Package gavo :: Package base :: Module valuemappers
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Source Code for Module gavo.base.valuemappers

  1  """ 
  2  Serialising table rows. 
  4  The main class in this module is the SerManager, which knows about 
  5  a target table and figures out how to turn the values in the table 
  6  rows into strings. 
  8  This is used by formats.votablewrite and the HTML table serialisation. 
 10  utils.serializers has once been a part of this module.  To save migration 
 11  effort, for now it reproduces that module's interface. 
 12  """ 
 14  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
 15  #c 
 16  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 17  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 20  import re 
 22  from gavo import adql 
 23  from gavo import utils 
 24  from gavo.utils.serializers import ( #noflake: for (compatibility) export 
 25          ValueMapperFactoryRegistry, defaultMFRegistry, AnnotatedColumn,  
 26          registerDefaultMF) 
 28  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" 
29 30 31 -class SerManager(utils.IdManagerMixin):
32 """A wrapper for the serialisation of table data. 33 34 SerManager instances keep information on what values certain columns can 35 assume and how to map them to concrete values in VOTables, HTML or ASCII. 36 37 They are constructed with a BaseTable instance. 38 39 You can additionally give: 40 41 - withRanges -- ignored, going away 42 - acquireSamples -- ignored, going away 43 - idManager -- an object mixing in utils.IdManagerMixin. This is important 44 if the ids we are assigning here end up in a larger document. In that 45 case, pass in the id manager of that larger document. Default is the 46 SerManager itself 47 - mfRegistry -- a map factory registry. Default is the defaltMFRegistry, 48 which is suitable for VOTables. 49 50 Iterate over a SerManager to retrieve the annotated columns. 51 """ 52 # Filled out on demand 53 _nameDict = None 54
55 - def __init__(self, table, withRanges=True, acquireSamples=True, 56 idManager=None, mfRegistry=defaultMFRegistry):
57 self.table = table 58 if idManager is not None: 59 self.cloneFrom(idManager) 60 self.notes = {} 61 self._makeAnnotatedColumns() 62 self._makeMappers(mfRegistry)
64 - def __iter__(self):
65 return iter(self.annCols)
67 - def _makeAnnotatedColumns(self):
68 self.annCols = [] 69 for column in self.table.tableDef: 70 self.annCols.append( 71 AnnotatedColumn(column, self.table.votCasts.get( 72 73 # We unconditionally generate IDs for FIELDs since rev ~4368 74 # If a column actually got included twice in a VOTable, its id 75 # would occur twice in the VOTable; I guess that would need 76 # handling in xmlstan 77 colId = self.getOrMakeIdFor(column, or column.key) 78 if colId is not None: 79 self.annCols[-1]["id"] = colId 80 81 # if column refers to a note, remember the note 82 if column.note: 83 try: 84 self.notes[column.note.tag] = column.note 85 self.annCols[-1]["note"] = column.note 86 except (ValueError, utils.NotFoundError): 87 pass # don't worry about missing notes, but don't display them either 88 89 self.byName = dict( 90 (annCol["name"], annCol) for annCol in self.annCols)
92 - def _makeMappers(self, mfRegistry):
93 """returns a sequence of functions mapping our columns. 94 95 As a side effect, column properties may change (in particular, 96 datatypes). 97 """ 98 mappers = [] 99 for annCol in self: 100 mappers.append(mfRegistry.getMapper(annCol)) 101 self.mappers = tuple(mappers)
103 - def getColumnByName(self, name):
104 """returns an AnnotatedColumn element for name. 105 106 To help out in case name has gone through postgres, this will try 107 name lowercased if it doesn't match in normal case. 108 109 This will raise a KeyError if name can't be found anyway. 110 """ 111 try: 112 return self.byName[name] 113 except: 114 return self.byName[name.lower()]
116 - def _compileMapFunction(self, funcLines):
