Package gavo :: Package svcs :: Module standardcores
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Source Code for Module gavo.svcs.standardcores

  1  """ 
  2  Some standard cores for services. 
  4  A core receives and "input table" (usually just containing the query  
  5  parameters in the doc rec) and returns an output data set (which is promoted 
  6  to a SvcResult in the service before being handed over to the renderer). 
  8  These then have to be picked up by renderers and formatted for delivery. 
  9  """ 
 11  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
 12  #c 
 13  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 14  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 17  import sys 
 19  from gavo import base 
 20  from gavo import rsc 
 21  from gavo import rscdef 
 22  from gavo.base import sqlsupport 
 23  from gavo.svcs import core 
 24  from gavo.svcs import inputdef 
 25  from gavo.svcs import outputdef 
26 27 28 -class Error(base.Error):
29 pass
30 31 32 MS = base.makeStruct
33 34 35 -class PhraseMaker(rscdef.ProcApp):
36 """A procedure application for generating SQL expressions from input keys. 37 38 PhraseMaker code must *yield* SQL fragments that can occur in WHERE 39 clauses, i.e., boolean expressions (thus, they must be generator 40 bodies). The clauses yielded by a single condDesc are combined 41 with the joiner set in the containing CondDesc (default=OR). 42 43 The following names are available to them: 44 45 - inputKeys -- the list of input keys for the parent CondDesc 46 - inPars -- a dictionary mapping inputKey names to the values 47 provided by the user 48 - outPars -- a dictionary that is later used as the parameter 49 dictionary to the query. 50 - core -- the core to which this phrase maker's condDesc belongs 51 52 To get the standard SQL a single key would generate, say:: 53 54 yield base.getSQLForField(inputKeys[0], inPars, outPars) 55 56 To insert some value into outPars, do not simply use some key into 57 outParse, since, e.g., the condDesc might be used multiple times. 58 Instead, use getSQLKey, maybe like this:: 59 60 ik = inputKeys[0] 61 yield "%s BETWEEN %%(%s)s AND %%(%s)s"%(, 62 base.getSQLKey(, inPars[]-10, outPars), 63 base.getSQLKey(, inPars[]+10, outPars)) 64 65 getSQLKey will make sure unique names in outPars are chosen and 66 enters the values there. 67 """ 68 name_ = "phraseMaker" 69 70 requiredType = "phraseMaker" 71 formalArgs = "self, inputKeys, inPars, outPars, core"
73 74 -class CondDesc(base.Structure):
75 """A query specification for cores talking to the database. 76 77 CondDescs define inputs as a sequence of InputKeys (see `Element InputKey`_). 78 Internally, the values in the InputKeys can be translated to SQL. 79 """ 80 name_ = "condDesc" 81 82 _inputKeys = rscdef.ColumnListAttribute("inputKeys", 83 childFactory=inputdef.InputKey, 84 description="One or more InputKeys defining the condition's input.", 85 copyable=True) 86 87 _silent = base.BooleanAttribute("silent", 88 default=False, 89 description="Do not produce SQL from this CondDesc. This" 90 " can be used to convey meta information to the core. However," 91 " in general, a service is a more appropriate place to deal with" 92 " such information, and thus you should prefer service InputKeys" 93 " to silent CondDescs.", 94 copyable=True) 95 96 _required = base.BooleanAttribute("required", 97 default=False, 98 description="Reject queries not filling the InputKeys of this CondDesc", 99 copyable=True) 100 101 _fixedSQL = base.UnicodeAttribute("fixedSQL", 102 default=None, 103 description="Always insert this SQL statement into the query. Deprecated.", 104 copyable=True) 105 106 _buildFrom = base.ReferenceAttribute("buildFrom", 107 description="A reference to a column or an InputKey to define" 108 " this CondDesc", 109 default=None) 110 111 _phraseMaker = base.StructAttribute("phraseMaker", 112 default=None, 113 description="Code to generate custom SQL from the input keys", 114 childFactory=PhraseMaker, 115 copyable=True) 116 117 _combining = base.BooleanAttribute("combining", 118 default=False, 119 description="Allow some input keys to be missing when others are given?" 120 " (you want this for pseudo-condDescs just collecting random input" 121 " keys)", # (and I wish I had a better idea) 122 copyable="True") 123 124 _group = base.StructAttribute("group", 125 default=None, 126 childFactory=rscdef.Group, 127 description="Group child input keys in the input table (primarily" 128 " interesting for web forms, where this grouping is shown graphically;" 129 " Set the style property to compact to have a one-line group there)") 130 131 _joiner = base.UnicodeAttribute("joiner", 132 default="OR", 133 description="When yielding multiple fragments, join them" 134 " using this operator (probably the only thing besides OR is" 135 " AND).", 136 copyable=True) 137 138 _original = base.OriginalAttribute() 139
