Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module misctricks
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Source Code for Module gavo.utils.misctricks

  1  """ 
  2  Various helpers that didn't fit into any other xTricks. 
  3  """ 
  5  #c Copyright 2008-2019, the GAVO project 
  6  #c 
  7  #c This program is free software, covered by the GNU GPL.  See the 
  8  #c COPYING file in the source distribution. 
 11  import collections 
 12  import contextlib 
 13  import os 
 14  import re 
 15  import struct 
 16  import threading 
 17  import urllib2 
 18  from cStringIO import StringIO 
 20  from gavo.utils import excs 
21 22 -class NotInstalledModuleStub(object):
23 """A stub that raises some more or less descriptive error on attribute 24 access. 25 26 This is used in some places no replace non-essential modules. 27 """
28 - def __init__(self, modName):
29 self.modName = modName
31 - def __getattr__(self, name):
32 raise RuntimeError("%s not installed"%self.modName)
33 34 35 36 BIBCODE_PATTERN = re.compile("[012]\d\d\d\w[^ ]{14}$")
37 38 -def couldBeABibcode(s):
39 """returns true if we think that the string s is a bibcode. 40 41 This is based on matching against BIBCODE_PATTERN. 42 """ 43 return bool(BIBCODE_PATTERN.match(s))
44 45 46 try: 47 from docutils import core as rstcore 48 49 from docutils import nodes 50 from docutils import utils as rstutils 51 from docutils.parsers.rst import roles 52 from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
53 54 - class RSTExtensions(object):
55 """a register for local RST extensions. 56 57 This is for both directives and interpreted text roles. 58 59 We need these as additional markup in examples; these always 60 introduce local rst interpreted text roles, which always 61 add some class to the node in question (modifications are possible). 62 63 These classes are then changed to properties as the HTML fragments 64 from RST translation are processed by the _Example nevow data factory. 65 66 To add a new text role, say:: 67 68 RSTExtensions.addRole(roleName, roleFunc=None) 69 70 You can pass in a full role function as discussed in 71 /usr/share/doc/python-docutils/docs/howto/rst-roles.html (Debian systems). 72 It must, however, add a dachs-ex-<roleName> class to the node. The 73 default funtion produces a nodes.emphasis item with the proper class. 74 75 In a pinch, you can pass a propertyName argument to addRole if the 76 desired property name is distinct from the role name in the RST. 77 This is used by tapquery and taprole since we didn't want to change 78 our examples when the standard changed. 79 80 To add a directive, say:: 81 82 RSTExtensions.addDirective(dirName, dirClass) 83 84 In HTML, these classes become properties named like the role name 85 (except you can again use propertyName in a pinch). 86 """ 87 classToProperty = {} 88 89 @classmethod
90 - def addDirective(cls, name, implementingClass, propertyName=None):
91 directives.register_directive(name, implementingClass) 92 cls.classToProperty["dachs-ex-"+name] = propertyName or name
93 94 @classmethod
95 - def makeTextRole(cls, roleName, roleFunc=None, propertyName=None):
96 """creates a new text role for roleName. 97 98 See class docstring. 99 """ 100 if roleFunc is None: 101 roleFunc = cls._makeDefaultRoleFunc(roleName) 102 roles.register_local_role(roleName, roleFunc) 103 cls.classToProperty["dachs-ex-"+roleName] = propertyName or roleName
