Package gavo :: Package svcs :: Module vizierexprs
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Source Code for Module gavo.svcs.vizierexprs

  1  """ 
  2  Classes and methods to support vizier-type specifications on fields. 
  3  """ 
  5  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  6  #c 
  7  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  8  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 11  from __future__ import print_function 
 13  import datetime 
 14  import re 
 16  from pyparsing import (Word, Literal, Optional, Forward, 
 17          ZeroOrMore, Suppress, ParseException, StringEnd, Regex, 
 18          OneOrMore, CharsNotIn) 
 20  from gavo import base 
 21  from gavo import stc 
 22  from gavo import utils 
 23  from gavo.base import literals 
 24  from gavo.base import sqlmunge 
 25  from gavo.base import typesystems 
28 -class ParseNode(object):
29 """is a parse node, consisting of an operator and children. 30 31 The parse trees returned by the various parse functions are built from 32 these. 33 34 This is an abstract class; concrete derivations need to define 35 a set _standardOperators containing the normal binary operators 36 for their types and a dictionary _sqlEmitters containing functions 37 returning SQL fragments, or override asSQL. 38 """
39 - def __init__(self, children, operator):
40 self.children = children 41 self.operator = operator
43 - def __str__(self):
44 return "(%s %s)"%(self.operator, " ".join([str(c) for c in self.children]))
46 - def __repr__(self):
47 return "(%r %r)"%(self.operator, " ".join([str(c) for c in self.children]))
49 - def _getSQLKey(self, name, item, sqlPars):
50 """wraps base.getSQLKey and can be overridden in case operand 51 mangling is necessary. 52 53 Do not call getSQLKey directly from within ParseNodes. 54 """ 55 return base.getSQLKey(name, item, sqlPars)
57 - def _insertChild(self, index, field, sqlPars):
58 """inserts children[index] into sqlPars with a unique key and returns 59 the key. 60 61 children[index] must be atomic (i.e., no ParseNode). 62 """ 63 item = self.children[index] 64 if item is None: 65 return None 66 assert not isinstance(item, ParseNode) 67 if field.scaling: 68 item *= field.scaling 69 return self._getSQLKey(, item, sqlPars)
71 - def asSQL(self, field, sqlPars):
72 if self.operator in self._standardOperators: 73 return "%s %s %%(%s)s"%(, self.operator, 74 self._insertChild(0, field, sqlPars)) 75 else: 76 return self._sqlEmitters[self.operator](self, field, sqlPars)
77 78
79 -class NumericNode(ParseNode):
80 """A node containing numeric operands (floats or dates). 81 """
82 - def _emitBinop(self, field, sqlPars):
83 return base.joinOperatorExpr(self.operator, 84 [c.asSQL(field, sqlPars) for c in self.children])
86 - def _emitUnop(self, field, sqlPars):
87 operand = self.children[0].asSQL(field, sqlPars) 88 if operand: 89 return "%s (%s)"%(self.operator, operand)
91 - def _emitEnum(self, field, sqlPars):
92 return "%s IN (%s)"%(, ", ".join([ 93 "%%(%s)s"%self._insertChild(i, field, sqlPars) 94 for i in range(len(self.children))]))
95 96 _standardOperators = set(["=", ">=", ">", "<=", "<"]) 97 _sqlEmitters = { 98 '..': lambda self, field, sqlPars: "%s BETWEEN %%(%s)s AND %%(%s)s"%( 99, self._insertChild(0, field, sqlPars), 100 self._insertChild(1, field, sqlPars)), 101 'AND': _emitBinop, 102 'OR': _emitBinop, 103 'NOT': _emitUnop, 104 ',': _emitEnum, 105 }
106 107
108 -class DateNode(ParseNode):
