Package gavo :: Package user :: Module initdachs
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Source Code for Module gavo.user.initdachs

  1  """ 
  2  Initial setup for the file system hierarchy. 
  4  This module is supposed to create as much of the DaCHS file system environment 
  5  as possible.  Take care to give sensible error messages -- much can go wrong 
  6  here, and it's nice if the user has a way to figure out what's wrong. 
  7  """ 
  9  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
 10  #c 
 11  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 12  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 15  import datetime 
 16  import os 
 17  import sys 
 18  import textwrap 
 19  import warnings 
 21  import psycopg2 
 23  from gavo import base 
 24  from gavo import utils 
27 -def bailOut(msg, hint=None):
28 sys.stderr.write("*** Error: %s\n\n"%msg) 29 if hint is not None: 30 sys.stderr.write(textwrap.fill(hint)+"\n") 31 sys.exit(1)
32 33
34 -def unindentString(s):
35 return "\n".join(s.strip() for s in s.split("\n"))+"\n"
36 37
38 -def makeRoot():
39 rootDir = base.getConfig("rootDir") 40 if os.path.isdir(rootDir): 41 return 42 try: 43 os.makedirs(rootDir) 44 except os.error: 45 bailOut("Cannot create root directory %s."%rootDir, 46 "This usually means that the current user has insufficient privileges" 47 " to write to the parent directory. To fix this, either have rootDir" 48 " somewhere you can write to (edit /etc/gavorc) or create the directory" 49 " as root and grant it to your user id.")
50 51
52 -def makeDirVerbose(path, setGroupTo, makeWritable):
53 if not os.path.isdir(path): 54 try: 55 os.makedirs(path) 56 except os.error as err: 57 bailOut("Could not create directory %s (%s)"%( 58 path, err)) # add hints 59 except Exception as msg: 60 bailOut("Could not create directory %s (%s)"%( 61 path, msg)) 62 if setGroupTo is not None: 63 stats = os.stat(path) 64 if stats.st_mode&0060!=060 or stats.st_gid!=setGroupTo: 65 try: 66 os.chown(path, -1, setGroupTo) 67 if makeWritable: 68 os.chmod(path, stats.st_mode | 0060) 69 except Exception as msg: 70 bailOut("Cannot set %s to group ownership %s, group writable"%( 71 path, setGroupTo), 72 hint="Certain directories must be writable by multiple user ids." 73 " They must therefore belong to the group %s and be group" 74 " writeable. The attempt to make sure that's so just failed" 75 " with the error message %s." 76 " Either grant the directory in question to yourself, or" 77 " fix permissions manually. If you own the directory and" 78 " sill see permission errors, try 'newgrp %s'"%( 79 base.getConfig("group"), msg, base.getConfig("group")))
80 81 82 _GAVO_WRITABLE_DIRS = set([ 83 "stateDir", 84 "cacheDir", 85 "logDir", 86 "tempDir", 87 "uwsWD",]) 88 89
90 -def makeDirForConfig(configKey, gavoGrpId):
91 path = base.getConfig(configKey) 92 makeDirVerbose(path, gavoGrpId, configKey in _GAVO_WRITABLE_DIRS)
93 94
95 -def makeDefaultMeta():
96 destPath = os.path.join(base.getConfig("configDir"), "defaultmeta.txt") 97 if os.path.exists(destPath): 98 return 99 rawData = unindentString(r"""publisher: Your organisation's name 100 publisherID: ivo://x-unregistred 101 Fill Out 102 contact.address: Ordinary street address. 103 104 contact.telephone: Delete this line if you don't want to give it 105 Could be same as 106 creator.logo: \getConfig{web}{serverURL}/favicon.png 107 108 _noresultwarning: Your query did not match any data. 109 110 authority.creationDate: %s 111 authority.title: Untitled data center 112 authority.shortName: DaCHS test 113 authority.description: This should be a relatively terse \ 114 description of what you claim authority for. 115 authority.referenceURL: (your DC's "contact" page, presumably) 116 117 site.description: This should be a relatively terse \ 118 description of your data center. You must give sensible values \ 119 for all authority.* things before publishing your registry endpoint. 120 """%(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())) 121 with open(destPath, "w") as f: 122 f.write(rawData) 123 124 # load new new default meta 125 from gavo.base import config 126 config.makeFallbackMeta()
