Package gavo :: Package svcs :: Module service
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Source Code for Module gavo.svcs.service

   1  """ 
   2  Services, i.e. combinations of a core and at least one renderer. 
   4  A Service is something that receives some sort of structured data (typically, 
   5  a nevow context, processes it into input data using a grammar (default is 
   6  the contextgrammar), pipes it through a core to receive a data set and 
   7  optionally tinkers with that data set. 
   8  """ 
  10  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  11  #c 
  12  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  13  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
  16  import os 
  17  import urllib 
  19  from nevow import inevow 
  20  from nevow import rend 
  22  from nevow import tags as T, entities as E #noflake: for custom render fcts 
  24  from zope.interface import implements 
  26  from gavo import base 
  27  from gavo import rsc 
  28  from gavo import rscdef 
  29  from gavo import utils 
  30  from gavo.rsc import table 
  31  from gavo.rscdef import rmkdef 
  32  from gavo.svcs import common 
  33  from gavo.svcs import core 
  34  from gavo.svcs import inputdef 
  35  from gavo.svcs import outputdef 
  36  from gavo.svcs import renderers 
  39  MS = base.makeStruct 
40 41 42 -def adaptTable(origTable, newColumns):
43 """returns a Data instance created from origTable with columns taken from 44 newColumns. 45 46 The adaptation works like this: 47 48 (1) if names and units of newColumns are a subset of origTable.columns, 49 return a table with the rows from origTable and the columns from 50 newColumns. 51 52 (1a) if origTable has a noPostprocess attribute, proceed to (4) 53 54 (2) if names of newColumns are a subset of origTable.columns match 55 but one or more units don't, set up a conversion routine and create 56 new rows, combining them with newColumns to the result. 57 58 (3) else raise an error. 59 60 (4) Finally, stick the whole thing into a data container. 61 62 This stinks. I'm plotting to do away with it. 63 """ 64 if hasattr(origTable, "noPostprocess"): 65 colDiffs = None 66 newTd = origTable.tableDef 67 68 else: 69 colDiffs = base.computeColumnConversions( 70 newColumns, origTable.tableDef.columns) 71 newTd = origTable.tableDef.copy(origTable.tableDef.parent) 72 newTd.columns = newColumns 73 74 if not colDiffs: 75 newTable = table.InMemoryTable(newTd, rows=origTable.rows) 76 newTable.meta_ = origTable.meta_ 77 newTable._params = origTable._params 78 79 else: # we need to do work 80 newTd.copyMetaFrom(origTable.tableDef) 81 rmk = rscdef.RowmakerDef(None) 82 for col in newColumns: 83 exprStart = "" 84 if in colDiffs: 85 exprStart = "%s*"%colDiffs[] 86 rmk.feedObject("map", rmkdef.MapRule(rmk,, 87 content_="%svars[%s]"%(exprStart, repr( 88 ).finishElement(None)) 89 newTable = table.InMemoryTable(newTd, validate=False) 90 mapper = rmk.finishElement(None).compileForTableDef(newTd) 91 for r in origTable: 92 newTable.addRow(mapper(r, newTable)) 93 newTable._params = origTable._params 94 95 return rsc.wrapTable(newTable, rdSource=origTable.tableDef)
97 98 -class PreparsedInput(dict):
99 """a sentinel class signalling to the service that its input already 100 is parsed. 101 102 This is for for stuff coming from nevow formal rather than request.args, 103 and to be fed into 104 105 Construct with a dictionary. 106 """
108 109 -class SvcResult(rend.DataFactory):
110 """A nevow.IContainer that has the result and also makes the 111 input dataset accessible. 112 113 It is constructed with an InMemoryTable instance coreResult, 114 a table instance inputTable, the current querymeta, and a service 115 instance. 116 117 If a service is defined, SvcResult adapts coreResult to the 118 columns defined by the service (getCurOutputFields). 119 120 Original currently either is an InMemory table, in which case it gets 121 adapted to what the service expects, or a data.Data instance (or 122 something else; but few renderers will be able to handle "something else"), 123 which is left alone. 124 125 SvcResult also makes queryMeta, inputTable and the service available. This 126 should give renderers access to basically all the information they need. The 127 resultmeta data item collects some of those. 128 129 SvcResult objects must be able to fall back to sensible behaviour 130 without a service. This may be necessary in error handling. 131 """ 132 implements(inevow.IContainer) 133
134 - def __init__(self, coreResult, inputTable, queryMeta, service=None):
135 self.inputTable = inputTable 136 self.queryMeta = queryMeta 137 self.service = service 138 if (service and isinstance(coreResult, rsc.BaseTable)): 139 coreResult = adaptTable(coreResult, 140 service.getCurOutputFields(queryMeta)) 141 self.original = coreResult
