Package gavo :: Package protocols :: Module products
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Source Code for Module gavo.protocols.products

   1  """ 
   2  Products  and a core turning accrefs into lists of products. 
   4  There is a substantial overlap between what's going on there and datalink 
   5  (and datalink uses some of the products mentioned here).  The cutouts 
   6  and scale things here shouldn't be developed on, all this should 
   7  move towards datalink.  Meanwhile, we still have siapCutoutCore and 
   8  friends that relies on the mess here, so all this is going to remain 
   9  for the forseeable future.  Just don't extend it. 
  11  The "user-visible" part are just accrefs, as modelled by the RAccref 
  12  -- they can contain instructions for cutouts or scaling, hence the additional 
  13  structure. 
  15  Using the product table and some logic in this module, such accrefs  
  16  are turned into subclasses of ProductBase.   
  18  These have mime types and know how to generate their data through their 
  19  synchronous iterData methods.  They must also work as nevow resources and thus 
  20  have implement asynchronuous renderHTTP(ctx) methods.  It's a bit unfortunate 
  21  that we thus depend on nevow here, but we'd have to reimplement quite a bit of 
  22  it if we don't, and for now it doesn't seem we'll support a different framework 
  23  in the forseeable future. 
  24  """ 
  26  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  27  #c 
  28  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  29  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
  32  import datetime 
  33  import gzip 
  34  import functools 
  35  import re 
  36  import os 
  37  import urllib 
  38  import urlparse 
  39  from io import BytesIO 
  41  import numpy 
  43  from PIL import Image 
  45  from nevow import inevow 
  46  from nevow import static 
  47  from twisted.internet import defer 
  48  from twisted.internet import threads 
  49  from zope.interface import implements 
  51  from gavo import base 
  52  from gavo import rscdef 
  53  from gavo import svcs 
  54  from gavo import utils 
  55  from gavo.base import coords 
  56  from gavo.protocols import creds 
  57  from gavo.svcs import streaming 
  58  from gavo.utils import imgtools 
  59  from gavo.utils import fitstools 
  60  from gavo.utils import pyfits 
  63  # TODO: make this configurable -- globally?  by service? 
  64  PREVIEW_SIZE = 200 
  66  PRODUCTS_TDID = "//products#products" 
  68  REMOTE_URL_PATTERN = re.compile("(https?|ftp)://") 
  70  MS = base.makeStruct 
71 72 73 -def makePreviewFromFITS(product):
74 """returns image/jpeg bytes for a preview of a product spitting out a 75 2D FITS. 76 """ 77 if hasattr(product, "getFile"): 78 # hack to preserve no-so-well-thought out existing functionality 79 if product.rAccref.accref.endswith(".gz"): 80 inFile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=product.getFile()) 81 else: 82 inFile = product.getFile() 83 84 with utils.fitsLock(): 85 pixels = numpy.array([row 86 for row in fitstools.iterScaledRows(inFile, 87 destSize=PREVIEW_SIZE)]) 88 else: 89 raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Fix fitstools.iterScaledRows" 90 " to be more accomodating to weird things") 91 return imgtools.jpegFromNumpyArray(pixels)
93 94 -def makePreviewWithPIL(product):
95 """returns image/jpeg bytes for a preview of the PIL-readable product. 96 """ 97 # TODO: Teach products to at least accept seek(0) and directly read from 98 # them; at least make read(None) work properly 99 fullsize = BytesIO( 100 im = 101 scale = max(im.size)/float(PREVIEW_SIZE) 102 resized = im.resize(( 103 int(im.size[0]/scale), 104 int(im.size[1]/scale))) 105 f = BytesIO() 106, format="jpeg") 107 return f.getvalue()
108 109 110 _PIL_COMPATIBLE_MIMES = frozenset(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])
111 112 -def computePreviewFor(product):
113 """returns image/jpeg bytes containing a preview of product. 114 115 This only works for a select subset of products. You're usually 116 better off using static previews. 117 """ 118 if hasattr(product, "makePreview"): 119 return product.makePreview() 120 121 sourceMime =["mime"] 122 if sourceMime=='image/fits': 123 return makePreviewFromFITS(product) 124 elif sourceMime in _PIL_COMPATIBLE_MIMES: 125 return makePreviewWithPIL(product) 126 else: 127 raise base.DataError("Cannot make automatic preview for %s"% 128 sourceMime)
130 131 -class PreviewCacheManager(object):
