Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module fitstools
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Source Code for Module gavo.utils.fitstools

   1  """ 
   2  Some utility functions to deal with FITS files. 
   4  Note: pyfits is not thread-safe at least up to version 3.0.8.  We therefore 
   5  provide the fitsLock context manager here that you should use to protect 
   6  places where you use pyfits in a core (or a similar spot). 
   7  """ 
   9  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  10  #c 
  11  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  12  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
  15  # I'm wasting a lot of effort on handling gzipped FITS files, which is 
  16  # something that's not terribly common in the end.  Maybe we should 
  17  # cut the crap and let people with gzipped FITSes do their stuff manually? 
  20  import datetime 
  21  import gzip 
  22  import itertools 
  23  import os 
  24  import re 
  25  import struct 
  26  import tempfile 
  27  import threading 
  28  import warnings 
  29  from contextlib import contextmanager 
  31  from . import codetricks 
  32  from . import excs 
  33  from . import misctricks 
  34  from . import ostricks 
  36  try: 
  37          import numpy 
  38          import __builtin__ 
  39          # temporary measure to shut up astropy's configuration parser. 
  40          __builtin__._ASTROPY_SETUP_ = True 
  41          # the following is the original import of pyfits, and only it should be used 
  42          from import fits as pyfits   
  43          from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning 
  44          warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=AstropyDeprecationWarning) 
  45  except ImportError:   
  46          # pyfits is not installed; don't die, since the rest of gavo.utils 
  47          # will still work. 
  48          pyfits = misctricks.NotInstalledModuleStub( #noflake: exported name 
  49                  "astropy and/or numpy") 
  51  else: 
52 # I need some parts of pyfits' internals, and it's version-dependent 53 # where they are found 54 - def _TempHDU(*args): #noflake: conditional definition
55 raise excs.ReportableError("Incompatible pyfits version." 56 " Please complain to the maintainers.") 57 58 if hasattr(pyfits, "core") and hasattr(pyfits.core, "_TempHDU"): 59 _TempHDU = pyfits.core._TempHDU #noflake: conditional definition 60 elif hasattr(pyfits, "_TempHDU"): 61 _TempHDU = pyfits._TempHDU #noflake: conditional definition 62 elif hasattr(pyfits.Header, "fromstring"):
63 - class _TempHDU(object): #noflake: conditional definition
64 """a wrapper around modern pyfits to provide some ancient whacko 65 functionality."""
66 - def __init__(self):
67 self._raw = ""
69 - def setupHDU(self):
70 self.header = pyfits.Header.fromstring(self._raw) 71 return self
72 73 # various pyfits versions muck around with python's warnings system, 74 # and they invariably get it wrong. Take pyfits out of warnings 75 # if that's necessary 76 try: 77 from pyfits import core as pyfitscore 78 warnings.showwarning = pyfitscore.showwarning 79 warnings.formatwarning = pyfitscore.formatwarning 80 except (ImportError, AttributeError) as ex: 81 # let's hope we have a non-affected version 82 pass 83 84 85 # We monkeypatch new versions of pyfits to support some old interfaces 86 # -- the removed deprecated interfaces too quickly, and we want to 87 # support pyfitses that don't have the new interfaces yet. And then 88 # we monkeypatch some old versions to have newer, saner interfaces. 89 90 if not hasattr(pyfits.Header, "ascardlist"):
91 - def _ascardlist(self):
92 return
93 pyfits.Header.ascardlist = _ascardlist 94 del _ascardlist 95 96 if not hasattr(pyfits.Header, "append"):
97 - def _append(self, card, end=False):
98 self.ascard.append(card, bottom=end)
99 pyfits.Header.append = _append 100 del _append 101 102 _FITS_TABLE_LOCK = threading.RLock()
103 104 @contextmanager 105 -def fitsLock():
106 _FITS_TABLE_LOCK.acquire() 107 try: 108 yield 109 finally: 110 _FITS_TABLE_LOCK.release()
111 112 113 CARD_SIZE = 80 114 115 END_CARD = 'END'+' '*(CARD_SIZE-3) 116 117 FITS_BLOCK_SIZE = CARD_SIZE*36
118 119 120 -class FITSError(Exception):
121 pass
122 123 124 # pyfits is a bit too liberal in throwing depreciation warnings. Filter them 125 # for now TODO: Figure out a system to check them now and then 126 warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) 127 try: 128 warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=pyfits.PyfitsDeprecationWarning) 129 except AttributeError: # pyfits too old to produce these: Good. 130 pass
