Package gavo :: Package base :: Module typesystems
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Source Code for Module gavo.base.typesystems

  1  """ 
  2  Conversions between type systems. 
  4  The DC software has to deal with a quite a few type systems: 
  6   - Python 
  7   - SQL 
  8   - Postgres pg_type 
  9   - VOTable 
 10   - XSD 
 11   - Twisted formal 
 12   - numpy 
 14  Based on the (stinking) framework of utils.typeconversions, this 
 15  module contains converters between them as necessary.  The 
 16  linuga franca of our type systems is SQL+extensions as laid 
 17  down in utils.typeconversions. 
 18  """ 
 20  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
 21  #c 
 22  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 23  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 26  import numpy 
 28  from gavo import utils 
 29  from gavo.base import literals 
 30  from gavo.utils.typeconversions import (FromSQLConverter, 
 31          sqltypeToVOTable, voTableToSQLType, ConversionError) 
34 -class FromVOTableConverter(object):
35 typeSystem = "db" 36 37 simpleMap = { 38 ("short", '1'): "smallint", 39 ("int", '1'): "integer", 40 ("long", '1'): "bigint", 41 ("float", '1'): "real", 42 ("boolean", '1'): "boolean", 43 ("double", '1'): "double precision", 44 ("char", "*"): "text", 45 ("char", '1'): "char", 46 ("unsignedByte", '1'): "smallint", 47 ("raw", '1'): "raw", 48 } 49 50 xtypeMap = { 51 "adql:POINT": "spoint", 52 "adql:REGION": "spoly", 53 "adql:TIMESTAMP": "timestamp", 54 "timestamp": "timestamp", 55 "point": "spoint", 56 "circle": "scirle", 57 "polygon": "spoly", 58 } 59
60 - def convert(self, type, arraysize, xtype=None):
61 if self.xtypeMap.get(xtype): 62 return self.xtypeMap[xtype] 63 if arraysize=="1" or arraysize=="" or arraysize is None: 64 arraysize = "1" 65 if (type, arraysize) in self.simpleMap: 66 return self.simpleMap[type, arraysize] 67 else: 68 return self.mapComplex(type, arraysize)
70 - def mapComplex(self, type, arraysize):
71 if arraysize=="*": 72 arraysize = "" 73 if type=="char": 74 return "text" 75 if type=="unicodeChar": 76 return "unicode" 77 if type=="unsignedByte" and arraysize!="1": 78 return "bytea[]" 79 if (type, '1') in self.simpleMap: 80 return "%s[%s]"%(self.simpleMap[type, '1'], arraysize) 81 raise ConversionError("No SQL type for %s, %s"%(type, arraysize))
82 83
84 -class ToXSDConverter(FromSQLConverter):
85 86 typeSystem = "XSD" 87 simpleMap = { 88 "smallint": "short", 89 "integer": "int", 90 "bigint": "long", 91 "real": "float", 92 "boolean": "boolean", 93 "double precision": "double", 94 "text": "string", 95 "unicode": "string", 96 "char": "string", 97 "date": "date", 98 "timestamp": "dateTime", 99 "time": "time", 100 "raw": "string", 101 "vexpr-mjd": "string", 102 "vexpr-date": "string", 103 "vexpr-float": "string", 104 "vexpr-string": "string", 105 } 106
107 - def mapComplex(self, type, length):
108 if type in self._charTypes: 109 return "string"
110 111
112 -class ToNumpyConverter(FromSQLConverter):
113 114 typeSystem = "numpy" 115 simpleMap = { 116 "smallint": numpy.int16, 117 "integer": numpy.int32, 118 "bigint": numpy.int64, 119 "real": numpy.float32, 120 "boolean": numpy.bool, 121 "double precision": numpy.float64, 122 "text": numpy.str, 123 "unicode": numpy.unicode, 124 "char": numpy.str, 125 "date": numpy.float32, 126 "timestamp": numpy.float64, 127 "time": numpy.float32, 128 } 129
130 - def mapComplex(self, type, length):
131 if type in self._charTypes: 132 return numpy.str
133 134
135 -class ToPythonBase(FromSQLConverter):