127 128
129 -def makeMatplotlibCfg():
130 destPath = os.path.join(base.getConfig("configDir"), "matplotlibrc") 131 if os.path.exists(destPath): 132 return 133 with open(destPath, "w") as f: 134 f.write("backend: Agg\n")
135 136
137 -def prepareWeb(groupId):
138 makeDirVerbose(os.path.join(base.getConfig("webDir"), "nv_static"), 139 groupId, False)
140 141
142 -def _genPW():
143 """returns a random string that may be suitable as a database password. 144 145 The entropy of the generated passwords should be close to 160 bits, so 146 the passwords themselves would probably not be a major issue. Of course, 147 within DaCHS they are stored in the file system in clear text... 148 """ 149 return os.urandom(20).encode("base64")
150 151
152 -def makeProfiles(dsn, userPrefix=""):
153 """writes profiles with made-up passwords to DaCHS' config dir. 154 155 This will mess everything up when the users already exist. We 156 should probably provide an option to drop standard users. 157 158 userPrefix is mainly for the test infrastructure. 159 """ 160 profilePath = base.getConfig("configDir") 161 dsnContent = ["database = %s"%(dsn.parsed["dbname"])] 162 if "host" in dsn.parsed: 163 dsnContent.append("host = %s"%dsn.parsed["host"]) 164 else: 165 dsnContent.append("host = localhost") 166 if "port" in dsn.parsed: 167 dsnContent.append("port = %s"%dsn.parsed["port"]) 168 else: 169 dsnContent.append("port = 5432") 170 171 for fName, content in [ 172 ("dsn", "\n".join(dsnContent)+"\n"), 173 ("feed", "include dsn\nuser = %sgavoadmin\npassword = %s\n"%( 174 userPrefix, _genPW())), 175 ("trustedquery", "include dsn\nuser = %sgavo\npassword = %s\n"%( 176 userPrefix, _genPW())), 177 ("untrustedquery", "include dsn\nuser = %suntrusted\npassword = %s\n"%( 178 userPrefix, _genPW())),]: 179 destPath = os.path.join(profilePath, fName) 180 if not os.path.exists(destPath): 181 with open(destPath, "w") as f: 182 f.write(content)
183 184
185 -def createFSHierarchy(dsn, userPrefix=""):
186 """creates the directories required by DaCHS. 187 188 userPrefix is for use of the test infrastructure. 189 """ 190 makeRoot() 191 grpId = base.getGroupId() 192 for configKey in ["configDir", "inputsDir", "cacheDir", "logDir", 193 "tempDir", "webDir", "stateDir"]: 194 makeDirForConfig(configKey, grpId) 195 makeDirVerbose(os.path.join(base.getConfig("inputsDir"), "__system"), 196 grpId, False) 197 makeDefaultMeta() 198 makeMatplotlibCfg() 199 makeProfiles(dsn, userPrefix) 200 prepareWeb(grpId)
201 202 203 ###################### DB interface 204 # This doesn't use much of sqlsupport since the roles are just being 205 # created and some of the operations may not be available for non-supervisors. 206
207 -class DSN(object):
208 """a psycopg-style DSN, both parsed and unparsed. 209 """
210 - def __init__(self, dsn):
211 self.full = dsn 212 self._parse() 213 self._validate()
214 215 _knownKeys = set(["dbname", "user", "password", "host", "port", "sslmode"]) 216
217 - def _validate(self):
218 for key in self.parsed: 219 if key not in self._knownKeys: 220 sys.stderr.write("Unknown DSN key %s will get lost in profiles."%( 221 key))
223 - def _parse(self):
224 if "=" in self.full: 225 self.parsed = utils.parseKVLine(self.full) 226 else: 227 self.parsed = {"dbname": self.full} 228 self.full = utils.makeKVLine(self.parsed)