131 132 -def padCard(input, length=CARD_SIZE):
133 """pads input (a string) with blanks until len(result)%80=0 134 135 The length keyword argument lets you adjust the "card size". Use 136 this to pad headers with length=FITS_BLOCK_SIZE 137 138 >>> padCard("") 139 '' 140 >>> len(padCard("end")) 141 80 142 >>> len(padCard("whacko"*20)) 143 160 144 >>> len(padCard("junkodumnk"*17, 27))%27 145 0 146 """ 147 # This is like pyfits._pad, but I'd rather not depend on pyfits internals 148 # to much. 149 l = len(input) 150 if not l%length: 151 return input 152 return input+' '*(length-l%length)
154 155 -def readHeaderBytes(f, maxHeaderBlocks=80):
156 """returns the bytes beloning to a FITS header starting at the current 157 position within the file f. 158 159 If the header is not complete after reading maxHeaderBlocks blocks, 160 a FITSError is raised. 161 """ 162 parts = [] 163 164 while True: 165 block = 166 if not block: 167 raise EOFError('Premature end of file while reading header') 168 169 parts.append(block) 170 endCardPos = block.find(END_CARD) 171 if not endCardPos%CARD_SIZE: 172 break 173 174 if len(parts)>=maxHeaderBlocks: 175 raise FITSError("No end card found within %d blocks"%maxHeaderBlocks) 176 return "".join(parts)
178 179 -def readPrimaryHeaderQuick(f, maxHeaderBlocks=80):
180 """returns a pyfits header for the primary hdu of the opened file f. 181 182 This is mostly code lifted from pyfits._File._readHDU. The way 183 that class is made, it's hard to use it with stuff from a gzipped 184 source, and that's why this function is here. It is used in the quick 185 mode of fits grammars. 186 187 This function is adapted from pyfits. 188 """ 189 hdu = _TempHDU() 190 hdu._raw = readHeaderBytes(f, maxHeaderBlocks) 191 hdu._extver = 1 # We only do PRIMARY 192 193 hdu._new = 0 194 hdu = hdu.setupHDU() 195 return hdu.header
197 198 -def parseCards(aString):
199 """returns a list of pyfits Cards parsed from aString. 200 201 This will raise a ValueError if aString's length is not divisible by 80. 202 It may also raise pyfits errors for malformed cards. 203 204 Empty (i.e., all-whitespace) cards are ignored. If an END card is 205 encountered processing is aborted. 206 """ 207 cards = [] 208 if len(aString)%CARD_SIZE: 209 raise ValueError("parseCards argument has impossible length %s"%( 210 len(aString))) 211 for offset in range(0, len(aString), CARD_SIZE): 212 rawCard = aString[offset:offset+CARD_SIZE] 213 if rawCard==END_CARD: 214 break 215 if not rawCard.strip(): 216 continue 217 cards.append(pyfits.Card().fromstring(rawCard)) 218 return cards
220 221 -def serializeHeader(hdr):
222 """returns the FITS serialization of a FITS header hdr. 223 """ 224 parts = [] 225 for card in hdr.ascardlist(): 226 r = card.image 227 assert not len(r)%CARD_SIZE 228 parts.append(r) 229 serForm = "".join(parts)+padCard('END') 230 return padCard(serForm, length=FITS_BLOCK_SIZE)
232 233 -def replacePrimaryHeader(inputFile, newHeader, targetFile, bufSize=100000):
234 """writes a FITS to targetFile having newHeader as the primary header, 235 where the rest of the data is taken from inputFile. 236 237 inputFile must be a file freshly opened for reading, targetFile one 238 freshly opened for writing. 239 240 This function is (among other things) a workaround for pyfits' misfeature of 241 unscaling scaled data in images when extending a header. 242 """ 243 readPrimaryHeaderQuick(inputFile) 244 targetFile.write(serializeHeader(newHeader)) 245 while True: 246 buf = 247 if not buf: 248 break 249 targetFile.write(buf)
251 252 -def replacePrimaryHeaderInPlace(fitsName, newHeader):
253 """replaces the primary header of fitsName with newHeader. 254 255 Doing this, it tries to minimize the amount of writing necessary; if 256 fitsName has enough space for newHeader, just the header is written, 257 and newHeader is extended if necessary. Only if newHeader is longer than 258 the existing header is fitsName actually copied. We try to be safe in 259 this case, only overwriting the old entry when the new data is safely 260 on disk. 261 262 gzipped inputs used to be supported here, but they aren't any more. 263 """ 264 if fitsName.endswith(".gz"): 265 raise NotImplementedError("replacePrimaryHeaderInPlace no longer" 266 " supports gzipped files.") 267 268 serializedNew = serializeHeader(newHeader) 269 with open(fitsName) as inputFile: 270 serializedOld = readHeaderBytes(inputFile) 271 272 273 if len(serializedNew)<len(serializedOld): 274 # the new header is shorter than the old one; pad it with empty 275 # cards, then make sure the end card is in the last block 276 serializedNew = serializedNew+( 277 len(serializedOld)-len(serializedNew))*" " 278 serializedNew = serializedNew.replace(END_CARD, " "*len(END_CARD)) 279 serializedNew = serializedNew[:-len(END_CARD)]+END_CARD 280 assert len(serializedNew)==len(serializedOld) 281 282 if len(serializedNew)==len(serializedOld): 283 # header lengths match (after possible padding); just write 284 # the new header and be done 285 with open(fitsName, "r+") as targetFile: 286 287 targetFile.write(serializedNew) 288 289 else: 290 # New header is longer than the old one, write the whole mess. 291 with ostricks.safeReplaced(fitsName) as targetFile: 292 replacePrimaryHeader(inputFile, newHeader, targetFile)