143 - def data_resultmeta(self, ctx, data):
144 resultmeta = { 145 "itemsMatched": self.queryMeta.get("Matched", 146 len(self.original.getPrimaryTable())), 147 "message": "", 148 } 149 return resultmeta
151 - def data_inputRec(self, ctx, data):
152 return self.inputTable.getParamDict()
154 - def data_table(self, ctx, data):
155 return self.original.getPrimaryTable()
157 - def data_tableWithRole(self, role):
158 """returns the table with role. 159 160 If no such table is available, this will return an empty string. 161 """ 162 def _(ctx, data): 163 try: 164 return data.original.getTableWithRole(role) 165 except (AttributeError, base.DataError): 166 return ""
167 168 return _
170 - def getParam(self, paramName):
171 """returns getParam of the core result or that of its primary table. 172 """ 173 try: 174 val = self.original.getParam(paramName) 175 if val is not None: 176 return val 177 except (KeyError, base.NotFoundError): 178 pass 179 180 return self.original.getPrimaryTable().getParam(paramName)
182 183 -class Publication(base.Structure, base.ComputedMetaMixin):
184 """A specification of how a service should be published. 185 186 This contains most of the metadata for what is an interface in 187 registry speak. 188 """ 189 name_ = "publish" 190 191 _rd = rscdef.RDAttribute() 192 _render = base.UnicodeAttribute("render", default=base.Undefined, 193 description="The renderer the publication will point at.", 194 copyable=True) 195 _sets = base.StringSetAttribute("sets", 196 description="Comma-separated list of sets this service will be" 197 " published in. Predefined are: local=publish on front page," 198 " ivo_managed=register with the VO registry. If you leave it" 199 " empty, 'local' publication is assumed.", 200 copyable="True") 201 _service = base.ReferenceAttribute("service", default=base.NotGiven, 202 description="Reference for a service actually implementing the" 203 " capability corresponding to this publication. This is" 204 " mainly when there is a vs:WebBrowser service accompanying a VO" 205 " protocol service, and this other service should be published" 206 " in the same resource record. See also the operator's guide.", 207 copyable="True") 208 _auxiliary = base.BooleanAttribute("auxiliary", default=False, 209 description="Auxiliary publications are for capabilities" 210 " not intended to be picked up for all-VO queries, typically" 211 " because they are already registered with other services." 212 " This is mostly used internally; you probably have no reason" 213 " to touch it.") 214
215 - def completeElement(self, ctx):
216 if self.render is base.Undefined: 217 self.render = "form" 218 if not self.sets: 219 self.sets.add("local") 220 if self.service is base.NotGiven: 221 self.service = self.parent 222 self.setMetaParent(self.service) 223 self._completeElementNext(Publication, ctx)
225 - def validate(self):
226 self._validateNext(Publication) 227 try: 228 renderers.getRenderer(self.render) 229 except KeyError: 230 raise base.StructureError("Unknown renderer: %s"%self.render)
232 - def _meta_accessURL(self):
233 return self.service.getURL(self.render, canonical=True)
235 - def _meta_urlUse(self):
236 return renderers.getRenderer(self.render).urlUse
238 - def _meta_requestMethod(self):
241 - def _meta_resultType(self):
244 245 -class CustomPageFunction(base.Structure, base.RestrictionMixin):
246 """An abstract base for nevow.rend.Page-related functions on services. 247 """ 248 _name = base.UnicodeAttribute("name", default=base.Undefined, 249 description="Name of the render function (use this in the" 250 " n:render or n:data attribute in custom templates).", 251 copyable=True, strip=True) 252 _code = base.DataContent(description="Function body of the renderer; the" 253 " arguments are named ctx and data.", copyable=True) 254
255 - def onElementComplete(self):
256 self._onElementCompleteNext(CustomPageFunction) 257 vars = globals().copy() 258 vars["service"] = self.parent 259 exec ("def %s(ctx, data):\n%s"%(, 260 utils.fixIndentation(self.content_, newIndent=" ", 261 governingLine=1).rstrip())) in vars 262 self.func = vars[]
264 265 -class CustomRF(CustomPageFunction):
266 """A custom render function for a service. 267 268 Custom render functions can be used to expose certain aspects of a service 269 to Nevow templates. Thus, their definition usually only makes sense with 270 custom templates, though you could, in principle, override built-in 271 render functions. 272 273 In the render functions, you have the names ctx for nevow's context and 274 data for whatever data the template passes to the renderer. 275 276 You can return anything that can be in a stan DOM. Usually, this will be 277 a string. To return HTML, use the stan DOM available under the T namespace. 278 279 As an example, the following code returns the current data as a link:: 280 281 return ctx.tag[T.a(href=data)[data]] 282 283 You can access the embedding service as service, the embedding 284 RD as service.rd. 285 """ 286 name_ = "customRF"
