Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module codetricks
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Source Code for Module gavo.utils.codetricks

  1  """ 
  2  Functions dealing with compilation and introspection of python and  
  3  external code. 
  4  """ 
  6  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  7  #c 
  8  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  9  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 12  from __future__ import print_function 
 14  import compiler 
 15  import compiler.ast 
 16  import contextlib 
 17  import imp 
 18  import itertools 
 19  import inspect 
 20  import functools 
 21  import linecache 
 22  import os 
 23  import re 
 24  import shutil 
 25  import string 
 26  import sys 
 27  import tempfile 
 28  import threading 
 29  import weakref 
 30  from cStringIO import StringIO 
 32  from gavo.utils import algotricks 
 33  from gavo.utils import misctricks 
 34  from gavo.utils import excs 
35 36 37 -def document(origFun):
38 """is a decorator that adds a "buildDocsForThis" attribute to its argument. 39 40 This attribute is evaluated by documentation generators. 41 """ 42 origFun.buildDocsForThis = True 43 return origFun
45 46 -class CachedGetter(object):
47 """A cache for a callable. 48 49 This is basically memoization, except that these are supposed 50 to be singletons; CachedGetters should be used where the 51 construction of a resource (e.g., a grammar) should be deferred 52 until it is actually needed to save on startup times. 53 54 The resource is created on the first call, all further calls 55 just return references to the original object. 56 57 You can also leave out the getter argument and add an argumentless 58 method impl computing the value to cache. 59 60 Using a CachedGetter also serializes generation, so you can also 61 use it when getter isn't thread-safe. 62 63 At construction, you can pass a f(thing) -> bool in an isAlive 64 keyword argument. If you do, the function will be called with the 65 cache before the cache is being returned. If it returns false, 66 the resource is re-made (no concurrency control is enforced here). 67 """
68 - def __init__(self, getter, *args, **kwargs):
69 if getter is None: 70 getter = self.impl 71 self.cache, self.getter = None, getter 72 73 self.isAlive = kwargs.pop("isAlive", None) 74 self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs 75 self.lock = threading.Lock()
77 - def __call__(self):
78 if (self.isAlive is not None 79 and self.cache is not None 80 and not self.isAlive(self.cache)): 81 self.cache = None 82 83 if self.cache is None: 84 with self.lock: 85 # Second and following in already have the cache set and return here 86 if self.cache is not None: 87 return self.cache 88 self.cache = self.getter(*self.args, **self.kwargs) 89 90 # If the cache is immortal, do away with the stuff needed 91 # for its creation 92 if self.isAlive is None: 93 del self.args 94 del self.kwargs 95 del self.lock 96 97 return self.cache
99 100 -class CachedResource(object):
101 """is like CachedGetter but with a built-in getter. 102 103 Here, you define your class and have a class method impl returning 104 what you want. 105 """ 106 cache = None 107 108 @classmethod
109 - def __new__(cls, arg):
110 if cls.cache is None: 111 cls.cache = cls.impl() 112 return cls.cache
114 115 -class DeferredImport(object):
116 """A trivial deferred module loader. 117 118 Use this to delay the actual import of a module until it's actually 119 needed. 120 121 It is constructed with a module name (that will be inserted into the 122 calling module's globals() as a side effect) and some literal code 123 that, when executed in the caller's global namespace, actually 124 imports the module, for instance:: 125 126 utils.DeferredImport("wcs", "from astropy import wcs") 127 128 As a service for static code checking, you'll usually want to repeat 129 the module name, though: 130 131 132 wcs = utils.DeferredImport("wcs", "from astropy import wcs") 133 """ 134 loadedModule = None 135
136 - def __init__(self, moduleName, loadingCode):
137 self.parentGlobals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals 138 self.moduleName = moduleName 139 self.loader = compile(loadingCode, "<modloader-%s>"%id(self), 'exec') 140 self.parentGlobals[moduleName] = self
142 - def __getattr__(self, name):
143 exec self.loader in self.parentGlobals 144 return getattr(self.parentGlobals[self.moduleName], name)
146 147 -class IdManagerMixin(object):
148 """ 149 A mixin for objects requiring unique IDs. 150 151 The primaray use case is XML generation, where you want stable IDs 152 for objects, but IDs must be unique over an entire XML file. 153 154 The IdManagerMixin provides some methods for doing that: 155 156 - makeIdFor(object) -- returns an id for object, or None if makeIdFor has 157 already been called for that object (i.e., it presumably already is 158 in the document). 159 160 - getIdFor(object) -- returns an id for object if makeIdFor has already 161 been called before. Otherwise, a NotFoundError is raised 162 163 - getOrMakeIdFor(object) -- returns an id for object; if object has 164 been seen before, it's the same id as before. Identity is by equality 165 for purposes of dictionaries. 166 167 - getForId(id) -- returns the object belonging to an id that has 168 been handed out before. Raises a NotFoundError for unknown ids. 169 170 - cloneFrom(other) -- overwrites the self's id management dictionaries 171 with those from other. You want this if two id managers must work 172 on the same document. 173 """ 174 __cleanupPat = re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9_]+") 175 # Return a proxy instead of raising a KeyError here? We probably do not 176 # really want to generate xml with forward references, but who knows?