293 294 295 # enforced sequence of well-known keywords, and whether they are mandatory 296 STANDARD_CARD_SEQUENCE = [ 297 ("SIMPLE", True), 298 ("BITPIX", True), 299 ("NAXIS", True), 300 ("NAXIS1", False), 301 ("NAXIS2", False), 302 ("NAXIS3", False), 303 ("NAXIS4", False), 304 ("EXTEND", False), 305 ("BZERO", False), 306 ("BSCALE", False), 307 ]
308 309 -def _iterForcedPairs(seq):
310 """helps _enforceHeaderConstraints. 311 """ 312 if seq is None: 313 return 314 for item in seq: 315 if isinstance(item, tuple): 316 yield item 317 else: 318 yield (item, False)
320 321 -def _enforceHeaderConstraints(cardList, cardSequence):
322 """returns a pyfits header containing the cards in cardList with FITS 323 sequence constraints satisfied. 324 325 This may raise a FITSError if mandatory cards are missing. 326 327 This will only work correctly for image FITSes with less than five 328 dimensions. 329 330 On cardSequence, see sortHeaders (except that this function always 331 requries sequences of pairs). 332 """ 333 # I can't use pyfits.verify for this since cardList may not refer to 334 # a data set that's actually in memory 335 cardsAdded, newCards = set(), [] 336 cardDict = dict((card.keyword, card) for card in cardList) 337 338 for kw, mandatory in itertools.chain( 339 STANDARD_CARD_SEQUENCE, _iterForcedPairs(cardSequence)): 340 if isinstance(kw, pyfits.Card): 341 newCards.append(kw) 342 continue 343 344 if kw in cardsAdded: 345 continue 346 347 try: 348 newCards.append(cardDict[kw]) 349 cardsAdded.add(kw) 350 except KeyError: 351 if mandatory: 352 raise FITSError("Mandatory card '%s' missing"%kw) 353 354 for card in cardList: # use cardList rather than cardDict to maintain 355 # cardList order 356 if card.keyword not in cardsAdded or card.keyword=='': 357 newCards.append(card) 358 return pyfits.Header(newCards)
360 361 -def sortHeaders(header, commentFilter=None, historyFilter=None, 362 cardSequence=None):
363 """returns a pyfits header with "real" cards first, then history, then 364 comment cards. 365 366 Blanks in the input are discarded, and one blank each is added in 367 between the sections of real cards, history and comments. 368 369 Header can be an iterable yielding Cards or a pyfits header. 370 371 Duplicate history or comment entries will be swallowed. 372 373 cardSequence, if present, is a sequence of (item, mandatory) pairs. 374 There item can be a card name, in which case the corresponding 375 card will be inserted at this point in the sequence. If mandatory is 376 True, a missing card is an error. Keywords already in 377 fitstools.STANDARD_CARD_SEQUENCE are ignored. 378 379 Item can also a pyfits.Card instance; it will be put into the header 380 as-is. 381 382 As a shortcut, a sequence item may be something else then a tuple; 383 it will then be combined with a False to make one. 384 385 These days, if you think you need this, have a look at 386 fitstricks.makeHeaderFromTemplate first. 387 """ 388 commentCs, historyCs, realCs = [], [], [] 389 if hasattr(header, "ascardlist"): 390 iterable = header.ascardlist() 391 else: 392 iterable = header 393 for card in iterable: 394 if card.keyword=="COMMENT": 395 commentCs.append(card) 396 elif card.keyword=="HISTORY": 397 historyCs.append(card) 398 else: 399 realCs.append(card) 400 401 newCards = [] 402 for card in realCs: 403 newCards.append(card) 404 405 historySeen = set() 406 if historyCs: 407 newCards.append(pyfits.Card(keyword="")) 408 for card in historyCs: 409 if historyFilter is None or historyFilter(card.value): 410 if card.value not in historySeen: 411 newCards.append(card) 412 historySeen.add(card.value) 413 414 commentsSeen = set() 415 if commentCs: 416 newCards.append(pyfits.Card(keyword="")) 417 for card in commentCs: 418 if commentFilter is None or commentFilter(card.value): 419 if card.value not in commentsSeen: 420 commentsSeen.add(card.value) 421 newCards.append(card) 422 423 return _enforceHeaderConstraints(newCards, cardSequence)
425 426 -def openGz(fitsName, tempDir=None):
