Package gavo :: Package svcs :: Module pql :: Class PQLRange
[frames] | no frames]

Class PQLRange

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

a representation of a PQL range.

PQLRanges have a value attribute that is non-None when there is only a single value.

For ranges, there is start, stop and step, all of which may be None.

The attributes contain whatever the parent's valParser (or stepParser) functions return.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, value=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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__eq__(self, other) source code
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returns a set containing all values matching the PQL condition if they form a discrete set or raises a ValueError if not.
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getSQL(self, colName, sqlPars, cmpExpr=None)
returns an SQL boolean expression for representing this constraint.
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getSQLForInterval(self, lowerColName, upperColName, sqlPars)
returns an SQL boolean expression for representing this constraint against an upper, lower interval in the DB table.
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covers(self, value)
returns True if value is covered by this interval.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
fromLiteral(cls, literal, destName, valParser, stepParser)
creates a PQLRange from a PQL range literal.
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Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, value=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

fromLiteral(cls, literal, destName, valParser, stepParser)
Class Method

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creates a PQLRange from a PQL range literal.

For the meaning of the arguments, see PQLPar.fromLiteral.

getSQL(self, colName, sqlPars, cmpExpr=None)

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returns an SQL boolean expression for representing this constraint.

cmpExpr, if given, will be an expression that is compared against. It defaults to colName, but this is, of course, intended to allow stuff like LOWER(colName).

getSQLForInterval(self, lowerColName, upperColName, sqlPars)

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returns an SQL boolean expression for representing this constraint against an upper, lower interval in the DB table.

This will silently discard any step specification.

covers(self, value)

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returns True if value is covered by this interval.

value must be type-true, i.e. in whatever type value, start, and stop have.