104 105 @classmethod
106 - def _makeDefaultRoleFunc(cls, roleName):
107 """returns an RST interpeted text role parser function returning 108 an emphasis node with a dachs-ex-roleName class. 109 """ 110 def roleFunc(name, rawText, text, lineno, inliner, 111 options={}, content=[]): 112 node = nodes.emphasis(rawText, text) 113 node["classes"] = ["dachs-ex-"+roleName] 114 return [node], []
115 116 return roleFunc
118 # Generally useful RST extensions (for roles useful in examples, 119 # see examplesrender) 120 - def _bibcodeRoleFunc(name, rawText, text, lineno, inliner, 121 options={}, content=[]):
122 if not couldBeABibcode(text): 123 raise ValueError("Probably not a bibcode: '%s'"%text) 124 node = nodes.reference(rawText, text, 125 refuri=""%text) 126 node["classes"] = ["bibcode-link"] 127 return [node], []
128 129 RSTExtensions.makeTextRole("bibcode", _bibcodeRoleFunc) 130 del _bibcodeRoleFunc 131 132 # RST extensions for documention writing 133 134 _explicitTitleRE = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s*(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL)
135 136 - def _dachsdocRoleFunc(name, rawText, text, lineno, inliner, 137 options={}, content=[]):
138 # inspired by sphinx extlinks 139 text = rstutils.unescape(text) 140 mat = _explicitTitleRE.match(text) 141 if mat: 142 title, url = mat.groups() 143 else: 144 title, url = text.split("/")[-1], text 145 url = ""+url 146 return [nodes.reference(title, title, internal=False, refuri=url) 147 ], []
148 149 RSTExtensions.makeTextRole("dachsdoc", _dachsdocRoleFunc) 150 del _dachsdocRoleFunc
151 152 - def _dachsrefRoleFunc(name, rawText, text, lineno, inliner, 153 options={}, content=[]):
154 # this will guess a link into the ref documentation 155 text = rstutils.unescape(text) 156 fragId = re.sub("[^a-z0-9]+", "-", text.lower()) 157 url = ""+fragId 158 return [nodes.reference(text, text, internal=False, refuri=url) 159 ], []
160 161 RSTExtensions.makeTextRole("dachsref", _dachsrefRoleFunc) 162 del _dachsrefRoleFunc
163 164 - def _samplerdRoleFunc(name, rawText, text, lineno, inliner, 165 options={}, content=[]):
166 # this will turn into a link to a file in the GAVO svn 167 # (usually for RDs) 168 text = rstutils.unescape(text) 169 url = ""+text 170 return [nodes.reference(text, text, internal=False, refuri=url) 171 ], []
172 173 RSTExtensions.makeTextRole("samplerd", _samplerdRoleFunc) 174 del _samplerdRoleFunc 175 176 except ImportError: 177 rstcore = NotInstalledModuleStub("docutils") #noflake: conditional import
178 179 180 -class _UndefinedType(type):
181 """the metaclass for Undefined. 182 183 Used internally. 184 """
185 - def __str__(cls):
186 raise excs.StructureError("%s cannot be stringified."%cls.__name__)
187 188 __unicode__ = __str__ 189
190 - def __repr__(cls):
191 return "<Undefined>"
193 - def __nonzero__(cls):
194 return False
196 197 -class Undefined(object):
198 """a sentinel for all kinds of undefined values. 199 200 Do not instantiate. 201 202 >>> Undefined() 203 Traceback (most recent call last): 204 TypeError: Undefined cannot be instantiated. 205 >>> bool(Undefined) 206 False 207 >>> repr(Undefined) 208 '<Undefined>' 209 >>> str(Undefined) 210 Traceback (most recent call last): 211 StructureError: Undefined cannot be stringified. 212 """ 213 __metaclass__ = _UndefinedType 214
215 - def __init__(self):
216 raise TypeError("Undefined cannot be instantiated.")