427 """returns the hdus for the gzipped fits fitsName. 428 429 Scrap that as soon as we have gzipped fits support (i.e. newer pyfits) 430 in debian. 431 """ 432 handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="fits", dir=tempDir) 433 f = os.fdopen(handle, "w") 434 f.write( 435 f.close() 436 hdus = 437 hdus.readall() 438 os.unlink(pathname) 439 return hdus
441 442 -def writeGz(hdus, fitsName, compressLevel=5, mode=0664):
443 """writes and gzips hdus into fitsName. As a side effect, hdus will be 444 closed. 445 446 Appearently, not even recent versions of pyfits support writing of 447 zipped files (which is a bit tricky, admittedly). So, we'll probably 448 have to live with this kludge for a while. 449 """ 450 handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="fits") 451 with codetricks.silence(): 452 hdus.writeto(pathname, clobber=True) 453 os.close(handle) 454 rawFitsData = open(pathname).read() 455 os.unlink(pathname) 456 handle, pathname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="tmp", 457 dir=os.path.dirname(fitsName)) 458 os.close(handle) 459 dest =, "w", compressLevel) 460 dest.write(rawFitsData) 461 dest.close() 462 os.rename(pathname, fitsName) 463 os.chmod(fitsName, mode)
465 466 -def openFits(fitsName):
467 """returns the hdus for fName. 468 469 (gzip detection is tacky, and we should look at the magic). 470 471 This is simulating legacy pyfits behaviour in that it will use 472 memmap I/O if it thinks that works. You'll probably want to use 473 astrpy directly these days if this gives you a headache. 474 """ 475 if os.path.splitext(fitsName)[1].lower()==".gz": 476 return openGz(fitsName) 477 else: 478 hdus =, memmap=True) 479 # memmapping will bomb later if data needs to be scaled, so we 480 # guess now if that's going to happen 481 if (hdus[0].header.get("BZERO", 0)!=0 482 or hdus[0].header.get("BSCALE", 1)!=1 483 or "BLANK" in hdus[0].header): 484 hdus =, memmap=False) 485 return hdus
487 488 -class PlainHeaderManipulator:
489 """A class that allows header manipulation of fits files 490 without having to touch the data. 491 492 This class exists because pyfits insists on scaling scaled image data 493 on reading it. While we can scale back on writing, this is something 494 I'd rather not do. So, I have this base class to facilate the 495 HeaderManipulator that can handle gzipped fits files as well. 496 """
497 - def __init__(self, fName):
498 self.hdus =, "update") 499 self.add_comment = self.hdus[0].header.add_comment 500 self.add_history = self.hdus[0].header.add_history 501 self.add_blank = self.hdus[0].header.add_blank 502 self.update = self.hdus[0].header.set 503 self.set = self.hdus[0].header.set
505 - def updateFromList(self, kvcList):
506 for key, value, comment in kvcList: 507 self.hdus[0].header.set(key, value, comment=comment)
509 - def close(self):
510 self.hdus.close()
512 513 -class GzHeaderManipulator(PlainHeaderManipulator):
514 """is a class that allows header manipulation of fits files without 515 having to touch the data even for gzipped files. 516 517 See PlainHeaderManipulator. We only provide a decoration here that 518 transparently gzips and ungzips compressed fits files. 519 """
520 - def __init__(self, fName, compressLevel=5):
521 self.origFile = fName 522 handle, self.uncompressedName = tempfile.mkstemp( 523 suffix="fits") 524 destFile = os.fdopen(handle, "w") 525 destFile.write( 526 destFile.close() 527 self.compressLevel = compressLevel 528 PlainHeaderManipulator.__init__(self, self.uncompressedName)
530 - def close(self):
531 PlainHeaderManipulator.close(self) 532 destFile =, "w", compresslevel=self.compressLevel) 533 destFile.write(open(self.uncompressedName).read()) 534 destFile.close() 535 os.unlink(self.uncompressedName)
537 538 -def HeaderManipulator(fName):
539 """returns a header manipulator for a FITS file. 540 541 (it's supposed to look like a class, hence the uppercase name) 542 It should automatically handle gzipped files. 543 """ 544 if fName.lower().endswith(".gz"): 545 return GzHeaderManipulator(fName) 546 else: 547 return PlainHeaderManipulator(fName)
549 550 -def getPrimarySize(fName):
551 """returns x and y size a fits image. 552 """ 553 hdr = readPrimaryHeaderQuick(open(fName)) 554 return hdr["NAXIS1"], hdr["NAXIS2"]
556 557 -def getAxisLengths(hdr):
558 """returns a sequence of the lengths of the axes of a FITS image 559 described by hdr. 560 """ 561 return [hdr["NAXIS%d"%i] for i in range(1, hdr["NAXIS"]+1)]
563 564 -def cutoutHeader(header, *cuts):