140 - def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
141 base.Structure.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) 142 # copy parent's resolveName if present for buildFrom resolution 143 if hasattr(self.parent, "resolveName"): 144 self.resolveName = self.parent.resolveName
146 - def __repr__(self):
147 return "<CondDesc %s>"%",".join( for ik in self.inputKeys)
148 149 @classmethod
150 - def fromInputKey(cls, ik, **kwargs):
151 return base.makeStruct(CondDesc, inputKeys=[ik], **kwargs)
152 153 @classmethod
154 - def fromColumn(cls, col, **kwargs):
155 return base.makeStruct(cls, buildFrom=col, **kwargs)
156 157 @property
158 - def name(self):
159 """returns some key for uniqueness of condDescs. 160 """ 161 # This is necessary for ColumnLists that are used 162 # for CondDescs as well. Ideally, we'd do this on an 163 # InputKeys basis and yield their names (because that's what 164 # formal counts on), but it's probably not worth the effort. 165 return "+".join([ for f in self.inputKeys])
167 - def completeElement(self, ctx):
168 if self.buildFrom and not self.inputKeys: 169 # use the column as input key; special renderers may want 170 # to do type mapping, but the default is to have plain input 171 self.inputKeys = [inputdef.InputKey.fromColumn(self.buildFrom)] 172 self._completeElementNext(CondDesc, ctx)
174 - def expand(self, *args, **kwargs):
175 """hands macro expansion requests (from phraseMakers) upwards. 176 177 This is to the queried table if the parent has one (i.e., we're 178 part of a core), or to the RD if not (i.e., we're defined within 179 an rd). 180 """ 181 if hasattr(self.parent, "queriedTable"): 182 return self.parent.queriedTable.expand(*args, **kwargs) 183 else: 184 return self.parent.rd.expand(*args, **kwargs)
186 - def _makePhraseDefault(self, ignored, inputKeys, inPars, outPars, core):
187 # the default phrase maker uses whatever the individual input keys 188 # come up with. 189 for ik in self.inputKeys: 190 yield base.getSQLForField(ik, inPars, outPars)
191 192 # We only want to compile the phraseMaker if actually necessary. 193 # condDescs may be defined within resource descriptors (e.g., in 194 # scs.rd), and they can't be compiled there (since macros may 195 # be missing); thus, we dispatch on the first call.
196 - def _getPhraseMaker(self):
197 try: 198 return self.__compiledPhraseMaker 199 except AttributeError: 200 if self.phraseMaker is not None: 201 val = self.phraseMaker.compile() 202 else: 203 val = self._makePhraseDefault 204 self.__compiledPhraseMaker = val 205 return self.__compiledPhraseMaker
206 makePhrase = property(_getPhraseMaker) 207
208 - def _isActive(self, inPars):
209 """returns True if the dict inPars contains input to all our input keys. 210 """ 211 for f in self.inputKeys: 212 if not in inPars: 213 return False 214 return True
216 - def inputReceived(self, inPars, queryMeta):
217 """returns True if all inputKeys can be filled from inPars. 218 219 As a side effect, inPars will receive defaults form the input keys 220 if there are any. 221 """ 222 if not self._isActive(inPars): 223 return False 224 keysFound, keysMissing = [], [] 225 for f in self.inputKeys: 226 if inPars.get( is None: 227 keysMissing.append(f) 228 else: 229 if f.value!=inPars.get( # non-defaulted 230 keysFound.append(f) 231 if not keysMissing: 232 return True 233 234 # keys are missing. That's ok if none were found and we're not required 235 if not self.required and not keysFound: 236 return False 237 if self.required: 238 raise base.ValidationError("is mandatory but was not provided.", 239 colName=keysMissing[0].name) 240 241 # we're optional, but a value was given and others are missing 242 if not self.combining: 243 raise base.ValidationError("When you give a value for %s," 244 " you must give value(s) for %s, too"%(keysFound[0].getLabel(), 245 ", ".join( for k in keysMissing)), 246 colName=keysMissing[0].name) 247 return True
249 - def asSQL(self, inPars, sqlPars, queryMeta):