132 """is a class that manages the preview cache. 133 134 It's really the class that manages it, so don't bother creating instances. 135 136 The normal operation is that you pass the product you want a preview to 137 getPreviewFor. If a cached preview already exists, you get back its content 138 (the mime type must be taken from the products table). 139 140 If the file does not exist yet, some internal magic tries to come up with 141 a preview and determines whether it should be cached, in which case it does 142 so provided a preview has been generated successfully. 143 144 A cache file is touched when it is used, so you can clean up rarely used 145 cache files by deleting all files in the preview cache older than some 146 limit. 147 """ 148 cachePath = base.getConfig("web", "previewCache") 149 150 @classmethod
151 - def getCacheName(cls, accref):
152 """returns the full path a preview for accref is be stored under. 153 """ 154 return os.path.join(cls.cachePath, rscdef.getFlatName(accref))
155 156 @classmethod
157 - def getCachedPreviewPath(cls, accref):
158 """returns the path to a cached preview if it exists, None otherwise. 159 """ 160 cacheName = cls.getCacheName(accref) 161 if os.path.exists(cacheName): 162 return cacheName 163 return None
164 165 @classmethod
166 - def saveToCache(self, data, cacheName):
167 try: 168 with open(cacheName, "w") as f: 169 f.write(data) 170 except IOError: # caching failed, don't care 171 pass 172 return data
173 174 @classmethod
175 - def getPreviewFor(cls, product):
176 """returns a deferred firing the data for a preview. 177 """ 178 if not product.rAccref.previewIsCacheable(): 179 return threads.deferToThread(computePreviewFor, product) 180 181 accref = product.rAccref.accref 182 cacheName = cls.getCacheName(accref) 183 if os.path.exists(cacheName): 184 # Cache hit 185 try: 186 os.utime(cacheName, None) 187 except os.error: 188 pass # don't fail just because we can't touch 189 190 with open(cacheName) as f: 191 return defer.succeed( 192 193 else: 194 # Cache miss 195 return threads.deferToThread(computePreviewFor, product 196 ).addCallback(cls.saveToCache, cacheName)
198 199 -class ProductBase(object):
200 """A base class for products returned by the product core. 201 202 See the module docstring for the big picture. 203 204 The constructor arguments of RAccrefs depend on what they are. 205 The common interface is the the class method 206 fromRAccref(rAccref, authGroups=None). 207 It returns None if the RAccref is not for a product of the 208 respective sort, the product otherwise. 209 210 authGroups is a set of groups authorised for the user when 211 controlling access to embargoed products. This is the main 212 reason you should never hand out products yourself but always 213 expose the to the user through the product core. 214 215 The actual constructor requires a RAccref, which is exposed as the 216 rAccref attribute. Do not use the productsRow attribute from rAccref, 217 though, as constructors may want to manipulate the content of the 218 product row (e.g., in NonExistingProduct). Access the product 219 row as in product classes. 220 221 In addition to those, all Products have a name attribute, 222 which must be something suitable as a file name; the default 223 constructor calls a _makeName method to come up with one, and 224 you should simply override it. 225 226 The iterData method has to yield reasonably-sized chunks of 227 data (self.chunkSize should be a good choice). It must be 228 synchronuous. 229 230 Products usually are used as nevow resources. Therefore, they 231 must have a renderHTTP method. This must be asynchronuous, 232 i.e., it should not block for extended periods of time. 233 234 Products also work as rudimentary files via read and close 235 methods; by default, these are implemented on top of iterData. 236 Clients must never mix calls to the file interface and to 237 iterData. Derived classes that are based on actual files should 238 set up optimized read and close methods using the setupRealFile 239 class method (look for the getFile method on the instance to see 240 if there's a real file). Again, the assumption is made there that clients 241 use either iterData or read, but never both. 242 243 If a product knows how to (quickly) generate a preview for itself, 244 it can define a makePreview() method. This must return content 245 for a mime type conventional for that kind of product (which is laid 246 down in the products table). 247 """ 248 implements(inevow.IResource) 249 250 chunkSize = 2**16 251 _curIterator = None 252
253 - def __init__(self, rAccref):
254 # If you change things here, change NonExistingProduct's constructor 255 # as well. 256 self.rAccref = rAccref 257 = self.rAccref.productsRow 258 self._makeName()
260 - def _makeName(self):
261 = "invalid product"
263 - def __str__(self):
264 return "<%s %s (%s)>"%(self.__class__.__name__, 265, 266["mime"])
268 - def __repr__(self):
269 return str(self)
271 - def __eq__(self, other):
272 return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) 273 and self.rAccref==other.rAccref)
275 - def __ne__(self, other):
276 return not self==other
277 278 @classmethod
279 - def fromRAccref(self, accref, authGroups=None):
280 return None # ProductBase is not responsible for anything.