565 """returns a array slices and a new pyfits header reflecting cuts. 566 567 (see cutoutFits for what cuts is). 568 """ 569 cutDict = dict((c[0], c[1:]) for c in cuts) 570 slices = [] 571 newHeader = header.copy() 572 573 for index, length in enumerate(getAxisLengths(header)): 574 firstPix, lastPix = cutDict.get(index+1, (None, None)) 575 576 if firstPix is None: 577 firstPix = 1 578 if lastPix is None: 579 lastPix = length 580 firstPix = min(max(1, firstPix), length) 581 lastPix = min(length, max(1, lastPix)) 582 583 if (firstPix, lastPix)==(1, length): 584 slices.append(slice(None, None, None)) 585 else: 586 firstPix -= 1 587 newAxisLength = lastPix-firstPix 588 if newAxisLength==0: 589 newAxisLength = 1 590 lastPix = firstPix+1 591 slices.append(slice(int(firstPix), int(lastPix), 1)) 592 593 newHeader["NAXIS%d"%(index+1)] = newAxisLength 594 refpixKey = "CRPIX%d"%(index+1) 595 newHeader.set(refpixKey, newHeader[refpixKey]-firstPix) 596 597 return slices, newHeader
599 600 -def cutoutFITS(hdu, *cuts):
601 """returns a cutout of hdu restricted to cuts. 602 603 hdu is a primary FITS hdu. cuts is a list of cut specs, each of which is 604 a triple (axis, lower, upper). axis is between 1 and naxis, lower and 605 upper a 1-based pixel coordinates of the limits, and "border" pixels 606 are included. Specifications outside of the image are legal and will 607 be cropped back. Open limits are supported via a specification of 608 None. 609 610 If an axis would vanish (i.e. length 0 or less), the function fudges 611 things such that the axis gets a length of 1. 612 613 axis is counted here in the FORTRAN/FITS sense, *not* in the C sense, 614 i.e., axis=1 cuts along NAXIS1, which is the *last* index in a numpy 615 array. 616 617 WCS CRPIXes in hdu's header will be updated. Axes and specified will 618 not be touched. It is an error to specifiy cuts for an axis twice 619 (behaviour is undefined). 620 621 Note that this will lose all extensions the orginal FITS file might have 622 had. 623 """ 624 slices, newHeader = cutoutHeader(hdu.header, *cuts) 625 slices.reverse() 626 newHDU = hdu.__class__([tuple(slices)].copy(order='C'), 627 header=newHeader) 628 # Fix astropy 1.3 foulup 629 if "BZERO" in newHeader: 630 newHDU.header["BZERO"] = newHeader["BZERO"] 631 if "BSCALE" in newHeader: 632 newHDU.header["BSCALE"] = newHeader["BSCALE"] 633 634 return newHDU
636 637 -def shrinkWCSHeader(oldHeader, factor):
638 """returns a FITS header suitable for a shrunken version of the image 639 described by oldHeader. 640 641 This only works for 2d images, scale must be an integer>1. The function 642 assumes no "fractional" pixels are handled, i.e, remainders in divisions 643 with factors are discarded. It is thus a companion for 644 iterScaledRows. 645 646 Note that oldHeader must be an actual pyfits header instance; a dictionary 647 will not do. 648 649 This is a pretty straight port of wcstools's imutil.c#ShrinkFITSHeader, 650 except we clear BZERO and BSCALE and set BITPIX to -32 (float array) 651 under the assumption that in the returned image, 32-bit floats are used. 652 """ 653 assert oldHeader["NAXIS"]==2 654 655 factor = int(factor) 656 newHeader = oldHeader.copy() 657 newHeader.set("SIMPLE", True,"GAVO DaCHS, %s"%datetime.datetime.utcnow()) 658 newHeader["NAXIS1"] = oldHeader["NAXIS1"]//factor 659 newHeader["NAXIS2"] = oldHeader["NAXIS2"]//factor 660 newHeader["BITPIX"] = -32 661 662 try: 663 ffac = float(factor) 664 newHeader["CRPIX1"] = oldHeader["CRPIX1"]/ffac+0.5 665 newHeader["CRPIX2"] = oldHeader["CRPIX2"]/ffac+0.5 666 for key in ("CDELT1", "CDELT2", 667 "CD1_1", "CD2_1", "CD1_2", "CD2_2"): 668 if key in oldHeader: 669 newHeader[key] = oldHeader[key]*ffac 670 except KeyError: # no WCS, we're fine either way 671 pass 672 673 newHeader.set("IMSHRINK", "Image scaled down %s-fold by DaCHS"%factor) 674 675 for hField in ["BZERO", "BSCALE"]: 676 if hField in newHeader: 677 del newHeader[hField] 678 679 return newHeader
680 681 682 NUM_CODE = { 683 8: 'uint8', 684 16: '>i2', 685 32: '>i4', 686 64: '>i8', 687 -32: '>f4', 688 -64: '>f8'}
689 690 -def _makeDecoder(hdr):
691 """returns a decoder for the rows of FITS primary image data. 692 693 The decoder is called with an open file and returns the next row. 694 You need to keep track of the total number of rows yourself. 695 """ 696 numType = NUM_CODE[hdr["BITPIX"]] 697 rowLength = hdr["NAXIS1"] 698 699 bzero, bscale = hdr.get("BZERO", 0), hdr.get("BSCALE", 1) 700 if bzero!=0 or bscale!=1: 701 def read(f): 702 return numpy.asarray( 703 numpy.fromfile(f, numType, rowLength), 'float32')*bscale+bzero
704 else: 705 def read(f): #noflake: conditional definition 706 return numpy.fromfile(f, numType, rowLength) 707 708 return read 709
710 711 -def iterFITSRows(hdr, f):
