECISON, epdist DOUBLE PRECISION) -> POINT", 342 """Returns a POINT (in the UNDEFINED reference frame) for the position 343 an object at ra/dec with proper motion pmra/pmde has after epdist years. 344 345 positions must be in degrees, PMs in should be in julian years (i.e., proper 346 motions are expected in degrees/year). pmra is assumed to contain 347 cos(delta). 348 349 NOTE: This currently is a crappy approximation that does *not* go 350 through the tangential plane. If you use it, let the operators know 351 so we replace it with something real. 352 """, 353 returntype="spoint")
354 -def _ivo_apply_pm(args):
355 if len(args)!=5: 356 raise common.UfuncError( 357 "ivo_apply_pm requires exactly ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, epdist.") 358 359 ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, epdist = args 360 movedPos = nodes.Point( 361 cooSys = 'UNKNOWN', 362 x=nodes.NumericValueExpression(children=[ 363 ra, '+', 364 nodes.Term(children=[ 365 epdist, '*', nodes.Term(children=[ 366 pmra, '/', nodes.NumericValueFunction( 367 funName="COS", 368 args=[nodes.NumericValueFunction( 369 funName="RADIANS", 370 args=[dec])])])])]), 371 y=nodes.NumericValueExpression(children=[ 372 dec, '+', nodes.Term(children=[ 373 pmdec, '*', epdist])])) 374 raise nodes.ReplaceNode(movedPos)
375 376 377 # the healpix functions for now use a temporary extension of pgsphere; 378 # this is available from ARI's Debian repository. No good plan 379 # on where healpix support will finally be going is made yet. 380 # 381 # You'll most likely have to define the underlying functions yourself. 382 # Here's how: 383 # 384 #CREATE FUNCTION healpix_nest(integer, spoint) 385 #RETURNS bigint 386 #AS '/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/lib/' 387 #LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; 388 #COMMENT ON FUNCTION healpix_nest(integer, spoint) IS 389 #'nested healpix index of a spherical point for the specified integer level 390 #(first argument)'; 391 # 392 #CREATE FUNCTION center_of_healpix_nest(integer, bigint) 393 #RETURNS spoint 394 #AS '/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/lib/', 'inv_healpix_nest' 395 #LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; 396 #COMMENT ON FUNCTION healpix_nest(integer, spoint) IS 397 #'spherical point designating the centre of a nested healpix element for the 398 #specified integer level (first argument)'; 399 400 @userFunction("ivo_healpix_index", 401 "(order INTEGER, ra DOUBLE PRECISION, dec DOUBLE PRECISION) -> BIGINT", 402 """Returns the index of the (nest) healpix with order containing the 403 spherical point (ra, dec). 404 405 An alternative, 2-argument form 406 407 ivo_healpix_index(order INTEGER, p POINT) -> BIGINT 408 409 is also available. 410 """, 411 returntype="bigint")
412 -def _ivo_healpix_index(args):
413 if len(args)==2: 414 return "healpix_nest(%s, %s)"%( 415 nodes.flatten(args[0]), nodes.flatten(args[1])) 416 elif len(args)==3: 417 return "healpix_nest(%s, spoint(RADIANS(%s), RADIANS(%s)))"%( 418 nodes.flatten(args[0]), nodes.flatten(args[1]), nodes.flatten(args[2])) 419 else: 420 raise common.UfuncError("ivo_healpix_index takes either (ra, dec, order)" 421 " or (point, order) arguments")
422 423 424 @userFunction("ivo_healpix_center", 425 "(hpxOrder INTEGER, hpxIndex BIGINT) -> POINT", 426 """returns a POINT corresponding to the center of the healpix with 427 the given index at the given order. 428 """, 429 returntype="spoint")
430 -def _ivo_healpix_center(args):
431 if len(args)!=2: 432 raise common.UfuncError("ivo_healpix_center only takes (index, order)" 433 " arguments") 434 return "center_of_healpix_nest(%s, %s)"%( 435 nodes.flatten(args[0]), nodes.flatten(args[1]))
437 438 -class UserFunction(nodes.FunctionNode):
439 """A node processing user defined functions. 440 441 See the userFunction docstring for how ADQL user defined functions 442 are defined. 443 """ 444 type = "userDefinedFunction" 445
446 - def _getFunc(self):
447 try: 448 return UFUNC_REGISTRY[self.funName.upper()] 449 except: 450 raise common.UfuncError("No such function: %s"%self.funName)
452 - def _polish(self):
453 if self.args: 454 self.args = list(self.args) 455 self.processedExpression = self._getFunc()(self.args)
457 - def flatten(self):
458 if self.processedExpression is None: 459 return nodes.FunctionNode.flatten(self) 460 else: 461 return self.processedExpression
463 - def addFieldInfo(self, context):
464 ufunc = self._getFunc() 465 466 unit = (ufunc.adqlUDF_unit(self.args) if callable(ufunc.adqlUDF_unit) 467 else ufunc.adqlUDF_unit) 468 ucd = (ufunc.adqlUDF_ucd(self.args) if callable(ufunc.adqlUDF_ucd) 469 else ufunc.adqlUDF_ucd) 470 471 self.fieldInfo = fieldinfo.FieldInfo( 472 ufunc.adqlUDF_returntype, 473 unit, 474 ucd)
475 476 477 tree.registerNode(UserFunction) 478