109 """A node containing date operands (datetime objects, as a rule). 110 111 As an extension to VizieR, we interpret floats as well, where 112 1000 .. 3000 is a julian year, 10000 ... 100000 is an MJD and 113 2000000 .. 4000000 is a JD. 114 """
115 - def _expandDate(self, arg):
116 # returns the last second of arg if it looks like a day (i.e., hms=0) 117 # this is to fix postgres' behaviour when comparing timestamps and 118 # dates (e.g., 1990-01-01 < 1990-01-01T00:00:01). 119 if arg.hour==arg.minute==arg.second==0: 120 return arg.replace(hour=23, 121 minute=59, second=59) 122 return arg
124 - def _emitBinop(self, field, sqlPars):
125 return base.joinOperatorExpr(self.operator, 126 [c.asSQL(field, sqlPars) for c in self.children])
128 - def _emitUnop(self, field, sqlPars):
129 operand = self.children[0].asSQL(field, sqlPars) 130 if operand: 131 return "%s (%s)"%(self.operator, operand)
133 - def _emitRange(self, field, sqlPars):
134 return "%s BETWEEN %%(%s)s AND %%(%s)s"%( 135, 136 self._insertChild(0, field, sqlPars), 137 self._insertChild(1, field, sqlPars))
139 - def _emitEnum(self, field, sqlPars):
140 return base.joinOperatorExpr("OR", 141 (self.__class__([child], "=").asSQL(field, sqlPars) 142 for child in self.children))
144 - def _emitSimple(self, field, sqlPars):
145 # return a simple comparison with the date itself 146 return "%s %s %%(%s)s"%(, self.operator, 147 self._insertChild(0, field, sqlPars))
149 - def _emitEqual(self, field, sqlPars):
150 if self.children[0].hour==self.children[0].minute==0: 151 return "%s BETWEEN %%(%s)s AND %%(%s)s"%( 152, 153 self._getSQLKey(, self.children[0], sqlPars), 154 self._getSQLKey(, 155 self._expandDate(self.children[0]), sqlPars)) 156 157 else: 158 return self._emitSimple(field, sqlPars)
160 - def _emitExpanded(self, field, sqlPars):
161 # return a simple comparison with date's midnight 162 self.children[0] = self._expandDate(self.children[0]) 163 return "%s %s %%(%s)s"%(, self.operator, 164 self._insertChild(0, field, sqlPars))
166 - def asSQL(self, field, sqlPars):
167 return self._sqlEmitters[self.operator](self, field, sqlPars)
168 169 _sqlEmitters = { 170 '..': _emitRange, 171 'AND': _emitBinop, 172 'OR': _emitBinop, 173 'NOT': _emitUnop, 174 ',': _emitEnum, 175 "=": _emitEqual, 176 ">=": _emitSimple, 177 "<=": _emitExpanded, 178 "<": _emitSimple, 179 ">": _emitExpanded, 180 "<=": _emitExpanded, 181 }
182 183
184 -class MJDNode(DateNode):
185 - def _getSQLKey(self, name, item, sqlPars):
186 if (isinstance(item, datetime.datetime) 187 or isinstance(item, 188 item = stc.dateTimeToMJD(item) 189 return base.getSQLKey(name, item, sqlPars)
190 191
192 -class StringNode(ParseNode):
193 """A node containing string operands. 194 """
195 - def asSQL(self, field, sqlPars):
196 if self.operator=="[": 197 return "[%s]"%self.children[0] 198 if self.operator in self._nullOperators: 199 return self._nullOperators[self.operator] 200 else: 201 return super(StringNode, self).asSQL(field, sqlPars)
202 203 _metaEscapes = { 204 "|": r"\|", 205 "*": r"\*", 206 "+": r"\+", 207 "(": r"\(", 208 ")": r"\)", 209 "[": r"\[", 210 "%": r"\%", 211 "_": r"\_", 212 "\\\\": "\\\\", 213 } 214 _escapeRE = re.compile("[%s]"%"".join(_metaEscapes.keys())) 215 # The backslash in _metaEscapes is escaped to make _escapeRE work, 216 # but of course I need to replace the unescaped version. 217 _metaEscapes.update({"\\": "\\\\"}) 218
219 - def _escapeSpecials(self, aString):
220 """returns aString with SQL RE metacharacters escaped. 221 """ 222 return self._escapeRE.sub(lambda mat: self._metaEscapes[], 223 aString)
225 - def _makePattern(self, field, sqlPars):