288 289 -class CustomDF(CustomPageFunction):
290 """A custom data function for a service. 291 292 Custom data functions can be used to expose certain aspects of a service 293 to Nevow templates. Thus, their definition usually only makes sense with 294 custom templates, though you could, in principle, override built-in 295 render functions. 296 297 In the data functions, you have the names ctx for nevow's context and 298 data for whatever data the template passes to the renderer. 299 300 You can access the embedding service as service, the embedding 301 RD as service.rd. 302 303 You can return arbitrary python objects -- whatever the render functions 304 can deal with. You could, e.g., write:: 305 306 <customDF name="now"> 307 return datetime.datetime.utcnow() 308 </customDF> 309 310 You also see a nevow context within the function. You can use that to 311 access a query paramter ``order`` like this:: 312 313 args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args 314 sortOrder = args.get("order", ["authors"]) 315 """ 316 name_ = "customDF"
318 319 -class CoreAttribute(base.ReferenceAttribute):
320 - def __init__(self):
321 base.ReferenceAttribute.__init__(self, "core", 322 description="The core that does the computations for this service." 323 " Instead of a reference, you can use an immediate element" 324 " of some registred core.", 325 forceType=core.Core, copyable=True, aliases=core.CORE_REGISTRY.keys())
327 - def _makeChild(self, name, parent):
328 return core.getCore(name)(parent)
330 331 @utils.memoized 332 -def getDALIServiceKeys():
333 """returns a list of the service keys defined in //pql#DALIPars. 334 335 This is always the same object, so if you really have to change anything 336 in here, be sure to make copies before touching either the list or 337 the items. 338 """ 339 nullSvc = base.parseFromString(Service, 340 """<service><nullCore/><FEED source="//pql#DALIPars"/></service>""") 341 342 res = [] 343 for inputKey in nullSvc.serviceKeys: 344 # let's orphan them in a way that they won't be reparented 345 inputKey.parent_ = base.NotGiven 346 res.append(inputKey) 347 348 return res
350 351 -class Service(base.Structure, base.ComputedMetaMixin, 352 base.StandardMacroMixin, rscdef.IVOMetaMixin):
353 """A service definition. 354 355 A service is a combination of a core and one or more renderers. They 356 can be published, and they carry the metadata published into the VO. 357 358 You can set the defaultSort property on the service to a name of an 359 output column to preselect a sort order. Note again that this will 360 slow down responses for all but the smallest tables unless there is 361 an index on the corresponding column. 362 363 Properties evaluated: 364 365 * defaultSort -- a key to sort on by default with the form renderer. 366 This differs from the dbCore's sortKey in that this does not suppress the 367 widget itself, it just sets a default for its value. Don't use this unless 368 you have to; the combination of sort and limit can have disastrous effects 369 on the run time of queries. 370 * votableRespectsOutputTable -- usually, VOTable output puts in 371 all columns from the underlying database table with low enough 372 verbLevel (essentially). When this property is "True" (case-sensitive), 373 that's not done and only the service's output table is evaluated. 374 """ 375 name_ = "service" 376 377 _core = CoreAttribute() 378 _templates = base.DictAttribute("templates", description="Custom" 379 ' nevow templates for this service; use key "form" to replace the Form' 380 " renderer's standard template. Start the path with two slashes to" 381 " access system templates.", 382 itemAttD=rscdef.ResdirRelativeAttribute( 383 "template", description="resdir-relative path to a nevow template" 384 " used for the function given in key."), copyable=True) 385 _publications = base.StructListAttribute("publications", 386 childFactory=Publication, description="Sets and renderers this service" 387 " is published with.") 388 _limitTo = base.UnicodeAttribute("limitTo", default=None, 389 description="Limit access to the group given; the empty default disables" 390 " access control.", copyable="True") 391 _customPage = rscdef.ResdirRelativeAttribute("customPage", default=None, 392 description="resdir-relative path to custom page code. It is used" 393 " by the 'custom' renderer", copyable="True") 394 _allowedRenderers = base.StringSetAttribute("allowed", 395 description="Names of renderers allowed on this service; leave emtpy" 396 " to allow the form renderer only.", copyable=True) 397 _customRF = base.StructListAttribute("customRFs", 398 description="Custom render functions for use in custom templates.", 399 childFactory=CustomRF, copyable=True) 400 _customDF = base.StructListAttribute("customDFs", 401 description="Custom data functions for use in custom templates.", 402 childFactory=CustomDF, copyable=True) 403 _outputTable = base.StructAttribute("outputTable", default=base.NotGiven, 404 childFactory=outputdef.OutputTableDef, copyable=True, description= 405 "The output fields of this service.") 