117 """helps _make(Dict|Tuple)Factory. 118 """ 119 return utils.compileFunction( 120 "\n".join(funcLines), "buildRec", 121 useGlobals=dict(("map%d"%index, mapper) 122 for index, mapper in enumerate(self.mappers)))
124 - def _makeDictFactory(self):
125 """returns a function that returns a dictionary of mapped values 126 for a row dictionary. 127 """ 128 colLabels = [str(c["name"]) for c in self] 129 funDef = ["def buildRec(rowDict):"] 130 for index, label in enumerate(colLabels): 131 if self.mappers[index] is not utils.identity: 132 funDef.append("\trowDict[%r] = map%d(rowDict[%r])"%( 133 label, index, label)) 134 funDef.append("\treturn rowDict") 135 return self._compileMapFunction(funDef)
137 - def _makeTupleFactory(self):
138 """returns a function that returns a tuple of mapped values 139 for a row dictionary. 140 """ 141 funDef = ["def buildRec(rowDict):", "\treturn ("] 142 for index, cd in enumerate(self): 143 if self.mappers[index] is utils.identity: 144 funDef.append("\t\trowDict[%r],"%cd["name"]) 145 else: 146 funDef.append("\t\tmap%d(rowDict[%r]),"%(index, cd["name"])) 147 funDef.append("\t)") 148 return self._compileMapFunction(funDef)
150 - def _iterWithMaps(self, buildRec):
151 """helps getMapped(Values|Tuples). 152 """ 153 colLabels = [ for f in self.table.tableDef] 154 if not colLabels: 155 yield () 156 return 157 for row in self.table: 158 yield buildRec(row)
160 - def getMappedValues(self):
161 """iterates over the table's rows as dicts with mapped values. 162 """ 163 return self._iterWithMaps(self._makeDictFactory())
165 - def getMappedTuples(self):
166 """iterates over the table's rows as tuples with mapped values. 167 """ 168 return self._iterWithMaps(self._makeTupleFactory())
170 171 -def needsQuoting(identifier, forRowmaker=False):
172 """returns True if identifier needs quoting in an SQL statement. 173 >>> needsQuoting("RA(J2000)") 174 True 175 >>> needsQuoting("ABS") 176 True 177 >>> needsQuoting("r") 178 False 179 """ 180 if utils.identifierPattern.match(identifier) is None: 181 return True 182 # extra rule for standards SQL 92 183 if identifier.startswith("_"): 184 return True 185 186 if identifier.lower() in getNameBlacklist(forRowmaker): 187 return True 188 return False
190 191 @utils.memoized 192 -def getNameBlacklist(forRowmaker=False):
193 """returns a set of names not suitable for table column names. 194 195 This comprises SQL reserved words in lower case and, if forRowmaker 196 is true, also some names damaging row makers (e.g. python reserved 197 words). 198 """ 199 res = set(k.lower() for k in adql.allReservedWords) 200 if forRowmaker: 201 import keyword 202 from gavo.rscdef import rmkfuncs 203 res = (res 204 | set(["result_", "rowdict_"]) 205 | set(k.lower() for k in keyword.kwlist) 206 | set(k.lower() for k in dir(rmkfuncs))) 207 return frozenset(res)
209 210 -class VOTNameMaker(object):
211 """A class for generating db-unique names from VOTable fields. 212 213 This is important to avoid all kinds of weird names the remaining 214 infrastructure will not handle. "Normal" TableDefs assume unquoted 215 SQL identifiers as names, and want all names unique. 216 217 Using this class ensures these expectations are met in a reproducible 218 way (i.e., given the same table, the same names will be assigned). 219 """
220 - def __init__(self):
221 self.knownNames, self.index = set(getNameBlacklist(True)), 0
223 - def makeName(self, field):
224 preName = re.sub("[^\w]+", "x", (getattr(field, "name", None) 225 or getattr(field, "ID", None) 226 or "field%02d"%self.index)) 227 if not re.match("[A-Za-z_]", preName): 228 preName = "col_"+preName 229 while preName.lower() in self.knownNames: 230 preName = preName+"_" 231 self.knownNames.add(preName.lower()) 232 self.index += 1 233 return preName
235 236 -def _test():
237 import doctest, valuemappers 238 doctest.testmod(valuemappers)
239 240 241 if __name__=="__main__": 242 _test() 243