Package gavo :: Package helpers :: Module processing :: Class AnetHeaderProcessor
[frames] | no frames]

Class AnetHeaderProcessor

source code

   object --+        
FileProcessor --+    
  HeaderProcessor --+

A file processor for calibrating FITS frames using

It might provide calibration for "simple" cases out of the box. You will usually want to override some solver parameters. To do that, define class attributes sp_<parameter name>, where the parameters available are discussed in helpers.anet's docstring. sp_indices is one thing you will typically need to override.

To use SExtractor rather than anet's source extractor, override sexControl, to use an object filter (see anet.getWCSFieldsFor), override the objectFilter attribute.

To add additional fields, override _getHeader and call the parent class' _getHeader method. To change the way is called, override the _solveAnet method (it needs to return some result anet.of getWCSFieldsFor) and call _runAnet with your custom arguments for getWCSFieldsFor.

See :dachsdoc:`processors#astrometry-net` for details.

Instance Methods
solverParameters(self) source code
commentFilter(self, value)
returns true if the comment value should be preserved.
source code
historyFilter(self, value)
returns true if the history item value should be preserved.
source code

Inherited from HeaderProcessor: process

Inherited from FileProcessor: __init__, addClassification, classify, getProductKey, iterIdentifiers, iterJobs, printReport, printTableSize, printVerboseReport, processAll

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods
addOptions(optParser) source code

Inherited from HeaderProcessor: getPrimaryHeader

Class Variables
  sexControl = None
  objectFilter = None
  noCopyHeaders = set(["simple", "bitpix", "naxis", "imageh", "i...

Inherited from HeaderProcessor: cardSequence, headerExt, keepKeys, maxHeaderBlocks

Inherited from FileProcessor: inputsDir


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

Static Method

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Overrides: FileProcessor.addOptions


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  • @property

commentFilter(self, value)

source code 

returns true if the comment value should be preserved.

You may want to override this.

Overrides: HeaderProcessor.commentFilter
(inherited documentation)

historyFilter(self, value)

source code 

returns true if the history item value should be preserved.

Overrides: HeaderProcessor.historyFilter
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details


set(["simple", "bitpix", "naxis", "imageh", "imagew", "naxis1", "naxis\
2", "datamin", "datamax", "date"])