406 _serviceKeys = base.UniquedStructListAttribute("serviceKeys", 407 uniqueAttribute="name", policy="drop", 408 childFactory=inputdef.InputKey, description="Input widgets for" 409 " processing by the service, e.g. output sets.", copyable=True) 410 _defaultRenderer = base.UnicodeAttribute("defaultRenderer", 411 default=None, description="A name of a renderer used when" 412 " none is provided in the URL (lets you have shorter URLs).") 413 414 _rd = rscdef.RDAttribute() 415 _props = base.PropertyAttribute() 416 _original = base.OriginalAttribute() 417 418 metaModel = ("title(1), creationDate(1), description(1)," 419 "subject, referenceURL(1), shortName(!)") 420 421 # formats that should query the same fields as HTML (the others behave 422 # like VOTables and offer a "verbosity" widget in forms). 423 htmlLikeFormats = ["HTML", "tar"] 424 425 ####################### Housekeeping methods 426
427 - def __repr__(self):
428 return "<Service %s at %s>"%(, self.getSourcePosition())
430 - def completeElement(self, ctx):
431 self._completeElementNext(Service, ctx) 432 if not self.allowed: 433 self.allowed.add("form") 434 435 if self.core is base.Undefined: 436 # undefined cores are only allowed with custom pages 437 # (Deprecated) 438 if self.customPage: 439 self.core = core.getCore("nullCore")(self.rd).finishElement(None) 440 base.ui.notifyWarning("Custom page service %s without nullCore." 441 " This is deprecated, please fix" 442 else: 443 raise base.StructureError("Services must have cores (add <nullCore/>" 444 " if you really do not want a core, e.g., with fixed renderers).") 445 446 # if there's only one renderer on this service, make it the default 447 if self.defaultRenderer is None and len(self.allowed)==1: 448 self.defaultRenderer = list(self.allowed)[0] 449 450 # if there's a DALI-compliant renderer on this service, declare 451 # its service parameters (MAXREC, RESPONSEFORMAT, etc). 452 # Of course, other renderers might ignore them, but presumably 453 # the metadata generated from this are only really evaluated 454 # by VO/DALI components. 455 # "DALI-complicance" is currently determined by a parameter 456 # style of dali or pql. 457 for rendName in self.allowed: 458 try: 459 ps = renderers.getRenderer(rendName).parameterStyle 460 except base.NotFoundError: 461 # letting this exc through could lead to confusing error messages 462 # on cross-RD reference, so we just warn: 463 base.ui.notifyWarning("Invalid renderer spec '%s' on service at %s"% 464 (rendName, self.getSourcePosition())) 465 continue 466 467 if ps in ["dali", "pql"]: 468 for inputKey in getDALIServiceKeys(): 469 self._serviceKeys.addStruct(self, inputKey) 470 break 471 472 # cache all kinds of things expensive to create and parse 473 self._coresCache = {} 474 self._loadedTemplates = {} 475 476 # Schedule the capabilities to be added when the parse is 477 # done (i.e., the RD is complete) 478 ctx.addExitFunc(lambda rd, ctx: self._addAutomaticCapabilities())
480 - def onElementComplete(self):
481 self._onElementCompleteNext(Service) 482 483 # Index custom render/data functions 484 self.nevowRenderers = {} 485 for customRF in self.customRFs: 486 self.nevowRenderers[] = customRF.func 487 self.nevowDataFunctions = {} 488 for customDF in self.customDFs: 489 self.nevowDataFunctions[] = customDF.func 490 491 self._compileCustomPage() 492 493 self._computeResourceType()
495 - def _compileCustomPage(self):
496 if self.customPage: 497 try: 498 modNs, moddesc = utils.loadPythonModule(self.customPage) 499 modNs.RD = self.rd 500 getattr(modNs, "initModule", lambda: None)() 501 page = modNs.MainPage 502 except ImportError: 503 raise base.ui.logOldExc( 504 base.LiteralParseError("customPage", self.customPage, 505 hint="This means that an exception was raised while DaCHS" 506 " tried to import the renderer module. If DaCHS ran" 507 " with --debug, the original traceback is available" 508 " in the logs.")) 509 self.customPageCode = page, (os.path.basename(self.customPage),)+moddesc
511 - def getTemplate(self, key):
