Package gavo :: Package svcs :: Module inputdef :: Class InputTD
[frames] | no frames]

Class InputTD

source code

                   object --+            
 base.structure.StructureBase --+        
                   object --+   |        
                            |   |        
           base.common.Parser --+        
base.structure.ParseableStructure --+    
             base.structure.Structure --+
                       object --+       |
                                |       |
         base.macros.MacroPackage --+   |
                                    |   |
       base.macros.StandardMacroMixin --+

an input for a core.

These aren't actually proper tables but actually just collection of the param-like inputKeys. They serve as input declarations for cores and services (where services derive their inputTDs from the cores' ones by adapting them to the current renderer. Their main use is for the derivation of contextGrammars.

They can carry metadata, though, which is sometimes convenient when transporting information from the parameter parsers to the core.

For the typical dbCores (and friends), these are essentially never explicitly defined but rather derived from condDescs.

Do *not* read input values by using table.getParam. This will only give you one value when a parameter has been given multiple times. Instead, use the output of the contextGrammar (inputParams in condDescs). Only there you will have the correct multiplicities.

Nested Classes

Inherited from base.structure.StructureBase: __metaclass__

Instance Methods
__iter__(self) source code
adaptForRenderer(self, renderer)
returns an inputTD tailored for renderer.
source code
resolveName(self, ctx, name)
returns a column name from a queried table of the embedding core, if available.
source code
getFullId(self) source code

Inherited from base.structure.Structure: __provides__, callCompletedCallbacks, completeElement, finishElement, onElementComplete, validate

Inherited from base.structure.ParseableStructure: __init__, end_, feed, feedFrom, feedObject, getAttribute, iterEvents, start_, value_

Inherited from base.structure.StructureBase: __providedBy__, adopt, breakCircles, change, copy, getAttributes, getCopyableAttributes, getSourcePosition, iterChildren, setPosition

Inherited from base.common.Parser: feedEvent

Inherited from base.macros.StandardMacroMixin: macro_RSTservicelink, macro_RSTtable, macro_decapitalize, macro_getConfig, macro_internallink, macro_magicEmpty, macro_metaSeq, macro_metaString, macro_rdId, macro_rdIdDotted, macro_schema, macro_test, macro_today, macro_upper, macro_urlquote

Inherited from base.macros.MacroPackage: execMacro, expand, getExpander, listMacros, macro_quote, macro_reSub, macro_sql_standardPubDID, macro_sqlquote

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods

Inherited from base.structure.StructureBase: fromStructure

Class Variables
  name_ = 'inputTable'
a sentinel for all kinds of undefined values.
  attrSeq = [<gavo.base.attrdef.BooleanAttribute object>, <gavo....
  managedAttrs = {'exclusive': <gavo.base.attrdef.BooleanAttribu...

Inherited from base.structure.Structure: __implemented__

Inherited from base.structure.StructureBase: completedCallbacks


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

adaptForRenderer(self, renderer)

source code 

returns an inputTD tailored for renderer.

This is discussed in svcs.core's module docstring.

resolveName(self, ctx, name)

source code 

returns a column name from a queried table of the embedding core, if available.

This is a convenicence hack that lets people reference columns from a TableBasedCore by their simple, non-qualified names.

Class Variable Details


[<gavo.base.attrdef.BooleanAttribute object>,
 <gavo.base.complexattrs.StructListAttribute object>,
 <gavo.base.parsecontext.IdAttribute object>,
 <gavo.rscdef.common.ColumnListAttribute object>,
 <gavo.rscdef.common.RDAttribute object>]


{'exclusive': <gavo.base.attrdef.BooleanAttribute object>,
 'group': <gavo.base.complexattrs.StructListAttribute object>,
 'groups': <gavo.base.complexattrs.StructListAttribute object>,
 'id': <gavo.base.parsecontext.IdAttribute object>,
 'inputKey': <gavo.rscdef.common.ColumnListAttribute object>,
 'inputKeys': <gavo.rscdef.common.ColumnListAttribute object>,
 'rd': <gavo.rscdef.common.RDAttribute object>}

Property Details


Get Method: