Package gavo :: Package rscdef :: Module scripting
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Source Code for Module gavo.rscdef.scripting

  1  """ 
  2  Support code for attaching scripts to objects. 
  4  Scripts can be either in python or in SQL.  They always live on 
  5  make instances.  For details, see Scripting in the reference 
  6  documentation. 
  7  """ 
  9  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
 10  #c 
 11  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 12  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 15  from pyparsing import ( 
 16          OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, QuotedString, Forward, 
 17          SkipTo, StringEnd, Regex, Suppress, 
 18          Literal) 
 20  from gavo import base 
 21  from gavo import utils 
 22  from gavo.base import sqlsupport 
 23  from gavo.rscdef import rmkfuncs 
26 -class Error(base.Error):
27 pass
28 29
30 -def _getSQLScriptGrammar():
31 """returns a pyparsing ParserElement that splits SQL scripts into 32 individual commands. 33 34 The rules are: Statements are separated by semicolons, empty statements 35 are allowed. 36 """ 37 with utils.pyparsingWhitechars(" \t"): 38 atom = Forward() 39 atom.setName("Atom") 40 41 sqlComment = Literal("--")+SkipTo("\n", include=True) 42 cStyleComment = Literal("/*")+SkipTo("*/", include=True) 43 comment = sqlComment | cStyleComment 44 lineEnd = Literal("\n") 45 46 simpleStr = QuotedString(quoteChar="'", escChar="\\", 47 multiline=True, unquoteResults=False) 48 quotedId = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar="\\", unquoteResults=False) 49 dollarQuoted = Regex(r"(?s)\$(\w*)\$.*?\$\1\$") 50 dollarQuoted.setName("dollarQuoted") 51 # well, quotedId is not exactly a string literal. I hate it, and so 52 # it's lumped in here. 53 strLiteral = simpleStr | dollarQuoted | quotedId 54 strLiteral.setName("strLiteral") 55 56 other = Regex("[^;'\"$]+") 57 other.setName("other") 58 59 literalDollar = Literal("$") + ~ Literal("$") 60 statementEnd = ( Literal(';') + ZeroOrMore(lineEnd) | StringEnd() ) 61 62 atom << ( Suppress(comment) | other | strLiteral | literalDollar ) 63 statement = OneOrMore(atom) + Suppress( statementEnd ) 64 statement.setName("statement") 65 statement.setParseAction(lambda s, p, toks: " ".join(toks)) 66 67 script = OneOrMore( statement ) + StringEnd() 68 script.setName("script") 69 script.setParseAction(lambda s, p, toks: [t for t in toks.asList() 70 if str(t).strip()]) 71 72 if False: 73 atom.setDebug(True) 74 comment.setDebug(True) 75 other.setDebug(True) 76 strLiteral.setDebug(True) 77 statement.setDebug(True) 78 statementEnd.setDebug(True) 79 dollarQuoted.setDebug(True) 80 literalDollar.setDebug(True) 81 return script
82 83 84 getSQLScriptGrammar = utils.CachedGetter(_getSQLScriptGrammar) 85 86
87 -class ScriptRunner(object):
88 """An object encapsulating the preparation and execution of 89 scripts. 90 91 They are constructed with instances of Script below and have 92 a method run(dbTable, **kwargs). 93 94 You probably should not override __init__ but instead override 95 _prepare(script) which is called by __init__. 96 """
97 - def __init__(self, script):
98, self.notify =, script.notify 99 self._prepare(script)
101 - def _prepare(self, script):
102 raise ValueError("Cannot instantate plain ScriptRunners")
103 104
105 -class SQLScriptRunner(ScriptRunner):
106 """A runner for SQL scripts. 107 108 These will always use the table's querier to execute the statements. 109 110 Keyword arguments to run are ignored. 111 """
112 - def _prepare(self, script):
113 self.statements = utils.pyparseString(getSQLScriptGrammar(), 114 script.getSource())
116 - def run(self, dbTable, **kwargs):
117 for statement in self.statements: 118 dbTable.query(statement.replace("%", "%%"))
119 120
121 -class ACSQLScriptRunner(SQLScriptRunner):
122 """A runner for "autocommitted" SQL scripts. 123 124 These are like SQLScriptRunners, except that for every statement, 125 a savepoint is created, and for SQL errors, the savepoint is restored 126 (in other words ACSQL scripts turn SQL errors into warnings). 127 """
128 - def run(self, dbTable, **kwargs):
129 for statement in self.statements: 130 try: 131 dbTable.query("SAVEPOINT beforeStatement") 132 try: 133 dbTable.query(statement.replace("%", "%%")) 134 except sqlsupport.DBError as msg: 135 dbTable.query("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT beforeStatement") 136 base.ui.notifyError("Ignored error during script execution: %s"% 137 msg) 138 finally: 139 dbTable.query("RELEASE SAVEPOINT beforeStatement")