218 219 -class QuotedName(object):
220 """A string-like thing basically representing SQL delimited identifiers. 221 222 This has some features that make handling these relatively painless 223 in ADQL code. 224 225 The most horrible feature is that these hash and compare as their embedded 226 names, except to other QuotedNamess. 227 228 SQL-92, in 5.2, roughly says: 229 230 delimited identifiers compare literally with each other, 231 delimited identifiers compare with regular identifiers after the 232 latter are all turned to upper case. But since postgres turns everything 233 to lower case, we do so here, too. 234 235 >>> n1, n2, n3 = QuotedName("foo"), QuotedName('foo"l'), QuotedName("foo") 236 >>> n1==n2,n1==n3,hash(n1)==hash("foo") 237 (False, True, True) 238 >>> print n1, n2 239 "foo" "foo""l" 240 """
241 - def __init__(self, name):
242 = name
244 - def __hash__(self):
245 return hash(
247 - def __eq__(self, other):
248 if isinstance(other, QuotedName): 249 return 250 elif isinstance(other, basestring): 251 return 252 else: 253 return False
255 - def __ne__(self, other):
256 return not self==other
258 - def __str__(self):
259 return '"%s"'%('"', '""'))
261 - def __repr__(self):
262 return 'QuotedName(%s)'%repr(
264 - def isRegularLower(self):
265 return not not re.match("[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$",
267 - def lower(self): # service to ADQL name resolution
268 return self
270 - def flatten(self): # ADQL query serialization
271 return str(self) 272
273 - def capitalize(self): # service for table head and such
274 return 275
276 - def __add__(self, other): # for disambiguateColumns
277 return QuotedName( 278
279 280 -class StreamBuffer(object):
281 """a buffer that takes data in arbitrary chunks and returns 282 them in chops of chunkSize bytes. 283 284 There's a lock in place so you can access add and get from 285 different threads. 286 287 When everything is written, you must all doneWriting. 288 """ 289 # XXX TODO: Can we make a reasoned choice for (default) chunkSize? 290 chunkSize = 50000 291
292 - def __init__(self, chunkSize=None):
293 self.buffer = collections.deque() 294 if chunkSize is not None: 295 self.chunkSize = chunkSize 296 self.curSize = 0 297 self.lock = threading.Lock() 298 self.finished = False
300 - def add(self, data):
301 with self.lock: 302 self.buffer.append(data) 303 self.curSize += len(data)
305 - def get(self, numBytes=None):
306 if numBytes is None: 307 numBytes = self.chunkSize 308 309 if self.curSize<numBytes and not self.finished: 310 return None 311 if not self.buffer: 312 return None 313 314 with self.lock: 315 items, sz = [], 0 316 # collect items till we've got a chunk 317 while self.buffer: 318 item = self.buffer.popleft() 319 sz += len(item) 320 self.curSize -= len(item) 321 items.append(item) 322 if sz>=numBytes: 323 break 324 325 # make a chunk and push back what we didn't need 326 chunk = "".join(items) 327 leftOver = chunk[numBytes:] 328 if leftOver: 329 self.buffer.appendleft(leftOver) 330 self.curSize += len(leftOver) 331 chunk = chunk[:numBytes] 332 333 return chunk
334 335 # XXX TODO: refactor get and getToChar to use as much common code 336 # as sensible
337 - def getToChar(self, char):
338 """returns the the buffer up to the first occurrence of char. 339 340 If char is not present in the buffer, the function returns None. 341 """ 342 with self.lock: 343 items, sz = [], 0 344 # collect items till we've got our character 345 while self.buffer: 346 item = self.buffer.popleft() 347 sz += len(item) 348 self.curSize -= len(item) 349 items.append(item) 350 if char in item: 351 break 352 else: 353 # didn't break out of the loop, i.e., no char found. 354 # items now contains the entire buffer. 355 self.buffer.clear() 356 self.buffer.append("".join(items)) 357 self.curSize = sz 358 return None 359 360 # char is in the last element of items 361 items[-1], leftOver = items[-1].split(char, 1) 362 chunk = "".join(items) 363 if leftOver: 364 self.buffer.appendleft(leftOver) 365 self.curSize += len(leftOver) 366 return chunk+char 367 368 raise AssertionError("This cannot happen")
370 - def getRest(self):
371 """returns the entire buffer as far as it is left over. 372 """ 373 result = "".join(self.buffer) 374 self.buffer = collections.deque() 375 return result