177 - def __getIdMaps(self):
178 try: 179 return self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject 180 except AttributeError: 181 self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject = {}, {} 182 return self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject
184 - def _fixSuggestion(self, suggestion, invMap):
185 for i in itertools.count(): 186 newId = suggestion+str(i) 187 if newId not in invMap: 188 return newId
190 - def cloneFrom(self, other):
191 """takes the id management dictionaries from other. 192 """ 193 self.__objectToId, self.__idsToObject = other.__getIdMaps()
195 - def makeIdFor(self, ob, suggestion=None):
196 map, invMap = self.__getIdMaps() 197 if suggestion: 198 suggestion = self.__cleanupPat.sub("", suggestion) 199 if id(ob) in map: 200 return None 201 202 if suggestion is not None: 203 if suggestion in invMap: 204 newId = self._fixSuggestion(suggestion, invMap) 205 else: 206 newId = suggestion 207 else: 208 newId = intToFunnyWord(id(ob)) 209 210 # register id(ob) <-> newId map, avoiding refs to ob 211 map[id(ob)] = newId 212 try: 213 invMap[newId] = weakref.proxy(ob) 214 except TypeError: # something we can't weakref to 215 invMap[newId] = ob 216 return newId
218 - def getIdFor(self, ob):
219 try: 220 return self.__getIdMaps()[0][id(ob)] 221 except KeyError: 222 raise excs.NotFoundError(repr(ob), what="object", 223 within="id manager %r"%(self,), hint="Someone asked for the" 224 " id of an object not managed by the id manager. This usually" 225 " is a software bug.")
227 - def getOrMakeIdFor(self, ob, suggestion=None):
228 try: 229 return self.getIdFor(ob) 230 except excs.NotFoundError: 231 return self.makeIdFor(ob, suggestion)
233 - def getForId(self, id):
234 try: 235 return self.__getIdMaps()[1][id] 236 except KeyError: 237 raise excs.NotFoundError(id, what="id", within="id manager %r"%(self,), 238 hint="Someone asked for the object belonging to an id that has" 239 " been generated externally (i.e., not by this id manager). This" 240 " usually is an internal error of the software.")
242 243 -class NullObject(object):
244 """A Null object, i.e. one that accepts any method call whatsoever. 245 246 This mainly here for use in scaffolding. 247 """
248 - def __getattr__(self, name):
249 return self
251 - def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
252 pass
254 255 -class _CmpType(type):
256 """is a metaclass for *classes* that always compare in one way. 257 """ 258 # Ok, the class thing is just posing. It's fun anyway.