226 parts = [] 227 for child in self.children: 228 if isinstance(child, basestring): 229 parts.append(self._escapeSpecials(child)) 230 else: 231 parts.append(child.asSQL(field, sqlPars)) 232 return "^%s$"%("".join(parts))
233 234 _patOps = { 235 "~": "~*", 236 "=": "~", 237 "!~": "!~*", 238 "!": "!~", 239 "=~": "~*", 240 }
241 - def _emitPatOp(self, field, sqlPars):
242 pattern = self._makePattern(field, sqlPars) 243 return "%s %s %%(%s)s"%(, self._patOps[self.operator], 244 self._getSQLKey(, pattern, sqlPars))
246 - def _emitEnum(self, field, sqlPars):
247 query = "%s IN (%s)"%(, ", ".join([ 248 "%%(%s)s"%self._insertChild(i, field, sqlPars) 249 for i in range(len(self.children))])) 250 if self.operator=="!=,": 251 query = "NOT (%s)"%query 252 return query
253 254 _translatedOps = { 255 "==": "=", 256 }
257 - def _emitTranslatedOp(self, field, sqlPars):
258 return "%s = %%(%s)s"%(, 259 self._insertChild(0, field, sqlPars))
260 261 _nullOperators = {"*": ".*", "?": "."} 262 _standardOperators = set(["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!="]) 263 _sqlEmitters = { 264 "~": _emitPatOp, 265 "=": _emitPatOp, 266 "!~": _emitPatOp, 267 "!": _emitPatOp, 268 "=~": _emitPatOp, # this happens to work because of pattern escaping 269 "=,": _emitEnum, 270 "=|": _emitEnum, 271 "!=,": _emitEnum, 272 "==": _emitTranslatedOp, 273 }
274 275
276 -def _getNodeFactory(op, nodeClass):
277 def _(s, loc, toks): 278 return nodeClass(toks, op)
279 return _ 280 281
282 -def _makeNotNodeFactory(nodeClass):
283 def _makeNotNode(s, loc, toks): 284 if len(toks)==1: 285 return toks[0] 286 elif len(toks)==2: 287 return nodeClass(toks[1:], "NOT") 288 else: # Can't happen :-) 289 raise Exception("Busted by not")
290 return _makeNotNode 291 292
293 -def _makePmNode(s, loc, toks):
294 return NumericNode([toks[0]-toks[1], toks[0]+toks[1]], "..")
295 296
297 -def _makeDatePmNode(s, loc, toks):
298 """returns a +/- node for dates, i.e., toks[1] is a float in days. 299 """ 300 days = datetime.timedelta(days=toks[1]) 301 return DateNode([toks[0]-days, toks[0]+days], "..")
303 -def _makeMJDPmNode(s, loc, toks):
304 """returns a +/- node for MJDs, i.e., toks[1] is a float in days, and 305 an MJDNode must be returned. 306 """ 307 days = datetime.timedelta(days=toks[1]) 308 return MJDNode([toks[0]-days, toks[0]+days], "..")
309 310 311
312 -def _getBinopFactory(op, nodeClass):
313 def _(s, loc, toks): 314 if len(toks)==1: 315 return toks[0] 316 else: 317 return nodeClass(toks, op)
318 return _ 319 320
321 -def _simpleExprFactory(nodeClass):
322 def _makeSimpleExprNode(s, loc, toks): 323 if len(toks)==1: 324 return nodeClass(toks[0:], "=") 325 else: 326 return nodeClass(toks[1:], toks[0])
327 return _makeSimpleExprNode 328 329
330 -def getComplexGrammar(baseLiteral, pmBuilder, errorLiteral=None, 331 nodeClass=NumericNode):
332 """returns the root element of a grammar parsing numeric vizier-like 333 expressions. 334 335 This is used for both dates and floats, use baseLiteral to match the 336 operand terminal. The trouble with dates is that the +/- operator 337 has a simple float as the second operand, and that's why you can 338 pass in an errorLiteral and and pmBuilder. 339 """ 340 if errorLiteral is None: 341 errorLiteral = baseLiteral 342 343 with utils.pyparsingWhitechars(" \t"): 344 preOp = Literal("=") | Literal(">=") | Literal(">" 345 ) | Literal("<=") | Literal("<") 346 rangeOp = Literal("..") 347 pmOp = Literal("+/-") | Literal("\xb1".decode("iso-8859-1")) 348 orOp = Literal("|") 349 andOp = Literal("&") 350 notOp = Literal("!") 