377 - def doneWriting(self):
378 self.finished = True
380 381 -def grouped(n, seq):
382 """yields items of seq in groups n elements. 383 384 If len(seq)%n!=0, the last elements are discarded. 385 386 >>> list(grouped(2, range(5))) 387 [(0, 1), (2, 3)] 388 >>> list(grouped(3, range(9))) 389 [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8)] 390 """ 391 return zip(*([iter(seq)]*n))
393 394 -def getfirst(args, key, default=Undefined):
395 """returns the first value of key in the web argument-like object args. 396 397 args is a dictionary mapping keys to lists of values. If key is present, 398 the first element of the list is returned; else, or if the list is 399 empty, default if given. If not, a Validation error for the requested 400 column is raised. 401 402 Finally, if args[key] is neither list nor tuple (in an ininstance 403 sense), it is returned unchanged. 404 405 >>> getfirst({'x': [1,2,3]}, 'x') 406 1 407 >>> getfirst({'x': []}, 'x') 408 Traceback (most recent call last): 409 ValidationError: Field x: Missing mandatory parameter x 410 >>> getfirst({'x': []}, 'y') 411 Traceback (most recent call last): 412 ValidationError: Field y: Missing mandatory parameter y 413 >>> print(getfirst({'x': []}, 'y', None)) 414 None 415 >>> getfirst({'x': 'abc'}, 'x') 416 'abc' 417 """ 418 try: 419 val = args[key] 420 if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): 421 return val[0] 422 else: 423 return val 424 except (KeyError, IndexError): 425 if default is Undefined: 426 raise excs.ValidationError("Missing mandatory parameter %s"%key, 427 colName=key) 428 return default
430 431 -def sendUIEvent(eventName, *args):
432 """sends an eventName to the DC event dispatcher. 433 434 If no event dispatcher is available, do nothing. 435 436 The base.ui object that DaCHS uses for event dispatching 437 is only available to sub-packages above base. Other code should not 438 use or need it under normal circumstances, but if it does, it can 439 use this. 440 441 All other code should use base.ui.notify<eventName>(*args) directly. 442 """ 443 try: 444 from gavo.base import ui 445 getattr(ui, "notify"+eventName)(*args) 446 except ImportError: 447 pass
449 450 -def logOldExc(exc):
451 """logs the mutation of the currently handled exception to exc. 452 453 This just does a notifyExceptionMutation using sendUIEvent; it should 454 only be used by code at or below base. 455 """ 456 sendUIEvent("ExceptionMutation", exc) 457 return exc
459 460 -def getFortranRec(f):
461 """reads a "fortran record" from f and returns the payload. 462 463 A "fortran record" comes from an unformatted file and has a 464 4-byte payload length before and after the payload. Native endianess 465 is assumed here. 466 467 If the two length specs do not match, a ValueError is raised. 468 """ 469 try: 470 startPos = f.tell() 471 except IOError: 472 startPos = "(stdin)" 473 rawLength = 474 if rawLength=='': # EOF 475 return None 476 recLen = struct.unpack("i", rawLength)[0] 477 data = 478 rawPost = 479 if not rawPost: 480 raise ValueError("Record starting at %s has no postamble"%startPos) 481 postambleLen = struct.unpack("i", rawPost)[0] 482 if recLen!=postambleLen: 483 raise ValueError("Record length at record (%d) and did not match" 484 " postamble declared length (%d) at %s"%( 485 recLen, postambleLen, startPos)) 486 return data
488 489 -def iterFortranRecs(f, skip=0):
490 """iterates over the fortran records in f. 491 492 For details, see getFortranRec. 493 """ 494 while True: 495 rec = getFortranRec(f) 496 if rec is None: 497 break 498 if skip>0: 499 skip -= 1 500 continue 501 yield rec
503 504 -def getWithCache(url, cacheDir, extraHeaders={}):
505 """returns the content of url, from a cache if possible. 506 507 Of course, you only want to use this if there's some external guarantee 508 that the resource behing url doesn't change. No expiry mechanism is 509 present here. 510 """ 511 if not os.path.isdir(cacheDir): 512 os.makedirs(cacheDir) 513 cacheName = os.path.join(cacheDir, re.sub("[^\w]+", "", url)+".cache") 514 if os.path.exists(cacheName): 515 with open(cacheName) as f: 516 return 517 else: 518 f = urllib2.urlopen(url) 519 doc = 520 f.close() 521 with open(cacheName, "w") as f: 522 f.write(doc) 523 return doc