259 - def __cmp__(cls, other):
260 return cls.cmpRes
262 263 -class _Comparer(object):
264 __metaclass__ = _CmpType
265 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
266 raise excs.Error( 267 "%s classes can't be instanciated."%self.__class__.__name__)
269 270 -class Infimum(_Comparer):
271 """is a *class* smaller than anything. 272 273 This will only work as the first operand. 274 275 >>> Infimum<-2333 276 True 277 >>> Infimum<"" 278 True 279 >>> Infimum<None 280 True 281 >>> Infimum<Infimum 282 True 283 """ 284 cmpRes = -1
286 287 -class Supremum(_Comparer):
288 """is a *class* larger than anything. 289 290 This will only work as the first operand. 291 292 >>> Supremum>1e300 293 True 294 >>> Supremum>"" 295 True 296 >>> Supremum>None 297 True 298 >>> Supremum>Supremum 299 True 300 """ 301 cmpRes = 1
303 304 -class AllEncompassingSet(set):
305 """a set that contains everything. 306 307 Ok, so this doesn't exist. Yes, I've read my Russell. You see, this 308 is a restricted hack for a reason. And even the docstring is 309 contradictory. 310 311 Sort-of. This now works for intersection and containing. 312 Should this reject union? Also, unfortunately this only works as a 313 left operand; I don't see how to override whatever set does with 314 this as a right operand. 315 316 >>> s = AllEncompassingSet() 317 >>> s & set([1,2]) 318 set([1, 2]) 319 >>> "gooble" in s 320 True 321 >>> s in s 322 True 323 >>> s not in s 324 False 325 """
326 - def __init__(self):
327 set.__init__(self, [])
329 - def __nonzero__(self):
330 return True
332 - def __and__(self, other):
333 return other
334 335 intersection = __and__ 336
337 - def __contains__(self, el):
338 return True
340 341 -def iterDerivedClasses(baseClass, objects):
342 """iterates over all subclasses of baseClass in the sequence objects. 343 """ 344 for cand in objects: 345 try: 346 if issubclass(cand, baseClass) and cand is not baseClass: 347 yield cand 348 except TypeError: # issubclass wants a class 349 pass
351 352 -def iterDerivedObjects(baseClass, objects):
353 """iterates over all instances of baseClass in the sequence objects. 354 """ 355 for cand in objects: 356 if isinstance(cand, baseClass): 357 yield cand
359 360 -def buildClassResolver(baseClass, objects, instances=False, 361 key=lambda obj: getattr(obj, "name", None), default=None):
362 """returns a function resolving classes deriving from baseClass 363 in the sequence objects by their names. 364 365 This is used to build registries of Macros and RowProcessors. The 366 classes in question have to have a name attribute. 367 368 objects would usually be something like globals().values() 369 370 If instances is True the function will return instances instead 371 of classes. 372 373 key is a function taking an object and returning the key under which 374 you will later access it. If this function returns None, the object 375 will not be entered into the registry. 376 """ 377 if instances: 378 registry = algotricks.DeferringDict() 379 else: 380 registry = {} 381 for cls in iterDerivedClasses(baseClass, objects): 382 clsKey = key(cls) 383 if clsKey is not None: 384 registry[clsKey] = cls 385 def resolve(name, registry=registry): 386 try: 387 return registry[name] 388 except KeyError: 389 if default is not None: 390 return default 391 raise
392 resolve.registry = registry 393 return resolve 394
395 396 -def formatDocs(docItems, underliner):
397 """returns RST-formatted docs for docItems. 398 399 docItems is a list of (title, doc) tuples. doc is currently 400 rendered in a preformatted block. 401 """ 402 def formatDocstring(docstring): 403 """returns a docstring with a consistent indentation. 404 405 Rule (1): any whitespace in front of the first line is discarded. 406 Rule (2): if there is a second line, any whitespace at its front 407 is the "governing whitespace" 408 Rule (3): any governing whitespace in front of the following lines 409 is removed 410 Rule (4): All lines are indented by 2 blanks. 411 """ 412 lines = docstring.split("\n") 413 newLines = [lines.pop(0).lstrip()] 414 if lines: 415 whitespacePat = re.compile("^"+re.match(r"\s*", lines[0]).group()) 416 for line in lines: 417 newLines.append(whitespacePat.sub("", line)) 418 return " "+("\n ".join(newLines))