281 282 @classmethod
283 - def setupRealFile(cls, openMethod):
284 """changes cls such that read and close work an an actual file-like 285 object rather than the inefficient iterData. 286 287 openMethod has to be an instance method of the class returning 288 an opened input file. 289 """ 290 cls._openedInputFile = None 291 292 def getFileMethod(self): 293 return openMethod(self)
294 295 def readMethod(self, size=None): 296 if self._openedInputFile is None: 297 self._openedInputFile = openMethod(self) 298 return
299 300 def closeMethod(self): 301 if self._openedInputFile is not None: 302 self._openedInputFile.close() 303 self._openedInputFile = None 304 305 = readMethod 306 cls.close = closeMethod 307 cls.getFile = getFileMethod 308
309 - def iterData(self):
310 raise NotImplementedError("Internal error: %s products do not" 311 " implement iterData"%self.__class__.__name__)
313 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
314 raise NotImplementedError("Internal error: %s products cannot be" 315 " rendered."%self.__class__.__name__)
317 - def read(self, size=None):
318 if self._curIterator is None: 319 self._curIterator = self.iterData() 320 self._readBuf, self._curSize = [], 0 321 322 while size is None or self._curSize<size: 323 try: 324 chunk = 325 except StopIteration: 326 break 327 self._readBuf.append(chunk) 328 self._curSize += len(chunk) 329 330 content = "".join(self._readBuf) 331 if size is None: 332 self._readBuf, self._curSize = [], 0 333 result = content 334 335 else: 336 result = content[:size] 337 self._readBuf = [content[size:]] 338 self._curSize = len(self._readBuf[0]) 339 340 return result
342 - def close(self):
343 for _ in self.iterData(): 344 pass 345 self._curIterator = None
347 348 -class FileProduct(ProductBase):
349 """A product corresponding to a local file. 350 351 As long as the accessPath in the RAccref's productsRow corresponds 352 to a real file and no params are in the RAccref, this will return 353 a product. 354 """ 355 forSaving = True 356 357 @classmethod
358 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
359 if set(rAccref.params)-set(["preview"]): # not a plain file 360 return None 361 if os.path.exists(rAccref.localpath): 362 return cls(rAccref)
364 - def _makeName(self):
365 = os.path.basename(self.rAccref.localpath)
367 - def _openUnderlyingFile(self):
368 # the stupid "rb" is not here for windows but for pyfits, which has 369 # checks for the b now and then. 370 return open(self.rAccref.localpath, "rb")
372 - def iterData(self):
373 with self._openUnderlyingFile() as f: 374 data = 375 if data=="": 376 return 377 yield data
379 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
380 request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) 381 if self.forSaving: 382 request.setHeader("content-disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s"'% 383 str( 384 request.setLastModified(os.path.getmtime(self.rAccref.localpath)) 385 res = static.File(self.rAccref.localpath) 386 # we set the type manually to avoid having different mime types 387 # by our and nevow's estimate. This forces us to clamp encoding 388 # to None now. I *guess* we should do something about .gz and .bz2 389 res.type = str(["mime"]) 390 res.encoding = None 391 return res
392 393 FileProduct.setupRealFile(FileProduct._openUnderlyingFile)
394 395 396 -class StaticPreview(FileProduct):
397 """A product that's a cached or pre-computed preview. 398 """ 399 forSaving = False 400 401 @classmethod
402 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