250 if self.silent or not self.inputReceived(inPars, queryMeta): 251 return "" 252 res = list(self.makePhrase( 253 self, self.inputKeys, inPars, sqlPars, self.parent)) 254 sql = base.joinOperatorExpr(self.joiner, res) 255 if self.fixedSQL: 256 sql = base.joinOperatorExpr(self.joiner, [sql, self.fixedSQL]) 257 return sql
259 - def adaptForRenderer(self, renderer):
260 """returns a changed version of self if renderer suggests such a 261 change. 262 263 This only happens if buildFrom is non-None. The method must 264 return a "defused" version that has buildFrom None (or self, 265 which will do because core.adaptForRenderer stops adapting if 266 the condDescs are stable). 267 268 The adaptors may also raise a Replace exception and return a 269 full CondDesc; this is done, e.g., for spoints for the form 270 renderer, since they need two input keys and a completely modified 271 phrase. 272 """ 273 if not self.buildFrom: 274 return self 275 adaptor = inputdef.getRendererAdaptor(renderer) 276 if adaptor is None: 277 return self 278 279 try: 280 newInputKeys = [] 281 for ik in self.inputKeys: 282 newInputKeys.append(adaptor(ik)) 283 if self.inputKeys==newInputKeys: 284 return self 285 else: 286 return self.change(inputKeys=newInputKeys, buildFrom=None) 287 except base.Replace as ex: 288 return ex.newOb
290 291 -def mapDBErrors(excType, excValue, excTb):
292 """translates exception into something we can display properly. 293 """ 294 # This is a helper to all DB-based cores -- it probably should go 295 # into TableBasedCore. 296 if getattr(excValue, "cursor", None) is not None: 297 base.ui.notifyWarning("Failed DB query: %s"%excValue.cursor.query) 298 if isinstance(excValue, sqlsupport.QueryCanceledError): 299 message = "Query timed out (took too long).\n" 300 if base.getConfig("maintainerAddress"): 301 message = message+("Unless you know why the query took that" 302 " long, please contact %s. Otherwise, use TAP's async mode.\n"% 303 base.getConfig("maintainerAddress")) 304 message += ("Meanwhile, if this failure happened with a cross match," 305 " please try exchanging the large and the small catalog in POINT" 306 " and CIRCLE.\n") 307 raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(message, "query")) 308 elif isinstance(excValue, base.NotFoundError): 309 raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError("Could not locate %s '%s'"%( 310 excValue.what, excValue.lookedFor), "query")) 311 elif isinstance(excValue, base.DBError): 312 raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(unicode(excValue), "query")) 313 else: 314 raise
316 317 -class TableBasedCore(core.Core):
318 """A core knowing a DB table it operates on and allowing the definition 319 of condDescs. 320 """ 321 _queriedTable = base.ReferenceAttribute("queriedTable", 322 default=base.Undefined, description="A reference to the table" 323 " this core queries.", copyable=True, callbacks=["_fixNamePath"]) 324 _condDescs = base.StructListAttribute("condDescs", childFactory=CondDesc, 325 description="Descriptions of the SQL and input generating entities" 326 " for this core; if not given, they will be generated from the" 327 " table columns.", copyable=True) 328 _namePath = rscdef.NamePathAttribute(description="Id of an element" 329 " that will be used to located names in id references. Defaults" 330 " to the queriedTable's id.") 331
333 groups, iks = [], [] 334 for cd in self.condDescs: 335 for ik in cd.inputKeys: 336 iks.append(ik) 337 if 338 groups.append( 339 paramRefs=[MS(rscdef.ParameterReference, 340 for ik in cd.inputKeys], 341 parent_=None)) 342 self.inputTable = MS(inputdef.InputTD, 343 inputKeys=iks, 344 groups=groups)
346 - def completeElement(self, ctx):
347 # if no condDescs have been given, make them up from the table columns. 348 if not self.condDescs and self.queriedTable: 349 self.condDescs = [self.adopt(CondDesc.fromColumn(c)) 350 for c in self.queriedTable] 351 352 # if an inputTable is given, trust it fits the condDescs, else 353 # build the input table 354 if self.inputTable is base.NotGiven: 355 self._buildInputTableFromCondDescs() 356 357 # if no outputTable has been given, make it up from the columns 358 # of the queried table unless a prototype is defined (which is 359 # handled by core itself). 360 if (self.outputTableXML is None 361 and self.outputTable is base.NotGiven 362 and self.queriedTable): 363 self.outputTable = outputdef.OutputTableDef.fromTableDef( 364 self.queriedTable, ctx) 365 366 self._completeElementNext(TableBasedCore, ctx)