229 230
231 -def _execDB(conn, query, args={}):
232 """returns the result of running query with args through conn. 233 234 No transaction management is being done here. 235 """ 236 cursor = conn.cursor() 237 cursor.execute(query, args) 238 return list(cursor)
239 240
241 -def _roleExists(conn, roleName):
242 return _execDB(conn, 243 "SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=%(rolname)s", 244 {"rolname": roleName})
245 246
247 -def _createRoleFromProfile(conn, profile, privileges):
248 cursor = conn.cursor() 249 try: 250 verb = "CREATE" 251 if _roleExists(conn, profile.user): 252 verb = "ALTER" 253 cursor.execute( 254 "%s ROLE %s PASSWORD %%(password)s %s LOGIN"%( 255 verb, profile.user, privileges), { 256 "password": profile.password,}) 257 conn.commit() 258 except: 259 warnings.warn("Could not create role %s (see db server log)"% 260 profile.user) 261 conn.rollback()
262 263
264 -def _createRoles(dsn):
265 """creates the roles for the DaCHS profiles admin, trustedquery 266 and untrustedquery. 267 """ 268 from gavo.base import config 269 270 conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn.full) 271 for profileName, privileges in [ 272 ("admin", "CREATEROLE"), 273 ("trustedquery", ""), 274 ("untrustedquery", "")]: 275 _createRoleFromProfile(conn, 276 config.getDBProfile(profileName), 277 privileges) 278 279 adminProfile = config.getDBProfile("admin") 280 cursor = conn.cursor() 281 cursor.execute("GRANT ALL ON DATABASE %s TO %s"%(dsn.parsed["dbname"], 282 adminProfile.user)) 283 conn.commit()
284 285
286 -def _getServerScriptPath(conn):
287 """returns the path where a local postgres server would store its 288 contrib scripts. 289 290 This is probably Debian specific. It's used by the the extension 291 script upload. 292 """ 293 from gavo.base import sqlsupport 294 version = sqlsupport.parseBannerString( 295 _execDB(conn, "SELECT version()")[0][0]) 296 name = "/usr/share/postgresql/%s/contrib"%version 297 if os.path.isdir(name): 298 return name 299 name = "/usr/share/postgresql/contrib" 300 # Try others here? Which? 301 return name
302 303
304 -def _readDBScript(conn, scriptPath, sourceName, procName):
305 """tries to execute the sql script in scriptPath within conn. 306 307 sourceName is some user-targeted indicator what package the script 308 comes from, procName the name of a procedure left by the script 309 so we don't run the script again when it's already run. 310 """ 311 if not os.path.exists(scriptPath): 312 warnings.warn("SQL script file for %s not found. There are many" 313 " reasons why that may be ok, but unless you know what you are" 314 " doing, you probably should install the corresponding postgres" 315 " extension."%scriptPath) 316 from gavo.rscdef import scripting 317 318 cursor = conn.cursor() 319 if _execDB(conn, "SELECT * FROM pg_proc WHERE proname=%(procName)s", 320 {"procName": procName}): 321 # script has already run 322 return 323 324 try: 325 for statement in scripting.getSQLScriptGrammar().parseString( 326 open(scriptPath).read()): 327 cursor.execute(statement) 328 except: 329 conn.rollback() 330 warnings.warn("SQL script file %s failed. Try running manually" 331 " using psql. While it hasn't run, the %s extension is not" 332 " available."%(scriptPath, sourceName)) 333 else: 334 conn.commit()
335 336
337 -def _loadPgExtension(conn, extName):