403 if not rAccref.params.get("preview"): 404 return None 405 # no static previews on cutouts 406 if rAccref.params.get("sra"): 407 return None 408 409 previewPath = rAccref.productsRow["preview"] 410 localName = None 411 412 if previewPath is None: 413 return None 414 415 elif previewPath=="AUTO": 416 localName = PreviewCacheManager.getCachedPreviewPath(rAccref.accref) 417 418 else: 419 # remote URLs can't happen here as RemotePreview is checked 420 # before us. 421 localName = os.path.join(base.getConfig("inputsDir"), previewPath) 422 423 if localName is None: 424 return None 425 elif os.path.exists(localName): 426 rAccref.productsRow["accessPath"] = localName 427 rAccref.productsRow["mime"] = rAccref.productsRow["preview_mime" 428 ] or "image/jpeg" 429 return cls(rAccref)
431 432 -class RemoteProduct(ProductBase):
433 """A class for products at remote sites, given by their URL. 434 """
435 - def _makeName(self):
436 = urlparse.urlparse(["accessPath"] 437 ).path.split("/")[-1] or "file"
439 - def __str__(self):
440 return "<Remote %s at %s>"%(["mime"],["accessPath"])
441 442 @classmethod
443 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
444 if REMOTE_URL_PATTERN.match(rAccref.productsRow["accessPath"]): 445 return cls(rAccref)
447 - def iterData(self):
448 f = urllib.urlopen(["accessPath"]) 449 while True: 450 data = 451 if data=="": 452 break 453 yield data
455 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
456 raise svcs.WebRedirect(["accessPath"])
458 459 -class RemotePreview(RemoteProduct):
460 """A preview that's on a remote server. 461 """ 462 @classmethod
463 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
464 if not rAccref.params.get("preview"): 465 return None 466 # no static previews on cutouts 467 if rAccref.params.get("sra"): 468 return None 469 470 if REMOTE_URL_PATTERN.match(rAccref.productsRow["preview"]): 471 rAccref.productsRow["accessPath"] = rAccref.productsRow["preview"] 472 rAccref.productsRow["mime"] = rAccref.productsRow["preview_mime"] 473 return cls(rAccref)
475 476 -class UnauthorizedProduct(FileProduct):
477 """A local file that is not delivered to the current client. 478 479 iterData returns the data for the benefit of preview making. 480 However, there is a renderHTTP method, so the product renderer will 481 not use it; it will, instead, raise an Authenticate exception. 482 """ 483 forSaving = False 484 485 @classmethod
486 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
487 dbRow = rAccref.productsRow 488 if (dbRow["embargo"] is None 489 or dbRow["embargo"]< 490 return None 491 if authGroups is None or dbRow["owner"] not in authGroups: 492 return cls(rAccref)
494 - def __str__(self):
495 return "<Protected product %s, access denied>"
497 - def __eq__(self, other):
498 return self.__class__==other.__class__
500 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
501 raise svcs.Authenticate()
503 504 -class NonExistingProduct(ProductBase):
505 """A local file that went away. 506 507 iterData here raises an IOError, renderHTTP an UnknownURI. 508 509 These should normally yield 404s. 510 511 We don't immediately raise some error here as archive generation 512 shouldn't fail just because a single part of it is missing. 513 """
514 - def __init__(self, rAccref):
515 # as rAccref.productsRow is bad here, don't call the base constructor 516 self.rAccref = rAccref 517 = { 518 'accessPath': None, 'accref': None, 519 'embargo': None, 'owner': None, 520 'mime': 'text/html', 'sourceTable': None, 521 'datalink': None, 'preview': None}
523 - def __str__(self):
524 return "<Non-existing product %s>"%self.rAccref.accref
526 - def __eq__(self, other):
527 return self.__class__==other.__class__
528 529 @classmethod
530 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
531 try: 532 rAccref.productsRow 533 except base.NotFoundError: 534 return cls(rAccref)
536 - def _makeName(self):
537 = "missing.html"
539 - def iterData(self):
540 raise IOError("%s does not exist"%self.rAccref.accref)
542 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