512 """returns the nevow template for the function key on this service. 513 """ 514 if key not in self._loadedTemplates: 515 from nevow import loaders 516 tp = self.templates[key] 517 if tp.startswith("//"): 518 self._loadedTemplates[key] = common.loadSystemTemplate(tp[2:]) 519 else: 520 self._loadedTemplates[key] = loaders.xmlfile( 521 os.path.join(self.rd.resdir, tp)) 522 return self._loadedTemplates[key]
524 - def getUWS(self):
525 """returns a user UWS instance for this service. 526 527 This is a service for the UWSAsyncRenderer. 528 """ 529 if not hasattr(self, "uws"): 530 from gavo.protocols import useruws 531 self.uws = useruws.makeUWSForService(self) 532 return self.uws
533 534 ################### Registry and related methods. 535 536 @property
537 - def isVOPublished(self, renderer=None):
538 """is true if there is any ivo_managed publication on this 539 service. 540 541 If renderer is non-None, only publications with this renderer name 542 count. 543 """ 544 for pub in self.publications: 545 if "ivo_managed" in pub.sets: 546 if renderer: 547 if pub.render==renderer: 548 return True 549 else: 550 return True 551 return False
553 - def _computeResourceType(self):
554 """sets the resType attribute. 555 556 Services are resources, and the registry code wants to know what kind. 557 This method ventures a guess. You can override this decision by setting 558 the resType meta item. 559 """ 560 if (self.core.outputTable.columns 561 or "tap" in self.allowed): 562 self.resType = "catalogService" 563 else: # no output table defined, we're a plain service 564 self.resType = "nonTabularService"
566 - def _iterAutomaticCapabilities(self):
567 """helps _addAutomaticCapabilities. 568 569 Actually, we also use it to generate VOSI capabilties for 570 unpublished services. 571 """ 572 vosiSet = set(["ivo_managed"]) 573 574 # All actual services get VOSI caps 575 if not isinstance(self.core, core.getCore("nullCore")): 576 yield base.makeStruct(Publication, 577 render="availability", 578 sets=vosiSet, 579 parent_=self) 580 yield base.makeStruct(Publication, 581 render="capabilities", 582 sets=vosiSet, 583 parent_=self) 584 yield base.makeStruct(Publication, 585 render="tableMetadata", 586 sets=vosiSet, 587 parent_=self) 588 589 # things querying tables get a TAP relationship if 590 # their table is adql-queriable 591 if isinstance(self.core, core.getCore("dbCore")): 592 if self.core.queriedTable.adql: 593 tapService = base.resolveCrossId("//tap#run") 594 yield base.makeStruct(Publication, 595 render="tap", 596 sets=vosiSet, 597 auxiliary=True, 598 service=tapService, 599 parent_=self) 600 601 # things with examples meta get an examples capability 602 try: 603 self.getMeta("_example", raiseOnFail=True) 604 yield base.makeStruct(Publication, 605 render="examples", 606 sets=utils.AllEncompassingSet(), 607 parent_=self) 608 except base.NoMetaKey: 609 pass
611 - def _addAutomaticCapabilities(self):
612 """adds some publications that are automatic for certain types 613 of services. 614 615 For services with ivo_managed publications and with useful cores 616 (this keeps out doc-like publications, which shouldn't have VOSI 617 resources), artificial VOSI publications are added. 618 619 If there is _example meta, an examples publication is added. 620 621 If this service exposes a table (i.e., a DbCore with a queriedTable) 622 and that table is adql-readable, also add an auxiliary TAP publication 623 if going to the VO. 624 625 This is being run as an exit function from the parse context as 626 we want the RD to be complete at this point (e.g., _examples 627 meta might come from it). This also lets us liberally resolve 628 references anywhere. 629 """ 630 if not self.isVOPublished: 631 return 632 633 for pub in self._iterAutomaticCapabilities(): 634 self._publications.feedObject(self, pub) 635 636 # This is no longer a good place to do this, but TAP-published 637 # tables need a servedBy, and we since it's automatic, let's 638 # do it here. 639 # According to the "discovering dependent" note, we don't 640 # do the reverse relationship lest the TAP service 641 # gets too related... 642 if isinstance(self.core, core.getCore("dbCore")): 643 if self.core.queriedTable.adql: 644 tapService = base.resolveCrossId("//tap#run") 645 self.addMeta("servedBy", 646 base.getMetaText(tapService, "title"), 647 ivoId=base.getMetaText(tapService, "identifier"))
650 """yields instances for datalink services appropriate for this 651 service. 652 653 The datalink services are taken from the core's queriedTable 654 attribute, if available. As a legacy fallback, for now 655 the datalink property on the service is supported as well for now, 656 but I'll try to get rid of that. 657 """ 658 queriedTable = getattr(self.core, "queriedTable", None) 659 # if there's not queried table, there's not much point in 660 # having a datalink service. 661 linkGenerated = False 662 if queriedTable: 663 for svcRef in queriedTable.iterMeta( 664 "_associatedDatalinkService.serviceId"): 665 yield base.resolveId(self.rd, str(svcRef)) 666 linkGenerated = True 667 668 # Legacy fallback in case no datalink services are found in the table: 669 # the datalink property 670 if not linkGenerated: 671 svcRef = self.getProperty("datalink", None) 672 if svcRef: 673 yield self.rd.getById(svcRef)
