Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module mathtricks
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Source Code for Module gavo.utils.mathtricks

  1  """ 
  2  Math-related helper functions. 
  3  """ 
  5  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  6  #c 
  7  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  8  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 11  import math 
 13  from gavo.utils import codetricks 
 15  DEG = math.pi/180 
 16  ARCSEC = DEG/3600 
17 18 -def findMinimum(f, left, right, minInterval=3e-8):
19 """returns an estimate for the minimum of the single-argument function f 20 on (left,right). 21 22 minInterval is a fourth of the smallest test interval considered. 23 24 For constant functions, a value close to left will be returned. 25 26 This function should only be used on functions having exactly 27 one minimum in the interval. 28 """ 29 # replace this at some point by some better method (Num. Recip. in C, 394f) 30 # -- this is easy to fool and massively suboptimal. 31 mid = (right+left)/2. 32 offset = (right-left)/4. 33 if offset<minInterval: 34 return mid 35 if f(left+offset)<=f(mid+offset): 36 return findMinimum(f, left, mid, minInterval) 37 else: 38 return findMinimum(f, mid, right, minInterval)
40 41 -class getHexToBin(codetricks.CachedResource):
42 """returns a dictionary mapping hex chars to their binary expansions. 43 """ 44 @classmethod
45 - def impl(cls):
46 return dict(zip( 47 "0123456789abcdef", 48 ["0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", 49 "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111",]))
51 52 -def toBinary(anInt, desiredLength=None):
53 """returns anInt as a string with its binary digits, MSB first. 54 55 If desiredLength is given and the binary expansion is shorter, 56 the value will be padded with zeros. 57 58 >>> toBinary(349) 59 '101011101' 60 >>> toBinary(349, 10) 61 '0101011101' 62 """ 63 h2b = getHexToBin() 64 res = "".join(h2b[c] for c in "%x"%anInt).lstrip("0") 65 if desiredLength is not None: 66 res = "0"*(desiredLength-len(res))+res 67 return res
69 70 -def _dotprod3(seq1, seq2, inds=(0,1,2)):
71 return sum(seq1[i]*seq2[i] for i in inds)
73 74 -class Matrix3(object):
75 """A quick and easy 3d matrix. 76 77 This is just so we don't depend on numpy for trivial stuff. The 78 components are stored in a tuple of rows. 79 """ 80 indices = range(3) 81
82 - def __init__(self, row1, row2, row3):
83 self.rows = (tuple(row1), tuple(row2), tuple(row3))
85 - def __eq__(self, other):
86 return (isinstance(other, Matrix3) 87 and self.rows==other.rows)
89 - def __ne__(self, other):
90 return not self.__eq__(other)
92 - def vecMul(self, vec):
93 """returns the result of right-multiplying self to vec. 94 95 The sequence vec is interpreted as a column vector. 96 """ 97 return tuple(_dotprod3(self.rows[i], vec) for i in self.indices)
99 - def matMul(self, mat):
100 """returns the result of multiplying mat to self from the right. 101 """ 102 cols = mat.getColumns() 103 return self.__class__(*tuple( 104 tuple(_dotprod3(row, col) for col in cols) 105 for row in self.rows))
107 - def getColumns(self):
108 """returns the column vectors of this matrix in a 3-tuple. 109 """ 110 return tuple( 111 tuple(self.rows[rowInd][colInd] for rowInd in self.indices) 112 for colInd in self.indices)
114 115 -def _normalize3(vec):
116 len = math.sqrt(_dotprod3(vec, vec)) 117 return tuple(c/len for c in vec)
119 120 -def getRotX(angle):
121 """returns a 3-rotation matrix for rotating angle radians around x. 122 """ 123 c, s = math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle) 124 return Matrix3((1, 0, 0), (0, c, s), (0, -s, c))
126 127 -def getRotZ(angle):
128 """returns a 3-rotation matrix for rotating angle radians around z. 129 """ 130 c, s = math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle) 131 return Matrix3((c, s, 0), (-s, c, 0), (0, 0, 1))
133 134 -def spherToCart(theta, phi):
135 """returns a 3-cartesian unit vector pointing to longitude theta, 136 latitude phi. 137 138 The angles are in rad. 139 """ 140 cp = math.cos(phi) 141 return math.cos(theta)*cp, math.sin(theta)*cp, math.sin(phi)
143 144 -def cartToSpher(unitvector):
145 """returns spherical coordinates for a 3-unit vector. 146 147 We do not check if unitvector actually *is* a unit vector. The returned 148 angles are in rad. 149 """ 150 x, y, z = unitvector 151 rInXY = math.sqrt(x**2+y**2) 152 if abs(rInXY)<1e-9: # pole 153 theta = 0 154 else: 155 theta = math.atan2(y, x) 156 if theta<0: 157 theta += 2*math.pi 158 phi = math.atan2(z, rInXY) 159 return (theta, phi)
161 162 -def spherDist(vec1, vec2):
163 """returns the spherical distance (in radian) between the unit vectors 164 vec1 and vec2. 165 """ 166 return math.acos(_dotprod3(vec1, vec2))
168 169 -def _test():
170 import doctest, mathtricks 171 doctest.testmod(mathtricks)
172 173 174 if __name__=="__main__": 175 _test() 176