543 raise svcs.UnknownURI(self.rAccref.accref)
545 546 -class InvalidProduct(NonExistingProduct):
547 """An invalid file. 548 549 This is returned by getProductForRAccref if all else fails. This 550 usually happens when a file known to the products table is deleted, 551 but it could also be an attempt to use unsupported combinations 552 of files and parameters. 553 554 Since any situation leading here is a bit weird, we probably 555 should be doing something else but just return a 404. Hm... 556 557 This class always returns an instance from fromRAccref; this means 558 any resolution chain ends with it. But it shouldn't be in 559 PRODUCT_CLASSES in the first place since the fallback is 560 hardcoded into getProductForRAccref. 561 """
562 - def __str__(self):
563 return "<Invalid product %s>"%self.rAccref
564 565 @classmethod
566 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
567 return cls(rAccref)
569 - def _makeName(self):
570 = "invalid.html"
572 - def iterData(self):
573 raise IOError("%s is invalid"%self.rAccref)
575 576 -class CutoutProduct(ProductBase):
577 """A class representing cutouts from FITS files. 578 579 This only works for local FITS files with two axes. For everything 580 else, use datalink. 581 582 We assume the cutouts are smallish -- they are, right now, not 583 streamed, but accumulated in memory. 584 """
585 - def _makeName(self):
586 = "<cutout-"+os.path.basename(["accessPath"])
588 - def __str__(self):
589 return "<cutout-%s %s>"%(, self.rAccref.params)
590 591 _myKeys = ["ra", "dec", "sra", "sdec"] 592 _myKeySet = frozenset(_myKeys) 593 594 @classmethod
595 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
596 if (len(set(rAccref.params.keys())&cls._myKeySet)==4 597 and rAccref.productsRow["mime"]=="image/fits"): 598 return cls(rAccref)
600 - def _getCutoutHDU(self):
601 ra, dec, sra, sdec = [self.rAccref.params[k] for k in self._myKeys] 602 with utils.fitsLock(): 603 hdus =, 604 do_not_scale_image_data=True, 605 memmap=True) 606 try: 607 skyWCS = coords.getWCS(hdus[0].header) 608 pixelFootprint = numpy.asarray( 609 numpy.round(skyWCS.wcs_world2pix([ 610 (ra-sra/2., dec-sdec/2.), 611 (ra+sra/2., dec+sdec/2.)], 1)), numpy.int32) 612 res = fitstools.cutoutFITS(hdus[0], 613 (skyWCS.longAxis, min(pixelFootprint[:,0]), max(pixelFootprint[:,0])), 614 (skyWCS.latAxis, min(pixelFootprint[:,1]), max(pixelFootprint[:,1]))) 615 finally: 616 hdus.close() 617 618 return res
620 - def iterData(self):
621 # we need to write into a BytesIO (rather than to request) because 622 # pyfits wants to seek 623 res = self._getCutoutHDU() 624 bytes = BytesIO() 625 res.writeto(bytes) 626 627 628 while True: 629 res = 630 if not res: 631 break 632 yield res
634 - def _writeStuffTo(self, destF):
635 for chunk in self.iterData(): 636 destF.write(chunk)
638 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
639 request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) 640 request.setHeader("content-type", "image/fits") 641 return streaming.streamOut(self._writeStuffTo, request)
643 - def makePreview(self):
644 img = imgtools.scaleNumpyArray(self._getCutoutHDU().data, PREVIEW_SIZE) 645 return imgtools.jpegFromNumpyArray(img)
647 648 -class ScaledFITSProduct(ProductBase):
649 """A class representing a scaled FITS file. 650 651 Right now, this only works for local FITS files. Still, the 652 class is constructed with a full rAccref. 653 """
654 - def __init__(self, rAccref):
655 ProductBase.__init__(self, rAccref) 656 self.scale = rAccref.params["scale"] 657 self.baseAccref = rAccref.accref
659 - def __str__(self):
660 return "<%s scaled by %s>"%(, self.scale)
661 662 @classmethod
663 - def fromRAccref(cls, rAccref, authGroups=None):
664 if ("scale" in rAccref.params 665 and rAccref.productsRow["mime"]=="image/fits"): 666 return cls(rAccref)