140 141
142 -class PythonScriptRunner(ScriptRunner):
143 """A runner for python scripts. 144 145 The scripts can access the current table as table (and thus run 146 SQL statements through table.query(query, pars)). 147 148 Additional keyword arguments are available under their names. 149 150 You are in the namespace of usual procApps (like procs, rowgens, and 151 the like). 152 """
153 - def __init__(self, script):
154 # I need to memorize the script as I may need to recompile 155 # it if there's special arguments (yikes!) 156 self.code = ("def scriptFun(table, **kwargs):\n"+ 157 utils.fixIndentation(script.getSource(), " ")+"\n") 158 ScriptRunner.__init__(self, script)
160 - def _compile(self, moreNames={}):
161 return rmkfuncs.makeProc("scriptFun", self.code, "", self, 162 **moreNames)
164 - def _prepare(self, script, moreNames={}):
165 self.scriptFun = self._compile()
167 - def run(self, dbTable, **kwargs):
168 # I want the names from kwargs to be visible as such in scriptFun -- if 169 # given. Since I do not want to manipulate func_globals, the only 170 # way I can see to do this is to compile the script. I don't think 171 # this is going to be a major performance issue. 172 if kwargs: 173 func = self._compile(kwargs) 174 else: 175 func = self.scriptFun 176 func(dbTable, **kwargs)
177 178 179 RUNNER_CLASSES = { 180 "SQL": SQLScriptRunner, 181 "python": PythonScriptRunner, 182 "AC_SQL": ACSQLScriptRunner, 183 } 184
185 -class Script(base.Structure, base.RestrictionMixin):
186 """A script, i.e., some executable item within a resource descriptor. 187 188 The content of scripts is given by their type -- usually, they are 189 either python scripts or SQL with special rules for breaking the 190 script into individual statements (which are basically like python's). 191 192 The special language AC_SQL is like SQL, but execution errors are 193 ignored. This is not what you want for most data RDs (it's intended 194 for housekeeping scripts). 195 196 See `Scripting`_. 197 """ 198 name_ = "script" 199 typeDesc_ = "Embedded executable code with a type definition" 200 201 _lang = base.EnumeratedUnicodeAttribute("lang", default=base.Undefined, 202 description="Language of the script.", 203 validValues=["SQL", "python", "AC_SQL"], copyable=True) 204 _type = base.EnumeratedUnicodeAttribute("type", default=base.Undefined, 205 description="Point of time at which script is to run.", 206 validValues=["preImport", "newSource", "preIndex", "preCreation", 207 "postCreation", 208 "beforeDrop", "sourceDone"], copyable=True) 209 _name = base.UnicodeAttribute("name", default="anonymous", 210 description="A human-consumable designation of the script.", 211 copyable=True) 212 _notify = base.BooleanAttribute("notify", default=True, 213 description="Send out a notification when running this" 214 " script.", copyable=True) 215 _content = base.DataContent(copyable=True, description="The script body.") 216 _original = base.OriginalAttribute() 217
218 - def getSource(self):
219 """returns the content with all macros expanded. 220 """ 221 return self.parent.getExpander().expand(self.content_)
222 223 224
225 -class ScriptingMixin(object):
226 """A mixin that gives objects a getRunner method and a script attribute. 227 228 Within the DC, this is only mixed into make. 229 230 The getRunner() method returns a callable that takes the current table 231 (we expect db tables, really), the phase and possibly further keyword 232 arguments, as appropriate for the phase. 233 234 Objects mixing this in must also support define a method 235 getExpander() returning an object mixin in a MacroPackage. 236 """ 237 _scripts = base.StructListAttribute("scripts", childFactory=Script, 238 description="Code snippets attached to this object. See Scripting_ .", 239 copyable=True) 240
241 - def getRunner(self):
242 if not hasattr(self, "_runScriptsCache"): 243 runnersByPhase = {} 244 for rawScript in self.scripts: 245 runner = RUNNER_CLASSES[rawScript.lang](rawScript) 246 runnersByPhase.setdefault(rawScript.type, []).append(runner) 247 248 def runScripts(table, phase, **kwargs): 249 for runner in runnersByPhase.get(phase, []): 250 if runner.notify: 251 base.ui.notifyScriptRunning(runner) 252, **kwargs)
253 254 self._runScriptsCache = runScripts 255 256 return self._runScriptsCache