712 """iterates over the rows of a FITS (primary) image. 713 714 You pass in a FITS header and a file positioned to the start of 715 the image data. 716 717 What's returned are 1d numpy arrays of the datatype implied by bitpix. The 718 function understands only very basic FITSes (BSCALE and BZERO are known, 719 though, and lead to floats arrays). 720 721 We do this ourselves since pyfits may pull in the whole thing or at least 722 mmaps it; both are not attractive when I want to stream-process large 723 images. 724 """ 725 decoder = _makeDecoder(hdr) 726 for col in xrange(hdr["NAXIS2"]): 727 yield decoder(f)
729 730 -def _iterSetupFast(inFile, hdr):
731 """helps iterScaledRows for the case of a simple, real-file FITS. 732 """ 733 if hdr is None: 734 hdr = readPrimaryHeaderQuick(inFile) 735 if hdr["NAXIS"]==0: 736 # presumably a compressed FITS 737 return _iterSetupCompatible(inFile, hdr) 738 return hdr, iterFITSRows(hdr, inFile)
740 741 -def fixImageExtind(hdus, extInd):
742 """returns the index of a compressed image HDU if it immediately 743 follows extInd. 744 745 If hdus[extInd] is a CompImageHDU itself, this will return extInd 746 unchanged. 747 """ 748 if isinstance(hdus[extInd], pyfits.CompImageHDU): 749 return extInd 750 try: 751 if isinstance(hdus[extInd+1], pyfits.CompImageHDU): 752 return extInd+1 753 except IndexError: 754 # no extension following, least of all a CompImageHDU. Fall through 755 pass 756 return extInd
758 759 -def _iterSetupCompatible(inFile, hdr, extInd=0):
760 """helps iterScaledRows for when _iterSetupFast will not work. 761 762 Using extInd, you can select a different extension. extInd=0 763 will automatically select extension 1 if that's a compressed image 764 HDU. 765 """ 766 hdus = 767 extInd = fixImageExtind(hdus, extInd) 768 769 def iterRows(): 770 for row in hdus[extInd].data[:,:]: 771 yield row
772 773 return hdus[extInd].header, iterRows() 774
775 776 -def iterScaledRows(inFile, factor=None, destSize=None, hdr=None, slow=False, 777 extInd=0):
778 """iterates over numpy arrays of pixel rows within the open FITS 779 stream inFile scaled by it integer in factor. 780 781 The arrays are always float32, regardless of the input. When the 782 image size is not a multiple of factor, border pixels are discarded. 783 784 A FITS header for this data can be obtained using shrinkWCSHeader. 785 786 You can pass in either a factor the file is to be scaled down, or 787 an approximate size desired. If both are given, factor takes precedence, 788 if none is given, it's an error. 789 790 If you pass in hdr, it will not be read from inFile; the function then 791 expects the file pointer to point to the start of the first data block. 792 Use this if you've already read the header of a non-seekable FITS. 793 794 extInd lets you select a different extension. extInd=0 means the first 795 image HDU, which may be in extension 1 for compressed images. 796 797 iterScaledRows will try to use a hand-hacked interface guaranteed to 798 stream. This only works for plain, 2D-FITSes from real files. 799 iterScaledRows normally notices when it should fall back to 800 pyfits code, but if it doesn't you can pass slow=True. 801 """ 802 if isinstance(inFile, file) and not slow and extInd==0: 803 hdr, rows = _iterSetupFast(inFile, hdr) 804 else: 805 hdr, rows = _iterSetupCompatible(inFile, hdr, extInd) 806 807 if factor is None: 808 if destSize is None: 809 raise excs.DataError("iterScaledRows needs either factor or destSize.") 810 size = max(hdr["NAXIS1"], hdr["NAXIS2"]) 811 factor = max(1, size//destSize+1) 812 813 factor = int(factor) 814 assert factor>0 815 816 rowLength = hdr["NAXIS1"] 817 destRowLength = rowLength//factor 818 summedInds = range(factor) 819 820 for index in xrange(hdr["NAXIS2"]//factor): 821 newRow = numpy.zeros((rowLength,), 'float32') 822 for i in summedInds: 823 try: 824 newRow += 825 except StopIteration: 826 break 827 newRow /= factor 828 829 # horizontal scaling via reshaping to a matrix and then summing over 830 # its columns... 831 newRow = newRow[:destRowLength*factor] 832 yield sum(numpy.transpose( 833 (newRow/factor).reshape((destRowLength, factor))))
835 836 -def iterScaledBytes(inFileName, factor, extraCards={}):
837 """iterates over the bytes for a simple FITS file generated by scaling 838 down the 2D image inFileName by factor. 839 840 factor must be an integer between 1 and something reasonable. 841 842 This function acquires the FITS lock itself. 843 """ 844 with fitsLock(): 845 with open(inFileName) as f: 846 oldHdr = readPrimaryHeaderQuick(f) 847 newHdr = shrinkWCSHeader(oldHdr, factor) 848 newHdr.update(extraCards) 849 yield serializeHeader(newHdr) 850 851 for row in iterScaledRows(f, factor, hdr=oldHdr): 852 # Unfortunately, numpy's byte swapping for floats is broken in 853 # many wide-spread revisions. So, we cannot do the fast 854 # yield row.newbyteorder(">").tostring() 855 # but rather, for now, have to try the slow: 856 yield struct.pack("!%df"%len(row), *row)