668 - def _makeName(self):
669 = "scaled-"+os.path.basename(["accref"])
671 - def iterData(self):
672 scale = int(self.scale) 673 if scale<2: 674 scale = 2 675 676 for stuff in fitstools.iterScaledBytes( 677 self.rAccref.localpath, 678 scale, 679 extraCards={"FULLURL": str(makeProductLink(self.baseAccref))}): 680 yield stuff
682 - def _writeStuffTo(self, destF):
683 for chunk in self.iterData(): 684 destF.write(chunk)
686 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
687 request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) 688 request.setHeader("content-type", "image/fits") 689 return streaming.streamOut(self._writeStuffTo, request)
690 691 692 # The following list is checked by getProductForRAccref in sequence. 693 # Each product is asked in turn, and the first that matches wins. 694 # So, ORDER IS ALL-IMPORTANT here. 695 PRODUCT_CLASSES = [ 696 RemotePreview, 697 StaticPreview, 698 NonExistingProduct, 699 UnauthorizedProduct, 700 RemoteProduct, 701 CutoutProduct, 702 ScaledFITSProduct, 703 FileProduct, 704 ]
705 706 -def getProductForRAccref(rAccref, authGroups=None):
707 """returns a product for a RAccref. 708 709 This tries, in sequence, to make a product using each element 710 of PRODUCT_CLASSES' fromRAccref method. If nothing succeeds, 711 it will return an InvalidProduct. 712 713 If rAccref is a string, the function makes a real RAccref through 714 RAccref's fromString method from it. 715 """ 716 if not isinstance(rAccref, RAccref): 717 rAccref = RAccref.fromString(rAccref) 718 for prodClass in PRODUCT_CLASSES: 719 res = prodClass.fromRAccref(rAccref, authGroups) 720 if res is not None: 721 return res 722 return InvalidProduct.fromRAccref(rAccref, authGroups)
724 725 -class ProductCore(svcs.DBCore):
726 """A core retrieving paths and/or data from the product table. 727 728 You will not usually mention this core in your RDs. It is mainly 729 used internally to serve /getproduct queries. 730 731 It is instanciated from within //products.rd and relies on 732 tables within that RD. 733 734 The input data consists of accref; you can use the string form 735 of RAccrefs, and if you renderer wants, it can pass in ready-made 736 RAccrefs. You can pass accrefs in through both an accref 737 param and table rows. 738 739 The accref param is the normal way if you just want to retrieve a single 740 image, the table case is for building tar files and such. There is one core 741 instance in //products for each case. 742 743 The core returns a list of instances of a subclass of ProductBase above. 744 745 This core and its supporting machinery handles all the fancy product 746 functionality (user autorisation, cutouts, ...). 747 """ 748 name_ = "productCore" 749
750 - def _getRAccrefs(self, inputTable):
751 """returns a list of RAccref requested within inputTable. 752 """ 753 keys = [] 754 args = inputTable.args 755 if args["accref"]: 756 keys.extend(RAccref.fromString(a) for a in args["accref"]) 757 758 if args.get("pattern"): 759 try: 760 tablepat, filepat = args["pattern"].split("#") 761 except ValueError: 762 raise base.ValidationError( 763 "Must be of the form tablepattern#filepattern", "pattern") 764 with base.getTableConn() as conn: 765 for row in conn.queryToDicts( 766 "SELECT accref FROM dc.products" 767 " WHERE" 768 " accref LIKE %(filepat)s" 769 " AND sourceTable LIKE %(tablepat)s", 770 {"filepat": filepat, "tablepat": tablepat}): 771 keys.append(RAccref.fromString(row["accref"])) 772 773 return keys
775 - def _getGroups(self, user, password):
776 if user is None: 777 return set() 778 else: 779 return creds.getGroupsForUser(user, password)
781 - def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