351 commaOp = Literal(",") 352 353 preopExpr = Optional(preOp) + baseLiteral 354 rangeExpr = baseLiteral + Suppress(rangeOp) + baseLiteral 355 valList = baseLiteral + OneOrMore( Suppress(commaOp) + baseLiteral) 356 pmExpr = baseLiteral + Suppress(pmOp) + errorLiteral 357 simpleExpr = rangeExpr | pmExpr | valList | preopExpr 358 359 expr = Forward() 360 361 notExpr = Optional(notOp) + simpleExpr 362 andExpr = notExpr + ZeroOrMore( Suppress(andOp) + notExpr ) 363 orExpr = andExpr + ZeroOrMore( Suppress(orOp) + expr) 364 expr << orExpr 365 exprInString = expr + StringEnd() 366 367 rangeExpr.setName("rangeEx") 368 rangeOp.setName("rangeOp") 369 notExpr.setName("notEx") 370 andExpr.setName("andEx") 371 andOp.setName("&") 372 orExpr.setName("orEx") 373 expr.setName("expr") 374 simpleExpr.setName("simpleEx") 375 376 preopExpr.addParseAction(_simpleExprFactory(nodeClass)) 377 rangeExpr.addParseAction(_getNodeFactory("..", nodeClass)) 378 pmExpr.addParseAction(pmBuilder) 379 valList.addParseAction(_getNodeFactory(",", nodeClass)) 380 notExpr.addParseAction(_makeNotNodeFactory(nodeClass)) 381 andExpr.addParseAction(_getBinopFactory("AND", nodeClass)) 382 orExpr.addParseAction(_getBinopFactory("OR", nodeClass)) 383 384 return exprInString
385 386
387 -def parseFloat(s, pos, tok):
388 # If something looks like an int, return it as an int. 389 # Otherwise, postgres won't use int-indices 390 try: 391 return int(tok[0]) 392 except ValueError: 393 return float(tok[0])
394 395
396 -def parseDateTime(s, pos, tok):
397 """returns a datetime from a date/time spec. 398 399 This can be an ISO string or a julian year, JD, or MJD by 400 heuristics (see DateNode for details). 401 """ 402 assert len(tok)==1 403 try: 404 floatVal = float(tok[0]) 405 if 1000<=floatVal<=3000: 406 return utils.roundToSeconds(stc.jYearToDateTime(floatVal)) 407 elif 10000<=floatVal<=100000: 408 return utils.roundToSeconds(stc.mjdToDateTime(floatVal)) 409 elif 2e6<=floatVal<=4e6: 410 return utils.roundToSeconds(stc.jdnToDateTime(floatVal)) 411 else: 412 raise base.ParseException("Floats as dates must be " 413 " credible years (1000..2000), MJDs (1e4 .. 1e5), or" 414 " JDs (2e6 .. 4e6)") 415 except ValueError: 416 return literals.parseDefaultDatetime(tok[0])
417 418 419 floatLiteral = Regex(utils.floatRE).addParseAction(parseFloat) 420 421 _DATE_REGEX = r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d(T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)?|(\d+(\.\d*)?)" 422 _DATE_LITERAL_DT = Regex(_DATE_REGEX).addParseAction(parseDateTime) 423 424
425 -def parseNumericExpr(str, baseSymbol=getComplexGrammar(floatLiteral, 426 _makePmNode)):
427 """returns a parse tree for vizier-like expressions over floats. 428 """ 429 return utils.pyparseString(baseSymbol, str)[0]
430 431
432 -def parseDateExpr(str, baseSymbol=getComplexGrammar(_DATE_LITERAL_DT, 433 _makeDatePmNode, floatLiteral, DateNode)):
434 """returns a parse tree for vizier-like expressions over ISO dates. 435 436 Note that the semantic validity of the date (like, month<13) is not 437 checked by the grammar. 438 """ 439 return utils.pyparseString(baseSymbol, str)[0]
440 441
442 -def parseDateExprToMJD(str, baseSymbol=getComplexGrammar(_DATE_LITERAL_DT, 443 _makeMJDPmNode, floatLiteral, MJDNode)):
444 """returns a parse tree for vizier-like expression of ISO dates with 445 parsed values in MJD. 446 """ 447 return utils.pyparseString(baseSymbol, str)[0]
448 449
450 -def _makeOpNode(s, loc, toks):
451 return StringNode(toks[1:], toks[0])