419 420 docLines = [] 421 for title, body in docItems: 422 docLines.extend([title, underliner*len(title), "", "::", "", 423 formatDocstring(body), ""]) 424 docLines.append("\n.. END AUTO\n") 425 return "\n".join(docLines) 426
427 428 -def makeClassDocs(baseClass, objects):
429 """prints hopefully RST-formatted docs for all subclasses 430 of baseClass in objects. 431 432 The function returns True if it finds arguments it expects ("docs" 433 and optionally a char to build underlines from) in the command line, 434 False if not (and it doesn't print anything in this case) if not. 435 436 Thus, you'll usually use it like this:: 437 438 if __name__=="__main__": 439 if not makeClassDocs(Macro, globals().values()): 440 _test() 441 """ 442 if len(sys.argv) in [2,3] and sys.argv[1]=="docs": 443 if len(sys.argv)==3: 444 underliner = sys.argv[2][0] 445 else: 446 underliner = "." 447 else: 448 return False 449 docs = [] 450 for cls in iterDerivedClasses(baseClass, objects): 451 try: 452 title = 453 except AttributeError: 454 title = cls.__name__ 455 docs.append((title, cls.__doc__)) 456 docs.sort() 457 print(formatDocs(docs, underliner)) 458 return True
459 460 _SILENCE_LOCK = threading.RLock()
461 462 @contextlib.contextmanager 463 -def silence(errToo=False):
464 """a context manager to temporarily redirect stdout to /dev/null. 465 466 This is used to shut up some versions of pyparsing and pyfits that 467 insist on spewing stuff to stdout from deep within in relatively 468 normal situations. 469 470 Note that this will acquire a lock while things are silenced; this 471 means that silenced things cannot run concurrently. 472 """ 473 with _SILENCE_LOCK: 474 realstdout = sys.stdout 475 sys.stdout = open("/dev/null", "w") 476 if errToo: 477 realstderr = sys.stderr 478 sys.stderr = sys.stdout 479 480 try: 481 yield 482 finally: 483 sys.stdout.close() 484 sys.stdout = realstdout 485 if errToo: 486 sys.stderr = realstderr
488 489 @contextlib.contextmanager 490 -def in_dir(destDir):
491 """executes the controlled block within destDir and then returns 492 to the previous directory. 493 494 Think "within dir". Haha. 495 """ 496 owd = os.getcwd() 497 os.chdir(destDir) 498 try: 499 yield owd 500 finally: 501 os.chdir(owd)
503 504 @contextlib.contextmanager 505 -def sandbox(tmpdir=None, debug=False, extractfunc=None):
506 """sets up and tears down a sandbox directory within tmpdir. 507 508 This is is a context manager. The object returned is the original 509 path (which allows you to copy stuff from there). The working 510 directory is the sandbox created while in the controlled block. 511 512 If tmpdir is None, the *system* default is used (usually /tmp), 513 rather than dachs' tmpdir. So, you will ususally want to call 514 this as sandbox(base.getConfig("tempDir")) 515 516 This is obviously not thread-safe -- you'll not usually want 517 to run this in the main server process. Better fork before 518 running this. 519 520 You can pass in a function extractfunc(owd) that is executed in 521 the sandbox just before teardown. It receives the original working 522 directory and can, e.g., move files there from the sandbox. 523 """ 524 owd = os.getcwd() 525 wd = tempfile.mkdtemp("sandbox", dir=tmpdir) 526 os.chdir(wd) 527 try: 528 yield owd 529 finally: 530 if extractfunc: 531 extractfunc(owd) 532 os.chdir(owd) 533 if not debug: 534 shutil.rmtree(wd)
536 537 -def runInSandbox(setUp, func, tearDown, *args, **kwargs):
538 """runs func in a temporary ("sandbox") directory. 539 540 func is called with args and kwargs. setUp and tearDown are 541 two functions also called with args and kwargs; in addition, they 542 are passed the path of the tempdir (setUp) or the path of the 543 original directory (teardown) in the first argument. 544 545 setUp is called after the directory has been created, 546 but the process is still in the current WD. 547 548 tearDown is called before the temp dir is deleted and in this directory. 549 Its return value is the return value of runInSandbox, which is the 550 preferred way of getting data out of the sandbox. 551 552 If any of the handlers raise exceptions, the following handlers will not 553 be called. The sandbox will be torn down, though. 554 555 This is only present for legacy code. Use the sandbox context manager 556 now. 557 """ 558 owd = os.getcwd() 559 # within DaCHS, this should be within tempDir, but we don't bother to 560 # get access to DaCHS' config. So there. 561 wd = tempfile.mkdtemp("sandbox") 562 try: 563 if setUp: 564 setUp(wd, *args, **kwargs) 565 os.chdir(wd) 566 func(*args, **kwargs) 567 result = tearDown(owd, *args, **kwargs) 568 finally: 569 os.chdir(owd) 570 shutil.rmtree(wd) 571 return result
