Package gavo :: Package votable :: Module coding
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Source Code for Module gavo.votable.coding

  1  """ 
  2  Common code for coding and decoding VOTable data. 
  3  """ 
  5  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  6  #c 
  7  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  8  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 11  from gavo import utils 
 12  from gavo.votable import common 
 13  from gavo.votable.model import VOTable 
16 -def getRowEncoderSource(tableDefinition, encoderModule):
17 """returns the source for a function encoding rows of tableDefition 18 in the format implied encoderModule 19 20 tableDefinition is a VOTable.TABLE instance, encoderModule 21 is one of the enc_whatever modules (this function needs getLinesFor 22 and getPostamble from them). 23 """ 24 25 source = [ 26 "def codec(tableRow):", 27 " tokens = []", 28 " val = None"] 29 30 source.extend( 31 common.indentList( 32 getattr(encoderModule, "getPreamble", lambda td: [])( 33 tableDefinition), " ")) 34 35 for index, field in enumerate( 36 tableDefinition.iterChildrenOfType(VOTable.FIELD)): 37 source.extend([ 38 " try:", 39 " val = tableRow[%d]"%index]) 40 source.extend(common.indentList(encoderModule.getLinesFor(field), " ")) 41 source.extend([ 42 " except common.VOTableError:", 43 " raise", 44 " except Exception, ex:", 45 # " import traceback; traceback.print_exc()", 46 " raise common.BadVOTableData(unicode(ex), repr(val), '%s')"% 47 field.getDesignation()]) 48 source.extend(common.indentList( 49 encoderModule.getPostamble(tableDefinition), " ")) 50 return "\n".join(source)
51 52
53 -def buildCodec(source, env):
54 """returns a compiled function for source in env. 55 56 Source is the result of one of the makeXXX functions in this module, 57 env typically the result of a getGlobals() on the codec module. 58 """ 59 ns = {} 60 ns.update(env) 61 62 # open("", "w").write(source) 63 return utils.compileFunction(source, "codec", useGlobals=ns)
64 65
66 -def buildEncoder(tableDefinition, encoderModule):
67 return buildCodec( 68 getRowEncoderSource(tableDefinition, encoderModule), 69 encoderModule.getGlobals(tableDefinition))
70 71
72 -def buildDecoder(tableDefinition, decoderModule):
73 return buildCodec( 74 decoderModule.getRowDecoderSource(tableDefinition), 75 decoderModule.getGlobals(tableDefinition))
76 77
78 -def getNullvalue(field, validator, default=None):
79 """returns None or the nullvalue defined for field. 80 81 validator is a function that raises some exception if the nullvalue 82 is inappropriate. It should do so in particular on everything that 83 contains quotes and such; the nullvalues are included in source code 84 and thus might be used to inject code if not validated. 85 """ 86 nullvalue = None 87 for values in field.iterChildrenOfType(VOTable.VALUES): 88 if values.null is not None: 89 nullvalue = values.null 90 if nullvalue is None or nullvalue=='': 91 return default 92 else: 93 validator(nullvalue) 94 return nullvalue
95 96
97 -def unravelArray(arraysize, seq):
98 """turns a flat sequence into an n-dim array as specfied by the votable 99 arraysize spec arraysize. 100 101 arraysize is <int>{"x"<int>}*?|*. 102 103 No padding or cropping will take place. This means that the last 104 row(s) may have improper sizes if seq is incompatible with arraysize. 105 106 >>> unravelArray("2x3", "012345") 107 ['01', '23', '45'] 108 >>> unravelArray("2x*", "012345") 109 ['01', '23', '45'] 110 >>> unravelArray("3x2x*", "012345012345") 111 [['012', '345'], ['012', '345']] 112 """ 113 parts = arraysize.split("x") 114 if len(parts)<2: 115 return seq 116 del parts[-1] 117 118 # this is so we preserve utils.intlist and friends. 119 listCons = list 120 if isinstance(seq, list): 121 listCons = seq.__class__ 122 123 for step in map(int, parts): 124 seq = listCons(seq[i:i+step] for i in range(0, len(seq), step)) 125 return seq
126 127
128 -def parseVOTableArraysizeEl(spec, fieldName):
129 """parses a single VOTable arraysize number to (flexible, length). 130 131 This will accept single numbers (returns False, number), 132 number* (returns True, number) and just * (returns 0, number). 133 134 This is used to parse the last part of an ND array spec. Everything 135 before that must be an integer only. 136 """ 137 try: 138 if spec=="*": 139 return True, 0 140 141 elif spec.endswith("*"): 142 return True, int(spec[:-1]) 143 144 else: 145 return False, int(spec) 146 except ValueError: 147 raise common.VOTableError("Invalid arraysize fragment '%s' in" 148 " field or param name '%s'"%(spec, fieldName))
