Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module algotricks :: Class DeferringDict
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Class DeferringDict

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object --+    
      dict --+

is a dictionary that stores tuples of a callable and its arguments and will, on the first access, do the calls.

This is used below to defer the construction of instances in the class resolver to when they are actually used. This is important with interfaces, since they usually need the entire system up before they can sensibly be built.

Instance Methods
__setitem__(self, key, value)
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__getitem__(self, key)
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an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
iteritems(self) source code

Inherited from dict: __cmp__, __contains__, __delitem__, __eq__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __gt__, __init__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __ne__, __new__, __repr__, __sizeof__, clear, copy, fromkeys, get, has_key, items, iterkeys, itervalues, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, values, viewitems, viewkeys, viewvalues

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from dict: __hash__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__setitem__(self, key, value)
(Index assignment operator)

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Overrides: dict.__setitem__
(inherited documentation)

__getitem__(self, key)
(Indexing operator)

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Overrides: dict.__getitem__
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: an iterator over the (key, value) items of D
Overrides: dict.iteritems
(inherited documentation)