525 526 -def rstxToHTMLWithWarning(source, **userOverrides):
527 """returns HTML and a string with warnings for a piece of ReStructured 528 text. 529 530 source can be a unicode string or a byte string in utf-8. 531 532 userOverrides will be added to the overrides argument of docutils' 533 core.publish_parts. 534 """ 535 sourcePath, destinationPath = None, None 536 if not isinstance(source, unicode): 537 source = source.decode("utf-8") 538 539 warnAccum = StringIO() 540 overrides = {'input_encoding': 'unicode', 541 'raw_enabled': True, 542 'doctitle_xform': None, 543 'warning_stream': warnAccum, 544 'initial_header_level': 4} 545 overrides.update(userOverrides) 546 547 parts = rstcore.publish_parts( 548 source=source+"\n", source_path=sourcePath, 549 destination_path=destinationPath, 550 writer_name='html', settings_overrides=overrides) 551 return parts["fragment"], warnAccum.getvalue()
553 554 -def rstxToHTML(source, **userOverrides):
555 """returns HTML for a piece of ReStructured text. 556 557 source can be a unicode string or a byte string in utf-8. 558 559 userOverrides will be added to the overrides argument of docutils' 560 core.publish_parts. 561 """ 562 return rstxToHTMLWithWarning(source, **userOverrides)[0]
564 565 -class CaseSemisensitiveDict(dict):
566 """A dictionary allowing case-insensitive access to its content. 567 568 This is used for DAL renderers which, unfortunately, are supposed 569 to be case insensitive. Since case insensitivity is at least undesirable 570 for service-specific keys, we go a semi-insenstitve approach here: 571 First, we try literal matches, if that does not work, we try matching 572 against an all-uppercase version. 573 574 Name clashes resulting from different names being mapped to the 575 same normalized version are handled in some random way. Don't do this. 576 And don't rely on case normalization if at all possible. 577 578 Only strings are allowed as keys here. This class is not concerned 579 with the values. 580 >>> d = CaseSemisensitiveDict({"a": 1, "A": 2, "b": 3}) 581 >>> d["a"], d["A"], d["b"], d["B"] 582 (1, 2, 3, 3) 583 >>> d["B"] = 9; d["b"], d["B"] 584 (3, 9) 585 >>> del d["b"]; d["b"], d["B"] 586 (9, 9) 587 >>> "B" in d, "b" in d, "u" in d 588 (True, True, False) 589 """
590 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
591 dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) 592 self._normCasedCache = None
594 - def __getitem__(self, key):
595 try: 596 return dict.__getitem__(self, key) 597 except KeyError: 598 pass # try again with normalized case. 599 return self._normCased[key.upper()]
601 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
602 self._normCasedCache = None 603 dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
605 - def __contains__(self, key):
606 return dict.__contains__(self, key) or key.upper() in self._normCased
608 - def get(self, key, default=None):
609 try: 610 return self[key] 611 except KeyError: 612 return default
613 614 @property
615 - def _normCased(self):
616 if self._normCasedCache is None: 617 self._normCasedCache = dict((k.upper(), v) 618 for k, v in self.iteritems()) 619 return self._normCasedCache
620 621 622 ####################### Pyparsing hacks 623 # This may not be the best place to put this, but I don't really have a 624 # better one at this point. We need some configuration of pyparsing, and 625 # this is probably imported by all modules doing pyparsing. 626 # 627 # (1) When building grammars, always do so using the pyparsingWhitechars 628 # context manager. Building grammars is thread-safe, but different 629 # grammars here use different whitespace conventions, so without 630 # the c.m., you might get those messed up. 631 # 632 # (2) When parsing strings, *always* go through pyparseString(grammar, 633 # string) and fellow functions whenever your code could run from within 634 # the server (i.e., basically always outside of tests). 635 # pyparsing is not thread-safe, and thus we'll need to shoehorn some 636 # locking on top of it; I don't want to change the pyparsing methods 637 # themselves since they may be called very frequently. 638 # 639 # TODO: make all pyparsing users import pyparsing from utils so we're 640 # sure it's always properly initialised. 641 642 import pyparsing 643 from pyparsing import ParserElement, ParseExpression 644 ParserElement.enablePackrat() 645 # Hack to get around behaviour swings of setParseAction; we use 646 # addParseAction throughout and retrofit it to pyparsings that don't have it. 647 if not hasattr(ParserElement, "addParseAction"): 648 ParserElement.addParseAction = ParserElement.setParseAction 649 650 _PYPARSE_LOCK = threading.RLock()