858 859 -def headerFromDict(d):
860 """returns a primary header sporting the key/value pairs given in the 861 dictionary d. 862 863 In all likelihood, this header will *not* work properly as a primary 864 header because, e.g., there are certain rules on the sequence of 865 header items. fitstricks.copyFields can make a valid header out 866 of what's returned here. 867 868 keys mapped to None are skipped, i.e., you have to do nullvalue handling 869 yourself. 870 """ 871 hdr = pyfits.PrimaryHDU().header 872 for key, value in d.iteritems(): 873 if value is not None: 874 hdr.set(key, value) 875 return hdr
877 878 -class WCSAxis(object):
879 """represents a single 1D WCS axis and allows easy metadata discovery. 880 881 You'll usually use the fromHeader constructor. 882 883 The idea of using this rather than astropy.wcs or similar is that this is 884 simple and robust. It doesn't know many of the finer points of WCS, 885 though, and in particular it's 1D only. 886 887 However, for the purposes of cutouts it probably should do for the 888 overwhelming majority of non-spatial FITS axes. 889 890 The default pixel coordinates are handled in the FITS sense here, 891 i.e., the first pixel has the index 1. Three are methods that have 892 pix0 in their names; these assume 0-based arrays. All the transforms 893 return Nones unchanged. 894 895 To retrieve the metadata shoved in, use the name, crval, crpix, cdelt, 896 ctype, cunit, and axisLength attributes. 897 """
898 - def __init__(self, name, crval, crpix, cdelt, 899 ctype="UNKNOWN", cunit="", axisLength=1):
900 assert cdelt!=0 901 self.crval, self.crpix, self.cdelt = crval, crpix, cdelt 902 self.ctype, self.cunit, self.axisLength = ctype, cunit, axisLength 903 = name
905 - def pixToPhys(self, pixCoo):
906 """returns the physical value for a 1-based pixel coordinate. 907 """ 908 if pixCoo is None: 909 return None 910 return self.crval+(pixCoo-self.crpix)*self.cdelt
912 - def pix0ToPhys(self, pix0Coo):
913 """returns the physical value for a 0-based pixel coordinate. 914 """ 915 if pix0Coo is None: 916 return None 917 return self.pixToPhys(pix0Coo+1)
919 - def physToPix(self, physCoo):
920 """returns a 1-based pixel coordinate for a physical value. 921 """ 922 if physCoo is None: 923 return None 924 return (physCoo-self.crval)/self.cdelt+self.crpix
926 - def physToPix0(self, physCoo):
927 """returns a 0-based pixel coordinate for a physical value. 928 """ 929 if physCoo is None: 930 return None 931 return self.physToPix(physCoo)-1
933 - def getLimits(self):
934 """returns the minimal and maximal physical values this axis 935 takes within the image. 936 """ 937 limits = self.pixToPhys(1), self.pixToPhys(self.axisLength) 938 return min(limits), max(limits)
939 940 @classmethod
941 - def fromHeader(cls, header, axisIndex, forceSeparable=False):
942 """returns a WCSAxis for the specified axis in header. 943 944 If the axis is mentioned in a transformation matrix (CD or PC), 945 a ValueError is raised; this is strictly for 1D coordinates. 946 947 The axisIndex is 1-based; to get a transform for the axis described 948 by CTYPE1, pass 1 here. 949 """ 950 if ("CD%d_%d"%(axisIndex, axisIndex) in header 951 or "PC%d_%d"%(axisIndex, axisIndex) in header): 952 if not forceSeparable: 953 raise ValueError("FITS axis %s appears not separable. WCSAxis" 954 " cannot handle this."%axisIndex) 955 956 def get(key, default): 957 return header.get("%s%d"%(key, axisIndex), default)
958 959 guessedName = get("CNAME", "").strip() 960 if not guessedName: 961 guessedName = get("CTYPE", "").split("-", 1)[0].strip() 962 if not guessedName or guessedName=="UNKNOWN": 963 guessedName = "COO" 964 965 guessedName = "%s_%d"%(guessedName, axisIndex) 966 967 return cls(guessedName, 968 get("CRVAL", 0), get("CRPIX", 0), get("CDELT", 1), 969 get("CTYPE", "UNKNOWN").strip(), 970 get("CUNIT", "").strip() or None, 971 get("NAXIS", 1))
973 974 # WCSAxis.fromHeader wrapper for rmkfuncs 975 @codetricks.document 976 -def getWCSAxis(header, axisIndex, forceSeparable=False):
977 """returns a WCSAxis instance from an axis index and a FITS header. 978 979 If the axis is mentioned in a transformation matrix (CD or PC), 980 a ``ValueError`` is raised (use ``forceSeparable`` to override). 981 982 The ``axisIndex`` is 1-based; to get a transform for the axis described 983 by CTYPE1, pass 1 here. 984 985 The object returned has methods like ``pixToPhys``, ``physToPix`` (and their 986 ``pix0`` brethren), and ``getLimits``. 987 988 Note that at this point WCSAxis only supports linear transforms (it's 989 a DaCHS-specific implementation). We'll extend it on request. 990 """ 991 return WCSAxis.fromHeader(header, axisIndex, forceSeparable)