675 - def getPublicationsForSet(self, names):
676 """returns publications for a set of set names (the names argument). 677 678 In the special case names=None, all allowed renderers are treated 679 as published. 680 """ 681 addAllAllowed = False 682 if names is None: 683 names = utils.AllEncompassingSet() 684 addAllAllowed = True 685 686 # the or in the list comprehension is because I can't see a way 687 # to make AllEmcompassingSet work on the right side of the 688 # operand, but it can occur on both sides. 689 result = [pub for pub in self.publications 690 if pub.sets & names or names & pub.sets] 691 692 # for ivo_managed, also return a datalink endpoints if they're 693 # there; the specs imply that might be useful some day. 694 for dlSvc in self._iterAssociatedDatalinkServices(): 695 if "dlget" in dlSvc.allowed: 696 result.append(base.makeStruct(Publication, 697 render="dlget", 698 sets="ivo_managed", 699 service=dlSvc)) 700 701 if "dlasync" in dlSvc.allowed: 702 result.append(base.makeStruct(Publication, 703 render="dlasync", 704 sets="ivo_managed", 705 service=dlSvc)) 706 707 if "dlmeta" in dlSvc.allowed: 708 result.append(base.makeStruct(Publication, 709 render="dlmeta", 710 sets="ivo_managed", 711 service=dlSvc)) 712 713 if addAllAllowed: # name=None was passed in, 714 # add publications for everything allowed but not yet marked 715 # as published (for VOSI) 716 alreadyPublished = set(p.render for p in result) 717 for rendName in self.allowed: 718 if not rendName in alreadyPublished: 719 result.append(base.makeStruct(Publication, 720 render=rendName, sets="vosi", service=self)) 721 # these will only be added here for unpublished services 722 for pub in self._iterAutomaticCapabilities(): 723 if not pub.render in alreadyPublished: 724 result.append(pub) 725 726 return result
727 728
729 - def getURL(self, rendName, absolute=True, canonical=False, **kwargs):
730 """returns the full canonical access URL of this service together 731 with renderer. 732 733 rendName is the name of the intended renderer in the registry 734 of renderers. 735 736 With absolute, a fully qualified URL is being returned. 737 738 Further keyword arguments are translated into URL parameters in the 739 query part. 740 """ 741 basePath = "%s%s/%s"%(base.getConfig("web", "nevowRoot"), 742 self.rd.sourceId, 743 if absolute: 744 basePath = base.makeAbsoluteURL(basePath, canonical=canonical) 745 res = renderers.getRenderer(rendName 746 ).makeAccessURL(basePath) 747 748 if kwargs: 749 res = res+"?"+urllib.urlencode(kwargs) 750 return res
751 752 # used by getBrowserURL; keep external higher than form as long as 753 # we have mess like Potsdam CdC. 754 _browserScores = {"form": 10, "external": 12, "fixed": 15, 755 "custom": 3, "img.jpeg": 2, "static": 1} 756
757 - def getBrowserURL(self, fq=True):
758 """returns a published URL that's suitable for a web browser or None if 759 no such URL can be guessed. 760 761 If you pass fq=False, you will get a path rather than a URL. 762 """ 763 # There can be multiple candidates for browser URLs (like when a service 764 # has both form, static, and external renderers). If so, we select 765 # by plain scores. 766 browseables = [] 767 for rendName in self.allowed: 768 if self.isBrowseableWith(rendName): 769 browseables.append((self._browserScores.get(rendName, -1), rendName)) 770 if browseables: 771 return self.getURL(max(browseables)[1], absolute=fq) 772 else: 773 return None
775 - def isBrowseableWith(self, rendName):
776 """returns true if rendering this service through rendName results 777 in something pretty in a web browser. 778 """ 779 try: 780 return bool(renderers.getRenderer(rendName).isBrowseable(self)) 781 except base.NotFoundError: # renderer name not known 782 return False
784 - def getTableSet(self):