368 - def _fixNamePath(self, qTable):
369 # callback from queriedTable to make it the default for namePath as well 370 if self.namePath is None: 371 self.namePath = qTable.getFullId()
373 - def _getSQLWhere(self, inputTable, queryMeta):
374 """returns a where fragment and the appropriate parameters 375 for the query defined by inputTable and queryMeta. 376 """ 377 sqlPars = {} 378 return base.joinOperatorExpr("AND", 379 [cd.asSQL(inputTable.args, sqlPars, queryMeta) 380 for cd in self.condDescs]), sqlPars
382 - def _addQueryStatus(self, resultTable, queryMeta):
383 """furnishes resultTable with a DALI-compatible _queryStatus meta item. 384 385 This will also add a _warning meta in case of overflows. 386 """ 387 isOverflowed = len(resultTable.rows)>=queryMeta.get("dbLimit", 1e10) 388 if isOverflowed: 389 del resultTable.rows[-1] 390 queryMeta["Matched"] = len(resultTable.rows) 391 if isOverflowed: 392 resultTable.addMeta("_warning", 393 "The query limit was reached. Increase it" 394 " to retrieve more matches. Note that unsorted truncated queries" 395 " are not reproducible (i.e., might return a different result set" 396 " at a later time).") 397 resultTable.setMeta("_queryStatus", "OVERFLOW") 398 else: 399 resultTable.setMeta("_queryStatus", "OK")
401 - def adaptForRenderer(self, renderer):
402 """returns a core tailored to renderer renderers. 403 404 This mainly means asking the condDescs to build themselves for 405 a certain renderer. If no polymorphuous condDescs are there, 406 self is returned. 407 """ 408 newCondDescs = [] 409 for cd in self.condDescs: 410 newCondDescs.append(cd.adaptForRenderer(renderer)) 411 if newCondDescs!=self.condDescs: 412 return self.change(condDescs=newCondDescs, inputTable=base.NotGiven 413 ).adaptForRenderer(renderer) 414 else: 415 return core.Core.adaptForRenderer(self, renderer)
417 418 -class FancyQueryCore(TableBasedCore, base.RestrictionMixin):
419 """A core executing a pre-specified query with fancy conditions. 420 421 Unless you select \*, you *must* define the outputTable here; 422 Weird things will happen if you don't. 423 424 The queriedTable attribute is ignored. 425 """ 426 name_ = "fancyQueryCore" 427 428 _query = base.UnicodeAttribute("query", description="The query to" 429 " execute. It must contain exactly one %s where the generated" 430 " where clause is to be inserted. Do not write WHERE yourself." 431 " All other percents must be escaped by doubling them.", 432 default=base.Undefined, 433 copyable=True) 434 _timeout = base.FloatAttribute("timeout", default=5., 435 description="Seconds until the query is aborted", 436 copyable=True) 437
438 - def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
439 fragment, pars = self._getSQLWhere(inputTable, queryMeta) 440 with base.getTableConn() as conn: 441 if fragment: 442 fragment = " WHERE "+fragment 443 else: 444 fragment = "" 445 try: 446 res = rsc.TableForDef( 447 self.outputTable, 448 rows=list(conn.queryToDicts( 449 self.query%fragment, 450 pars, 451 timeout=self.timeout, 452 caseFixer=self.outputTable.caseFixer))) 453 except: 454 mapDBErrors(*sys.exc_info()) 455 456 self._addQueryStatus(res, queryMeta) 457 return res
459 460 -class DBCore(TableBasedCore):
461 """A core performing database queries on one table or view. 462 463 DBCores ask the service for the desired output schema and adapt their 464 output. The DBCore's output table, on the other hand, lists all fields 465 available from the queried table. 466 """ 467 name_ = "dbCore" 468 469 _sortKey = base.UnicodeAttribute("sortKey", 470 description="A pre-defined sort order (suppresses DB options widget)." 471 " The sort key accepts multiple columns, separated by commas.", 472 copyable=True) 473 _limit = base.IntAttribute("limit", description="A pre-defined" 474 " match limit (suppresses DB options widget).", copyable=True) 475 _distinct = base.BooleanAttribute("distinct", description="Add a" 476 " 'distinct' modifier to the query?", default=False, copyable=True) 477 _groupBy = base.UnicodeAttribute("groupBy", description= 478 "A group by clause. You shouldn't generally need this, and if" 479 " you use it, you must give an outputTable to your core.", 480 default=None) 481
482 - def wantsTableWidget(self):
483 return self.sortKey is None and self.limit is None
485 - def getQueryCols(self, service, queryMeta):