993 994 -class ESODescriptorsError(excs.SourceParseError):
995 """is raised when something goes wrong while parsing ESO descriptors. 996 """
998 999 -def _makeNamed(name, re):
1000 return "(?P<%s>%s)"%(name, re)
1002 1003 -class _ESODescriptorsParser(object):
1004 """an ad-hoc parser for ESO's descriptors. 1005 1006 These are sometimes in FITS files produced by MIDAS. What I'm pretending 1007 to parse here is the contatenation of the cards' values without the 1008 boundaries. 1009 1010 The parse is happening at construction time, after which you fetch the result 1011 in the result attribute. 1012 1013 I'm adhoccing this. If someone digs up the docs on what the actual 1014 grammar is, I'll do it properly. 1015 """ 1016 1017 stringPat = "'[^']*'" 1018 intPat = r"-?\d+" 1019 floatPat = r"-?\d+\.\d+E[+-]\d+" 1020 white = r"\s+" 1021 nextToken = r"\s*" 1022 headerSep = nextToken+','+nextToken 1023 1024 headerRE = re.compile(nextToken 1025 +_makeNamed("colName", stringPat)+headerSep 1026 +_makeNamed("typeCode", stringPat)+headerSep 1027 +_makeNamed("startInd", intPat)+headerSep 1028 +_makeNamed("endInd", intPat)+headerSep 1029 +stringPat+headerSep 1030 +stringPat+headerSep 1031 +stringPat) 1032 floatRE = re.compile(nextToken+floatPat) 1033 integerRE = re.compile(nextToken+intPat) 1034
1035 - def __init__(self, data):
1036, state = data, "header" 1037 self.result, self.curPos = {}, 0 1038 while state!="end": 1039 try: 1040 state = getattr(self, "_scan_"+state)() 1041 except Exception as msg: 1042 raise ESODescriptorsError(str(msg), 1043 location="character %s"%self.curPos, 1044 offending=repr([self.curPos:self.curPos+20]))
1045 1046 @classmethod
1047 - def fromFITSHeader(cls, hdr):
1048 """returns a parser from the data in the pyfits hdr. 1049 """ 1050 descLines, collecting = [], False 1051 1052 for card in 1053 if card.keyword=="HISTORY": 1054 if " ESO-DESCRIPTORS END" in card.value: 1055 collecting = False 1056 if collecting: 1057 descLines.append(card.value) 1058 if " ESO-DESCRIPTORS START" in card.value: 1059 collecting = True 1060 1061 return cls("\n".join(descLines))
1063 - def _scan_header(self):
1064 """read the next descriptor header. 1065 """ 1066 mat = self.headerRE.match(, self.curPos) 1067 if not mat: 1068 if not[self.curPos:].strip(): 1069 return "end" 1070 else: 1071 raise ValueError("Could not find next header") 1072 1073 self.curPos = mat.end() 1074 self.curCol = [] 1075 self.curColName ="colName")[1:-1] 1076 self.yetToRead = int("endInd"))-int("startInd"))+1 1077 1078 if"typeCode")[1:-1].startswith("R"): 1079 return "float" 1080 elif"typeCode")[1:-1].startswith("I"): 1081 return "integer" 1082 else: 1083 raise ValueError("Unknown type code %s""typeCode"))
1085 - def _scan_harvest(self):
1086 """enter a parsed column into result and prepare for the next column. 1087 """ 1088 self.result[self.curColName] = self.curCol 1089 del self.curCol 1090 del self.curColName 1091 del self.yetToRead 1092 return "header"
1094 - def _makeTypeScanner(typeName, literalRE, constructor):
1095 """returns a scanner function (invisible to the outside. 1096 1097 This is a helper method for building the parser class; typeName 1098 must be the same as the name in _scan_name. constructor is 1099 a function that turns string literals into objects of the desired 1100 type. 1101 """ 1102 def scanner(self): 1103 mat = literalRE.match(, self.curPos) 1104 if not mat: 1105 raise ValueError("Expected a %s here"%typeName) 1106 self.curPos = mat.end() 1107 1108 self.curCol.append(constructor( 1109 self.yetToRead -= 1 1110 if self.yetToRead==0: 1111 return "harvest" 1112 else: 1113 return typeName
1114 1115 return scanner
1116 1117 _scan_float = _makeTypeScanner("float", floatRE, float) 1118 _scan_integer = _makeTypeScanner("integer", integerRE, int) 1119 1120 del _makeTypeScanner 1121
1122 1123 -def parseESODescriptors(hdr):
1124 """returns parsed ESO descriptors from a pyfits header hdr. 1125 1126 ESO descriptors are data columns stuck into FITS history lines. 1127 They were produced by MIDAS. This implementation was made 1128 without actual documentation, is largely based on conjecture, 1129 and is certainly incomplete. 1130 1131 What's returned is a dictionary mapping column keywords to lists of 1132 column values. 1133 """ 1134 return _ESODescriptorsParser.fromFITSHeader(hdr).result
1136 1137 -def _test():
1138 import doctest, fitstools 1139 doctest.testmod(fitstools)
1140 1141 if __name__=="__main__": 1142 _test() 1143