452 453
454 -def getStringGrammar():
455 """returns a grammar for parsing vizier-like string expressions. 456 """ 457 # XXX TODO: should we cut at =| (which is currently parsed as = |)? 458 with utils.pyparsingWhitechars(" \t"): 459 simpleOperator = Literal("==") | Literal("!=") | Literal(">=") |\ 460 Literal(">") | Literal("<=") | Literal("<") | Literal("=~") |\ 461 Literal("=,") 462 simpleOperand = Regex(r"[^\s].*|") 463 # XXX probably a bug in pyparsing: White shouldn't be necessary here 464 White = Word(" \t") 465 simpleExpr = simpleOperator + Optional( White ) + simpleOperand 466 467 commaOperand = Regex("[^,]+") 468 barOperand = Regex("[^|]+") 469 commaEnum = Literal("=,") + commaOperand + ZeroOrMore( 470 Suppress(",") + commaOperand) 471 exclusionEnum = Literal("!=,") + commaOperand + ZeroOrMore( 472 Suppress(",") + commaOperand) 473 barEnum = Literal("=|") + barOperand + ZeroOrMore( 474 Suppress("|") + barOperand) 475 enumExpr = exclusionEnum | commaEnum | barEnum 476 477 patLiterals = CharsNotIn("[*?") 478 wildStar = Literal("*") 479 wildQmark = Literal("?") 480 setElems = CharsNotIn("]") 481 setSpec = Suppress("[") + setElems + Suppress("]") 482 pattern = OneOrMore(setSpec | wildStar | wildQmark | patLiterals) 483 484 patternOperator = Literal("~") | Literal("=") | Literal("!~") |\ 485 Literal("!") 486 patternExpr = patternOperator + Optional( White ) + pattern 487 nakedExpr = Regex("[^=!~|><]") + Optional( simpleOperand ) 488 489 stringExpr = enumExpr | simpleExpr | patternExpr | nakedExpr 490 491 doc = stringExpr + StringEnd() 492 493 stringExpr.setName("StringExpr") 494 enumExpr.setName("EnumExpr") 495 simpleOperand.setName("Operand") 496 simpleOperator.setName("Operator") 497 nakedExpr.setName("SingleOperand") 498 499 debug = False 500 stringExpr.setDebug(debug) 501 enumExpr.setDebug(debug) 502 patLiterals.setDebug(debug) 503 simpleOperand.setDebug(debug) 504 simpleOperator.setDebug(debug) 505 nakedExpr.setDebug(debug) 506 507 simpleExpr.addParseAction(_makeOpNode) 508 patternExpr.addParseAction(_makeOpNode) 509 enumExpr.addParseAction(_makeOpNode) 510 makeDefaultExpr = _getNodeFactory("==", StringNode) 511 nakedExpr.addParseAction(lambda s,p,toks: makeDefaultExpr(s,p, 512 ["".join(toks)])) 513 wildStar.addParseAction(_makeOpNode) 514 wildQmark.addParseAction(_makeOpNode) 515 setElems.addParseAction(_getNodeFactory("[", StringNode)) 516 517 return doc
518 519
520 -def parseStringExpr(str, baseSymbol=getStringGrammar()):
521 return utils.pyparseString(baseSymbol, str)[0]
522 523
524 -def _makeFactory(parser):
525 def factory(field, val, sqlPars): 526 try: 527 return parser(val).asSQL(field, sqlPars) 528 except ParseException: 529 raise base.ui.logOldExc(utils.ValidationError( 530 "Invalid input for type %s (see help for valid type literals)"% 531 field.type,
532 return factory 533 534 535 sqlmunge.registerSQLFactory("vexpr-float", 536 _makeFactory(parseNumericExpr)) 537 sqlmunge.registerSQLFactory("vexpr-date", 538 _makeFactory(parseDateExpr)) 539 sqlmunge.registerSQLFactory("vexpr-mjd", 540 _makeFactory(parseDateExprToMJD)) 541 sqlmunge.registerSQLFactory("vexpr-string", 542 _makeFactory(parseStringExpr)) 543 544
545 -class ToVexprConverter(typesystems.FromSQLConverter):
546 typeSystem = "vizierexpr" 547 simpleMap = { 548 "smallint": "vexpr-float", 549 "integer": "vexpr-float", 550 "int": "vexpr-float", 551 "bigint": "vexpr-float", 552 "real": "vexpr-float", 553 "float": "vexpr-float", 554 "double precision": "vexpr-float", 555 "double": "vexpr-float", 556 "text": "vexpr-string", 557 "unicode": "vexpr-string", 558 "char": "vexpr-string", 559 "date": "vexpr-date", 560 "timestamp": "vexpr-date", 561 "vexpr-date": "vexpr-date", 562 "vexpr-float": "vexpr-float", 563 "vexpr-string": "vexpr-string", 564 } 565