573 574 -class _FunctionCompiler(object):
575 """A singleton to keep compileFunction's state somewhat localised. 576 577 The state currently is a counter used to build unique ids for 578 stuff compiled. 579 """ 580 compiledCount = 0 581 582 @classmethod
583 - def _compile(cls, src, funcName, useGlobals=None, debug=False):
584 """runs src through exec and returns the item funcName from the resulting 585 namespace. 586 587 This is typically used to define functions, like this: 588 589 >>> resFunc = compileFunction("def f(x): print(x)", "f") 590 >>> resFunc(1); resFunc("abc") 591 1 592 abc 593 """ 594 if isinstance(src, unicode): 595 src = src.encode("utf-8") 596 src = src+"\n" 597 598 locals = {} 599 if useGlobals is None: 600 useGlobals = globals() 601 602 uniqueName = "<generated code %s>"%cls.compiledCount 603 cls.compiledCount += 1 604 605 try: 606 code = compile(src, uniqueName, 'exec') 607 exec code in useGlobals, locals 608 except Exception as ex: 609 misctricks.sendUIEvent("Warning", "The code that failed to compile was:" 610 "\n%s"%src) 611 raise misctricks.logOldExc(excs.BadCode(src, "function", ex)) 612 func = locals[funcName] 613 614 # this makes our compiled lines available to the traceback writer. 615 # we might want to do sys.excepthook = traceback.print_exception 616 # somewhere so the post mortem dumper uses this, too. Let's see 617 # if it's worth the added risk of breaking things. 618 linecache.cache[uniqueName] = len(src), None, src.split("\n"), uniqueName 619 func._cleanup = weakref.ref(func, 620 lambda _, key=uniqueName: linecache and linecache.cache.pop(key, None)) 621 622 if debug: 623 debugLocals = {} 624 embSrc = "\n".join([ 625 "from gavo.utils import excs", 626 "def compileFunctionDebugWrapper(*args, **kwargs):", 627 " try:", 628 " return %s(*args, **kwargs)"%funcName, 629 " except excs.ExecutiveAction:", 630 " raise", 631 " except:", 632 ' notify("Failing source:\\n%s"%src)', 633 " raise"]) 634 debugLocals["src"] = src 635 debugLocals["notify"] = lambda msg: misctricks.sendUIEvent("Warning", msg) 636 debugLocals[funcName] = func 637 exec embSrc+"\n" in debugLocals 638 return debugLocals["compileFunctionDebugWrapper"] 639 640 return func
641 642 compileFunction = _FunctionCompiler._compile
643 644 645 -def ensureExpression(expr, errName="unknown"):
646 """raises a LiteralParserError if expr is not a parseable python expression. 647 """ 648 # bizarre bug in the compiler modules: naked strings are compiled into 649 # just a module name. Fix it by forcing an expression on those: 650 if expr.startswith("'") or expr.startswith('"'): 651 expr = "''+"+expr 652 try: 653 ast = compiler.parse(expr) 654 except SyntaxError as msg: 655 raise misctricks.logOldExc(excs.BadCode(expr, "expression", msg)) 656 # An ast for an expression is a Discard inside at Stmt inside the 657 # top-level Module 658 try: 659 exprNodes = ast.node.nodes 660 if len(exprNodes)!=1: 661 raise ValueError("Not a single statement") 662 if not isinstance(exprNodes[0], compiler.ast.Discard): 663 raise ValueError("Not an expression") 664 except (ValueError, AttributeError) as ex: 665 raise misctricks.logOldExc(excs.BadCode(expr, "expression", ex))
667 668 -def importModule(modName):
669 """imports a module from the module path. 670 671 Use this to programmatically import "normal" modules, e.g., dc-internal 672 ones. It uses python's standard import mechanism and returns the 673 module object. 674 675 We're using exec and python's normal import, so the semantics 676 should be identical to saying import modName except that the 677 caller's namespace is not changed. 678 679 The function returns the imported module. 680 """ 681 # ward against exploits (we're about to use exec): check syntax 682 if not re.match("([A-Za-z_]+)(\.[A-Za-z_]+)*", modName): 683 raise excs.Error("Invalid name in internal import: %s"%modName) 684 parts = modName.split(".") 685 vars = {} 686 if len(parts)==1: 687 exec "import %s"%modName in vars 688 else: 689 exec "from %s import %s"%(".".join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1]) in vars 690 return vars[parts[-1]]