486 """returns the fields we need in the output table. 487 488 The normal DbBased core just returns whatever the service wants. 489 Derived cores, e.g., for special protocols, could override this 490 to make sure they have some fields in the result they depend on. 491 """ 492 return service.getCurOutputFields(queryMeta)
494 - def _runQuery(self, resultTableDef, fragment, pars, queryMeta, 495 **kwargs):
496 with base.getTableConn() as conn: 497 queriedTable = rsc.TableForDef(self.queriedTable, nometa=True, 498 create=False, connection=conn) 499 queriedTable.setTimeout(queryMeta["timeout"]) 500 501 if fragment and pars: 502 resultTableDef.addMeta("info", repr(pars), 503 infoName="queryPars", infoValue=fragment) 504 505 iqArgs = {"limits": queryMeta.asSQL(), "distinct": self.distinct, 506 "groupBy": self.groupBy} 507 iqArgs.update(kwargs) 508 509 try: 510 try: 511 res = queriedTable.getTableForQuery( 512 resultTableDef, fragment, pars, **iqArgs) 513 except: 514 mapDBErrors(*sys.exc_info()) 515 finally: 516 queriedTable.close() 517 518 self._addQueryStatus(res, queryMeta) 519 return res
521 - def _makeResultTableDef(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
522 """returns an OutputTableDef object for querying our table with queryMeta. 523 """ 524 return base.makeStruct(outputdef.OutputTableDef, 525 parent_=self.queriedTable.parent, id="result", 526 onDisk=False, columns=self.getQueryCols(service, queryMeta), 527 params=self.queriedTable.params)
529 - def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
530 """does the DB query and returns an InMemoryTable containing 531 the result. 532 """ 533 resultTableDef = self._makeResultTableDef( 534 service, inputTable, queryMeta) 535 536 resultTableDef.copyMetaFrom(self.queriedTable) 537 if not resultTableDef.columns: 538 raise base.ValidationError("No output columns with these settings." 539 "_OUTPUT") 540 541 sortKeys = None 542 if self.sortKey: 543 sortKeys = self.sortKey.split(",") 544 545 queryMeta.overrideDbOptions(limit=self.limit, sortKeys=sortKeys, 546 sortFallback=self.getProperty("defaultSortKey", None)) 547 try: 548 fragment, pars = self._getSQLWhere(inputTable, queryMeta) 549 except base.LiteralParseError as ex: 550 raise base.ui.logOldExc(base.ValidationError(str(ex), 551 colName=ex.attName)) 552 queryMeta["sqlQueryPars"] = pars 553 return self._runQuery(resultTableDef, fragment, pars, queryMeta)
555 556 -class FixedQueryCore(core.Core, base.RestrictionMixin):
557 """A core executing a predefined query. 558 559 This usually is not what you want, unless you want to expose the current 560 results of a specific query, e.g., for log or event data. 561 """ 562 name_ = "fixedQueryCore" 563 564 _timeout = base.FloatAttribute("timeout", default=15., 565 description="Seconds until the query is aborted", copyable=True) 566 _query = base.UnicodeAttribute("query", default=base.Undefined, 567 description="The query to be executed. You must define the" 568 " output fields in the core's output table. The query will" 569 " be macro-expanded in the resource descriptor.") 570 _writable = base.BooleanAttribute("writable", default=False, 571 description="Use a writable DB connection?") 572
573 - def completeElement(self, ctx):
574 if self.inputTable is base.NotGiven: 575 self.inputTable = base.makeStruct(inputdef.InputTD) 576 self._completeElementNext(FixedQueryCore, ctx)
578 - def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
579 if self.writable: 580 connFactory = base.getWritableTableConn 581 else: 582 connFactory = base.getTableConn 583 584 with connFactory() as conn: 585 try: 586 rows = list(conn.queryToDicts( 587 self.rd.expand(self.query), timeout=self.timeout, 588 caseFixer=self.outputTable.caseFixer)) 589 res = rsc.TableForDef(self.outputTable, rows=rows) 590 except TypeError: 591 # This, we guess, is just someone executing a non-selecting 592 # query (rows = list(None)) 593 res = rsc.TableForDef(self.outputTable, rows=[]) 594 except: 595 mapDBErrors(*sys.exc_info()) 596 queryMeta["Matched"] = len(res.rows) 597 return res
599 600 -class NullCore(core.Core):
601 """A core always returning None. 602 603 This core will not work with the common renderers. It is really 604 intended to go with coreless services (i.e. those in which the 605 renderer computes everthing itself and never calls service.runX). 606 As an example, the external renderer could go with this. 607 """ 608 609 name_ = "nullCore" 610 611 inputTableXML = "<inputTable/>" 612 outputTableXML = "<outputTable/>" 613
614 - def run(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta):
615 return None