566 - def mapComplex(self, sqlType, length):
567 if sqlType=="char": 568 return "vexpr-string" 569 if sqlType=="varchar": 570 return "vexpr-string"
571 572 getVexprFor = ToVexprConverter().convert 573 574
575 -def makeConeSearchFor(inputKey):
576 """returns an //scs#makeSpointCD condDesc tailored for inputKey. 577 """ 578 from gavo.svcs import standardcores 579 return base.parseFromString(standardcores.CondDesc, """ 580 <FEED source="//scs#makeSpointCD" 581 tablehead=%s 582 matchColumn=%s/> 583 """%( 584 utils.escapeAttrVal(inputKey.tablehead), 585 utils.escapeAttrVal(
586 587
588 -def format_placeholder(min_val, max_val, formatter):
589 """returns a placeholder string for a possibly open interval. 590 591 *_val may be None, formatter has to accept a non-None value 592 and return the proper representation for the placeholder string. 593 594 If no placeholder can be generated, this function returns None. 595 """ 596 if min_val is None: 597 if max_val is None: 598 return None 599 else: 600 return "< %s"%formatter(max_val) 601 else: 602 if max_val is None: 603 return "> %s"%formatter(min_val) 604 else: 605 return "%s .. %s"%( 606 formatter(min_val), formatter(max_val))
607 608
609 -def getPlaceholderFor(inputKey, values):
610 """returns a placeholder (suggested input) for inputKey, where values 611 is the original values element. 612 613 This will currently be None unless we do a numeric input. 614 """ 615 if not values: 616 return 617 618 if inputKey.type=="vexpr-float": 619 scaling = inputKey.scaling or 1 620 return format_placeholder(values.min, values.max, 621 lambda val: "%s"%(val/scaling)) 622 623 elif inputKey.type=="vexpr-mjd": 624 # date with underlying MJD column 625 return format_placeholder(values.min, values.max, 626 lambda val: "%s"%utils.formatISODT(stc.mjdToDateTime(val))) 627 628 elif inputKey.type=="vexpr-date": 629 # date with underlying timestamp column 630 return format_placeholder(values.min, values.max, 631 lambda val: "%s"%utils.formatISODT(val))
632 633 # fall through to None if no placeholder can be make 634 635
636 -def adaptInputKey(inputKey):
637 """returns ik changed to generate SQL for Vizier-like expressions. 638 639 This is used for buildFrom on CondDescs and renderers having 640 parameterStyle form. 641 """ 642 res, oldValues = inputKey, inputKey.values 643 644 # manually check for things that need to change the whole condDesc. 645 if inputKey.type=='spoint': 646 raise base.Replace(makeConeSearchFor(inputKey)) 647 elif inputKey.xtype=="mjd": 648 res = inputKey.change(type="vexpr-mjd", unit="", parent_=None) 649 elif inputKey.isEnumerated(): 650 res = inputKey 651 652 else: 653 654 try: 655 changes = { 656 "type": getVexprFor(inputKey.type), 657 "values": None, 658 "parent_": None} 659 660 if inputKey.displayHint.get("displayUnit") and \ 661 inputKey.displayHint["displayUnit"]!=inputKey.unit: 662 changes["inputUnit"] = inputKey.displayHint["displayUnit"] 663 664 res = inputKey.change(**changes) 665 except base.ConversionError: # No vexpr type, leave things 666 pass 667 668 res.setProperty("placeholder", 669 getPlaceholderFor(res, oldValues)) 670 671 return res
672 673
674 -def _test():
675 import doctest, vizierexprs 676 doctest.testmod(vizierexprs)
677 678 679 if __name__=="__main__": 680 print(repr(parseDateExpr(""))) 681