692 693 @document 694 -def loadPythonModule(fqName, relativeTo=None):
695 """imports fqName and returns the module with a module description. 696 697 The module description is what what find_module returns; you may 698 need this for reloading and similar. 699 700 Do not use this function to import DC-internal modules; this may 701 mess up singletons since you could bypass python's mechanisms 702 to prevent multiple imports of the same module. 703 704 fqName is a fully qualified path to the module without the .py, 705 unless relativeTo is given, in which case it is interpreted as a 706 relative path. This for letting modules in resdir/res import each 707 other by saying:: 708 709 mod, _ = api.loadPythonModule("foo", relativeTo=__file__) 710 711 The python path is temporarily amended with the path part of the 712 source module. 713 714 If the module is in /var/gavo/inputs/foo/bar/, Python will know 715 the module as foo_bar_mod (the last two path components are always added). 716 This is to keep Python from using the module when someone writes 717 import mod. 718 """ 719 if relativeTo is not None: 720 fqName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(relativeTo), fqName) 721 722 pythonModuleName = "_".join(fqName.split("/")[-3:]) 723 moduleName = os.path.basename(fqName) 724 modpath = os.path.dirname(fqName) 725 726 try: 727 moddesc = imp.find_module(moduleName, [modpath]) 728 except ImportError: 729 # cloak the actual import error; since this probably comes from user 730 # code, chances are they want to see something else. Let's guess a 731 # structure error 732 raise excs.StructureError("Requested module %s not importable."%fqName, 733 hint="If it exists at all, the import might also failed because" 734 ' of syntax errors or similar. Try python -c "import mod" to get' 735 ' a clue in that case.') 736 try: 737 imp.acquire_lock() 738 modNs = imp.load_module(pythonModuleName, *moddesc) 739 finally: 740 imp.release_lock() 741 742 return modNs, moddesc
744 745 -def loadInternalObject(relativeName, objectName):
746 """gets a name from an internal module. 747 748 relativeName is the python module path (not including "gavo."), 749 objectName the name of something within the module. 750 751 This is used for "manual" registries (grammars, cores,...). 752 """ 753 modName = "gavo."+relativeName 754 module = importModule(modName) 755 return getattr(module, objectName)
757 758 -def memoized(origFun):
759 """a trivial memoizing decorator. 760 761 Use this for plain functions; see memoizedMethod for instance methods. 762 No cache expiry, no non-hashable arguments, nothing. 763 """ 764 cache = {} 765 def fun(*args): 766 if args not in cache: 767 cache[args] = origFun(*args) 768 return cache[args]
769 fun._cache = cache 770 return functools.update_wrapper(fun, origFun) 771
772 773 -class memoizedMethod(object):
774 """a trivial memoizing decorator for instance methods. 775 776 See memoized for the same thing for functions. This uses a single 777 persistent cache for all instances, so there's not terribly much 778 the wrapped method is allowed to do with its self. 779 """
780 - def __init__(self, meth):
781 cache = {} 782 @functools.wraps(meth) 783 def wrapped(obj, *args): 784 try: 785 return cache[args] 786 except KeyError: 787 cache[args] = meth(obj, *args) 788 return cache[args]
789 self.wrapped = wrapped
791 - def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
792 if obj is None: 793 return self.wrapped 794 return functools.partial(self.wrapped, obj)
796 797 -def iterConsecutivePairs(sequence):
798 """yields pairs of consecutive items from sequence. 799 800 If the last item cannot be paired, it is dropped. 801 802 >>> list(iterConsecutivePairs(range(6))) 803 [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)] 804 >>> list(iterConsecutivePairs(range(5))) 805 [(0, 1), (2, 3)] 806 """ 807 iter1, iter2 = iter(sequence), iter(sequence) 808 809 return list(zip( 810 itertools.islice(iter1, None, None, 2), 811 itertools.islice(iter2, None, None, 2)))
