Package gavo :: Package web :: Module grend :: Class HTMLResultRenderMixin
[frames] | no frames]

Class HTMLResultRenderMixin

source code

object --+
Known Subclasses:

is a mixin with render functions for HTML tables and associated metadata within other pages.

This is primarily used for the Form renderer.

Instance Methods
render_resulttable(self, ctx, data) source code
render_resultline(self, ctx, data) source code
render_parpair(self, ctx, data) source code
render_ifresult(self, ctx, data) source code
render_ifnoresult(self, ctx, data) source code
render_iflinkable(self, ctx, data)
renders ctx.tag if we have a linkable result, nothing otherwise.
source code
render_servicestyle(self, ctx, data)
enters custom service styles into ctx.tag.
source code
data_result(self, ctx, data) source code
data_queryseq(self, ctx, data) source code
render_flotplot(self, ctx, data)
adds an onClick attribute opening a flot plot.
source code
render_param(self, format)
returns the value of the data.getParam(content) formatted as a python string.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  result = None

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

render_iflinkable(self, ctx, data)

source code 

renders ctx.tag if we have a linkable result, nothing otherwise.

Linkable means that the result will come out as displayed through a link. Currently, we only see if a file upload was part of the result production -- if there was, it's not linkable.

This currently doesn't even look if a file was indeed passed in: Things already are not linkable if the service takes a file upload, whether that's used or not.

render_servicestyle(self, ctx, data)

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enters custom service styles into ctx.tag.

They are taken from the service's customCSS property.

render_flotplot(self, ctx, data)

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adds an onClick attribute opening a flot plot.

This is evaluates the _plotOptions meta. This should be a javascript dictionary literal with certain plot options. More on this in the reference documentation on the _plotOptions meta.

render_param(self, format)

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returns the value of the data.getParam(content) formatted as a python string.

Undefined params and NULLs give N/A.