782 """returns a list of {"soruce": product} dicts for products matching 783 the inputTable. 784 """ 785 authGroups = self._getGroups(queryMeta["user"], queryMeta["password"]) 786 787 return [getProductForRAccref(r, authGroups) 788 for r in self._getRAccrefs(inputTable)]
790 791 -class RAccref(object):
792 """A product key including possible modifiers. 793 794 The product key is in the accref attribute. 795 796 The modifiers come in the params dictionary. It contains (typed) 797 values, the possible keys of which are given in _buildKeys. The 798 values in passed in the inputDict constructor argument are parsed, 799 anything not in _buildKeys is discarded. 800 801 In principle, these modifiers are just the query part of a URL, 802 and they generally come from the arguments of a web request. However, 803 we don't want to carry around all request args, just those meant 804 for product generation. 805 806 One major reason for having this class is serialization into URL-parts. 807 Basically, stringifying a RAccref yields something that can be pasted 808 to <server root>/getproduct to yield the product URL. For the 809 path part, this means just percent-escaping blanks, plusses and percents 810 in the file name. The parameters are urlencoded and appended with 811 a question mark. This representation is be parsed by the fromString 812 function. 813 814 RAccrefs have a (read only) property productsRow attribute -- that's 815 a dictionary containing the row for accres from //products#products 816 if that exists. If it doesn't, accessing the property will raise 817 an NotFoundError. 818 """ 819 _buildKeys = dict(( 820 ("dm", str), # data model, VOTable generation 821 ("ra", float), # cutouts 822 ("dec", float), # cutouts 823 ("sra", float), # cutouts 824 ("sdec", float),# cutouts 825 ("scale", int), # FITS scaling 826 ("preview", base.parseBooleanLiteral), # return a preview? 827 )) 828
829 - def __init__(self, accref, inputDict={}):
830 self.accref = accref 831 self.params = self._parseInputDict(inputDict)
832 833 @classmethod
834 - def fromPathAndArgs(cls, path, args):
835 """returns a rich accref from a path and a parse_qs-dictionary args. 836 837 (it's mainly a helper for fromRequest and fromString). 838 """ 839 inputDict = {} 840 for key, value in args.iteritems(): 841 if len(value)>0: 842 inputDict[key] = value[-1] 843 844 # Save old URLs: if no (real) path was passed, try to get it 845 # from key. Remove this ca. 2014, together with 846 # RaccrefTest.(testPathFromKey|testKeyMandatory) 847 if not path.strip("/").strip(): 848 if "key" in inputDict: 849 path = inputDict["key"] 850 else: 851 raise base.ValidationError( 852 "Must give key when constructing RAccref", 853 "accref") 854 855 return cls(path, inputDict)
856 857 @classmethod
858 - def fromRequest(cls, path, request):
859 """returns a rich accref from a nevow request. 860 861 Basically, it raises an error if there's no key at all, it will return 862 a (string) accref if no processing is desired, and it will return 863 a RAccref if any processing is requested. 864 """ 865 return cls.fromPathAndArgs(path, request.args)
866 867 @classmethod
868 - def fromString(cls, keyString):
869 """returns a fat product key from a string representation. 870 871 As a convenience, if keyString already is a RAccref, 872 it is returned unchanged. 873 """ 874 if isinstance(keyString, RAccref): 875 return keyString 876 877 qSep = keyString.rfind("?") 878 if qSep!=-1: 879 return cls.fromPathAndArgs( 880 unquoteProductKey(keyString[:qSep]), 881 urlparse.parse_qs(keyString[qSep+1:])) 882 883 return cls(unquoteProductKey(keyString))
884 885 @property
886 - def productsRow(self):
