Package gavo :: Package web :: Module jsonquery
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Source Code for Module gavo.web.jsonquery

  1  """ 
  2  Fast Web->DB->JSON machinery, for now only for the portal page.  It's 
  3  not quite clear to me yet what to do with this kind of thing. 
  5  It would seem we could do with more of these very lightweight 
  6  things; on the other hand, these bypass all metadata mangement... 
  7  ah, let's see. 
  8  """ 
 10  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
 11  #c 
 12  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
 13  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 16  import json 
 18  from nevow import rend 
 19  from nevow import inevow 
 21  from gavo import base 
 24  # these are the fields necessary for formatting resource headers 
 25  RESMETA_FIELDS = ("title, accessurl, referenceurl," 
 26          " sourcerd, resid, owner, browseable") 
29 -class JSONQuery(rend.Page):
30 """A resource returning Json for the database query given in the 31 query class attribute (and potentially some arguments). 32 33 TODO: we should do some more sensible error handling. 34 """
35 - def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
36 queryArgs = dict((key, value[0]) 37 for key, value in inevow.IRequest(ctx).args.iteritems()) 38 39 with base.getTableConn() as conn: 40 res = list(conn.queryToDicts( 41 self.query, queryArgs)) 42 43 request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) 44 request.setHeader("content-type", "text/json") 45 return json.dumps(res)
46 47
48 -class Titles(JSONQuery):
49 query = ( 50 "SELECT "+RESMETA_FIELDS+ 51 " FROM dc.resources" 52 " NATURAL JOIN dc.interfaces" 53 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 54 " WHERE setname='local'" 55 " AND NOT deleted" 56 " ORDER BY title")
57 58
59 -class Subjects(JSONQuery):
60 query = ( 61 "SELECT subject, count(*) as numMatch" 62 " FROM dc.subjects" 63 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 64 " WHERE setname='local'" 65 " AND NOT deleted" 66 " GROUP BY subject" 67 " ORDER BY subject")
68 69
70 -class Authors(JSONQuery):
71 query = ( 72 "SELECT author, count(*) as numMatch" 73 " FROM dc.authors" 74 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 75 " WHERE setname='local'" 76 " AND NOT deleted" 77 " GROUP BY author" 78 " ORDER BY author")
79 80
81 -class ByFulltext(JSONQuery):
82 query = ( 83 "SELECT DISTINCT "+RESMETA_FIELDS+ 84 " FROM dc.resources" 85 " NATURAL JOIN dc.interfaces" 86 " NATURAL JOIN dc.subjects" 87 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 88 " WHERE setname='local'" 89 " AND NOT deleted" 90 " AND (to_tsvector('english', description) || to_tsvector(subject) " 91 " || to_tsvector('english', title) || to_tsvector(authors))" 92 " @@ plainto_tsquery(%(q)s)" 93 " ORDER BY title")
94 95
96 -class BySubject(JSONQuery):
97 query = ( 98 "SELECT "+RESMETA_FIELDS+ 99 " FROM dc.resources" 100 " NATURAL JOIN dc.interfaces" 101 " NATURAL JOIN dc.subjects" 102 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 103 " WHERE setname='local'" 104 " AND subject=%(subject)s" 105 " AND NOT deleted" 106 " ORDER BY title")
107 108
109 -class ByAuthor(JSONQuery):
110 query = ( 111 "SELECT "+RESMETA_FIELDS+ 112 " FROM dc.resources" 113 " NATURAL JOIN dc.interfaces" 114 " NATURAL JOIN dc.authors" 115 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 116 " WHERE setname='local'" 117 " AND author=%(author)s" 118 " AND NOT deleted" 119 " ORDER BY title")
120 121
122 -class ServiceInfo(JSONQuery):
123 query = ( 124 "SELECT title, description, authors," 125 " to_char(dateUpdated, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as lastupdate," 126 " referenceURL, accessURL" 127 " FROM dc.interfaces" 128 " NATURAL JOIN dc.sets" 129 " RIGHT OUTER JOIN dc.resources USING (sourcerd, resid)" 130 " WHERE setname='local'" 131 " AND resId=%(resId)s and sourceRd=%(sourceRD)s")
132 133
134 -class PortalPage(rend.Page):
135 child_titles = Titles() 136 child_subjects = Subjects() 137 child_authors = Authors() 138 child_bySubject = BySubject() 139 child_byAuthor = ByAuthor() 140 child_byFulltext = ByFulltext() 141 child_serviceInfo = ServiceInfo()