651 652 @contextlib.contextmanager 653 -def pyparsingWhitechars(whiteChars):
654 """a context manager that serializes pyparsing grammar compilation 655 and manages its whitespace chars. 656 657 We need different whitespace definitions in some parts of DaCHS. 658 (The default used to be " \\t" for a while, so this is what things 659 get reset to). 660 661 Since whitespace apparently can only be set globally for pyparsing, 662 we provide this c.m. Since it is possible that grammars will be 663 compiled in threads (e.g., as a side effect of getRD), this is 664 protected by a lock. This, in turn, means that this can 665 potentially block for a fairly long time. 666 667 Bottom line: When compiling pyparsing grammars, *always* set 668 the whitespace chars explicitely, and do it through this c.m. 669 """ 670 _PYPARSE_LOCK.acquire() 671 ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(whiteChars) 672 try: 673 yield 674 finally: 675 ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t") 676 _PYPARSE_LOCK.release()
678 -def pyparseString(grammar, string, **kwargs):
679 """parses a string using a pyparsing grammar thread-safely. 680 """ 681 with _PYPARSE_LOCK: 682 res = grammar.parseString(string, **kwargs) 683 ParserElement.resetCache() 684 return res
686 -def pyparseTransform(grammar, string, **kwargs):
687 """calls grammar's transformString method thread-safely. 688 """ 689 with _PYPARSE_LOCK: 690 return grammar.transformString(string, **kwargs)
692 693 # we monkeypatch pyparsing newer than 1.5.2 to not deep copy 694 # expressions; the way newer pyparsings have been doing this 695 # is incompatible with the way we bind actions to parser elements 696 # in ADQL (perhaps we should change this?). 697 -def _parse_expression_copy(self):
698 ret = super(ParseExpression,self).copy() 699 ret.exprs = self.exprs[:] # CHANGE wrt upstream 700 return ret
701 702 if pyparsing.__version__>"1.5.2": 703 ParseExpression.copy = _parse_expression_copy 704 705 del _parse_expression_copy
706 707 708 ######################### pyparsing-based key-value lines. 709 710 -def _makeKVLGrammar():
711 from pyparsing import ( 712 Word,alphas, QuotedString, Regex, OneOrMore) 713 714 with pyparsingWhitechars(" \t"): 715 keyword = Word(alphas+"_")("key") 716 keyword.setName("Keyword") 717 value = (QuotedString(quoteChar="'", escChar='\\') 718 | Regex("[^'= \t]*"))("value") 719 value.setName("Simple value or quoted string") 720 pair = keyword - "=" - value 721 pair.setParseAction(lambda s,p,t: (t["key"], t["value"])) 722 line = OneOrMore(pair) 723 line.setParseAction(lambda s,p,t: dict(list(t))) 724 725 return line
726 727 _KVL_GRAMMAR = _makeKVLGrammar()
728 729 -def parseKVLine(aString):
730 """returns a dictionary for a "key-value line". 731 732 key-value lines represent string-valued dictionaries 733 following postgres libpq/dsn (see PQconnectdb docs; 734 it's keyword=value, whitespace-separated, with 735 whitespace allowed in values through single quoting, 736 and backslash-escaping 737 """ 738 return pyparseString(_KVL_GRAMMAR, aString, parseAll=True)[0]
739 740 _IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = re.compile("[A-Za-z_]+$")
741 742 -def makeKVLine(aDict):
743 """serialized a dictionary to a key-value line. 744 745 See parseKVLine for details. 746 """ 747 parts = [] 748 for key, value in aDict.iteritems(): 749 if not _IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.match(key): 750 raise ValueError("'%s' not allowed as a key in key-value lines"%key) 751 value = str(value) 752 if not _IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.match(value): 753 value = "'%s'"%value.replace("\\", "\\\\" 754 ).replace("'", "\\'") 755 parts.append("%s=%s"%(key, value)) 756 return " ".join(sorted(parts))
758 759 760 -def _test():
761 import doctest, misctricks 762 doctest.testmod(misctricks)
763 764 765 if __name__=="__main__": 766 _test() 767