Package gavo :: Package protocols :: Module ssap :: Class SSADescriptor
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Class SSADescriptor

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                object --+    
datalink.ProductDescriptor --+

SSA descriptors have ssaRow and limits attributes.

These both reference SSA results. ssaRow is the first result of the query, which also provides the accref. limits is a table.Limits instance for the total result set.

Warning: limits will be None if this is constructed with fromSSARow.

Instance Methods

Inherited from datalink.ProductDescriptor: __init__, estimateSize, makeLink, makeLinkFromFile

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
fromSSARow(cls, ssaRow, paramDict)
returns a descriptor from a row in an ssa table and the params of that table.
source code
fromSSAResult(cls, ssaResult)
returns a descriptor from an SSA query result (an InMemoryTable instance).
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Inherited from datalink.ProductDescriptor: fromAccref

Class Variables
  ssaRow = None

Inherited from datalink.ProductDescriptor: data


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

fromSSARow(cls, ssaRow, paramDict)
Class Method

source code 

returns a descriptor from a row in an ssa table and the params of that table.

Don't use this; the limits attribute will be {} for these.