Package gavo :: Package base :: Module sqlsupport :: Class PostgresQueryMixin
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Class PostgresQueryMixin

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

is a mixin containing various useful queries that are postgres specific.

This mixin expects a parent that mixes is QuerierMixin (that, for now, also mixes in PostgresQueryMixin, so you won't need to mix this in).

Instance Methods
getServerVersion(self, digits=2)
returns the version of the connection's server to digits numbers.
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getPrimaryIndexName(self, tableName)
returns the name of the index corresponding to the primary key on (the unqualified) tableName.
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schemaExists(self, schema)
returns True if the named schema exists in the database.
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hasIndex(self, tableName, indexName, schema=None)
returns True if table tablename has and index called indexName.
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getForeignKeyName(self, srcTableName, destTableName, srcColNames, destColNames, schema=None)
returns True if there's a foreign key constraint on srcTable's srcColNames using destTableName's destColNames.
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foreignKeyExists(self, srcTableName, destTableName, srcColNames, destColNames, schema=None) source code
getColumnsFromDB(self, tableName)
returns a sequence of (name, type) pairs of the columsn this table has in the database.
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getRowEstimate(self, tableName)
returns the size of the table in rows as estimated by the query planner.
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roleExists(self, role)
returns True if there role is known to the database.
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getOIDForTable(self, tableName, schema=None)
returns the current oid of tableName.
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getTableType(self, tableName, schema=None)
returns the type of the relation relationName.
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dropTable(self, tableName, cascade=False)
drops a table or view named by tableName.
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getSchemaPrivileges(self, schema)
returns (owner, readRoles, allRoles) for schema's ACL.
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getTablePrivileges(self, schema, tableName)
returns (owner, readRoles, allRoles) for the relation tableName and the schema.
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parsePGACL(self, acl)
returns a dict roleName->acl for acl in postgres' ACL serialization.
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getACLFromRes(self, thingWithPrivileges)
returns a dict of (role, ACL) as it is defined in thingWithPrivileges.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

hasIndex(self, tableName, indexName, schema=None)

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returns True if table tablename has and index called indexName.

See _parseTableName on the meaning of the arguments.

getForeignKeyName(self, srcTableName, destTableName, srcColNames, destColNames, schema=None)

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returns True if there's a foreign key constraint on srcTable's srcColNames using destTableName's destColNames.

Warning: names in XColNames that are not column names in the respective tables are ignored.

This raises a ValueError if the foreign keys do not exist.

getColumnsFromDB(self, tableName)

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returns a sequence of (name, type) pairs of the columsn this table has in the database.

If the table is not on disk, this will raise a NotFoundError.

*** psycopg2 specific ***

getRowEstimate(self, tableName)

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returns the size of the table in rows as estimated by the query planner.

This will raise a KeyError with tableName if the table isn't known to postgres.

getOIDForTable(self, tableName, schema=None)

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returns the current oid of tableName.

tableName may be schema qualified. If it is not, public is assumed.

getTableType(self, tableName, schema=None)

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returns the type of the relation relationName.

If relationName does not exist, None is returned. Otherwise, it's what is in the information schema for the table, which for postgres currently is one of BASE TABLE, VIEW, FOREIGN TABLE, MATERIALIZED VIEW, or LOCAL TEMPORARY.

The DaCHS-idiomatic way to see if a relation exists is getTableType() is not None.

You can pass in schema-qualified relation names, or the relation name and the schema separately.

*** postgres specific ***

dropTable(self, tableName, cascade=False)

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drops a table or view named by tableName.

This does not raise an error if no such relation exists.

*** postgres specific ***

getTablePrivileges(self, schema, tableName)

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returns (owner, readRoles, allRoles) for the relation tableName and the schema.

*** postgres specific ***

getACLFromRes(self, thingWithPrivileges)

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returns a dict of (role, ACL) as it is defined in thingWithPrivileges.

thingWithPrivileges is something mixing in rscdef.common.PrivilegesMixin. (or has readProfiles and allProfiles attributes containing sequences of profile names).