136 """The base for converters turning dealing with turning "simple" literals 137 into python values. 138 139 These return the identity for most "complex" types that do not have 140 plain literals. 141 142 What is returned here is a name of a function turning a single literal 143 into an object of the desired type; all those reside within base.literals. 144 145 All such functions should be transparent to None (null value) and to 146 objects that already are of the desired type. 147 """ 148 simpleMap = { 149 "smallint": "parseInt", 150 "integer": "parseInt", 151 "bigint": "parseInt", 152 "real": "parseFloat", 153 "boolean": "parseBooleanLiteral", 154 "double precision": "parseFloat", 155 "text": "parseUnicode", 156 "char": "parseUnicode", 157 "unicode": "parseUnicode", 158 "date": "parseDefaultDate", 159 "timestamp": "parseDefaultDatetime", 160 "time": "parseDefaultTime", 161 "spoint": "parseSPoint", 162 "scircle": "parseSimpleSTCS", 163 "spoly": "parseSimpleSTCS", 164 "sbox": "identity", # hmha, there's no STC-S for this kind of box... 165 "smoc": "identity", # use pgsphere.SMoc.fromASCII 166 "bytea": "identity", 167 "raw": "identity", 168 "file": "identity", 169 "box": "identity", 170 "vexpr-mjd": "identity", 171 "vexpr-string": "identity", 172 "vexpr-float": "identity", 173 "vexpr-date": "identity", 174 "pql-string": "identity", 175 "pql-float": "identity", 176 "pql-int": "identity", 177 "pql-date": "identity", 178 "pql-upload": "identity", 179 "int4range": "parseInterval", 180 } 181
182 - def mapComplex(self, type, length):
183 if type in self._charTypes: 184 return "parseUnicode" 185 else: 186 return "identity" # Anything sufficiently complex is python anyway :-)
187 188
189 -class ToPythonCodeConverter(ToPythonBase):
190 """returns code templates to turn literals in variables to python objects. 191 192 This is for the rowmakers' src="xx" specification, where no fancy literal 193 processing needs to be done. 194 195 The values of the map are simple string interpolation templates, with a 196 single %s for the name of the variable to be converted. 197 198 The code assumes whatever executes those literals has done the equvialent 199 of gavo.base.literals import * or use gavo.base.literals.defaultParsers() 200 """ 201 typeSystem = "pythonsrc" 202
203 - def convert(self, sqlType):
204 funcName = ToPythonBase.convert(self, sqlType) 205 if funcName=="identity": # probably pointless performance hack 206 return "%s" 207 return funcName+"(%s)"
208 209
210 -class ToPythonConverter(ToPythonBase):
211 """returns constructors making python values from strings. 212 213 This is only for non-fancy applications with controlled input. For 214 more general circumstances, you'll want to use the parsing infrastructure. 215 216 In particular, this will return the identity for most non-trivial stuff. 217 Maybe that's wrong, but it will only change as sane literals are defined. 218 """ 219 typeSystem = "python" 220
221 - def convert(self, sqlType):
222 funcName = ToPythonBase.convert(self, sqlType) 223 return getattr(literals, funcName)
224 225
226 -class ToLiteralConverter(object):
227 """returns a function taking some python value and returning stuff that 228 can be parsed using ToPythonCodeConverter. 229 """ 230 typeSystem = "literal" 231 simpleMap = { 232 "smallint": str, 233 "integer": str, 234 "bigint": str, 235 "real": str, 236 "boolean": str, 237 "double precision": str, 238 "text": str, 239 "char": str, 240 "unicode": unicode, 241 "date": lambda v: v.isoformat(), 242 "timestamp": lambda v: utils.formatISODT(v), 243 "time": lambda v: v.isoformat(), 244 "spoint": lambda v: "%f,%f"%(v.x/utils.DEG, v.y/utils.DEG), 245 # XXX TODO Fix those 246 # "scircle": str, 247 # "spoly": str, 248 # "sbox": str, 249 # "smoc": str, 250 } 251
252 - def convert(self, type):
253 if type in self.simpleMap: 254 return self.simpleMap[type] 255 return utils.identity
256 257
