Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module algotricks
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Source Code for Module gavo.utils.algotricks

  1  """ 
  2  Some fundamental algorithms not found in the standard library. 
  3  """ 
  5  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  6  #c 
  7  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  8  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 11  import itertools 
14 -class IndexedGraph(object):
15 """is a graph that is indexed by both incoming and outgoing edges. 16 17 The constructor argument edges is an iterable of (from, to)-tuples, 18 where both from and to must be hashable. 19 20 The class keeps a set rootNodes of "root nodes" (i.e. those with 21 no incoming edges). 22 23 To find leaf nodes, you'd have to compute allNodes-set(outgoingIndex). 24 25 You may access allNodes, rootNodes, incomingIndex, and outgoingIndex 26 reading, but any external change to them will wreak havoc. 27 """
28 - def __init__(self, edges):
29 self.allNodes = set() 30 self.rootNodes = self.allNodes.copy() 31 self.incomingIndex, self.outgoingIndex = {}, {} 32 for comeFrom, goTo in edges: 33 self.addEdge(comeFrom, goTo)
35 - def __nonzero__(self):
36 return not not self.incomingIndex
38 - def addEdge(self, comeFrom, goTo):
39 self.incomingIndex.setdefault(goTo, set()).add(comeFrom) 40 self.outgoingIndex.setdefault(comeFrom, set()).add(goTo) 41 self.allNodes.add(goTo) 42 self.allNodes.add(comeFrom) 43 if comeFrom not in self.incomingIndex: 44 self.rootNodes.add(comeFrom) 45 self.rootNodes.discard(goTo)
47 - def removeEdge(self, comeFrom, goTo):
48 if (comeFrom not in self.outgoingIndex or 49 goTo not in self.outgoingIndex[comeFrom]): 50 raise KeyError("No edge %s->%s"%(comeFrom, goTo)) 51 self.outgoingIndex[comeFrom].remove(goTo) 52 self.incomingIndex[goTo].remove(comeFrom) 53 if not self.outgoingIndex[comeFrom]: 54 del self.outgoingIndex[comeFrom] 55 if comeFrom not in self.incomingIndex: 56 self.allNodes.remove(comeFrom) 57 self.rootNodes.discard(comeFrom) 58 if not self.incomingIndex[goTo]: 59 del self.incomingIndex[goTo] 60 self.rootNodes.add(goTo) 61 if goTo not in self.outgoingIndex: 62 self.allNodes.remove(goTo) 63 self.rootNodes.discard(goTo)
65 - def getEdge(self):
66 """returns a random edge. 67 68 It raises an IndexError if the graph is empty. 69 """ 70 comeFrom = self.incomingIndex.iterkeys().next() 71 goTo = self.incomingIndex[comeFrom].pop() 72 self.incomingIndex[comeFrom].add(goTo) 73 return comeFrom, goTo
75 - def getSomeRootNode(self):
76 """returns an arbitrary element of rootNodes. 77 78 This will raise a KeyError if no root nodes are left. 79 """ 80 el = self.rootNodes.pop() 81 self.rootNodes.add(el) 82 return el
83 84
85 -def topoSort(edges):
86 """returns a list with the nodes in the graph edges sorted topologically. 87 88 edges is a sequence of (from, to)-tuples, where both from and to must 89 be hashable. 90 91 A ValueError is raised if the graph is not acyclic. 92 """ 93 res, emptySet = [], frozenset() 94 graph = IndexedGraph(edges) 95 while graph.rootNodes: 96 comeFrom = graph.getSomeRootNode() 97 res.append(comeFrom) 98 outgoingFromCur = graph.outgoingIndex.get(comeFrom, emptySet).copy() 99 for goTo in outgoingFromCur: 100 graph.removeEdge(comeFrom, goTo) 101 if goTo not in graph.allNodes: 102 res.append(goTo) 103 if graph: 104 raise ValueError("Graph not acyclic, cycle: %s->%s"%graph.getEdge()) 105 return res
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108 -class _Deferred(object):
109 """is a helper class for DeferringDict. 110 """
111 - def __init__(self, callable, args=(), kwargs={}):
112 self.callable, self.args, self.kwargs = callable, args, kwargs
114 - def actualize(self):
115 return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
116 117
118 -class DeferringDict(dict):
119 """is a dictionary that stores tuples of a callable and its 120 arguments and will, on the first access, do the calls. 121 122 This is used below to defer the construction of instances in the class 123 resolver to when they are actually used. This is important with interfaces, 124 since they usually need the entire system up before they can sensibly 125 be built. 126 """
127 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
128 if isinstance(value, tuple): 129 dict.__setitem__(self, key, _Deferred(*value)) 130 else: 131 dict.__setitem__(self, key, _Deferred(value))
133 - def __getitem__(self, key):
134 val = dict.__getitem__(self, key) 135 if isinstance(val, _Deferred): 136 val = val.actualize() 137 dict.__setitem__(self, key, val) 138 return val
140 - def iteritems(self):
141 for key in self: 142 yield key, self[key]
143 144
145 -def commonPrefixLength(t1, t2):
146 """returns the length of the common prefix of the sequences t1, t2. 147 """ 148 try: 149 for prefixLength in itertools.count(): 150 if t1[prefixLength]!=t2[prefixLength]: 151 return prefixLength 152 except IndexError: # seqs are identical up to the shorter one's length 153 return prefixLength
154 155
156 -def chunk(items, getChunkKey, getKeyKey=lambda a: a[0]):
157 """returns items in a chunked form. 158 159 getChunkKey(item)->chunk key is a function returning the chunk title, 160 getKeyKey(chunk)->sort key a function returning a sort key for the 161 chunks (default is just the chunk key, i.e., chunk[0] 162 163 The chunked form is a sequence of pairs of a chunk key and a sequence 164 of items belonging to that chunk. 165 166 The internal order within each chunk is not disturbed, so you should sort 167 items as desired before passing things in. 168 169 This is supposed to work like this: 170 171 >>> chunk(["abakus", "Analysis", "knopf", "Kasper", "kohl"], 172 ... lambda item: item[0].lower()) 173 [('a', ['abakus', 'Analysis']), ('k', ['knopf', 'Kasper', 'kohl'])] 174 """ 175 chunks = {} 176 for item in items: 177 chunkKey = getChunkKey(item) 178 chunks.setdefault(chunkKey, []).append(item) 179 return sorted(chunks.items(), key=getKeyKey)
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182 -def identity(val):
183 return val
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186 -def uniqueItems(seq):
187 """returns a list of the uniqe items in seq as they appear in seq. 188 189 Execept for order and return type, this is essentially like set(seq). 190 """ 191 seenItems, result = set(), [] 192 for item in seq: 193 if item not in seenItems: 194 result.append(item) 195 seenItems.add(item) 196 return result
197 198
199 -def _test():
200 import doctest, algotricks 201 doctest.testmod(algotricks)
202 203 if __name__=="__main__": 204 _test() 205