338 """tries to create the extension extName. 339 340 This is for new-style extensions (e.g., pgsphere starting from 341 that don't have a load script any more. 342 343 It returns True if the extension was found (and has created it as a 344 side effect). 345 """ 346 res = _execDB(conn, "SELECT default_version, installed_version" 347 " FROM pg_available_extensions" 348 " WHERE name=%(name)s", {"name": extName}) 349 if not res: 350 # The extension is not available at all; let's hope we can limp on. 351 return False 352 353 if res[0][1] is not None: 354 # there is an installed version. Leave it as is for now 355 # (is it worth annoying the user with nagging for updates if 356 # there's a new version? Perhaps, but will they read it? So, for now: 357 return True 358 359 cursor = conn.cursor() 360 cursor.execute("CREATE EXTENSION "+extName) 361 cursor.close() 362 return True
363 364
365 -def _doLocalSetup(dsn):
366 """executes some commands that need to be executed with superuser 367 privileges. 368 """ 369 # When adding stuff here, fix docs/install.rstx, "Owner-only db setup" 370 conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn.full) 371 for statement in [ 372 "CREATE OR REPLACE LANGUAGE plpgsql"]: 373 cursor = conn.cursor() 374 try: 375 cursor.execute(statement) 376 except psycopg2.DatabaseError as msg: 377 warnings.warn("SQL statement '%s' failed (%s); continuing."%( 378 statement, msg)) 379 conn.rollback() 380 else: 381 conn.commit()
382 383
384 -def _readDBScripts(dsn):
385 """loads definitions of pgsphere, q3c and similar into the DB. 386 387 This only works for local installations, and the script location 388 is more or less hardcoded (Debian and SuSE work, at least). 389 """ 390 conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn.full) 391 scriptPath = _getServerScriptPath(conn) 392 for extScript, pkgName, procName, extName in [ 393 ("pg_sphere.sql", "pgSphere", "spoint_in", "pg_sphere"), 394 ("q3c.sql", "q3c", "q3c_ang2ipix", "q3c")]: 395 # first try new-style extension, then fall back to running scripts 396 if not _loadPgExtension(conn, extName): 397 _readDBScript(conn, 398 os.path.join(scriptPath, extScript), 399 pkgName, 400 procName) 401 conn.commit()
402 403
404 -def _importBasicResources():
405 from gavo import rsc 406 from gavo.rscdef import common 407 from gavo.user import importing 408 409 # see rscdef.common for info on the _BOOTSTRAPPING hack. 410 common._BOOTSTRAPPING = True 411 for rdId in ["//dc_tables", "//services", "//users", 412 "//uws", "//adql", "//tap", "//products", 413 "//datalink"]: 414 base.ui.notifyInfo("Importing %s"%rdId) 415 importing.process(rsc.getParseOptions(), [rdId]) 416 common._BOOTSTRAPPING = False
417 418
419 -def initDB(dsn):
420 """creates users and tables expected by DaCHS in the database described 421 by the DSN dsn. 422 423 Connecting with dsn must give you superuser privileges. 424 """ 425 _createRoles(dsn) 426 _doLocalSetup(dsn) 427 _readDBScripts(dsn) 428 _importBasicResources()
429 430
431 -def parseCommandLine():
432 import argparse 433 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create or update DaCHS'" 434 " file system and database environment.") 435 parser.add_argument("-d", "--dsn", help="DSN to use to connect to" 436 " the future DaCHS database. The DSN must let DaCHS connect" 437 " to the DB as an administrator. dbname, host, and port" 438 " get copied to the profile, if given. The DSN looks roughly like" 439 ' " user=admin password=secret". If you followed the' 440 " installation instructions, you don't need this option.", 441 action="store", type=str, dest="dsn", default="gavo") 442 parser.add_argument("--nodb", help="Inhibit initialization of the" 443 " database (you may want to use this when refreshing the file system" 444 " hierarchy)", action="store_false", dest="initDB") 445 return parser.parse_args()
446 447
448 -def main():
449 """initializes the DaCHS environment (where that's not already done). 450 """ 451 opts = parseCommandLine() 452 dsn = DSN(opts.dsn) 453 createFSHierarchy(dsn) 454 if opts.initDB: 455 initDB(dsn)