258 -class ToPgTypeValidatorConverter(FromSQLConverter):
259 """returns a callable that takes a type code from postgres' pg_type 260 that will raise a TypeError if the to types are deemed incompatible. 261 """ 262 typeSystem = "Postgres pg_types validators" 263
264 - def checkInt(pgcode):
265 if pgcode not in frozenset(['int2', 'int4', 'int8']): 266 raise TypeError("%s is not compatible with an integer column"%pgcode)
268 - def checkFloat(pgcode):
269 if pgcode not in frozenset(['float4', 'float8']): 270 raise TypeError("%s is not compatible with an integer column"%pgcode)
272 - def makeChecker(expectedCode):
273 def checker(pgcode): 274 if expectedCode!=pgcode: 275 raise TypeError("Incompatible type in DB: Expected %s, found %s"%( 276 expectedCode, pgcode))
277 return checker
279 - def dontCheck(pgcode):
280 # should we give a warning that we didn't check a column? 281 pass
283 - def makeAlarmer(typeName):
284 def beAlarmed(pgcode): 285 raise TypeError("Column with a non-db type %s mapped to db type %s"%( 286 typeName, pgcode))
287 return beAlarmed 288 289 simpleMap = { 290 "smallint": checkInt, 291 "integer": checkInt, 292 "bigint": checkInt, 293 "real": checkFloat, 294 "boolean": makeChecker("bool"), 295 "double precision": checkFloat, 296 "text": makeChecker("text"), 297 "char": makeChecker("bpchar"), 298 "date": makeChecker("date"), 299 "timestamp": makeChecker("timestamp"), 300 "time": makeChecker("time"), 301 "box": dontCheck, # box is on the way out -- don't bother 302 "vexpr-mjd": makeAlarmer("vexpr-mjd"), 303 "vexpr-string": makeAlarmer("vexpr-string"), 304 "vexpr-date": makeAlarmer("vexpr-date"), 305 "vexpr-float": makeAlarmer("vexpr-float"), 306 "file": makeAlarmer("file"), 307 "pql-float": makeAlarmer("pql-float"), 308 "pql-string": makeAlarmer("pql-string"), 309 "pql-date": makeAlarmer("pql-date"), 310 "pql-int": makeAlarmer("pql-int"), 311 "pql-upload": makeAlarmer("pql-upload"), 312 "raw": makeAlarmer("raw"), 313 "bytea": makeChecker("bytea"), 314 "spoint": makeChecker("spoint"), 315 "scircle": makeChecker("scircle"), 316 "sbox": makeChecker("sbox"), 317 "spoly": makeChecker("spoly"), 318 "smap": makeChecker("smap"), 319 "smoc": makeChecker("smoc"), 320 "unicode": makeChecker("text"), 321 } 322
323 - def mapComplex(self, type, length):
324 if (length is None or length==1) and type in self.simpleMap: 325 return self.simpleMap[type] 326 327 # it seems postgres always has a _ in front of arrays, but char(*) 328 # doesn't have it. We pretend we don't care for now. 329 def check(pgcode): 330 if pgcode.startswith("_"): 331 pgcode = pgcode[1:] 332 self.simpleMap[type](pgcode)
333 334 return check 335 336
337 -def sqltypeToPG(type):
338 """returns a postgres type for one of our internal SQL types. 339 340 This is really only necessary because of our UNICODE hack. And it 341 shouldn't become more complex than this. 342 343 >>> sqltypeToPG("INT[23, 42]") 344 'INT[23, 42]' 345 >>> sqltypeToPG("uniCode[23]") 346 'TEXT[23]' 347 """ 348 if type.upper().startswith("UNICODE"): 349 return "TEXT"+type[7:] 350 return type
351 352 353 sqltypeToXSD = ToXSDConverter().convert 354 sqltypeToNumpy = ToNumpyConverter().convert 355 sqltypeToPython = ToPythonConverter().convert 356 sqltypeToPythonCode = ToPythonCodeConverter().convert 357 sqltypeToPgValidator = ToPgTypeValidatorConverter().convert 358 pythonToLiteral = ToLiteralConverter().convert 359 360
361 -def _test():
362 import doctest, typesystems 363 doctest.testmod(typesystems)
364 365 if __name__=="__main__": 366 _test() 367 368 __all__ = ["sqltypeToVOTable", "sqltypeToXSD", "sqltypeToNumpy", 369 "sqltypeToPython", "sqltypeToPythonCode", "voTableToSQLType", 370 "ConversionError", "FromSQLConverter", "pythonToLiteral", 371 "sqltypeToPgValidator", "sqltypeToPG"] 372