Package gavo :: Package utils :: Module misctricks :: Class QuotedName
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Class QuotedName

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object --+

A string-like thing basically representing SQL delimited identifiers.

This has some features that make handling these relatively painless in ADQL code.

The most horrible feature is that these hash and compare as their embedded names, except to other QuotedNamess.

SQL-92, in 5.2, roughly says:

delimited identifiers compare literally with each other, delimited identifiers compare with regular identifiers after the latter are all turned to upper case. But since postgres turns everything to lower case, we do so here, too.

>>> n1, n2, n3 = QuotedName("foo"), QuotedName('foo"l'), QuotedName("foo")
>>> n1==n2,n1==n3,hash(n1)==hash("foo")
(False, True, True)
>>> print n1, n2
"foo" "foo""l"
Instance Methods
__init__(self, name)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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__eq__(self, other) source code
__ne__(self, other) source code
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isRegularLower(self) source code
lower(self) source code
flatten(self) source code
capitalize(self) source code
__add__(self, other) source code
Object Specification Descriptor
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Special descriptor for class __provides__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  __implemented__ = <implementedBy gavo.utils.misctricks.QuotedN...

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, name)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

(Hashing function)

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Overrides: object.__hash__
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)



Special descriptor for class __provides__

The descriptor caches the implementedBy info, so that we can get declarations for objects without instance-specific interfaces a bit quicker.

Class Variable Details


<implementedBy gavo.utils.misctricks.QuotedName>