813 814 -def iterRanges(separators):
815 """yields (left, right) pairs for a sequence of separators. 816 817 >>> list(iterRanges(range(6))) 818 [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)] 819 """ 820 i = iter(separators) 821 left = 822 for right in i: 823 yield left, right 824 left = right
826 827 -def getKeyNoCase(dict, key):
828 """returns a key of dict matching key case-insensitively. 829 830 This is sometimes useful with protocols that stupidly define keys 831 as case-insensitive. 832 833 If no matching key exists, a KeyError is raised. 834 """ 835 for k in dict: 836 if k.lower()==key.lower(): 837 return k 838 raise KeyError(key)
840 841 -def identity(x):
842 return x
844 845 -def intToFunnyWord(anInt, translation=string.maketrans( 846 "-0123456789abcdef", 847 "zaeiousmnthwblpgd")):
848 """returns a sometimes funny (but unique) word from an arbitrary integer. 849 """ 850 return "".join(("%x"%anInt).translate(translation))
852 853 -def addDefaults(dataDict, defaultDict):
854 """adds key-value pairs from defaultDict to dataDict if the key is missing 855 in dataDict. 856 """ 857 for key, value in defaultDict.iteritems(): 858 if key not in dataDict: 859 dataDict[key] = value
861 862 -def memoizeOn(onObject, generatingObject, generatingFunction, *args):
863 """memoizes the result of generatingFunction on onObject. 864 865 This is for caching things that adapt to onObjects; see procdefs 866 and rowmakers for examples why this is useful. 867 """ 868 cacheName = "_cache%s%s"%(generatingObject.__class__.__name__, 869 str(id(generatingObject))) 870 if getattr(onObject, cacheName, None) is None: 871 setattr(onObject, cacheName, generatingFunction(*args)) 872 return getattr(onObject, cacheName)
874 875 -def forgetMemoized(ob):
876 """clears things memoizeOn-ed on ob or @utils.memoize-ed. 877 878 This is sometimes necessary to let the garbage collector free 879 ob, e.g., when closures have been memoized. 880 """ 881 for n in dir(ob): 882 child = getattr(ob, n) 883 # this is for @memoized things 884 if hasattr(child, "_cache"): 885 child._cache.clear() 886 # this is for memoizedOn-ed things 887 if n.startswith("_cache"): 888 delattr(ob, n)
890 891 -def stealVar(varName):
892 """returns the first local variable called varName in the frame stack 893 above my caller. 894 895 This is obviously abominable. This is only used within the DC code where 896 the author deemed the specification ugly. Ah. Almost. 897 """ 898 frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back 899 while frame: 900 if varName in frame.f_locals: 901 return frame.f_locals[varName] 902 frame = frame.f_back 903 raise ValueError("No local %s in the stack"%varName)
905 906 -def printFrames():
907 """prints a compact list of frames. 908 909 This is an aid for printf debugging. 910 """ 911 frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back 912 if inspect.getframeinfo(frame)[2]=="getJobsTable": 913 return 914 while frame: 915 print("[%s,%s], [%s]"%inspect.getframeinfo(frame)[:3]) 916 frame = frame.f_back
918 919 -def getTracebackAsString():
920 import traceback 921 f = StringIO() 922 traceback.print_exc(file=f) 923 return f.getvalue()
925 926 -class EqualingRE(object):
927 """A value that compares equal based on RE matches. 928 929 This is a helper mainly for GetHasXPathsTests. Use an instance of 930 this class to check against an RE rather than a plain string. 931 """
932 - def __init__(self, pattern):
933 self.pat = re.compile(pattern)
935 - def __eq__(self, other):
936 return self.pat.match(other)
938 - def __ne__(self, other):
939 return not self.__eq__(other)
941 - def __str__(self):
942 return "<Pattern %s>"%self.pat.pattern
943 944 __repr__ = __str__
946 # we define different list classes depending to help the sqlsupport 947 # add appropriate casts to NULL (SqlArrayAdapter) 948 -class bytelist(list): pass
949 -class intlist(list): pass
950 -class floatlist(list): pass
951 -class complexlist(list): pass
953 954 -def _test():
955 import doctest, codetricks 956 doctest.testmod(codetricks)
957 958 959 if __name__=="__main__": 960 _test() 961