149 150
151 -def makeShapeValidator(field):
152 """returns code lines to validate an an array shape against a flat 153 sequence in row. 154 155 This is used by the array decoders. 156 """ 157 arraysize = field.arraysize 158 if not arraysize: 159 return [] 160 dimensions = arraysize.strip().split("x") 161 162 stride = 1 163 # all dimensions except the last must be integers 164 if len(dimensions)>1: 165 try: 166 stride = reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, [int(l) for l in dimensions[:-1]]) 167 except ValueError: 168 raise common.VOTableError("Invalid arraysize '%s' specificed in" 169 " field or param name '%s'"%( 170 field.arraysize, 171 172 flexible, length = parseVOTableArraysizeEl(dimensions[-1], 173 174 if flexible: 175 # 0..n; all we have to do is check that the length is a multiple of 176 # stride, if that's non-trivial. 177 # TODO: enfoce length limits? By error or by cropping? 178 if stride>1: 179 return [ 180 "if len(row) %% %d:"%stride, 181 " raise common.BadVOTableLiteral('%s[%s]'," 182 " '<%%d token(s)>'%%(len(row)))"%( 183 field.datatype, field.arraysize)] 184 185 else: 186 # exact size specification 187 return [ 188 "if len(row)!=%d:"%(length*stride), 189 " raise common.BadVOTableLiteral('%s[%s]'," 190 " '<%%d token(s)>'%%(len(row)))"%( 191 field.datatype, field.arraysize)] 192 193 # fallback: no validation 194 return []
195 196
197 -def ravel(seq):
198 """expands flattens out any sub-sequences (lists or tuples) in seq 199 recursively. 200 201 This is used by the array encoders. 202 """ 203 res = [] 204 iteratorStack = [iter(seq)] 205 while iteratorStack: 206 try: 207 item = iteratorStack[-1].next() 208 if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): 209 iteratorStack.append(iter(item)) 210 # continue iterating from the current item 211 else: 212 res.append(item) 213 except StopIteration: 214 iteratorStack.pop() 215 return res
216 217
218 -def trim(seq, arraysize, padder):
219 """returns seq with length arraysize. 220 221 arraysize is an int; you should just use field.getLength() when 222 trimming VOTable arraysizes since the arraysize attribute is rather 223 complex. Arraysize may be None for convenience; trim is a no-op then. 224 225 If seq is shorter, padder*missing will be appended, if it is longer, seq will 226 be shortened from the end. 227 228 This is intended as a helper for array encoders. 229 """ 230 seq = ravel(seq) 231 if arraysize is None: 232 return seq 233 if len(seq)<arraysize: 234 seq = seq+padder*(arraysize-len(seq)) 235 elif len(seq)>arraysize: 236 seq = seq[:arraysize] 237 return seq
238 239
240 -def trimString(val, arraysize, padChar=" "):
241 """returns val flattened and padded with padChar/cropped to length. 242 243 field is a V.FIELD or V.PARAM instance for which val should be 244 prepared. 245 246 val can also be a sequence of strings (or nested more deeply. In that 247 case, trimString will flatten the value(s), padding and cropping as 248 neccessary. 249 250 If val is None, then as many padChars will be returned as arraysize 251 wants (which is 0 for variable-length fields). 252 253 For chars, arraysize None is equivalent to arraysize 1. 254 255 >>> trimString("abc", "4") 256 'abc ' 257 >>> trimString(["abc", "de", "f"], "2x*") 258 'abdef ' 259 >>> trimString([["abc", "cd", "e"], ["", "fgh", "i"]], "2x4x3") 260 'abcde fgi ' 261 >>> trimString(None, "4x2", 'z') 262 'zzzzzzzz' 263 >>> trimString(None, "4x2*", 'z') 264 '' 265 >>> trimString("abc", None) 266 'a' 267 """ 268 if arraysize is None: 269 arraysize = "1" 270 271 if val is None: 272 expected = common.getLength(arraysize) 273 if expected: 274 return padChar*expected 275 else: 276 return "" 277 278 if "x" in arraysize: 279 rest, destLength = arraysize.rsplit("x", 1) 280 281 if not destLength.endswith('*'): 282 destLength = int(destLength) 283 val = val[:destLength]+[None]*max(0, destLength-len(val)) 284 285 return "".join(trimString(item, rest, padChar) for item in val) 286 287 else: 288 if arraysize.endswith('*'): 289 return val 290 else: 291 destLength = int(arraysize) 292 return val[:destLength]+padChar*max(0, destLength-len(val))
293 294
295 -def _test():
296 import doctest, coding 297 doctest.testmod(coding)
298 299 300 if __name__=="__main__": 301 _test() 302