785 """returns a list of table definitions that have something to do with 786 this service. 787 788 This is for VOSI-type requests. Usually, that's just the core's 789 queried table or an output table, except when there is a TAP renderer on 790 the service. 791 792 All this is a bit heuristic; but then again, there's no rigorous 793 definition for what's to be in a tables endpoint either. 794 """ 795 tables = [] 796 797 qt = getattr(self.core, "queriedTable", None) 798 if qt is None or not qt.columns: 799 qt = self.core.outputTable 800 if qt is None or not qt.columns: 801 if self.outputTable and self.outputTable.columns: 802 qt = self.outputTable 803 804 if qt is not None: 805 tables.append(qt) 806 807 # XXX TODO: This stinks big time. It's because we got TAP factorization 808 # wrong. Sync and async should be renderers, and there should 809 # be a core that then could say this kind of thing. That's not 810 # yet the case, so: 811 if "tap" in self.allowed: 812 # tap never has "native" tables, so start afresh 813 tables = [] 814 815 mth = base.caches.getMTH(None) 816 with base.getTableConn() as conn: 817 for tableName, in conn.query("SELECT table_name" 818 " FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables"): 819 try: 820 tables.append(mth.getTableDefForTable(tableName)) 821 except: 822 base.ui.notifyError("Failure trying to retrieve table definition" 823 " for table %s. Please fix the corresponding RD."%tableName) 824 825 return [t for t in tables if t is not None and t.rd is not None]
827 - def declareServes(self, data):
828 """adds meta to self and data indicating that data is served by 829 service. 830 831 This is used by table/@adql and the publish element on data. 832 """ 833 if data.registration: 834 self.addMeta("serviceFor", 835 base.getMetaText(data, "title", default="Anonymous"), 836 ivoId=base.getMetaText(data, "identifier")) 837 data.addMeta("servedBy", 838 base.getMetaText(self, "title"), 839 ivoId=base.getMetaText(self, "identifier")) 840 841 # Since this is always initiated by the data, the dependency 842 # must show up in its RD to be properly added on publication 843 # and to be removed when the data is removed. 844 data.rd.addDependency(self.rd, data.rd)
845 846 ########################## Output field selection 847 848 _allSet = set(["ALL"]) 849
850 - def _getFilteredColumns(self, columnSource, queryMeta):
851 """filters columns in columnSource according to verbosity and colum 852 set given in queryMeta. 853 854 Actually, we only evaluate verbosity and requireSet. 855 """ 856 if queryMeta["columnSet"]: 857 columnSource = [f for f in columnSource 858 if f.sets==self._allSet or queryMeta["columnSet"]&f.sets] 859 860 verbLevel = queryMeta.get("verbosity", 20) 861 return [f for f in columnSource 862 if f.verbLevel<=verbLevel and not f.hidden]
864 - def _getVOTableOutputFields(self, queryMeta):
865 """returns a list of OutputFields suitable for a VOTable 866 response described by queryMeta. 867 868 This is the set of all columns in the source table below 869 the verbosity defined in queryMeta, except that columns 870 with a displayHint of noxml present are thrown out, too. 871 872 When the service sets the votableRespectsOutputTable property to 873 "True", the column source is the service's output table rather 874 than the core's one. 875 """ 876 if queryMeta.get("verbosity")=="HTML": 877 # SAMP transfers, typically: Pretend we're HTML 878 columnSource = self.getHTMLOutputFields(queryMeta) 879 880 elif (self.getProperty("votableRespectsOutputTable", "").lower()=="true" 881 or queryMeta["columnSet"]): 882 columnSource = self.outputTable 883 884 else: 885 columnSource = self.getAllOutputFields() 886 887 fields = self._getFilteredColumns( 888 [f for f in columnSource 889 if f.displayHint.get("noxml")!="true"], 890 queryMeta) 891 892 return rscdef.ColumnList(fields)
893 894
895 - def getHTMLOutputFields(self, queryMeta, ignoreAdditionals=False, 896 raiseOnUnknown=True):
897 """returns a list of OutputFields suitable for an HTML response described 898 by queryMeta. 899 900 This is the service's output table if given, else the core's output 901 table at verbLevel 2. Additional fields can be set by the user. 902 903 raiseOnUnknown is used by customwidgets to avoid exceptions because of 904 bad additional fields during form construction (when they aren't 905 properly caught). 906 """ 907 if self.outputTable: 908 columnSource = self.outputTable.columns 909 else: 910 columnSource = self.core.outputTable.columns 911 912 fields = self._getFilteredColumns(columnSource, queryMeta) 913 914 # add user-selected fields 915 if not ignoreAdditionals and queryMeta["additionalFields"]: 916 try: 917 for fieldName in queryMeta["additionalFields"]: 918 col = self.core.outputTable.getColumnByName(fieldName) 919 if isinstance(col, outputdef.OutputField): 920 fields.append(col) 921 else: 922 fields.append(outputdef.OutputField.fromColumn(col)) 923 except base.NotFoundError as msg: 924 if raiseOnUnknown: 925 raise base.ValidationError("The additional field %s you requested" 926 " does not exist"%repr(msg.lookedFor), colName="_OUTPUT") 927 928 return rscdef.ColumnList(fields)
930 - def getCurOutputFields(self, queryMeta=None, raiseOnUnknown=True):