887 """returns the row in dc.products corresponding to this RAccref's 888 accref, or raises a NotFoundError. 889 """ 890 try: 891 return self._productsRowCache 892 except AttributeError: 893 res = base.resolveCrossId(PRODUCTS_TDID).doSimpleQuery( 894 fragments="accref=%(accref)s", params={"accref": self.accref}) 895 if not res: 896 raise base.NotFoundError(self.accref, "accref", "product table", 897 hint="Product URLs may disappear, though in general they should" 898 " not. If you have an IVOID (pubDID) for the file you are trying to" 899 " locate, you may still find it by querying the ivoa.obscore table" 900 " using TAP and ADQL.") 901 self._productsRowCache = res[0] 902 903 # make sure whatever can end up being written to something 904 # file-like 905 for key in ["mime", "accessPath", "accref"]: 906 self._productsRowCache[key] = str(self._productsRowCache[key]) 907 908 return self._productsRowCache
910 - def __str__(self):
911 # See the class docstring on quoting considerations. 912 res = quoteProductKey(self.accref) 913 args = urllib.urlencode(dict( 914 (k,str(v)) for k, v in self.params.iteritems())) 915 if args: 916 res = res+"?"+args 917 return res
919 - def __repr__(self):
920 return str(self)
922 - def __eq__(self, other):
923 return (isinstance(other, RAccref) 924 and self.accref==other.accref 925 and self.params==other.params)
927 - def __ne__(self, other):
928 return not self.__eq__(other)
930 - def _parseInputDict(self, inputDict):
931 res = {} 932 for key, val in inputDict.iteritems(): 933 if val is not None and key in self._buildKeys: 934 try: 935 res[key] = self._buildKeys[key](val) 936 except (ValueError, TypeError): 937 raise base.ValidationError( 938 "Invalid value for constructor argument to %s:" 939 " %s=%r"%(self.__class__.__name__, key, val), "accref") 940 return res
941 942 @property
943 - def localpath(self):
944 try: 945 return self._localpathCache 946 except AttributeError: 947 self._localpathCache = os.path.join(base.getConfig("inputsDir"), 948 self.productsRow["accessPath"]) 949 return self._localpathCache
951 - def previewIsCacheable(self):
952 """returns True if the a preview generated for this rAccref 953 is representative for all representative rAccrefs. 954 955 Basically, scaled versions all have the same preview, cutouts do not. 956 """ 957 if "ra" in self.params: 958 return False 959 return True
961 962 -def unquoteProductKey(key):
963 """reverses quoteProductKey. 964 """ 965 return urllib.unquote(key)
967 968 -def getProductColumns(colSeq):
969 """returns the columns within colSeq that contain product links of some 970 sort. 971 """ 972 return [col for col in colSeq if col.displayHint.get("type")=="product"]
974 975 @utils.document 976 -def quoteProductKey(key):
977 """returns key as getproduct URL-part. 978 979 If ``key`` is a string, it is quoted as a naked accref so it's usable 980 as the path part of an URL. If it's an ``RAccref``, it is just stringified. 981 The result is something that can be used after getproduct in URLs 982 in any case. 983 """ 984 if isinstance(key, RAccref): 985 return str(key) 986 return urllib.quote(key)
987 rscdef.addProcDefObject("quoteProductKey", quoteProductKey) 1002 rscdef.addProcDefObject("makeProductLink", makeProductLink) 1019
1020 1021 -def _productMapperFactory(colDesc):
1022 """A value mapper factory for product links. 1023 1024 Within the DC, any column called accref, with a display hint of 1025 type=product, a UCD of VOX:Image_AccessReference, or a utype 1026 of Access.Reference may contain a key into the product table. 1027 Here, we map those to links to the get renderer unless they look 1028 like a URL to begin with. 1029 """ 1030 if not ( 1031 colDesc["name"]=="accref" 1032 or colDesc["utype"]=="ssa:Access.Reference" 1033 or colDesc["ucd"]=="VOX:Image_AccessReference" 1034 or colDesc["displayHint"].get("type")=="product"): 1035 return 1036 1037 return functools.partial( 1038 formatProductLink, useHost=base.getCurrentServerURL())
1039 1040 utils.registerDefaultMF(_productMapperFactory) 1041