931 """returns a list of desired output fields for query meta. 932 933 This is for both the core and the formatter to figure out the 934 structure of the tables passed. 935 """ 936 queryMeta = queryMeta or common.emptyQueryMeta 937 format = queryMeta.get("format", "HTML") 938 if format in self.htmlLikeFormats: 939 return self.getHTMLOutputFields(queryMeta, raiseOnUnknown=raiseOnUnknown) 940 else: 941 return self._getVOTableOutputFields(queryMeta)
943 - def getAllOutputFields(self):
944 """Returns a sequence of all available output fields. 945 946 This is what the core gives, and this is what will be declared 947 to the registry. Depending on the output format, the verbosity 948 level and perhaps other user settings, the actuall columns produced 949 will be different. 950 """ 951 return self.core.outputTable.columns
952 953 ################### running and input computation. 954
955 - def getCoreFor(self, renderer):
956 """returns a core tailored for renderer. 957 958 See svcs.core's module docstring. 959 960 The argument can be a renderer or a renderer name. 961 """ 962 if isinstance(renderer, basestring): 963 renderer = renderers.getRenderer(renderer) 964 965 # non-checked renderers use the core for info purposes only; don't 966 # bother for those 967 if not renderer.checkedRenderer: 968 return self.core 969 970 if not in self._coresCache: 971 # Bad Hack: Tell datalink core what renderers are allowed on 972 # this service 973 allowedRendsForStealing = self.allowed #noflake: for stealVar downstack 974 975 res = self.core.adaptForRenderer(renderer) 976 977 # Hack: let the polymorphous datalink core suppress caching 978 if getattr(res, "nocache", False): 979 return res 980 981 self._coresCache[] = res 982 return self._coresCache[]
984 - def getContextGrammarFor(self, renderer, core=None):
985 """returns an ContextGrammar apropriate for this renderer. 986 987 Pass in the core if you already have it as an optimisation (in 988 particular for datalink, where cores aren't automatically cached); 989 if you don't the core will be computed from the renderer. 990 991 In either case, the context grammar simply is built from the core's 992 inputTable. 993 """ 994 if isinstance(renderer, basestring): 995 renderer = renderers.getRenderer(renderer) 996 if core is None: 997 core = self.getCoreFor(renderer) 998 999 serviceKeys = list(inputdef.filterInputKeys(self.serviceKeys, 1000, inputdef.getRendererAdaptor(renderer))) 1001 1002 return MS(inputdef.ContextGrammar, 1003 inputTD=core.inputTable, 1004 inputKeys=serviceKeys)
1006 - def getInputKeysFor(self, renderer):
1007 """returns a sequence of input keys, adapted for renderer. 1008 1009 The renderer argument may either be a renderer name, a renderer 1010 class or a renderer instance. 1011 1012 This is the main interface for external entities to discover. 1013 service metadata. 1014 """ 1015 if isinstance(renderer, basestring): 1016 renderer = renderers.getRenderer(renderer) 1017 return list(self.getContextGrammarFor(renderer).iterInputKeys())
1019 - def _runWithInputTable(self, core, inputTable, queryMeta):
1020 """runs the core and formats an SvcResult. 1021 1022 This is an internal method. 1023 """ 1024 coreRes =, inputTable, queryMeta) 1025 res = SvcResult(coreRes, inputTable, queryMeta, self) 1026 return res
1028 - def run(self, renderer, args, queryMeta=None):
1029 """runs the service, returning an SvcResult. 1030 1031 This is the main entry point for protocol renderers; args is 1032 a dict of lists as provided by request.args. 1033 1034 Pass in queryMeta if convenient or if args is not simply request.args 1035 (but, e.g., nevow formal data). Otherwise, it will be constructed 1036 from args. 1037 """ 1038 if isinstance(renderer, basestring): 1039 renderer = renderers.getRenderer(renderer) 1040 if queryMeta is None: 1041 queryMeta = common.QueryMeta.fromNevowArgs(args) 1042 1043 core = self.getCoreFor(renderer) 1044 coreArgs = inputdef.CoreArgs.fromRawArgs( 1045 core.inputTable, args, self.getContextGrammarFor(renderer, core)) 1046 1047 return self._runWithInputTable(core, coreArgs, queryMeta)
1048 1049 1050 #################### meta and such 1051
1052 - def _meta_available(self):
1053 # XXX TODO: have this ask the core 1054 return "true"
1056 - def macro_tablesForTAP(self):
1057 """returns a list of table names available for TAP querying. 1058 1059 This, really, is an implementation detail for the TAP service and 1060 might go away anytime. 1061 """ 1062 # this is only used by tap.rd -- maybe it 1063 # should go there? 1064 from gavo.protocols import tap 1065 1066 schemas = {} 1067 for qname in tap.getAccessibleTables(): 1068 try: 1069 schema, name = qname.split(".") 1070 except: # weird name 1071 continue 1072 schemas.setdefault(schema, []).append(name) 1073 1074 return ", ".join("%s from the %s schema"%(", ".join(tables), schema) 1075 for schema, tables in schemas.iteritems())
1076 1088